The Democratic Party
Is Not A Church

"Ynet (Israel) 0,7340,L-3355786,00.html Israeli billionaire and media mogul Haim Saban is at the top of the list of donors to political campaigns in the US. Fox Network revealed over the weekend that Saban has donated approximately US $13 million to various candidates. According to the report, Saban, a close friend of the Clintons, is one of the major donors to the Democratic Party, though he has also contributed to Republican candidates, including President George Bush and Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger." 
Democratic Party is NOT a top-down from-God church; Hillary Clinton is not the Virgin Mary and AIPAC are not "the Jews" deserving your tolerance and respect -- on the contrary AIPAC is nothing more than corrupting and enslaving  blood money from racist war-profiteering billionaires like Rupert Murdoch who have used up the neocon-hijacked Republican Party elephant and now want a fresh mount -- the starved-for-cash jackasses -- to carry on their crusade for new and expanded genocidal wars and for ever more intrusive and intimidating  police-state power to ensure their continued control and exploitation of the American people. But I'm counting on it that the party is not predestined to be "dumb-ass" in 2008. 
By Dick Eastman
The concept is worth repeating. The Democratic Party is not some church whose political positions and leadership come from on high.  Hillary Clinton is not the divinely appointed immaculate virgin commanding unquestioning adoration and elevation. And AIPAC are not "the Jews,"  AIPAC is not Judaism, and AIPAC is not well-meaning people seeking peace and security for all in the Middle East. These three points all must be taken into account as true Democrats ask themselves if where the party is now headed is really right.
AIPAC is not deserving of your respect or even your toleration or courtesy in its diabolically clever grab for control of your party. AIPAC is the money power behind the foreign policy and war policy and "anti-terrorist police state" policies that you have associated with George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz. The bought and subverted the leadership of the Republicans starting when they took over Reagan's administration and turned it into a neo-con Wall-Street globalism party and they have controlled it ever since -- until now, when the Republican party is the disgrace of the world and facing revolt in the minds of all thinking people. And so AIPAC turns to your party (which their money has also been quietly controlling at the top for some time too) like a pony express rider looking for a fresh mount.
Let me ask a few questions of you fearlessly loyal "my-party-right-or-wrong" Democrats. Do like what you hear about "the liberals" and the "goodness and rightness" of Bush war and police-state policies from multi-billioniare media-monopolist Ruppert Murdoch's radio mouthpieces like Michael Savage (né Michael Wiener) and Sean Hannity? What would you do if Murdoch and AIPAC took over your party and with their money put Sean Hannity up to win the Democratic nomination for '08? Would you still be loyal, would you still say "my party right or wrong"? Now think about this. Ruppert Murdoch and AIPAC are both solidly behind Hillary Clinton for President in 2008 like they have been behind Bush and Cheney in 2000 and 2004. So here is another question -- do multi-billionaires put up backing for people who think independently? Does Ruppert Murdoch have any Fox commentators that do not preach his views? Do you think he would ever exert his money and influence to advance people who really and truly "have concern for people issues" that might conflict with his own interests or does he insterad advance politicians  who only say they have these concerns but who really will serve his interests and his whims of the billionaire? Murdoch is not abetting the elevation Hillary Clinton to the presidency because she is a strong woman who will take care of the littel people  or because "only Hillary is electable" -- but because Hillary Clinton is a political whore -- specifically Ruppert Murdoch's political whore, AIPAC's political whore -- yes, an intimidating dominatrix to many Democrats under her shadow who contemplate her "inevitable" supreme position and the mysterious and devilishly invincible power now behind her-- but still a pro-war, pro-globalization, pro-Israel-lobby(boss-pimp AIPAC)- sell-out whore -- and has been all of her political career.
True democrat Democrats know they are in trouble. They see this blood-money covenent that the DNC has made with Ruppert the Serpent and the rest of AIPAC and they tell themselves that this is necessary if the party wants to win in the next general election.  Clearly the Democrats  have forgotten who they are and what they stand for.
