The Murder
Of Gordon Kahl

By Mary Sparrowdancer
©. 2007 All Rights Reserved

Gordon Kahl was viciously murdered in 1983 by a gang of brutal criminals who have never been brought to justice.  As though his mere execution was not enough to satisfy his tormentors, they beat the 63-year-old Kahl with the butts of their rifles, breaking multiple bones and teeth and further mutilated him through dismemberment. One foot would later be found under a refrigerator in the ruins of the house that was also destroyed by these terrorists.  Kahl was executed at some point on that June day in 1983, via a point-blank shot through the back of his head, but still not satisfied, the terrorists then burned his body beyond recognition.  Gordon Kahl had been a highly decorated World War II veteran, a farmer, the father of six, and a tax patriot. He refused to pay taxes to the U.S. federal government after he discovered that the government was operating under the Communist Manifesto rather than the U.S. Constitution.  The cold-blooded killers who carried out this atrocity were U.S. government agents. (1)
Gordon Kahl was not the only person to die on that day at the hands of government "lawmen." According to Aid & Abet Police & Military Newsletter, (AAPMN), Sheriff Gene Matthews was also murdered by the corrupt agents. (2)
The above horrific event took place in Arkansas, where Kahl had fled following his earlier February ambush by unidentified government agents, an ambush that culminated in a shootout between Kahl and the agents.  The June day above, for Kahl, was his final day of torment at the hands of the U.S. government, and it came after many years of government harassment of the Kahl family. The harassment began after it became clear that Gordon Kahl apparently "knew too much" about the government and the direction in which it was slowly and quietly marching.
Kahl first opted out of the Social Security program in 1968 after studying communism and reading the Communist Manifesto.  He discovered that the "heavy progressive or graduated income tax," was the second plank of the Communist Manifesto.  The fifth plank of the Communist Manifesto had already been set into motion in 1913, with the establishment of the "federal" reserve, which is a privately owned, central banking monopoly. (3)
Communism, however, was against his moral principles of Gordon Kahl, and against his religious beliefs, as well.  According to his wife, Joan, Gordon notified the government in a letter addressed to "The Synagogue of Satan" that he was removing his family and himself from the SS program.  He wrote that he was not going to pay into this socialist program, and he did not desire to receive services from it.  Indeed, Gordon-and everyone else-had an option of opting out, because the Social Security program was established as a socialist-or voluntary-redistribution of wealth. But socialism is only a very short step away from full-blown communism, which is an involuntary redistribution of wealth and property, against the will of the people.
It was when Kahl began educating other farmers and then went on television in west Texas that the government took notice, and then took steps to silence him.  Kahl was well-liked in his community.  He was highly respected as an honest, honorable and principled man. He told the truth, and people listened.  After his first local television program, at least 200 workers quickly filed W4 exemption forms that blocked employers from withholding income taxes.  According to the documentary about the Kahl family, "Death and Taxes," an IRS spokesperson stated that the IRS targets outspoken people like Kahl for prosecution, and they make examples of them.
Shortly after Kahl's public programs, and despite the fact that Gordon Kahl did not make enough money to even owe taxes, he was placed on trial.  He was tried and charged under Title 26, 7203 (willful failure to file), but he was sentenced for "income tax evasion," which was Title 18.  The judge, who refused to hear any arguments based upon the Constitution or upon Kahl's personal convictions or religious beliefs, sentenced Gordon to one year in prison, which Gordon served in Leavenworth.  This would be followed by five years of probation.
After serving the sentence in Leavenworth, Gordon was released and ordered to report regularly to his probation officer.  By this time, Gordon had moved back to North Dakota. He had been forced into retirement at this point.  Just after April 15th of that first year of probation, the government noticed that Gordon had again not "complied."  He had not filed his voluntary income tax return.  When the agents approached him, Gordon told them he would never fill out another income tax return form as long as he lived, and he told the federal agents who came out to the farm, "I want to be left alone." According to his wife, Joan, Gordon said, "I'm not giving government anything, I'm not taking anything from government.  We are self-sustaining."
