Eyewitness Report Of A Crop Circle
Forming In The Netherlands

Nancy Talbott
BLT Research Team Inc.
Cambridge, MA
© 2006, BLT Research Team Inc. All rights reserved.
Photos/illustrations cannot be reproduced in any media
except with written permission from the photographer or illustrator.

Primary Witness: Robbert van den Broeke
Secondary Witness: Nancy Talbott
Event Date: Night of October 19-20, 2006
Event Time: Around 12 Midnight, Oct. 19-20th, 2006
Location: Field on outskirts of Hoeven, Holland
Weather: Cool (low- to mid-50s F), clear sky, no precipitation
Crop: Grasses
Madelon v/d Broeke standing in one of the four smaller circles of a new
"Celtic Cross" crop formation, Oct. 20, 2006.
Photo: " Peter v/d Broeke
For 10 years Robbert v/d Broeke, now 26 years old, has been at the center of a slowly-evolving series of events which very literally beggar the imagination. Growing up with his family in the rural southern Holland village of Hoeven, he began (at about the age of 16) experiencing increasingly strange encounters with light-balls, crop formations occurring around him, peculiar "dreams," poltergeist-like situations, various entites manifesting, out-of-body experiences and occasional UFO appearances in close physical proximity.
As a small boy it had been obvious that, although quite intelligent, Robbert was different from other kids, not "fitting in" at school and unable to pay attention to his lessons, usually preferring his own company to that of his classmates. His parents, at first afraid that their son might be delusional, arranged for in-depth psychiatric observation and testing by trained medical personnel-but to no avail. Extensive examination revealed no psychiatric pathology and no evidence of mental or physical disease.
I (Nancy Talbott) first learned of Robbert and his family in 1997 because of an incident involving a large light-ball (BOL) and some white powder which the BOL had left behind. I was asked if the BLT Research Team could identify the powder and we were able to establish, through EDS and infrared spectroscopy, that the material was a very pure magnesium carbonate.
Following a lecture in Amsterdam in 1998 I spent some time with the family and, since then, have stayed at their home for several weeks during the ensuing summers. These visits and my ongoing communication with Robbert and the family have exposed me to situations I would probably not have believed, had I not experienced them first-hand.
Among other things, in 2001 Robbert and I witnessed three brilliant, incredibly forceful tubes of light creating a crop circle in the field behind his home (see, "Eyewitness Reports," Case #1). It was the first time I had ever seen a crop circle being created and, I expected, it would be the last. But now, five years later, it has happened again.
Robbert and I usually spend time out in the fields near Hoeven when I am in Hoeven. On the night of October 18th we visited a "special" field--"special" because Robbert has had multiple events occur there over the years. We were taking photographs (digital and film), curious to see if we would get any of the photographic anomalies Robbert regularly obtains on his visits alone.
Almost immediately Robbert began to get strange light anomalies on his digital camera, as did I. The strangest of my photos (digital and film) were of Robbert's face. indistinct and with a diffuse light around it.
Large light anomaly, L side of photo. Nancy is standing next to the tree.
Note clarity of photo, except in region of anomaly.
Photo: " Robbert v/d Broeke
Bright light anomaly & pink-purple BOLs. Clarity of overall photo has changed.
Photo: " Robbert v/d Broeke
Digital close-up of Robbert's face. For a period of 10-15 minutes all photos
I took of Robbert looked like this. Photo: " Nancy Talbott
Film close-up of Robbert's face, taken during same time period. Image here is
also fuzzy, but color is more accurate. Photo: Nancy Talbott
On the afternoon of October 19th we returned to the field briefly, but didn't stay very long and didn't take photos. To get to our car we have to walk right along the edge of the field where the new crop circle occurred later that night-and that field appeared completely normal in the late afternoon.
On the night of October 19th we returned at around 10:00 ­ 10:30 pm and began taking photos again, this time expecting that we would get anomalies (since we had the night before). The temperature was a little chilly, with light wind, but it was dry and the sky was clear. There was some dew on the plants in the fields, but the road and path along the edge of the fields were totally dry. Almost immediately we both began to get peculiar photos.
Purple/yellow light streak photographed near "special" field just prior to
crop circle forming on night of Oct. 19-20th.
Photo: Robbert v/d Broeke
The only photo taken that night of the field in which the crop circle occurred
an hour or so later (note BOL). Photo: Nancy Talbott
It was around midnight and Robbert and I had begun to walk back toward the car, along the dikes which line these fields. Suddenly Robbert grabbed my arm and pointed out over the field closest to our car, saying "there, theredo you see it?" He described a "black cloud" coming down close to the field and, then, a "black spiral going down into the ground." I peered into the darkness in the direction he was pointing and, at first, saw nothing but the blackness in front of some trees at the end of that field.
Then I did see a dark movement of something coming down into the field very close to us, just as he said he was certain that a new crop circle was-at that instant-forming. Neither of us heard or smelled anytthing unusual and we experienced no sign of exposure to unusual EM energies. I suspect that Robbert's eyesight is better than mine, or perhaps he is more attuned to the crop-circle-making energy than I, but for whatever reason he could see exactly where the new circle was being created. And it was no more than 30 ft. in front of us.
