- The conventional healthcare system in the US, rated 72nd
in quality but first in cost by the World Health Organization, (WHO) and
declared in the authoritative study "Death by Medicine" to be
the number one killer of Americans is finally beginning to suffer the consequences
of its policies.
- Americans are challenging, not just the concept of "five
minute medicine," but the absurdity of the "drugs, drugs, and
more drugs," approach to dealing with health issues.
- Everywhere in the land, the health care system is being
challenged. State legislatures, like California and others, are so fed
up with the greedy-maw-with-trash-offering of organized health-care, that
many are considering forcing health care into State-run systems, in an
attempt to force some honesty and integrity into the morass. Consumer
groups across America are railing over health issues, loudly, proclaiming
their anger at vaccinations infested with pollutants and toxins, deadly
radioactive fluoride in their water, testing of their children in schools
to justify forced drugging, and more.
- There is a major revolution brewing in the US, and the
pot is at boil. There is no question America is angry - and well it should
be, for the rip-off has been of major proportion, and its time to point
fingers and issue arrest warrants.
- One of the more despicable facets of the conventional
health care system is the New York ad agency run "quackbuster"
scheme, designed to vilify America's emerging health care leaders - those
offering new paradigms. For years the New York ad agency's "black-ops"
division, whose obvious front-man de-licensed MD Stephen Barrett, operating
out of his Allentown, Pennsylvania basement, railed against "alternative
medicine," or anything competing for health dollars against the "drugs,
drugs, and more drugs" offering.
- Chiropractors on the March...
- One of those groups who've had enough of Barrett and
company is the age-old Chiropractic Profession. It looks to me, that finally,
the Chiros are picking up the sword, sharpening it to a razor's edge and
heading for Allentown, Pennsylvania where they'll drag stinky old Barrett
out of his basement "quackwatch" lair, haul him into the daylight
of the LeHigh County Court of Common Pleas, and flay and fillet him (so
to speak), in front of a jury of his hometown peers. <http://www.bolenreport.net/feature_articles/feature_article044.htm>MORE
- Washington State Supreme Court SMASHES Quackbuster "Plan
of '96"...
- Wednesday, December 20th, 2006 - The Washington State
Supreme Court, in its wisdom, a few days ago (December 14th, 2006), literally,
for all time, smashed the New York ad agency run "quackbuster"
operation's effort to use individual State Administrative hearings to destroy
innovation in health care in favor of the "drugs, drugs, and more
drugs" medical monopoly. The sleazy http://www.quackpotwatch.org/WisconsinWar/planof96.htm
- "Plan of '96" has been thwarted.
- Cutting-edge health professionals around the US can breathe
a sigh of relief, for the method of attack derived from the filth-encrusted
"Plan of '96" has been declared to be unacceptable by the High
Court. And, State Supreme Court decisions carry weight in every area of
the US. http://www.bolenreport.net/feature_articles/feature_article043.htm
- California Legislature Votes to Kill the Health Insurance
- Sunday, November 26th, 2006 - There is a war on in the
United States over health care. On one side is the "status quo"
represented by the medical monopoly, the pharmaceutical industry, the health
insurance carriers, and an entrenched bureauracracy wholly beholden to,
and run by, the people they are supposed to regulate.
- The US system, according to the World Health Organization,
is rated 72nd in quality, but number one in cost, worldwide. The "Death
by Medicine" study shows that the system itself is the number one
killer of Americans. The number two and three killers of Americans are
heart disease and cancer, diseases which those of us outside of the "status
quo" know are curable, and preventable - but those cures and preventive
treatments are being suppressed by agents of the "status quo."
- On the other side is a beleaguered America simply trying
to find ways to survive.
- (1) The medical monopoly is so evil, in itself, that
medicine is no longer an honorable profession. For it isn't about helping
people - it's about gouging money out of an unsuspecting public. For instance:
there are five million legitimate health professionals working in the
United States, three million of which are licensed by individual States,
and two million of which are unlicensed. But only seven hundred thousand
(14%) of those can bill health insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare for their
- Why is that? Because the American Medical Association
(AMA) has a contract with the US Department of Health & Human Services
(DHHS) to write billing codes (about 6,500 CPT Codes) for ALL health professionals
- but will not invent codes for anyone but those seven hundred thousand
medical doctors (the number one killer of Americans). This, of course,
means that all four million three hundred thousand other health professionals
in the US, in order to get paid, must bill THROUGH an MD using "their"
codes - so that the MD gets a cut of the money (and increases the costs).
There are only two exceptions - out of the approximately 6,500 CPT Codes
available, there are four codes for Chiropractors to use, and one for Acupuncturists.
- Quackbusters CRUSHED by California Supreme Court...
- Friday, November 24th, 2006 - I don't know how the "quackbusters"
can even come out in public any more. Their constant humiliation
in the US Court system has got to be incredibly embarrassing. I don't
know how they can withstand the solid stream of laughter from the general
- It's not just the losses in Court (and they are legion),
it's how badly they lose, and the criticism they draw on themselves by
the participants in the Court system. They just don't seem to learn.
- Yesterday, November 20th, 2006, the California Supreme
Court voted unanimously (all seven Justices) to slap down the latest "quackbuster"
attempt to use, and abuse, the US Court system to silence their critics.