The government then placed a lien on approximately 40 acres that belonged to the Kahls, and the Kahl family would now feel the lashes of the first, the third, the fourth and the ninth planks of the Communist Manifesto.  Gordon filed a motion against this lien, but according to the Chronology transcript of the Taos Land and Film Company, the motion was confiscated by government agents and never reached the courts. An auction was then held. It was around this time that Gordon began to feel that the government was not going to stop its harassment of him short of killing him.  The government of the United States, he believed, was never going to leave him and his family alone. (4)
In 1980, a warrant for Gordon's arrest was issued on the grounds that he had failed to file an income tax return.  This warrant was later rescinded, perhaps in part because no law can actually be found requiring Gordon to file an income tax return. In early 1981, a different arrest warrant was issued, this time because the federal judge in Texas wanted Kahl returned to his court for another hearing. The U.S. Marshals Field Report indicated the judge was "in no hurry," and was demanding that Kahl be returned to Texas partly to demonstrate the ability of federal power to cross state lines, and thus counter statements Kahl had made. According to AAPMN, in July of 1981, however, with Gordon still free and the warrant still not served on him, Deputy Director John Twomey of the U.S. Marshals headquarters in Washington, D.C., instructed newly appointed North Dakota Marshal, Ken Muir, to put the matter away and not spend any more time or resources trying to serve the misdemeanor warrant on Gordon Kahl.
Gordon continued setting up town meetings and explaining to the other farmers why and how the government was now taking their farms away from them. Many of the farmers had paid millions of dollars for their farms, but they still did not own their farms because those payments were only paying interest to the banks.  Many had lost their farms as a result of the U.S. farm policy that benefited large, aggressive, army-like agribusiness companies over smaller, family farmers, and as this took place, the entire farming community began feeling the effects of the eighth plank of the Communist Manifesto. The objective of the farmers trying to keep their land, therefore, was to try to establish local or "township government," according to the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which would curb the federal expansionist powers that were threatening to take over their land, as well as take over every other aspect of their lives as individuals.
On February 13, 1983, in anticipation of one of Gordon Kahl's township meetings, Marshal Muir and a number of other law enforcement personnel elected to ignore Deputy Director John Twomey's 1981 instructions against serving the misdemeanor warrant on Gordon Kahl.  According to the Affidavit of Criminal Justice Professionals, an independent group of professional criminal investigators, "Federal officers violated orders from Washington headquarters." The lawmen not only violated direct orders, but they also violated professional law enforcement procedure to the point that their actions led to an unnecessary and deadly-but planned-shootout. The shootout resulted in two dead, and others gravely injured.  Among the most gravely injured was Gordon's 23-year-old son, Yorie. (5)
As the Kahl family, including Gordon, Joan, and Yorie, emerged from the township meeting with their friends, they noticed someone watching them with binoculars down the street in an unmarked pickup truck.  Yorie and friend Scott Faul felt uncomfortable about the situation, but Gordon did not.  Gordon's intent was to simply drive home.
Yorie spoke privately with his father, however, and as a safety precaution to protect his father, they switched jackets, and Yorie donned Gordon's cap.
The two cars containing the Kahls and friends proceeded on toward the Kahl farm. After driving over the summit of a hill, however, they suddenly saw that there was a roadblock ahead consisting of plain, unmarked vehicles. They did not know the identities of those in the vehicles, or why they were blocking the road ahead, and they made an attempt to pull into a driveway in order to turn around. At this time, however, an unmarked Ram Charger was seen speeding toward them from behind.
Blocked now from advancing or retreating, the people riding in the two Kahl cars discovered they were now being ambushed by carloads of unidentified strangers with rifles pointed at them through opened car windows.