Meanwhile others in the party, the vast majority struggling full-time to make ends meet for their families -- these people, not looking closely and merely trusting the party on its former reputation -- these good people are bedazzled and hoodwinked by all the sophisticated political tricks used by the political operatives that AIPAC billionaires etc. hire. For example, a whole flock of bland positionless pointless nonentities announce their candidacies -- where did these nobodies get the money to start a presidential bid???  -- obviously these phonies are all props to glorify our Blessed Immaculate  Virgin --  they are merely a clown show of obvious  losers in the race to give you, early on, the impression that "Hillary Clinton leads the pack" -- when the fact is that no real candidate who is really anti-war, anti-globalization and anti-AIPAC domination has been allowed to emerge  -- and that is because of another trick -- by a trickster  named Dennis Kucinich -- who is chosen by AIPAC's agents in the party to get in front of the anti-war movement (again!!!) and keep it under his control (again!) seeing that it amounts to nothing (again!) while absorbing all the volunteer work and contributions of anit-war people (again!) -- so that Hillary Clinton (last time it was John Kerry) will not have to face what she dreds most, viz., a real candidate who has taken off the gloves, is telling the people the facts  they have been kept from hearing, and is not folding up and blowing away in response to any of the usual party fixer's dirty tricks.
Perhaps it is outdated "religion" not to make deals with serpents. Perhaps genuflecting to Our Lady of the Foregone Assumption is all that is left if you want to get along in this world that already belongs to the Ruppert Murdoch and everything that is behind AIPAC. But I always throught that a political  party in a free country serves the true interests of the people in the party. I always considered that when Wall Street came in and hijacked the leadership of a party of the people that it was a bad thing. I always thought that while a party needs money to operate, that a party of the people should be supported by the people, by those  who think enough of the principles of the party to fish into their pockets and support it -- and that the worse things are the more they would be willing to make sacrifices in their personal lives to give that support -- and that they would not make pacts with the devil who will realize  his choice for president with black-op  magic.
One famous quote of Hillary Rodam Clinton is that you can't make money in law, unless you work for the banks. She was not talking about your local credit union. We all remember -- it was not just propaganda hatched from Hillary Clinton critic Barbara Olsen who was killed on Flight 77 on Sept. 11 -- how Hillary made a million-to-one killing in her first dabble in the commodities market after she had done work for some New York firms. It is not considered polite for loyal Democrats to bring that up -- but maybe it is time for that to break some norms in the party when they become too constraining. 
Keep this in mind: Hillary Clinton is not the leading candidate in the Democratic Party -- that is a lie of the Murdoch etc. monopoly media -- the fact is she has no real opponent in the party contest yet -- other than a flock of bogus "easy" opponents who have appeared to make it look like Hillary is "way-out-ahead." Kucinich is not real. Edwards sold his soul for party position  after they clipped his wings over his  scream back in 2004.  That was the year AIPAC wanted Kerry and wanted Kucinich to lose which he gladly did, refusing even to contest an obviously fixed election. I have received over a dozen letters from people who worked with Kucinich who concluded that Kucinich was not in the race to win, that Kucinich was merely going through motions to look like a campaign was being conducted -- the volunteers around the country were misdirected and often remained idle for want of leadership of any kind.
But what about all those attractive issues that HRC is for -- those special issues that mean so much to some of us? Let me tell you how that works. The Clintons, as you will remember, believe in super scientific polling and high-speed computer analysis -- remember the cray computers in the Clinton White House put there  for this purpose and this purpose only  -- which test different issues on different groups to find the "words" that will win popularity -- a super high-tech "thumb" that the Clinton's always had up in the air -- and so they always played your song --  they have put together a package to win the votes of  people who vote the "issues not the man" -- pork and patronage and a song addressed to diffferent blocks of people really hurting promising to address their needs. But the plutocracy are the only one's he served -- as one Clinton staffer said "the President keeps all the promises he intended to keep"  -- Bush played to the anti-abortion people in the same way, remember, and to the "middle-class" but his administration for eight years served neither one of those two groups of suckers, did it? Hillary Clinton is exactly the same. Kucinich too and the other candidates have been given issues that will just accomplish what they need to accomplish as candidates assigned to attract supporters and money but then to self-sabotage at the right moment.