The case, originally known as Barrett v. Clark, then for the appeals process
renamed Barrett v. Rosenthal, began over five years ago when three individuals
decided to sue "a room full of people."
- In the end, the GOOD GUYS, that's us, had drawn the support
of some of the largest players on the internet, and more.
- Quackbusters CRUSHED by California Supreme Court...
- Opinion by Consumer Advocate
- http://www.quackpotwatch.org/opinionpieces/tim%20bolen.htm
- Tim Bolen
- November 23rd, 2006
- II don't know how the http://www.quackpotwatch.org/WisconsinWar/who_are_these_so.htm
- "quackbusters" can even come out in public
any more. Their constant humiliation in the US Court system has got to
be incredibly embarrassing. I don't know how they can withstand the solid
stream of laughter from the general public.
- It's not just the losses in Court (and they are legion),
it's how badly they lose, and the criticism they draw on themselves by
the participants in the Court system. They just don't seem to learn.
- Yesterday, November 20th, 2006, the California Supreme
Court voted unanimously (all seven Justices) to slap down the latest http://www.quackpotwatch.org/WisconsinWar/who_are_these_so.htm
- "quackbuster" attempt to use, and abuse,
the US Court system to silence their critics. The case, originally known
as Barrett v. Clark, then for the appeals process renamed Barrett v. Rosenthal,
began over five years ago when three individuals decided to sue "a
room full of people."
- In the end, the GOOD GUYS, that's us, had drawn the support
of some of the largest players on the internet, and more.
- "Friend of the Court" Briefs, arguing in our
favor, were provided by Amazon, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, EBay,
the ACLU of Northern California, AOL, Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, ABC, Ask
Jeeves, the Cable News Network, Compuserve, Earthlink, ESPN, Netscape,
SBC Internet, Time Warner, Washington Post, Association for Competitive
Technology, California Newspaper Publishers Association, Information Technology
of America Association, Internet Commerce Coalition, National Cable and
Telecommunications Association, Netchoice, NetCoalition, Newspaper Association
of America, Online News Association, Online Publishers Association, Technet,
and the United State Internet Service Providers Association.
- The case became a rallying point for American free speech
and an opportunity to teach a lesson to those that would try, through intimidation,
to stop Americans from exercising their free speech rights .
- The original poorly written case (Barrett v. Clark),
almost forgotten, claimed that (get ready to laugh) world-renowned scientist
and author, Hulda Regehr Clark PhD hired Consumer Advocate and Crisis Management
Consultant Tim Bolen (that's me!) to defame them. More, they claimed that
several other people allegedly "conspired" to defame them, including
Ilena Rosenthal, the head of the Humantics Foundation.
- Those three individuals were de-licensed MD Stephen Barrett
of "quackwatch.com" infamy, Oakland attorney Christopher Grell
(the guy who was just humiliated by the California Supreme Court), and
Terry Polevoy, Canada's low-rent version of Stephen Barrett.
- The original case was a hoot to start with. The threesome
filed the case in attorney Grell's home town, Oakland, California, and
before the Court Stamp ink was dry, the case was on Stephen Barrett's sleazy
website "quackwatch.com" bolstered with Barrett's asinine commentary..
No efforts, however, were made to "serve" anyone. The whole
thing was viewed as an obvious attempt to "shut people up," an
intimidation technique designed to stop Health Freedom Activists from publicly
criticizing the
- http://www.quackpotwatch.org/WisconsinWar/
- who_are_these_so.htm
- "quackbuster" operation.
- My memory is a little foggy about the details, as it's
been over five years, but as I recall, the Judge in the case had to order
the threesome to finally "serve" me. After eighteen months they
had made no effort to properly deliver the court paper to my legal address,
and had gone to the Judge requesting that they be allowed to "publish"
the lawsuit against me in my home town newspaper claiming that that act
was necessary because "Tim Bolen is hiding."
- However, my attorney, the famous Carlos F. Negrete, pointed
out the Judge that "if they know what his hometown newspaper is, then
they know where his legal address is." The Judge ordered them
to serve me at my legal address - or else.
- But Barrett, et al, didn't count on California's anti-SLAPP
law, legislation designed to protect Californians from just this kind of
"shut up or I'll sue you" kind of lawsuits. "SLAPP"
is short for Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation. In layman's
language that means that, in California, if you sue someone for voicing
their thoughts about a public issue and get caught - you lose - and pay
the Defendants attorney fees.
- And that's what happened to Barrett, Grell, and Polevoy
in this case - they got caught trying to "shut up" Ilena Rosenthal,
and now they owe her all of her attorney fees from the case, the Appeal,
and the California Supreme Court. You can read the details of the Court's
decision by clicking http://appellatecases.courtinfo.ca.gov/search/case/disposition.cf
- m?dist=0&doc_id=312161&doc_no=S122953 here.
- And, I'd bet that right about now Ilena Rosenthal and
her attorney Mark Goldowitz, are preparing the paperwork to go after those
fees (I'm estimating at about $200,000 US) with Gusto.
- Stay tuned...
- Tim Bolen - Consumer Advocate
- http://www.bolenreport.net