- Governments, including our own, react swiftly and decisively
to any threat or military action directed against it. Nowadays, instant
and immediate military retaliation by a government under attack is in all
probability completely automatic in light of today's astonishing technology.
Complex radar networks and their automatic tie-ins to retaliatory missile
and laser weaponry are to be expected of most of the world's technologically
up-to-date nations. It is this dimension of highly advanced military retaliatory
defenses that makes our government and the 9/11 Commission's "reasoning"
for the success of those "terrorist" attacks so laughable.
- And offering that these were perpetrated against America
by desert-based Third World citizens agonizing on a daily basis over our
freedoms and wealth puts the focus of such jealousies not on them, but
instead and more directly upon our own government. It is they who loathe
and despise our wealth and freedoms more than any nomadic and desert village
inhabitants, the latter merely interested in eking out a means for basic
daily survival for themselves and their families.
- Our government continues to demonstrate its hatred for
our freedoms by passing illegal and unconstitutional legislation proven
so by such criminal measures as the USA PATRIOT Act and the Military Commissions
Act. They demonstrate their hatred for our wealth by passing unjust and
inequitable inheritance tax laws, by expanding our horrific income tax
laws, by fully supporting the Supreme Courtesan's abolition of private
property, and by continuing as well, their unjust, unconstitutional and
illegal war based on the lies, fraud, and falsehoods perpetrated by America's
greatest traitor. An unending continuation of imperial wars and invasions
serve to guarantee the total devaluation of our money via ratcheting up
our debt to the international Zionist bankers. Do not all these criminal
activities beg two simple over-arching questions: why does our government
so continuously and fervently oppose our interests and well-being, and
why do we need such government in the first place?
- The quickest and most obvious response from the legions
of America's most simple-minded would, of course, point out our dire need
for defense from other invading nations. But let's assume the same posture
toward our government as it now assumes towards US, as evidenced via their
PATRIOT and Military Commissions Act. Just as they now presume US guilty
until we prove our innocence, while at the same time blocking US from even
doing that to save ourselves, let US presume their complete and total guilt
in perpetrating the 9/11 massacre against just as they did at Waco, Oklahoma
City and in shooting down TWA 800. We the people are not to presume
that the Government of the United States of America deliberately slaughtered
3,000 of its own citizens in order to induce the blind rage that sought
vengeance and even nuclear retaliation against the very first sovereign
suspect that our government offered up. What have they done to persuade
US otherwise?
- American simpletons will roll their eyes, parrot the
line of a notable nabob of nattering broadcast babble, and conclude that
you simply fail to appreciate the incompetence of our military commanders
and leaders. After all, where but from the military did such terms as
"snafu" and "fubar" come from if not our own military?
SNAFU: situation normal, all 'f'd up! FUBAR: f'd up beyond all recognition.
See?! The military has always been this badly snafued and fubared. Such
easy explanations fail to deal with the automated, highly sophisticated
and technologically superior defense systems our military has specifically
designed to avoid such human error. How many times have you read or heard,
even through our highly controlled and editorialized information gate-guarding
media, false alarms resulting in split-second responses when scenarios
much less threatening were so over-responded to? Yet, we are expected
to believe the 9/11 Commission's bullshit answer that human error was to
blame in all four aircraft hijackings and the resultant terrorism of 9/11.
- Our own government wasn't the least bit concerned about
our safety and well-being. It was only concerned with designing and executing
a means of generating public opinion to serve its own interests and desires.
Cheney is growing richer by the second on the profits generated by the
Iraqi "war" which is increasing immensely the wealth of Halliburton.
The Bush crime family is cashing in on yet another fascist military venture,
the first one having launched the Bush wealth via the financial partnership
of Grandpa Prescott Bush and Adolf Hitler. The "war," read illegal
imperial invasion, serves to liberate Iraq's oil reserves in response to
direction from Israel, and is now lost. We've dislodged the lid Saddam
held on that pot of potential mayhem due to the varying religious and political
factions, and have created instead a deadly and devastating civil war in
that once secular and sovereign nation. The civil unrest Bush and Congress
created now threatens the entire region. It may bring US into conflict
with the whole of Islam. Our smirking "decider" is fondling
his nuclear toys and getting ready to initiate another first: invading
other nations with nuclear weapons to expand his "war on tur."
