Illegal Alien 'Colonias'
Shantytowns Spreading
Diseases, Death

From Patricia Doyle, PhD

Hello Jeff -- Frosty Wooldridge was the first to write about the horrors of 'colonias' years ago. I did locate one other article published in May of 2005 that described these despicable shanty towns set up by illegals living in disease and squalor. Why aren't local governments doing something? ANYTHING? I am sure these shanty 'colonias' are totally illegal in terms of zoning laws and should be torn down as a matter of public health immediately. Maybe public health laws only pertain to US citizens who can be cited, fined and even whisked away without explanation at a moment's notice by the Public Health authority?
Excerpt from the article:
"A 'hot-zone' of disease can be found in this nations border states. Illegal immigrants are setting up so-called "colonias" just inside the states of New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. The shanty towns are comprised mostly of cardboard shacks and huts made with cast-off building materials. They have no sanitation, and are surrounded by mounds of garbage. The estimated 185,000 illegals share their makeshift towns with armies of rats. Of course, diseases only common to Central and South America run rampant in these places."
Jeff we've reported on these has Frosty Wooldridge.  So, where is the outrage? Where the hell is 'public health'? US citizens can be taken away just for refusing a vaccine during a time of a pandemic...or an alleged pandemic. Why aren't the states' public health departments removing this 'colonia' scourge and cleaning the areas infected by them? Can you just imagine the MDR, XDR and just plain ole TB spreading in this sewer of humanity? Chagas, Dengue, Yellow Fever, Typhoid, Cholera, Leprosy, Gastrointestinal diseases, Influenzas, Polio, C. Difficle, and about any other communicable disease we can imagine ARE infesting the illegal alien population...and the US taxpayers are being nailed to the wall giving these people free medical care, etc.
The illegal shantytown dumps have NO clean water to wash with, no sanitation and no toilets. Is anyone concerned? Is anyone doing anything?
A Chagas researcher in Iowa admitted that they KNEW Chagas disease was in 30-40% of small animals in Louisiana, and we can safely assume, Texas. There had been research ongoing for years with Chagas positive DOGS. Now we allow illegals to invade the US each day and the best
estimates are that fully 10% of each day's illegals are coming to the US with Chagas! Does this make any sense? 10% every day. 18 MILLION infected with Chagas in Mexico, Central and South America and 50,000 die each year. And we have now allowed a cycle for Chagas to exist in the US. Shame, yet again, on our CDC and public health officials for not sounding the warning. Shame on the entire government.
We know that our blood supply has been infected, we also know that there have been cases of organ receipients becoming infected via transplants. Chagas can be ingested by feces contaminated food and water and via vector borne transmission. Every one in the hot zones of Los Angeles County, Texas and Louisiana should go to their health care provider and demand a test for Chagas. Most doctors will ask if a person requesting a test has been abroad in Central or South America or Mexico. If you say 'no', the doc will try to talk you out of the simple blood test. A PCR will id Chagas. Demand the test.
In Texas, the FIRST house tested found 24 triatoma bugs positive for Chagas. 24 triatoma bugs out of 31 triatoma bugs. That is a HUGE number of infected kissing bugs. Also, the homes tested in Louisiana and Texas were found to have triatoma bugs that colonized the homes. That is a giant step to endemic infection. Once these bugs, especially Chagas-infected ones, colonize a home, you can pretty much assume the infestation is going to become endemic. We are at the beginning of this endemic colonization...and we can still stop it.
As more small animals and humans become infected, the resident US kissing bugs will continue to become infected, then the humans and small animals become infected and the cycle grows into endemic disease infection. In a matter of a decade, maybe less, we then have an endemic public health crisis. Just look at West Nile virus. We have the kissing bug vector in the US from southern to mid latitudes and Chagas can spread. Kissing bugs infestering homes can do well over winter and the cycle will only continue to grow.
Here is that article...
Illegal Immigrants Are Spreading
Dangerous Diseases Across This Nation
By Dave Gibson 
