Hate Crimes And
The Zionist Media

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By Ted Lang

Referring once again to Dick Eastman's excellent exposé relating to Zionism's war on one of America's greatest military leaders of World War II, General George S. Patton, Eastman in his piece cited in my previous column makes this point concerning the dangerous and powerful Zionist propaganda machine: "Then, in a press conference on September 22, reporters hatched a scheme to needle Patton into losing his temper and making statements which could be used against him. The scheme worked.  The press interpreted one of Patton's answers to their insistent questions as to why he was not pressing the Nazi-hunt hard enough as: 'The Nazi thing is just like a Democrat-Republican fight.'  The New York Times headlined this quote, and other papers all across America picked it up.'" I guess this explains why the Zionist Times is identified as "the newspaper of record."
And please let US all remember that the ongoing war on the Iraqi people was at the top of our "must do" agenda as dictated by Israel and its lobby, AIPAC. As the Reverend Ted Pike has pointed out, "the American press speaks with a Jewish voice." And nowhere can this Jewish voice be clearer and louder than in The New York Times.
The interests of Zionism are once again being best served immediately after a costly and deadly war fought by America on Zionism's behalf. Whether it was the land and property grabs after the American "Civil War" as recorded by General Ulysses S. Grant, or the rape of Germany and the loss of wealth and property in that hapless nation after World War I and the Zionist-engineered Versailles Treaty, or the displacement of one million German civilians from their homes which were then turned over to Jewish displaced families from Poland.
Here's Eastman again: "But Patton continued to do what he thought was right, whenever he could. With great reluctance, and only after repeated promptings from Eisenhower, he had thrown German families out of their homes to make room for more than a million Jewish DPs {displaced persons] -- part of the famous 'six million' who had supposedly been gassed -- but he balked when ordered to begin blowing up German factories, in accord with the infamous Morgenthau Plan to destroy Germany's economic basis forever. In his diary he wrote: 'I doubted the expediency of blowing up factories, because the ends for which the factories are being blown up -- that is, preventing Germany from preparing for war -- can be equally well attained through the destruction of their machinery, while the buildings can be used to house thousands of homeless persons.'" Once again, the superior thinking of one of our great military leaders demonstrates wisdom, while the astonishing stupidity of our civilian leaders enslaved by "American" Zionists and Zionist-oriented politicians was manipulated horrifically against US.
Displacing unarmed and non-combatant civilians from their homes? And in a nation ravished and impoverished once-again by American involvement and American-made weapons? What "program" has this methodology of property seizure and this unjust and illegal confiscation of homes from their legitimate owners preceded? Where has such a methodical and cold-hearted removal of legitimate property owners from their holdings been duplicated wherein peaceful civilians were, and still are, continually removed from home and hearth? 
Where has such anti-civilian terrorism been employed, using again the might and military power backing of the so-called just and freedom-loving United States of America? Weren't these atrocities perpetrated in 1945 in Germany repeated once again in 1948 in Palestine by Israel? Didn't the statist Zionists maneuver US and Great Britain to allow the forceful removal and displacement of Palestinians from their rightful homes and farms? Isn't this the ultimate in communist-style terrorism?
And wasn't it the Zionist New York Times and "reporter" Judith Miller that provided agitprop for the criminal Bush-Cheney regime to illegally, unjustly and unconstitutionally invade Iraq for no reason or advantage in order to "legitimize" the US invasion merely because the Zionist network and its agenda called for it? Wasn't it AIPAC that directed, and continues to direct, our government in these self-destructive military adventures which only serve the interests of Israel and Zionism? And isn't it AIPAC that even now is clamoring for US to nuke Iran? The Kingston Trio had it right way back in the early 60s: "When will [we] ever learn?"
We had no interests in World War I - Zionists started the war, and then Zionist profited greatly from it. We had no interests in World War II - Zionists wanted it and profited greatly again. And now we have no interests in either Iraq or Iran - but Zionists want it, and as usual, they'll get what they want. They have an extremely powerful and wealthy network, and the "American corporate establishment mainstream media" is its key propaganda weapon. The print and TV/radio media shapes Americans' poorly informed and dumbed-down public opinion, and are also part of the vast and well-organized Zionist network.
