Wanta $4.5 Trillion Still
Not Turned Over
By Bush Admin
By Greg Szymanski

According to Michael C. Cottrell, treasurer of Wanta's financial group, money being misued by Bush as $55 million of off-shore money recently sent to North Korea.
Michael C. Cottrell, treasurer for the Wanta financial group set to repatriate $4.5 trillion into the U.S. economy, said he received documented inside information the Bush administration sent North Korea $55 million the day after it set off a nuclear testing device.
Cottrell's announcement Thursday came as a shock to the world since it previously was thought the U.S. was strongly opposed to North Korea's actions, publicly denouncing the nuclear testing and indicating strong financial sanctions should be imposed.
However, the transfer of money to North Korea, taken from the offshore and off-the books account earmarked for Ambassador Leo Wanta and the American people, shows the real behind the scenes intentions of the Bush administration.
Although publicly the Bush administration castigates North Korean officials for their actions, behind the scenes the $55 million pay off is proof positive the Bush administration is working hand-in-glove with countries like North Korea to promote war not stop it.
"It looks kind of strange, doesn't it," said Cottrell Thursday while appearing as a guest on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal at and
"We have it from credible sources that $55 million was transferred from the offshore money to North Korea the day after the nuclear testing took place."
Although Cottrell would not speculate on the Bush administration motives while having solid evidence the money was released, other researchers close to the North Korean scene said the $55 million amounts to nothing more than "a pay-off for a job well done."
Cottrell's announcement also provided more evidence the Bush administration was involved in treasonous and duplicitous actions, demonstrating the interests of the American people, as well as its security and stability, were not really Bush's first priority.
"Who are the real controllers and who Bush owes his first allegiance we are not sure, but one thing we are sure of it is not the American people," added Cottrell, who appeared on the show to talk about how the Bush administration has again failed to release the Wanta $4.5 trillion as previously agreed upon.
Concerning the $4.5 trillion earmarked for the American people now sitting in a New York Citibank account, Cottrell said the Bush administration failed to release the money again on Wednesday, causing him to go public with further allegations of that the U.S. officials are violating the rule of law and misusing the Wanta money while not honoring it's financial commitment to Wanta.
"One thing for sure, the money will be eventually released and we have word from the Chinese that if Bush doesn't live up to his agreement with Wanta, then the Chinese are going to pay us," said Cottrell, adding $1.6 trillion in taxes will be paid to the U.S. Treasury and $270 billion in taxes to the state of Virginia.
Cottrell said the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Board was having "a hard time swallowing" the big chunk of cash because it appears their goal is bring America to its financial knees by extending the official U.S. debt bubble to $10 trillion instead of trying to revitalize the economy.
"We've had to make a deal once the money is released to pay the taxes off in $20 billion dollar chunks," added Cottrell who couldn't give a firm date on when he expected to see the $4.5 trillion but hinted something big was going to happen within the next two weeks.
Asked what was the real importance of the Wanta story, he said it clearly showed how the Bush administration has violated the rule of law by not honoring its financial commitments, demonstrating the administration was more concerned with lining the pockets of global banksters and "privateers" with trillions of dollars instead of doing the right thing by enforcing offshore tax payments and stabilizing the American economy.
Cottrell added that since President Reagan passed Executive Order 12333, the last three presidential administrations have illegally used offshore money for their own nefarious purposes without paying U.S. taxes to the tune of more than $100 trillion dollars.
He also said the thievery continues on a large scale, including the illegal use of the $4.5 trillion earmarked for Wanta.
"Instead of the U.S. officials honoring the Wanta agreement and the rule of law entered into last May, we have caught them using the money illegally and filling financial holes to cover their tracks," said Cottrell.
As background, Wanta has been at odds with the powers that be ever since he was declared legal trustor of more than $27.5 trillion accumulated as a result of his financial efforts on behalf of President Ronald Reagan to destabilize the Russian currency at the end of the Cold War.
Furthermore, Wanta was jailed for the better part of a decade for trying to return trillions to the American people, as Reagan had dictated, but later was backstabbed by the following three presidential administrations who instead wanted to illegally pocket the money for their own personal use, according to Wanta.
Previously, Wanta came forward with these allegations, presenting documentation of more $745 billion in misdirected and stolen money, attributing the thievery to those occupying the White House after Reagan left office.
Upon his release about a year and a half ago from a Wisconsin state prison, Wanta set out on a financial quest to repatriate the money according to Reagan's directives, in May entering into a negotiated settlement with the powers that be to return $4.5 trillion for the benefit of the U.S. economy.
However, the money has been blocked by the Bush administration since May and according to Wanta first being held up in a Virginia Bank of America account and now being held illegally in a New York Citibank account.
Besides the $4.5 trillion supposedly earmarked for the American people with $1.6 trillion to be paid in federal taxes, Wanta's shocking testimony opens the door to the devious way the last three presidential administrations have been bilking the American people out of trillions of dollars, using the "off the books offshore" money for covert purposes, including funding to the New World/Illuminati's quest to destroy America socially, economically and politically.