It is often said that the flood of illegal immigrants into this country is reaching 'epidemic proportions.' While that statement is true--it is just as true that the illegal immigrants pouring over the U.S.-Mexican border are endangering this country with actual epidemics. Tuberculosis, hepatitis, dengue fever, chagas, and even leprosy are being imported into the U.S. inside the bodies of illegal aliens...And you thought they only carried heroin-filled baloons inside their bodies!
A 'hot-zone' of disease can be found in this nations border states. Illegal immigrants are setting up so-called "colonias" just inside the states of New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. The shanty towns are comprised mostly of cardboard shacks and huts made with cast-off building materials. They have no sanitation, and are surrounded by mounds of garbage. The estimated 185,000 illegals share their makeshift towns with armies of rats. Of course, diseases only common to Central and South America run rampant in these places.
One of the imports to this country is chagas disease. It is caused by a parasite known as trypanosome. It is a blood-borne disease and is spread by triatomine insects. The parasite burrows into human tissue (usually in the face), where it then begins to multiply. In addition to being spread by insects, it can also be contracted through blood transfusions.
After cases of chagas were reportedly discovered to have been spread by transfusions in Canada, that nation began testing all blood donations for the disease.
For 40 years, the number of recorded cases of leprosy within the United States totaled 900. Today, we know of more than 7,000 current cases of leprosy in the U.S.
Dr. John Levis of New York's Bellevue Hospital's Hansen Disease Clinic said of America's documented cases of leprosy: 'There are probably many, many more and they are spreading."
Most of those in the U.S. who are suffering from leprosy are from Mexico, India, Brazil, and the Caribbean. However, there are a few documented cases in which the person became infected with leprosy inside the U.S. The majority of the cases have been discovered in this nation's northeastern region.
Once thought to be nearly eradicated in this country, TB is now making a strong comeback. In a recent interview with Mother Jones Magazine, Dr. Reichman of The New Jersey TB Clinic recently said: In the 1990's, cases among foreign born Americans rose from 29 percent to 41.6 percent. Antibiotic resistant strains from Mexico have migrated to Texas. Since three years ago, 16,000 new cases of TB were discovered in the United States. Half were foreign born. Strains of TB once only found in Mexico have migrated to the border states of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California. It will move north as illegal aliens work in restaurants as cooks, dishwashers, and food handlers. We sit on the edge of a potential catastrophe."
In 2001, New York's Tuberculosis Control Program discovered that 81 percent of that city's new cases of TB were attributed to immigrants
Cases of TB are now being found in many areas of the country, where there are high concentrations of illegal immigrants. In March of 2002, The Washington Post reported that Virginia's Prince William County experienced a 188 percent increase of TB infections over the previous year. Yes, the streets of Prince William County are over-run with illegal aliens seeking day-laborer jobs.
Last year, the rate of TB in the northern part of Virginia rose 17 percent. The Va. Department of Health blamed the rise on that region's recent flood of illegal immigrants. Many strains of TB are being found in certain neighborhoods, which are dominated by illegal Latin American immigrants.
The threats posed to our country by illegal immigration are many. However, our political leaders will undoubtedly continue to ignore them. Our own president is willing to place all Americans at risk, in exchange for securing the Latino vote for the Republican Party.
If left unchecked, illegal immigration will destroy this nation one way or another.
Dave Gibson is a freelance writer and part-time political consultant living in Norfolk, Va. He is also a longtime volunteer with several animal welfare groups. First published 5-15-05.
Patricia A. Doyle DVM, PhD
Bus Admin, Tropical Agricultural Economics
Univ of West Indies
Please visit my "Emerging Diseases" message board at:
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Zhan le Devlesa tai sastimasa
Go with God and in Good Health
Note - Frosty Wooldridge has been at the forefront of sounding the alarm of disease-spreading illegal alien hordes for years. See his articles here:


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