Weekly Southern
African Report

From Jan Lamprecht
Southern Africa in Crisis
Click here to see the newsletter: Straight Talk From Africa
The only newsletter with research detailing CIA activities in Africa
[Cartoon] Precautions when hitchhiking...
28-Nov-2006: Click here to go to Trashmedia (Photo)...
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[Cartoon] USA: If I Did It...
28-Nov-2006: (Photo) ...
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S.Africa's SECRET War on Swaziland - Intelligence Officer writes...
28-Nov-2006: Hi Jan I was in Swaziland last week and agree with your observations. It is probably the least corrupt country in the southern African region, with little evidence of extreme poverty (very few sh...
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UK paper: Jacob Zuma denies he will be the next Robert Mugabe
28-Nov-2006: Jacob Zuma, South Africa's former deputy president and the man many predict will succeed Thabo Mbeki as president, has dismissed fears that he is a new Robert Mugabe in the making ó a populist who...
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[Humour] Actual Entries in a S.African Hospital register
28-Nov-2006: Actual entries in an Mpumalanga hospital (South Africa) register:- 1. The patient refused autopsy. 2. The patient has no previous history of suicides. 3. Patient has left white blood ce...
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English Translation of Swedish article about Killing Whites
28-Nov-2006: I am pleased to show you that the folks in Sweden translated their own article based on the story I originally put out here on AfricanCrisis. Take a look at the link below - its nice! I am delight...
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Does anyone know the words to Zuma's Machinegun song?
28-Nov-2006: A journalist overseas was contacting me asking me if I know what exactly Jacob Zuma is singing about? Firstly, I've never heard the full "song". He seems to me to always be singing the same one lin...
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Jan Lamprecht & Norman Reeves on Rense's show tomorrow - Listen Live!
28-Nov-2006: Folks, just a reminder that Norman Reeves, owner of Combat Security and I will be appearing on Jeff Rense's show tomorrow morning, S.African time - 7-8am. We will discuss various issues including the ...
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AfricanCrisis SMS Test Go!
28-Nov-2006: Folks, we are ready to test the AfricanCrisis SMS page. There will be two numbers. One for a R3 donation. And one for the R5 donation AND your message that you SMS goes on to the website... and should...
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A News posting problem... 2 days running...
28-Nov-2006: Folks, I have a news posting problem on the site. I made some changes, and it seems to be causing a problem with some news items going out by email but not appearing on the front page. Its a bug I onl...
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[Video] USA: Professor Kamau Kambon: Exterminate Whitey
28-Nov-2006: Sigh! If only we had black people like this in South Africa! I am sure that Jan Lamprecht would LOVE it if this black dude came to SA and convinced all black people to follow him and his beliefs!...
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S.Africa: Itís not fear that makes people support the DA
28-Nov-2006: Two articles in the Sunday Times of November 19 tarnish its reputation for excellent journalism. The first, by editor Mondli Makhanya, ìNo sense in embracing old racists while alienating ënormalí ...
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MultiCultural Failure: Immigration sparks white exodus from UK
28-Nov-2006: White Britons, alarmed at immigration, are fleeing the capital and even the country in record numbers in a ìwhite flightî that mirrors South Africaís exodus. And this week a controversial new b...
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S.Africa: Tony Leon - Official Opposition Leader: it's time to move on
28-Nov-2006: Democratic Alliance leader Tony Leon is leaving an organisation battling with its identity and which believes that unless it attracts more black voters, it will be become irrelevant. This is t...
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Maternity leave for SAís pregnant pupils
28-Nov-2006: The government is considering a set of drastic proposals to accommodate pregnant schoolgirls ó including compulsory maternity leave of six weeks. According to the Department of Education, the...
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S.Africa: More Naspers shares to blacks
28-Nov-2006: Surprise, surprise... the very same Multichoice I work for, where you, as a white person, have no chance in ever climbing the corporate ladder... Reverse racism at its best. They are not even asha...
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UK: Blacks want Tony Blair to apologise?
28-Nov-2006: Hi Jan The latest news from the UK is that the BLACKS here want Tony Blair to publicly apologies to the BLACKS for how they were made slaves in the 1800 hundreds Chris ...
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US Ambassador to S.Africa warns 2010 world cup soccer in danger
28-Nov-2006: Eric Bost, the new US ambassador to South Africa, weighed in on the 2010 security debate this week, warning that few would travel to South Africa for the Fifa World Cup if crime continued at curre...