But nothing in America even comes close to approximating the vast and astonishing influence of AIPAC, the Israeli lobby. I believe all four front runners in the 2008 presidential campaign have been required to appear before the Zionist Elders and peers of AIPAC to pledge their allegiance and loyalty to both it and Israel. As a life-long Republican, my wife and I decided to throw our support to Democrat Barack Obama based largely upon the fact that it seemed that he wasn't too heavily entangled with the Democrat-GOP political machine so subservient to Israel and therefore so totally loyal to and protective of the criminal Bush-Cheney regime.
The criminal Bush-Cheney regime isn't just the worst administration America has ever had; it is actually the LAST administration America has had since this criminal regime has completely negated and abolished America's existence. We are now the world's most dangerous, fascist police state, a criminal regime the likes of which the world has never seen. And America, once the greatest constitutionally limited republic in the world, is now a fascist war-mongering and totally out-of-control rogue state with the most powerful military in the world. It dwarfs both the criminal regimes of Stalin and Hitler. It serves the totally one-sided and selfish anti-human and destructive motives of Zionism to a tee!
All throughout history, whether it is the Zionist involvement in America's affairs dating back to the Hessian mercenaries marching against US in the American Revolution, or the attempted extortion by the Zionist New York City bankers tied to Rothschild during our "Civil War," or the Zionist trickery to involve US in both prior World Wars, the anti-humanist war lovers and warmongers of AIPAC and Israel are trying once again to foment and ignite yet another World War. Whose homes and private property and olive orchards will now be confiscated or simply destroyed to foster poverty among non-Jews? Who will be the subject of post World War III Zionist terrorism? If we piss off enough of the world's population, maybe it will be our homes that will be confiscated!
Zionism is despicable! Its political incursions always target the innocent and the defenseless for the unjust communist agenda of private property confiscation. Zionism's despicable banking and usurious practices, along with its corporate profiteering from endless war making, do not in any way shape or form serve the human race. Its agenda is both anti-human and anti-Christian. And the total fruits of its horrors can easily be itemized by the worst forms of inhumanity ever on record in all the annals of human history. The proof is the horror of the former Soviet Union. The communist regimes of the U.S.S.R. were far more brutal and far more horrible than the regime of Hitler. Far more innocents were butchered and murdered by communism than any other political plague. But don't tell that to Zionist Hollywood!
It is therefore understandable that "our" Zionist media will do anything necessary to protect the criminal regime of Bush-Cheney. The Plame outing is a case-in-point. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how anyone that stands in the way of "compassionate conservative" G. Bush will be outed and trashed by the Zionist media. And it's also now easy to see the motives of Miller and the Zionist Times lending themselves to the Bush lies, fraud and propaganda to send US to Iraq to declare war on the innocent populace there and to murder Saddam.
And it is also easy to see how the Zionist media covered up the Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty. And where's the story on the five Mossad agents who were captured on September 11, 2001, on New Jersey's Route 3, and who had traces of explosives in their van? Did AIPAC order that cover-up, or was it Ariel Sharon? And when the five explosives experts were released by Zionist Michael Chertoff and quietly returned to Israel, when and where was this covered by "our" mass media?
And considering the atrocities forced upon Mankind in the form of Stalin's former Soviet Union, who was covering up the mass starvation murders of approximately 8 million Ukrainians in 1932 if not Walter Duranty and the despicable Zionist New York Times? All throughout history, Zionists have discriminated against all, INCLUDING Jews! All throughout history, Zionist have persecuted others. But who whines and screams the loudest that it is THEY who are being persecuted? And once again, our do-nothing elected "representatives" in Congress are seeking to protect the world's greatest criminals, and discriminators, and persecutors by enacting ADL [American Defamation League] "HATE CRIMES" legislation to provide them legal cover so they can eventually kill more innocent people.