- Reality precludes Bush from launching his imperial invasion
on Iran in the style supported by his grandfather: jackbooted legions goose-stepping
with precision through the main thoroughfares of Tehran. Regrettably,
and most unfortunately for Iran, Bush must use his nuclear toys and Israel
theirs, the latter provided to that rogue nation by the American taxpayer
to comply with the schedule and requirements of the Zionist Agenda. It's
a real bad scene for Iran: Bush has to comply withIsrael's orders yet simply
doesn't have enough American boys and girls to sacrifice for Judah. Hence,
nuclear attack!
- Of course, the Zionist media tells US that only non-binding
legislatively meaningless resolutions are the only powers Congress has.
And Pelosi and the Hillaroid will confirm the media's observations. But
that is nonsense! We were neither attacked nor invaded, and there is as
yet no armed insurrection on the part of the American people. Therefore,
there is no constitutional reason or prohibition restraining Congress from
rescinding Bush's war-making powers. All Congress has to do is cancel
Bush's special and unconstitutional "war powers" to rein in this
mass-murdering genocidal lunatic. Considering his now proven lies, his
now-proven falsehoods, and his beyond-any-doubt fraud, and recalling legal
scholar Jonathan Turley's statement on FOXNews during the Clinton impeachment,
all that has to be proven to impeach the president is that he lied to the
- And that's a done deal! And the biggest lie Bush offered
was during his constitutionally mandated State of the Union Address when
he uttered those famous 16 words stating that Saddam tried to obtain uranium
from Niger. He lied to the American people and their representatives while
performing a required duty prescribed by the Constitution of the United
States of America, our Rule of Law, which he dismisses as just being a
"goddamned piece of paper."
- What else does Congress really need to impeach this genocidal,
power-drunk, mass-murdering lunatic and White House Moron? The answer
is simple: nothing! Congress can do it right now, but with the help
and the promotion of political and government confusion orchestrated chiefly
by the Zionists, their media and their lobby, they and their moronic stooge
Bush are buying time to figure out the pretense, the precise moment, and
the tactical nuclear hits to take out Ahmadinejad andIran. Maybe the hits
will be orchestrated, as occasionally they were, to happen on a significant
Christian holiday such as Good Friday. Maybe this time, it will be the
high Christian holiday of Easter. North Korea, the third point of Zionist
agitator David Frum's "axis of evil," will have to wait. They're
crazy enough to fight back, and just like the rogue and nuclear-armed nation
of Israel, North Korea also has a need to distract its citizens from the
realities of its horrible government.
- I have offered a solution. What is needed in America
is a totally new approach to governance. Under the leadership of an outsider,
meaning someone virtually free and independent of the current, corrupt
spoils system of American politics' two-flavored single party system, the
Democrat-Republican Party, such a leader now has, more than during any
other time in America's history, a real chance of uniting the American
people in a populist movement. Just as happened during our Founding,
patriotic colonists, originally committed to loyalty to the British Crown
began by first complaining to the British government, which then morphed
eventually into civil disobedience and minor demonstrations, and then finally
to open armed rebellion. Armed rebellion, like war, should be avoided
at all costs. This is so for the same reason articulated by Sun Tzu
who warned against destroying the social infrastructure of the vanquished.
Basically, the reasoning is to preserve as much of that which is familiar
to a defeated people to avoid continual uprising and rebellion. Too bad
Bush genius L. Paul Bremer wasn't familiar with this basic premise.
- Political parties were abhorrent to both patriotic factions
that founded this nation. Government centrists in the form of Federalists,
as well as those despising large, powerful central government and recognizing
it as a great threat to individual freedom and calling themselves anti-Federalists
Jeffersonian "Republicans," both vehemently opposed political
parties for the great inherent danger they pose to both the people and
their government. You see, Federalists and anti-Federalists did not see
themselves as organized political parties, but as antagonists on the philosophical
battlefield framed upon the motive to do what was best for of the people
of this potentially great nation. Is there today any doubt whatsoever
that their fears were completely justified? Our political parties serve
neither our people nor our form of government. And that is why we now
have a dictatorship that only serves the Zionist Agenda and its timetable!
- It has oft been pointed out, especially when considering
the Zionist media-suppressed Downing Street Memo, that Bush recklessly
and deliberately called for false intelligence to help him launch the Iraqi
invasion. Key to that criticism concerning Bush's recklessness was the
reference to his failure to consider an exit strategy. Now what outcome
strategy do you suppose our "decider" has put together to follow
the nuclear attack on Iran, hmmmmm? Does "the smirk" even have
one? Don't count on it! His job, as the illegitimately appointed
decider and White House Moron, is to comply with the Zionist Agenda mandated
by the Zionist Network and The Lobby. It is not for him to reason why,
just to sacrifice Americans to do and die.