Nancy (w/BOLs) standing in one of the 4 small ancillary circles of a "Celtic Cross"
crop formation, immediately after it had formed.
Photo: Robbert v/d Broeke
As Robbert watched the black spiral descend into the ground he experienced a feeling as if "something open[ed] around his heart," and that we were suddenly in the presence of a "higher consciousness," something perhaps "telepathic" and "very sweet and gentle." As we walked down a short earthen ramp into the field I could clearly feel the first small circle when I got to it, because the grass was flatter there and also because I got a tingling feeling in my feet.
Diagram of new formation. Center circle measured 6m in diameter, the 4 smaller
circles 1-1/2m diam. each. Grass was flattened counter-clockwise in all.
Diagram: " Tommy Borms
New "Celtic Cross" formation as it appeared early in the morning of Oct. 20th.
Photo: " Peter v/d Broeke
Close-up of one of the four 1-1/2m diam. smaller circles.
Photo: " Peter v/d Broeke
The next afternoon (Oct. 20th) I drove back to the field to take a few more photos and was surprised to see a man and a woman in the field near the new crop circle. We had told no one about the new formation (other than Robbert's parents). As it turns out the woman, a lovely lady from Belgium who is known locally to be sensitive to spiritual matters, had awakened in the middle of the previous night knowing that a crop circle was occurring at that moment-near Robbert, in Hoeven.
Her feeling was so strorng that she and a companion had driven in the middle of the night directly to Hoeven, arriving just after dawn and somehow finding Robbert's house. Mr. v/d Broeke had just come back from photographing and measuring the new formation and, impressed with this woman's sweetness, confirmed for her that there was, in fact, a new crop circle and telling her the location.
Woman who somehow "knew" crop circle was forming in Hoeven the night of
Oct. 19-20th & drove from Belgium to see it. Photo: " Nancy Talbott
Over the next several days and nights Robbert and I returned to these fields many times. We obtained dozens of photo anomalies, on both our digital cameras and my film camera (and when it was raining and when it was dry). The last night of my stay in Hoeven (October 23rd) two large orangey-colored BOLs appeared to follow us out of the crop circle field and up to our car.
A bright streak & 2 large BOLs appear on this photo.
Photo: " N. Talbott & R v/d Broeke
Orange BOLs appear to be following us out of the field as we walk to
our car. Photo: " Nancy Talbott
Orange & purple BOLs outside driver's-side window of car, as NT starts
engine to go home. Photo: " Nancy Talbott
Robbert and I both perceived this crop circle occurrence as very different in "tone" from the one we had watched appear in 2001. The energy involved this time felt gentle and soft (we both used the term "sweet")-and much more subtle than the incredible force we felt attended the 2001 tubes of light. And both of us had the impression that his event was more in keeping with what we would "expect" to be related to the crop circle phenomenon, as we comprehend it generally.
Robbert has, over the years, seen many crop circles form. I have now experienced two of them forming. It is interesting to me to note that the attendant visible light phenomena (or lack thereof, as in this case) varies widely from instance to instance. Sometimes there are visible light-balls involved, and sometimes these are small, other times large; they can be white, or yellow or in one case pink-purple in color. Some of these light balls are clearly spheres (3-dimensional) and some of them have changed shape as the crop circle occurs. Some of them have hovered and some have been surrounded with a "halo," and in the daytime they have appeared to affect the air around them by producing the same "mirage" effect often associated with desert images. And sometimes only flashes of light have been seen and, on a few occasions, brilliant tubes of light shooting down from the sky.
Does this mean different causative agencies are involved? Is there more than one crop-circle-making energy??? Could there be many??? Or are the visible light effects simply different, perhaps depending upon time of day/night, geographic/geological location, local weather conditions or some other factor(s)?
Other questions which intrigue me involve the intuitions we (and other eyewitnesses around the world) report in these situations regarding the perceived quality or tone of the "energy" associated with each event. And, how did the Belgian woman know that a crop circle was occurring miles away from her home exactly when it, in fact, was?
And, increasingly-not just because of my knowledge of Robbert's case--I have to consider the likelihood that many situations (if not all) currently designated as "anomalous" or as "paranormal" phenomena are related. Anomalous many of these events surely are. But I hope to be able to present reports in 2007 which more clearly delineate the inter-connectedness of many such situations, as well as pointing out the fact that a new paradigm, a fresh concept of "reality" is needed.rather than labels (such as "paranormal") which suggest that no progress can ever be made in our knowledge and/or understanding of such events.
To some extent all of these strange situations manifest physical properties which can be studied and, I am certain, better understood eventually by our scientists. And, if there is an aspect to these events which is non-physical, rigorous work on the physical nature of these events will without doubt clarify this, too.
For a more detailed account and more photos, see, "Updates" section.
© 2006, BLT Research Team Inc.
All rights reserved.
Photos/illustrations cannot be reproduced
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from the photographer or illustrator.



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