Zionists will offer that the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" are just a myth, and anyone who believes in this myth is obviously anti-Semitic, and therefore needs to be reined in with "HATE CRIMES" legislation. Yet, let US again review the "Elders'" Twelfth Protocol: "We shall saddle [the press] and keep tight reign upon it.  We shall do the same also with other printed matter, for of what use is it to rid ourselves of attacks in the Press, if we remain exposed to criticism through pamphlets and books? [Why do they fear "attacks?"] Not one announcement will reach the people save under our supervision.  We have attained this at the present time to the extent that all news is received through several agencies in which it is centralized from all parts of the world. Literature and journalism are two most important educational forces, and consequently our government will become the owner of most of the journals. If we permit ten private journals, we shall organize thirty of our own, and so on.  This must not be suspected by the public, for which reason all the journals published by us will be externally of the most contrary opinions and tendencies thus evoking confidence in them and attracting our unsuspecting opponents, who thus will be caught in our trap and rendered harmless."
Oh, did I mention the name of one particular Elder of Zion and identify him for you? Does the name Adolph Ochs ring a bell? He was a wealthy Jewish publisher who eventually took ownership of [the envelope please!] The New York Times! Succeeding owners are of course Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. and Sr.!
The most damaging piece of paper to ever threaten the AIPAC-Israel-serving criminal Bush-Cheney regime was, of course, the Downing Street Memo. It serves as written, documented proof, and was created with the strict warning that it was FOUO [For Official Use Only] and extremely sensitive. It was never supposed to have been leaked, but because of the political turmoil surrounding British Prime Minister Tony Blair's re-election, this super-sensitive document was deliberately leaked out to damage Blair and was communicated internationally to every press entity in the world. All international media covered the event save one: the Elder's New York Times. Since I commented on that despicable New York Times non-event when the recorded and "official" US death toll from our war for Israel in Iraq stood at 1,700, the "official" death toll now is 3,216.  The New York Times, by suppressing the Downing Street Memo, is directly responsible for actively and deliberately contributing to the deaths of at least 1,516 of our military. The families of those lost service personnel should sue the lousy Zionist Times!
And even as I write this, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts' commentary on V-Dare of March 18th entitled, "Domestic Spying Revelations Make Impeachment Imperative," addresses what I judge to be the criminal media cover-ups enabling and protecting the Bush-Cheney criminal regime: "The incriminating documents were leaked to the National Journal, the only remaining national publication that has any credibility.  The New York Times and Washington Post have proven to be supine tools of the Bush administration and are no longer trusted."
Roberts continues: "When the Bush administration's violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was leaked to the New York Times, the paper's editors obliged Bush by spiking the story for one year, while Bush illegally collected information that he could use to blackmail his critics into silence." Blackmailing targeted individuals is an old Zionist trick, employed to force President Woodrow Wilson to appoint Zionist Brandeis to the Supreme Court, and to support the Income Tax and Federal Reserve "laws" in 1913, and to also put 4,000,000 Americans in uniform to fight Zionism's World War I.
When Congressman John Conyers tried to stand up to the Bush-Cheney crime machine, members of the then-GOP/fascist House majority banished his inquiry to the House basement. When he started to focus on the importance of the Downing Street Memo, the Zionist Washington Post smeared Conyers as being motivated by anti-Semitism. According to the World Socialist Web Site, in an article entitled, "The Washington Post and the Downing Street Memo," and dated June 22, 2005, writers Joseph Kay and Barry Grey write, "The enormous publicity given the memo in Britain stood in the sharpest contrast to the virtual silence it evoked in the American media -- a silence for which there is no innocent explanation. The 'mainstream' media made a calculated political decision to bury the memo and keep the American people in the dark." The explanation is, of course, that "our" mass media doesn't belong to US -- it belongs to AIPAC and Israel!
Kay and Grey continue: "It would seem that a senior congressman holding a hearing on such a document -- more than two years after the US invasion, with US troop deaths topping 1,700, tens of thousands of Iraqis killed, some $200 billion already expended on the war and occupation, and the primary pretext for the war, Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, exposed as a fiction -- would be considered the minimum, if long-delayed, response in a democracy. All the more so under conditions where a raft of opinion polls show that a large majority of the US population is now opposed to the war."
