Art Bell, Again, Denies
Government Involvement In 911
Bell Asks Caller 'Why Are
You Still Here?'

From Kathy Fisher

''On many occassions Art you said that you could never believe your government would ever be involved or behind with getting 3000 people killed in the twin towers''
''That's right Kathy and I still don't.''
I interupted and said ''Well, Art, it's not Our government anymore! It hasn't been for a long time!''
Art immediately cut me off. But since I was taping the show, I got to hear the rest of what he had to say to me...
"And if you believed that, Kathy, I gotta wonder why are you still here!? There are plenty of flights leaving the United States. Plane fares are quite reasonable now!
If I believed for one minute my government was involved in any way, I'd go back to Manila, and stay there. I would not live in a country that would do that to its own citizens. I'd be so gone, Kathy.''
He added ''I know the 'line' that Alex Jones takes and whatever our government does that's wrong, and our government does do things that are wrong and improper. (But) It didn't do that!''
--Kathy Fisher
Roy Adamson
Kathy -
Bell is still the NWO change agent and propaganda outlet he always was and always will be. I'm sure you're astute enough to have realized that years ago.

From: Art Bell
Date: February 15, 2007 2:17:40 PM PST
To: Kathy Fisher
I did not think I was rude at all, we just disagree. I meant every word I said. If you listened later in the show I even offered to give it air time.
No, Art, I Will NOT Leave MY Country
From Kathy Fisher
I think Art should appoligize to a lot of people, not only to me. I did nothing to merit what Art Bell blurted out in a moment of self-righteous indignation.
I would remind Art that this is my country as well. I regard the Bush Administration to be hostile to the people and Constitution of our Country, as do many millions of our fellow Americans, as the last election has shown.
Let me remind Art that there would be no America if the Founding Fathers of our Country had taken Art's advice and left because they disagreed with the other tyrant of the day, King George.
If Art so chooses to run away from those he may diagree with, let him, but it is not up to him to suggest that I should run from the country of my birth because of what I think. I, along with growing numbers of my fellow citizens want to take back our country from those tainted men who have stolen the Government of the People in order to implement their secret agenda.
Questioning the motives of these men who make war, imprison without recourse to law, and advocate torture, is not by any means unpatriotic or disloyal. Quite to the contrary, it is they who dishonor their Country by their actions.
If things have gotten to the point in America when a citizen has to fear repercusions for what he or she says, than it is time for a change. It is not the patriotic duty of an American citizen to give unquestioned support to our political leaders, but rather to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This is what I would have said to Art Bell if he would not have hung up on me.
Kathy FIsher
"I love it when I'm loved"
From: Art Bell>
Date: February 15, 2007 10:41:13 PM PST
To: (Kathy Fisher)
I love it when I am loved. In reality, people who do not agree can not be in love, right? Wait, that might not be true. I guess if I agreed with all the 911 conspiracy people I would get love...right? Then they would want me to stay on the air and not Retire.....right? Wait, that does not make sense does it? Gee,, perhaps it does not make sense to like or dislike a person based on what they believe, yes, that's it!!!! However people have small closed minds. It is also helpful for me that I do not care that some people do not agree with me. It also would be true that I do not base my Retirement plans based on email I get. Gosh what a wonderful world we live in, if we just think for ourselves.
Kathy Fisher replied:
Your show used to be an open forum. Now what you considered 'free speech' is letting that usefull idiot JC spew venom out of a sewer better know as his mouth. What a disgusting waste of time.
You offer ONE 911 show in all these years and you're offering another one in the 'near future.' Oh yeah, not to forget George has done a dozen. Wow. A few round table discussions. Big deal!
What you need to do is to separate the 'Pod people' and the lunatic fringe that say the was no plane that hit the Pentagon, and get the people that present a clear group of questions and facts on the air. Then you can try to debunk each and every one of them as they are presented.  You and one with an open mind. Douglas Herman or Jim Kirwan would come on and I can get them.  Have that pilot  on that got in touch with you. Do it soon because right now  so many people are losing respect for you that it's getting harder  and harder to get an honest outsider that's not part of the shill for the neocons group...crackpots who come up with far-fetched outrageous scenarios to be easily debunked by the those who would quickly say ''See I told you the internet was full of nutcases and it's dangerous that's why we should monitor it more closely.''