At this point, all of the drivers of all cars stopped, and the men began emerging from their vehicles.  The unidentified assailants were all armed. One man was armed with a riot shotgun. According to several witnesses, the men in the unmarked ambush vehicles began screaming obscenities at the Kahls, who still did not know who these men were or why the two Kahl cars had just been ambushed by them. "You're going to die," the men screamed, "we're going to blow your f***ing heads off." This went on for several minutes. "You're going to die, you're going to die."
"They were laughing," Yorie said, and he stated that one man "looked like something that just crawled out from under a bridge. He had long hair, a long beard, he was wearing a black leather jackethe looked like something you'd expect to jump off a Harley."
"I remember Scott Faul saying to me," Yorie continued, "'what in the hell is this?' and I said, 'I don't know, Scott. I'm getting my gun, I'm getting out.'" Yorie instructed his mother, Joan, to lie down on the floorboard inside the vehicle while the men went outside to try and determine what was happening. At this point, Yorie, Gordon and Scott got out of their cars carrying their weapons. (6)
"I didn't know who they were," Yorie would later state, "I didn't even know how many of them there were." Yorie took shelter behind a telephone pole and prepared to try to defend himself, his family and his friends.
According to one of the witnesses, one of the unidentified men slammed his rifle down hard on the hood of his car making a loud noise resembling a gunshot. Everyone apparently thought a shot had been fired, and this, the witness said, triggered the gun battle between the still unidentified assailants and their targets.
Yorie was immediately gunned down. He was shot in the abdomen with a shotgun, and then shot in the arm and right hand. He thought his arm had been blown off. He fell into the melting snow and mud completely incapacitated, and listened to the gun battle that then took place.  When the shooting stopped, Yorie did not know if any members of his family or friends were still alive because he could not see any of the others from where he lay, facedown. "I remember laying there thinking, 'gee whiz, all of us just got wiped out.'"
Killed in the battle were Marshals Muir and Cheshire. According to another Taos Land and Film interview transcript, attorney William Kennelly, (Scott Faul's first lawyer, now deceased), stated it was Marshal Cheshire who accidentally shot and killed Marshal Muir. The interview states, "I think the ballistics evidence is just simply overwhelming, that it was Cheshire who shot. Muir only got hit with one shot. And I think it was very clear to me that it was Cheshire's bullet, because he was the only one shooting that kind of bullet."  (7)
Injured in the battle were three other officers, one reportedly injured by a piece of ricocheting asphalt that entered his head through his ear, and another who would later give what has now been found to be false testimony while under oath during the trial of Yorie and Scott. Although this officer was clean-cut for the trial, this was the man who looked like a biker wearing the black leather jacket at the time of the ambush. This officer stated under oath that Yorie shot his finger off. Recently discovered medical evidence that was withheld during the trial, however, does not support this. The medical records indicate that this officer was, like Marshal Muir, also hit by fire from his own men.  His wounds were caused by "pellets" fired by the shotgun of one of his fellow officers. Yorie was not carrying a shotgun. He was carrying his Mini-14, which would have discharged bullets, not pellets. (8) (9)
When the shootout was over, Yorie was near death. Scott and Gordon pulled Yorie into a vehicle and then drove him to a nearby medical clinic. After dropping Yorie off, Gordon later left town and fled to Arkansas. He fled because he knew beyond a doubt now that the government agents had no intention of arresting him. There would be no more trials for Gordon, no further juries and there would be no justice for this man. He knew now that he would be executed on sight.
Yorie lost his right kidney, his gallbladder, suffered severe liver lacerations, a lung laceration, and also lost a portion of his intestines. It was not certain at first if he would even survive his injuries, but when he did survive, he was then subjected to a trial without appropriate counsel. The first lawyer hired for Yorie, Gerald LaFountain of Montana, was in fact apprehended at the North Dakota state line, and then duly harassed by state and federal "lawmen" until he, too, was forced to flee North Dakota in order to protect himself.  The lawmen who did this were operating under the sixth plank of the Communist Manifesto. LaFountain was refused permission to see or speak to Yorie, his client. LaFountain filed a sworn affidavit regarding this violation of Yorie's rights through the law firm of former Senator, John DeCamp.