Dedicated to protecting the criminal Bush regime, which has treasonously sacrificed America and Americans for AIPAC and Israel, the Zionist traitors at the Washington Post, rather than report the news of Downing, decided instead to make it non-news and use it instead to torpedo Conyers' sincere efforts to put America back on track.
Here are Kay and Grey once again: "To underline its attitude to both the hearing and the Downing Street memo itself, the Post published its account in its June 17 'Washington Sketch' column -- a feature usually devoted to lighthearted commentary on the peccadilloes and curiosities of political life in the nation's capital. Written by veteran Post journalist Dana Milbank, the column was headlined 'Democrats Play House to Rally Against the War.'
The derisive headline captured the flavor of the text. Conyers and a number of other House Democrats, Milbank wrote, 'took a trip to the land of make-believe.' The 'dress-up game looked realistic enough,' he continued, for 'two dozen more Democrats to come downstairs and play along.' The 'hearty band of playmates' indulged themselves, according to Milbank, in a 'fantasy.'
Milbank found it particularly uproarious that Conyers was forced to hold the hearing in a small room in the basement of the Capitol, and that he lacked the power to issue subpoenas: '...subpoena power and other perks of a real committee are but a fantasy unless Democrats can regain the majority in the House,' he chortled.
As Conyers subsequently pointed out in a letter to the Post, 'Despite the fact that a number of other suitable rooms were available in the Capitol and House office buildings, Republicans declined my request for each and every one of them.' Conyers added that the Republican leadership in Congress took other measures to derail the hearing, including the scheduling of 'an almost unprecedented number of 11 consecutive floor votes, making it next to impossible for most Members to participate in the first hour and one half of the hearing.'"
Permit my digression for a moment. Is this the same "liberal" and "leftist" media Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly are always complaining about? How is it then that the Washington Post's posture on this critical issue proving the fallaciousness of Bush's reasons for invading Iraq are completely and 100 percent in agreement with that of the FoxNoise channel? Isn't it now obvious that America's mass media is neither right nor left, but only totally Zionist?
Then Kay and Grey expose the Zionist "hit" button: "Milbank attempted to further discredit the hearing by associating it with anti-Semitism. He cited the testimony of one witness, Ray McGovern, a former intelligence analyst, who, in Milbank's words, 'declared that the United States went to war in Iraq for oil, Israel and military bases craved by administration 'neocons' so 'the United States and Israel could dominate that part of the world.' Whatever McGovern's political agenda might be, there are no grounds, simply on the basis of this summation of Washington's real war aims, to brand him an anti-Semite. Milbank then employed the tactic of the political amalgam to bolster his 'anti-Semitic' smear, citing flyers suggesting Israeli involvement in 9/11 that were handed out to people gathered at Democratic headquarters to watch the Conyers hearing on CSPAN."
Question: Why would Congressman John Conyers, a Congressman merely trying to do his duty by upholding the Constitution for the American people, be smeared as an "anti-Semite?" And why would fellow black Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee introduce "HATE CRIMES" legislation to help Zionist traitors silence just criticism of their treasonous activities? And as we note that Conyers and Lee are still in Congress due to their toeing the line for AIPAC and Israel for the most part, what of former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney who continues to resist the Bush-Cheney-AIPAC crime machine?
In her commentary on Information Clearing House of March 15th and carried also on entitled "We Must Resist," McKinney offers: "I have long said that the black body politic is comatose: unable to sustain itself after the massive infusion of COINTELPRO-type 'clean Negroes' who don't truly provide representation for a body of people in need. Unfortunately, now, the entire American body politic is in dire straits, too. The black body politic is comatose. I have also said that the prescription for the black body politic is radical surgery. So, too, now, I believe, is the case with the American body politic. The extreme corruption of our political system by the greedy, unseen hand that comfortably operates in the backrooms of power is turning our heroes into caricatures of themselves."
Never before has America been in such dire need. Those of our representatives that display the courage needed to unite and fight the current dragon of fascist enslavement will take their place among America's Founders. For although today's potential legislative leaders may not qualify as initiators and creators, they will prove their heroism and patriotism by fixing that which is now so horribly broken.
© THEODORE E. LANG 3/19/07 All rights reserved  
Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.



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