Look, we still have our freedom of thought and speech. Maybe not for long.
Last year, you voiced your dissent about Broadband. These people have usurped too much power. They have rewritten the laws to protect them and enslave us, and want more. Yes, they want to watch and listen and SPY on us every minute of the day. Do you want to help them? Do you want to work for them?
You are comfortable and I understand that. Why, oh why, would you want them knocking at your door asking questions?!
But Art, for goodness sake, don't come down on me or your other fellow Americans who truly believe these tyrants who you know very well know put themselves in place with the help of their Supreme Court. Whether you believe me or not, leave me my right to denounce them just as I and millions did to Clinton on a daily basis. And yes, we even had a hit list of people we held him responsible for getting killed. I, myself, called him a murderer many times over.
And know this: seven years ago, I went for bat for you with WABC. The Curtis Sliwa Days, remember? I wrote letters to Phil Boyce pleading with him to put you show on. I always spoke my mind, always spoke highly of you. I cried with you and laughed with you, but God, did you break my heart and so many others last Saturday night. Give me my right as an American. The federal government is not our 'Country' or the 'fruited plains' in America the beautiful.
Our country has become what our Founding Fathers tried to protect us from, and we have the right to remove those who deny us our Rights. Did you forget that? They do not have the right to fear monger us to death on a daily basis, and lock arm-in-arm with corporations who make it difficult, if not impossible, to break away from. You stay in denial as long as want...that is Your 'Right.' I don't like it, but I accept and respect it.
Art Bell, I will not tell you to stay or leave the United States if you find yourself, SOMEDAY, waking up to the truth and seeing it clearly as so many of us now do.  I am far, far from alone.  You saw the CNN poll showing that over 70% believe the government (their words) had something to do with 911.
You said it Saturday evening. It took you a long time to believe our goverment posoined people. Money rules with these people. ''They'' build their billion dollar bunkers to stay safe in with our hard-earned money.
For us, it's a hole in ground we dig ourselves. They don't give a rat's ass about us.
I do not believe you are free to say what you please even if you wanted to. You owe your soul to the company store and that store is Clear Channel. But that is the bed you feathered for youself and now you have to sleep in it.
It took you a long, long time to become a 'have' and I don't think you want to become a 'have not' any time soon. So you keep playing it safe with the aliens and UFOs and the crop circles and the strange flying airships and time travel and the 'end times.' Oh, believe me, the end times are already here. There's a special place for me and my friends in the gulag...but at least I will die with my boots on.
Many of your previous long-time guests have written to me that they agree with my position. They share the same views I spoke to you about and do not feel they should leave on the next affordable flight out. They come to the same conclusion when presented with the facts and what their own eyes cannot deny. It's so easy to be a 'GOOD' AMERICAN and go along with the bullshit...nothing to sacrifice, no risk, just go along like good little sheep thinking 'they' will treat me special; that 'they' will remember I behaved myself. Sound familiar?
The Gulf of Tonkin. "Oh," you say, "but 911 was different...over 3000 civilans were killed!" The grotesque lie that LBJ told kept a senseless war going on for ten years; it killed and kept on killing civilians who were sent out of their country to kill and be killed. You like to call them soldiers! More useless death for the military complex and its partners in crime: the war-mongering, war-creating politicians! Just as the lie that 19 Arab hijackers piloted planes into the WTC is keeping another senseless war going.
Just follow the money, Art
From: Art Bell>
Date: February 16, 2007 10:56:09 AM PST
To: (Kathy Fisher)
Subject: Open letter #2 to Art Bell
Sorry Kathy, we just do not agree. If as a result you as well as others do not respect me I can live with that. Your letter offers NO proof which is what any reasonable person would need.
As for the U.S.A. if we really had pulled something off as you say, leaving would be the only viable option because it would have gone so far that none of us could turn it around. I simply do not believe that.



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