- Whether or not Iran retaliates is not an issue
they will, but we won't know where or when. Think the decider cares?
And they may not use "conventional" means, such as nuclear ground,
air or submarine-based missiles. In fact, it may not even be Iran that
retaliates. Since we and our decider have targeted ALL of Islam, perhaps
it will only be some of Islam that retaliates. Perhaps it will be another
nation that isn't even part of the huge Islamic block. Perhaps they will
come to realize that the most powerful and dangerous rogue nation on the
planet, made so by a brain trust of insane, power hungry lunatics bent
on world domination, will eventually attack them also after Islam has been
conquered. What ever happened to those missing 200 suitcase nukes that
disappeared from the former Soviet Union? Is our decider considering these
things? Of course not! He's too stupid and dedicated only to the Zionist
Agenda. And so are virtually all in Congress including Pelosi and the
- But why does our rogue and unrepresentative government
need a buy-in from US? As others have pointed out, the Zionist bankers
have commandeered the governments of virtually every powerful nation on
Earth; why do they need to continue to bullshit US and pretend that we
the people have the potential to make a difference?
- That's because WE DO have the potential to make a difference!
Good Friday, huh? How about April 15th people???? Know what that date
signifies? How about Labor Day, huh? Remember, the District of Crime
gangsters in Washington would instantly starve to death without US! We
pay them their salaries and providethem luxurious, cushiony and generous
pensions and health care upon their "retirement." We make their
limousines, grow and prepare their food, build their computers, provide
their power and heating fuel, make and fly their airplanes for 'em. What
do they do for US in return?
- Let's count the ways they serve US! They tax [read steal]
our incomes via an unjust Zionist-imposed income tax, and steal the inheritances
we intended for our children. They steal our children and make them fight
and die and lose limb, mind and sight for a tiny foreign nation whose population
barely equates to that ofNew York City. They federalize our police, turning
them against US via "federal aid" provided by our own stolen
tax money in the form of funds and powerful military equipment and materiel
to restrain US. They tell US Social Security is going bankrupt, a scheme
which we have unwillingly been paying into all our working lives, and not
facing insolvency because of their unnecessary, unjust and costly wars
to serve their political party interests, but because of OUR greed and
selfishness. And how is pissing-off one sixth of the world's population
and attacking them with nukes going to make US safer? Is this how our
government intends to protect US and our future?
- I'm sorry, but I must be having trouble with my eyes.
I simply cannot see how the decider's reasoning is going to protect US
from attack. If anything, his "logic" will do just the reverse.
Not only are the attackee's interests served by retaliating against US,
but ANY nation can now justify hitting US first, and with nukes, and FOR
ANY REASON! Thanks Bushman! Bush is an aborigine dressed up in a Brooks
Brothers' suit and wearing a $500 tie. The moron can't even efficiently
operate a spear and bamboo shield, but he's got his finger on the red button
of nuclear disaster! Thanks for setting US up as the New World Order's
threat to all mankind! We're number one in the rogues' gallery of every
post office in the world!
- The American people are vulnerable to this Zionist moron
and stooge because there is no free and independent press in America.
Americans are vulnerable because they are divided against themselves by
the many diverse factions and interest groups to which we all identify.
And because of a tradition of illegal, Zionist-inspired gun control, the
way is paved for the DC criminals to confiscate ALL guns door-to-door.
The latter scheme was Hitler's, and it worked. And former Senator Thomas
Dodd of Connecticut brought Hitler's gun control act of 1938 to America.
It is Amerika's 1968 Gun Control Act. Get ready people they'll
be coming for them next!
- America must join all anti-government, anti-war, and
anti-Bush factions together, and unite as one people, and may even have
to consider shutting down the country. This is how the Zionists [Communists
and Bolsheviks] eventually brought down the Christian monarchy of Tsar
Nicholas II of Russia. It worked for them! Perhaps if we were to advise
the United States Congress of Criminals that since they are jumping through
hoops backwards in protecting America's greatest arch criminal, we are
going to consider them as accessories before, during and after the fact.
America needs a national showdown between its contemptible rulers, and
those who now wish to serve the great American people on a new battlefield
of logic and reason.
- © THEODORE E. LANG 2/04/07 All rights reserved
- Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.