Despite the fact that Yorie and the others who were ambushed by unidentified, plain-clothed assailants were clearly acting in self-defense on that day, despite the fact that Yorie was completely incapacitated by gunshot wounds from the very first moments of the gun battle that was planned by the assailants, despite the fact that there was evidence indicating "friendly fire" was the cause of a large portion of this tragedy that was deliberately created by "lawmen" using confusion and mayhem to create terror, and despite the fact that Yorie was denied access to his hired attorney, Yorie stood trial and was charged and convicted on two counts of second degree murder, as well as injuring the other officers.  Yorie is innocent of all of these charges.
No one has ever been charged with injuring Yorie. No one has ever been charged with dismembering and murdering his father.
Yorie was sentenced to two life sentences, plus fifteen years.
At this time, Yorie has now been in federal prison for almost 24 years.  He is an innocent, political prisoner who has been repeatedly denied his rights. Similar to the situation of his father, the federal government is still not finished with Yorie Kahl. He has already spent most of his entire adult life in prison for crimes he did not commit, and unless Americans wake up and take this country back from the communists now secretly running things, this decent man will spend perhaps the rest of his life in prison. But, it will not stop there. If Americans do not wake up and pay close attention to everything that has happened to the Kahl family, then any one of us can expect to be selected as the next targeted "example" of a government that is completely out of control, illegal, and very dangerous. History will continue to repeat itself in an escalating fashion unless we learn from it, and learn well. The pattern of murderous corruption will not stop unless we stop it, and correct it and return this government to the only true law of the land, the U.S. Constitution.
The murder of Gordon Kahl appears to have been a heralding point that brought about a new age of communistic police force in the United States. The police state occurred because no one did anything to counter it.  Something strange began to happen after Gordon was executed. His murderers got away with everything, and this seems to have set the stage for what then happened at Ruby Ridge. Unfortunately, we never learned the details about Gordon until many years later, because we only heard about him through the state-controlled media that spread only state-sponsored propaganda. This media falsely presented Gordon as a dangerous madman, and it presented the "lawmen" as heroes who were only doing their jobs. We would not learn that this was all a complete fabrication until many years later.
The stage was then set for Ruby Ridge to occur, in which a young mother was deliberately gunned down by a government agent. The mother was holding her baby in her arms when she was shot. We were lied to again, and we believed the lie, just as we believed the lie about Gordon, and the lie about Pearl Harbor many years earlier.
Now even more boldly out of control, the government then brought about the Waco Massacre. In this travesty, approximately 80 people-a third of whom were infants and children-were, according to tapes and transcripts, gunned down, tortured and burned alive by government agents and the military Delta Force. We now know that the government lied to us about the events of Waco, as well. One must wonder if we had stopped the pattern and demanded prison sentences for those who lied, if we might have avoided Oklahoma and 9/11. The events of 9/11 now stand as the "new Pearl Harbor" for the Project for the New American Century. (10)
We have now reached a point of critical mass, and we had better stop the escalating pattern of police and military violence here and now.
We had better stop allowing liars and murderers to go free simply because they are "agents"  or "officers," or high ranking politicians, while innocent Americans are being murdered or having their lives otherwise destroyed by a corrupt and arrogant system that has no conscience. We do not need "panels" or "commissions" of congressmen convened when mass murders or an assassination has been committed. We do not need government examining government. We need independent, professional criminal investigators to handle such criminal cases. And then, we need to listen to those professional investigators. We need to see that arrests are made and criminals are brought to justice.  We need to watch trial proceedings closely, and if we see that a single judge is not upholding his or her oath to protect the Constitution, then we must assume they are upholding the manifesto of something else. They must be removed from office.
It is time for us to strike down the Communist Manifesto and its rules calling for abolition of property rights, confiscation by the state and redistribution of wealth against our will. At this time, we are also beginning to see a strange blurring of our country's borders taking place. This is the ninth plank of the Communist Manifesto. The tenth plank is free public schools for children. In this plank, the children of a country taken over by communism will receive a government-approved education. As we now know, the public education now being received in the United States is equal to an abysmal education.
