The Democrats Are Traitors,
Too (Big Surprise)

By Curt Maynard

Back in August I wrote an essay entitled Don't let go of your guns." The entire point of writing that essay was to emphasize a relatively unique and definitely underreported phenomenon that had occurred since George Bush stole the elections in 2000 and 2004. In that essay I wrote:
"From this writer's perspective the absolute best thing to come out of the Presidency of George W. Bush is the fact that so many liberal Democrats have changed their position on gun control. It's as if the scales were lifted from their eyes, they realized that government itself could no longer be trusted, they witnessed the election of 2000 hijacked, and four years later they saw the same thing happen again without nary a word of dissent from the Democratic candidates. Former gun grabbers in the hundreds of thousands no longer feel the intense desire to disarm their fellow citizens in the name of a better society, in fact many of them have since armed themselves and joined gun clubs and gun lobbies. Good for them. These liberal Democrats now understand the true nature and purpose of the Second Amendment, it was never designed to enable us to obtain wild game whenever and wherever we liked, it was always about being able to defend ourselves from a corrupt and evil government. Guess what? That government is here!"
Well, it just wouldn't be right if I were to allow something along a similar vein to escape notice and that is that from my perspective, the best thing to come out of last November's mid-term elections is that now tens of millions of Democrats understand for perhaps the first time in their lives that their party is just as corrupt as the GOP. It fills me with mirth to think of all those fools that woke up on November 8, 2006 thinking that the Democratic Party was actually going to reverse Bush policy. Ha! Prior to the mid-term elections these deluded fools actually believed that Nancy Pelosi was going to impeach Bush, and get us out of the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, that's why so many Republicans and Democrats alike turned out to vote for her and the Congressional Democrats. Today they realize that if anything, Pelosi is going to assist Bush with his invasion of Iran and most probably Syria too. Of course I wasn't a bit surprised, I knew where Pelosi stood on these matters, primarily because I read and don't rely on the Zionist media for my information. When I say I read, I'm not saying I read newspapers and/or news magazines, the same Zionists own these rags as well - I rely on the alternative media one can find EVERYWHERE on the Internet.
So I wasn't a bit surprised to hear that when asked about impeachment on CNN, Pelosi said "Impeachment is off the's a is a waste of time."
I wasn't surprised to hear that Nancy Pelosi is a hard core supporter of that shitty little country Israel either - in fact, I already knew she was, back in 2005, after I had read a transcript of a speech she delivered before AIPAC, an organization that is now being investigated for engaging in espionage against the United States of America. I knew then that Pelosi would support a war against Iran, I knew then that Pelosi's foreign policy approach wouldn't be one iota different from George Bush's, after all, they have the same master, Israel!
In that speech Pelosi reassured all the Jews present that there was really only one issue of concern, the survival of the Zionist state. How do you like them apples - bitter eh? Pelosi committed heresy when she said before this audience, "One thing, however is unchanged: America's commitment to the safety and security of the State of Israel is unwavering. America and Israel share an unbreakable bond: in peace and war; and in prosperity and in hardship."
I'd like to know when this so called "unbreakable bond" was formed, I certainly never signed on and I don't remember when it came up for a vote. The best I can figure is that Israel, through its Fifth Column here in the USA [AIPAC, the ADL, and the News Media] formed an alliance with both political parties by way of bribery and most probably extortion - after all, it isn't a secret any longer that our politicians are owned by Jewish money, or that individual Jews [many of them Israelis] are the greatest donor's to our politicians on both sides of the aisle. Who gave Pelosi [Recipient of 57K in Jewish AIPAC moneys in 2004 alone] permission to say that the United States will support Israel in times of war and hardship? I guarantee you it wasn't her Democratic base, anymore than Bush's conservative base gave him permission to pursue the amnesty of 20 million illegal aliens and/or to support the legalization of the over the counter sale of the abortion pill. Did you feel that? That was your heart skipping a beat - you damn near just woke up. It's true, Bush supports the use of a pill to kill unborn babies - see the White House's website itself [WARNING, you'll actually have to read through the transcript, as much as I'd like to, I cannot televise it for you].