Other strange events surrounding the "trillion dollar deal" is that the Bush administration has reportedly put incredibly tight restrictions on the release of the money, recently saying they will release the funds only when "we are God Damn ready."
 Recently, The International Currency Review of England, one of the few outlets covering the Wanta story, issued a news release about the status of the $4.5 trillion, including numerous violations of law by U.S authorities as well as a list of banks affiliated with the Wanta money.
Here are pertinent parts of the Currency Review's release:
For the past month or so, Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta ­ the Principal and Trustor of the original $27.5+ trillion (now, with accruals, worth in excess of $70 trillion) raised from 200+ international banks in accordance with President Reagan's instructions to finance the 'post-Cold War' security regime ­ has refrained from public statements concerning the US authorities' defaults on their formal Settlement undertakings, which provided for $4.5 trillion to be made available for the use of the Ambassador and his Virginia-based corporation for taxable US project operations.
His relative silence, with which the Editor of International Currency Review has voluntarily complied ­ in deference to, and respect for, a specific request from the US Treasury ­ has, predictably, been abused by the authorities, who have yet again defaulted on the Settlement.
The Editor warned at the time that the US Treasury could not be trusted to honour its obligations, let alone any lesser verbal assurances, and this has indeed again proved to be the case.
Specifically, in response to the blandishments of untrustworthy US Treasury officials, Ambassador Wanta accommodated them on the basis of their worthless assurances that everything was being done to expedite the Settlement. Naturally, these repeated assurances turned out, as usual, to be as worthless as US official paper.
As of 26th October, more than $4.275 trillion of US Treasury securities and Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) were reported to be in default in several European financial centres, including London. Whatever band-aid arrangements have been made to mask these massive defaults  ­ believed to include round-robin trades out of Birmingham [UK], Germany and India, crudely disguised with the assistance of a large Japanese institution, and back again to the United Kingdom   ­ legal action is known to have been taken in the US court system against the Federal Reserve in respect of certain of these defaulted transactions. The 'Full Faith and Credit of the United States' means that when US official securities are redeemed, the United States will provide cash against the redeemed paper. This pledge can no longer be relied upon.
So the situation 'as we speak' can be summarized as follows:
** The 'Full Faith and Credit of the United States' is meaningless in an even deeper sense than was discussed in our Internet postings earlier this year ­ in which we pointed out with emphasis that no verbal or formal undertakings by the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve could be trusted, since the criminal operatives in charge have repeatedly demonstrated by their cavalier behaviour to date that nothing they say or undertake to do, has any meaning. This includes legally binding obligations.
** Now, with these defaults on financial market transactions, the 'Full Faith and Credit of the United States' has been shown to be non-existent. When a US Treasury security or a Federal Reserve Note is presented to a bank at maturity for fulfillment, the bank must obtain cash dollars for credit to the holder's account, or in accordance with his instructions. But when the clients of the European money center banks in question came to demand value for their securities, the banks discovered that they were unable to supply cash as officially pledged by the US authorities.
As already noted, it is understood that round-robin patch-up arrangements may have been, or are being, undertaken to cover the failed redemptions and thus to buy further time. But in any worst-case scenario, the band-aids could come unstuck within days.
States will provide cash against the redeemed paper. This pledge can no longer be relied upon.
So the situation 'as we speak' can be summarised as follows:
** The 'Full Faith and Credit of the United States' is meaningless in an even deeper sense than was discussed in our Internet postings earlier this year ­ in which we pointed out with emphasis that no verbal or formal undertakings by the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve could be trusted, since the criminal operatives in charge have repeatedly demonstrated by their cavalier behaviour to date that nothing they say or undertake to do, has any meaning. This includes legally binding obligations.
** Now, with these defaults on financial market transactions, the 'Full Faith and Credit of the United States' has been shown to be non-existent. When a US Treasury security or a Federal Reserve Note is presented to a bank at maturity for fulfilment, the bank must obtain cash dollars for credit to the holder's account, or in accordance with his instructions. But when the clients of the European money center banks in question came to demand value for their securities, the banks discovered that they were unable to supply cash as officially pledged by the US authorities.
As already noted, it is understood that round-robin patch-up arrangements may have been, or are being, undertaken to cover the failed redemptions and thus to buy further time. But in any worst-case scenario, the band-aids could come unstuck within days.
The global institutions which must disgorge Ambassador Wanta's funds, or which have handled transactions for him and his Title 18, Section 6 USG corporations contracted to the US Government, or which have banking relationships with the Ambassador and his corporations, include, but are not necessarily confined to, the following organizations*:
AB Invest [Avenue Banque]
ABN-AMRO Bank N.V., Amsterdam,
Agape Holdings, Ltd, Barbados
Agricultural Bank of China
Algemene Spaar-en Lufrentenkas
Algemene Spaar-en Lufrentenkas/ASLK Bank
Altalanos Eriekforgalmi Bank Rt (AEB RT)
Amsouth Bank, N.A
Amur Commercial Bank, Moscow
Anglo Manx Bank Limited
Arab Jordan Investment Bank
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Limited, Melbourne
Bacob Savings Bank, Borgerhout, Belgium
Banca di Roma, Rome
Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
Banco Ambrosiano Veneto
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