While we have been asleep as a nation, and assuming that our human rights and civil liberties were being protected under the Constitution, the Constitution has been swept away and all ten planks of the Communist Manifesto have been established in its place. (11)
We must now either take this country back, or be content to sit back and allow a communist police state to act as judge, jury and executioner for anyone targeted.
Every American needs to become familiar with the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. We cannot uphold the Constitution of the United States and also support a government that is based upon the harsh and impersonal mandates of communism. We need to dismantle the Communist Manifesto that is now being followed in various federal agencies, and embrace, again, the Constitution, just as Gordon Kahl once bravely tried to explain to us.
America and even the Constitution of the United States now owe a great debt to the Kahl family for all they have endured and unwaveringly stood for. They have bravely refused the demands of an unlawful government, even in the face of great personal loss.
This country was established as a Constitutional Republic-not a democracy-as many, including the president, apparently think. A democracy is mob rule. This country was a Constitutional Republic, a unique governing entity in which the government served as servant to the people, and people ruled the government with their opinions. We need to reestablish our Constitutional Republic. The first steps in doing so are in studying the Constitution and Bill of Rights, which are no longer being taught in the free public schools. The other important step is in acknowledging the debt we owe to the Kahl family. We need to demand freedom for Yorie. We need to demand that he be given the freedom, justice, and liberty that his father died for as he tried to preserve those rights for Americans while the rest of the nation was asleep.
We need to bring to justice those actually responsible for the murders that Yorie was falsely and haughtily charged with, and then we need to bring others operating within this so-called government and police state to justice, as well. We need to see prison terms for "agents" who dare to lie while under oath, and prison terms for others who fail to uphold their oaths to defend the Constitution.
But first of all-first of all-we need to give Yorie Kahl, an innocent man, back to his family. In fact, we need to give him back to America.  Yorie had a teacher who was a very wise man, and America now needs wise teachers more than ever.  (12)
(Walk these planks at your own risk.)
"These measures will of course be different in different countries.  Nevertheless in the most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to labour.  Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production" (11)
Mary Sparrowdancer is a writer and book author. Her book, "The Love Song of the Universe," was the #2 Bestseller at her former publisher's house, and it sold out three times during 2006. She is about to put the book back into print, and is also about to publish a new Special Edition, with many updates.
1. "Death and Taxes," documentary film production featuring the Kahl family. 1993. Produced by Taos Land and Film Company.  (2007.)
2. Aid & Abet Police & Military Newsletter, spring, 2003.  (2007)
3. "America: Freedom to Fascism," documentary film by acclaimed producer, Aaron Russo, who has graciously permitted it to be viewed freely in an effort to educate the public. Learn how Congress illegally turned the coinage and regulation of money over to a central bank monopoly; learn the truth about the tax laws, and much more. The DVD of this film should be in every home in the U.S. (2007)
4. Typed transcript by Taos Land and Film Company. (2007)
5. Affidavit of professional, independent investigation of the Medina Shootout.
6. Yorie Kahl, typed transcript by Taos Land and Film Company. (2007)
7. William Kennelly, typed transcript by Taos Land and Film Company. 2007.
8. Bismarck Tribune: Tony Spilde, "Changing Lives in 30 Seconds," undated. 2007.
9. Motion filed by Barry Bachrach, Esq., Yorie's attorney. Motion asks that a Habeas petition be reviewed due to newly discovered evidence that a "key witness lied on the stand." 2006. (2007)
10. Phone calls from Waco victims to 911 frantically reporting they were under attack by unknown assailants.  They asked 911 to "call this off," since there were so many women and children within the compound. Gunshots coming from the federal agents can be heard throughout the calls. 2007.
11. Communist Manifesto, (2007)
12. Police activities in America since the murder of Gordon Kahl. (2007)


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