I wrote the aforementioned essay Don't let go of you guns back in August of last year - the writing was clearly on the wall then - please read what I wrote about both parties three months before the mid-term elections. Bear in mind as you read this that I am not a seer, a soothsayer or even a professor of political science, I'm just someone that doesn't watch television and spends at least an hour a day critically reading what comes across the Internet, which by the way is infinitely more accurate than that crap on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, etc.. etc
"Even the stupidest American now understands that there is no real difference between the Democans and Republicrats at the highest levels, if one is against unrestricted illegal immigration, which fully eighty percent of all Americans are [A true bipartisan issue], one is compelled to vote for some pro-Israel and pro-war Republican piece of filth that only recently changed his/her position on the immigration issue in order to get enough votes from the majority to get reelected or to belly over, surrender America's sovereignty and allow some pro-Israel, pro-war piece of Democratic filth to open the flood gates to the Third World. The Republican will only change his/her mind yet again after the election and vote for some Kennedy sponsored bill that grants amnesty to criminals and spits in the face of the American electorate!.."
"With our current two-party system Americans have a choice, they can either support Israel wholeheartedly or they can support Israel unreservedly, either way, Israel gets our full support. If one believes the media, which an ever growing number of enlightened Americans no longer do, then one might believe the words of the leftist Hillary Clinton when she says, "All Americans support Israel," or the "right winger," George Bush when he says that America supports Israel without any reservations. Well let me be the first to tell you, most Americans do not support Israel wholeheartedly, the Zionist media exploits its stranglehold on the American media in order to repetitively blast us with these false mantras ­ most Americans couldn't find Israel on a map and don't care one way or another about the Jewish state. The point is though that the media does not give Americans what they want, it tells Americans what they want and too frequently Americans believe the rhetoric"
In that same essay I pointed out what should at this point be obvious to anyone with the capacity to think"Americans need to realize their enemy is not in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Venezuela or Lebanon, but right here in the United States of America. The enemy is domestic, not foreign, and it's high time we acknowledged this empirical fact, and do something to correct it. The media must be taken away from those that currently possess it; our government should do this, but if it won't the people should consider doing so. Constitutional law is on our side, not on the side of the criminals in government. If our military shows some backbone, it will have the support of the majority, because as previously mentioned, the majority no longer have any faith in the Democans and Republicrats. However, the military leadership should be on notice, if it sides with the same people now in control, it's rank and file will turn on them as sure as the sun rises in the east. The winds of change are surely blowing."
To my knowledge, not a single Arab owns a western television network, not a single Latino or Venezuelan owns one either. What about Univision Mr. Maynard, the world's largest Spanish language television network? Dear reader, that's owned by the Zionist/Israeli Jew Haim Saban, who incidentally is also the largest individual donor to American politicians hands down! Since we're on this topic, just in case you didn't know, BET [Black Entertainment Television] is owned by another Jew that goes by the name of Sumner Redstone, but who was actually born with the moniker Murray Rothstein. Rothstein by the way owns Viacom cable, which includes the degenerate Music Television network MTV. Are you surprised? You shouldn't be, the fact of the matter is, despite all the lies and rhetoric, ethnic Jews DO have a stranglehold on the entire media apparatus. If you still doubt this, you are no doubt unread, but you are also a hopeless and deluded fool.