The real democratic Democrats know that AIPAC represents the war profiteers and the twisted "Zionism" of the Ruppert Murdoch sociopathic billionaire types (yes, including the Zionist merchant bankers of London and Wall Street who lend the money for these wars and who, as genuine racists (Arab-hating Jewish supremacists -- I am talking about the billionaire bankers and media moguls sociopaths, i.e., AIPAC, not "the Jews") -- the wars that will cost a trillion dollars -- an amount of money impossible to imagine -- a lot of money to receive -- enough to motivate AIPAC to be as bold and cunning as it has been -- certainly ample money to turn the heads of most party bosses and workers -- not to mention the specifically hired infiltrators of the party -- to raise up a Clinton and a Kucinich to exalt her and lay his anti-war troops at her feet at the right moment. A trillion dollares -- for the war-profiteers and for everyone they bribe and buy to make it all possible -- but the trillion they receive is a trillion that comes from the lives of the people -- and how can I describe that cost to you? How can I show you how impoverished you are and how much more impoverished you will become. You only know what you see, not what you might have had had there been a different kind of leadership in this country.
I know. Blah blah blah you have heard it all before -- so what do I propose?
Simply this.
1. Let every person of good will who understands the situation join the democratic party in an effort to throw out Clinton, Kucinich, AIPAC and Murdoch and, yes, Nancy Pelosi. (Ever wonder how she got where she is -- is she a woman who earned it -- or was her sex merely part of the incentive package that AIPAC interests used to put their operative in the Speaker's chair?)
2. Let every Democrat and all people of good will demand of this Congress that it adopt something like the bait-and-switch Kucinich plan for getting out of Iraq -- only let's take the bait but refuse the switch and let's insist that the bait be implimented now as a full-course meal and not in 2009 when the next president takes over -- let Congress enact it by resolution and by cuts of spending. And let's have every Democrat insist that Congress make a specific delcaration that there is no authority for the president to use military for against Iran without a formal delcaration from Congress.
3. Let every Democrat insist that Hillary Clinton and Dennis Kucinich withdraw their nominations -- there is no rule against doing this -- appeals like this have always been made, candidates being asked to withdraw for the good fo the party.
4. Every true democratic Democrat to insist that AIPAC money be refused and that those accepting AIPAC money be denied high position within the party.
5. That to quickly raise up a real anti-war candidate that a special extraordinary committee come together to select a true anti-war anti-globalization anti-AIPAC (but not anti-Jewish and not anti-the-existence-of-Israel) candidate. On this committee -- if you can take a plan from Kucinich you can take a suggestion from me -- would be
Bill Moyers
Seymour Hershe
Jimmy Carter
Cindy Sheehan
Al Gore
Alex Jones
They will pick a candidate to run for the Democratic nomination.
Let other selection groups (ad hoc electors) of known good guys come together and raise other candidates in this way -- and let us then choose from the candidates that these different distinguished people pick.
That is my suggestion. I pray you take it. And at this point I leave it all to you. It's up to you democratic Democrats. If you can field a real candidate against this war and against organized-crime plutocracy and imperialism (banker globalism) then I will vote for your candidate. If I see you can't get it together I am going to join any movement to draft and back David Duke in whatever third party he chooses to run.
I think you like government jobs (patronage) and party jobs and pork -- let's see if you also want freedom and peace and the general welfare and democratic principles and a future for everyone as well -- and let's see if you like the latter more than the former.
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Here the other messages on beating the plutocracy's rigging of the two-party system. 



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