Haim Saban will no doubt exploit his ownership of Univision in such a way as to make it appear that Hispanics really don't support Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela, Saban will do everything in his power to suppress the fact that the Venezuelan government has recently decided to conduct an International investigatory conference about what really happened in NYC on September 11, 2001, something that Haim Saban, the Israeli, and the US Government are definitely not interested in allowing you to find out about. Perhaps as a warning to Chavez, the money men in New York, you know the Jewish bankers that former General Wesley Clark was referring to the other day in respect to the real power behind the coming war with Iran, might just be tinkering with Venezuela's economy - how else can one explain the unexpected and near spontaneous inflationary spike the oil rich country of Venezuela experienced in January 2007? Just in case you missed what Wesley Clark said about these "money people," a colloquialism for New York Jews, he said, You just have to read what's in the Israeli press. The Jewish community is divided but there is so much pressure being channeled from the New York money people to the office seekers." Of course he was talking about Bush's imminent attack on Iran.
Lastly, in the essay Don't let go of your guns," I stated the following, which is certainly more true today than it was when I wrote it six months ago: "In the meantime be alert to the last desperate measures of the Zio-American entity, because it'll sacrifice everything to remain in control, including the lives of hundreds of thousands of American citizens, the lives of innocent people mean nothing to these Talmudists and their Shabbas Goyim. What this writer expects to happen is simple, the Zio-American entity will launch a massive attack on an American city and/or several cities, they'll use either biological agents or nuclear weapons, and they'll do everything they can to convince Americans that "Islamist's" are behind the attack ­ the Internet will be immediately disrupted, this too will be blamed on Arab terrorists, but lo and behold, somehow televised news will survive and the Zionists will begin cranking out propaganda in earnest. A military draft will be immediately instituted and the Zionists will send your children to kill and die for the Jewish state ­ they'll do this without any hesitation whatsoever. If the Internet goes down, you can bet everything you own that it wasn't "Muslim terrorists," behind it, because the Internet is the only way that anyone other than the Zionists can disseminate information, ethnic Jews have a stranglehold on the media, in all its facets, television, print media, news magazines and the publishing industry, the internet is the very last bastion of free communication, and only a fool would believe that it's a threat to anyone other than the status quo."
The dead giveaway that the US government will be behind this preparatory "terrorist attack," will be when the Internet goes down, the media will vociferously claim that this is in itself evidence of "Islamo-Fascism," being behind it, but stop a moment and use your brain, how could it possibly be in the best interests of "Muslim radicals" to destroy the ONLY means of communication that they have available - remember the media is in the hands of the altruistic and benevolent Zionist Jew. Oh Mr. Maynard, you're so silly, they can use cell phones and satellite phones. Dear reader, is your memory that short, didn't the United States of Israel, err, I mean America almost get the ever so allusive, and probably non-existent Osama bin Laden with a cruise missile some years back after he flicked on his satellite phone? According to the esteemed Zionist propagandist and agent, Paula Zahn, and CNN, this is exactly why our buddy Osama no longer uses a satellite phone today, but instead prefers to use couriers. From my humble point of view, Osama is a boogeyman that no longer even exists [if he in fact ever did]. Think about it, isn't a dead man buried under a billion tons of rubble at Tora Bora not the absolute best enemy? You can make him say and do anything you like, whose going to say otherwise? Most importantly, who'll ever find him" He can remain at large forever! Yes indeed, the perfect external and omnipresent enemy.
Probably the most pertinent paragraph in my essay "Don't let go of your guns" is this one, especially the last sentence. If your wise, you'll heed this advice:
"The media has been orchestrating an ongoing and concerted effort to convince Americans that we'd be better off unarmed ­ the media has been the momentum behind this idea for more than thirty years. Fortunately George has set their efforts back quite a bit, unintentionally no doubt, but nevertheless effectively. Whenever any crime in this country has been perpetrated with a firearm, the mainstream media has been there first to splash across the screen and page every little detail of the crime as it relates to the use of guns ­ the media always gives plenty of time for gun control advocates to voice their positions on the divisive issue and does everything possible to make gun control opponents look like fools and hicks. Trust me, now is not the time to even consider giving up guns ­ now is the time to buy them, in large numbers, in large calibers, for yourself, every member of your family, and your neighbors."
Wake up America - you're being taken for a ride, and it ain't by the Venezuelans and "Islamo-Fascists."



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