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Opinion Poll Do you think Jackie Selebi should step down now?
28-Nov-2006: Do you think Jackie Selebi should step down now? Yes 81.55 % No 18.45 % TOTAL VOTES: 2796 Source: Sunday Times URL:
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S.Africa: Human smuggling: Children sold as slaves for R390 (US$56)
28-Nov-2006: Johannesburg - Roads and border posts between Maputo in Mozambique and Johannesburg were fast becoming a highway along which child slaves, who were sold for as little as R390, were brought in, Ir...
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S.Africa: Shabir Shaik under police guard in hospital
28-Nov-2006: Convicted Durban businessman Schabir Shaik has been admitted to a Durban hospital, correctional services officials said on Monday. Staff and visitors at St Augustines Hospital on Monday reveale...
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S.Africa: An excellent crime tip for ATMs
28-Nov-2006: PIN NUMBER REVERSAL (GOOD TO KNOW) If you should ever be forced by a robber to withdraw money from an ATM machine, you can notify the police by entering your Pin # in reverse. For example if...
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[Humor] Communist joke from the 1980's
28-Nov-2006: In USSR every 7 th November there was a huge military parade on Red Square. A joke from 1980s November 7, Red Square, a military parade. Every thing as usual - first infantry, later - tan...
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Russia posts 2 plantoons in S.Lebanon
28-Nov-2006: DEBKA Exclusive: Moscow posts two Chechen platoons in S. Lebanon, one headed by an ex-rebel commander, ìto improve Russiaís image in the Arab worldî October 7, 2006, 10:04 AM (GMT+02:00) The Mu...
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[Cartoon] USA: If I Did It...
28-Nov-2006: (Photo) ...
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S.Africa's SECRET War on Swaziland - Intelligence Officer writes...
28-Nov-2006: Hi Jan I was in Swaziland last week and agree with your observations. It is probably the least corrupt country in the southern African region, with little evidence of extreme poverty (very few sh...
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UK paper: Jacob Zuma denies he will be the next Robert Mugabe
28-Nov-2006: Jacob Zuma, South Africa's former deputy president and the man many predict will succeed Thabo Mbeki as president, has dismissed fears that he is a new Robert Mugabe in the making ó a populist who...
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[Humour] Actual Entries in a S.African Hospital register
28-Nov-2006: Actual entries in an Mpumalanga hospital (South Africa) register:- 1. The patient refused autopsy. 2. The patient has no previous history of suicides. 3. Patient has left white blood ce...
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English Translation of Swedish article about Killing Whites
28-Nov-2006: I am pleased to show you that the folks in Sweden translated their own article based on the story I originally put out here on AfricanCrisis. Take a look at the link below - its nice! I am delight...
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Does anyone know the words to Zuma's Machinegun song?
28-Nov-2006: A journalist overseas was contacting me asking me if I know what exactly Jacob Zuma is singing about? Firstly, I've never heard the full "song". He seems to me to always be singing the same one lin...
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[Video] Those Amazing Crazy Australians - New Invention
28-Nov-2006: Click here to watch the flying Manta...
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S.Africa: What will happen in the DA?
28-Nov-2006: This is what a DA MP friend of me told me a week ago. Tony Leon will stand down, Helen Zille will become leader in National Parliament, Douglas Gibson will retire in 2008 and Jo Seremane will beco...
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S.Africa: My Website as an outlet for FRUSTRATION!
28-Nov-2006: Jan, you do a great job. It's incredible what you put into this site! I'll keep on coming back to your site. Replied: Welcome and Thank You for your kind comments. I will send them on to Jan. Som...
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If Cash-in-Transit Criminals used Humvees (Hummer H3)
28-Nov-2006: Hi Jan I was surfing the internet the other day and see that GM in South Africa is releasing the Hummer H3. Here in Canada we have a fair amount of them driving around on our roads. Believe me...
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Liberal Afrikaner Turning? Issues a challenge to Black S.Africans...
28-Nov-2006: Not long ago I kicked out at you about beeing racist and about apartheid beeing wrong. You then answered me by saying I should not feel guilty for something I had no power over. That has opened ...
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[Pic] S.Africa: Corpse: Train suicide
27-Nov-2006: This story in a local newspaper is about a black guy who committed suicide by throwing himself in front of a train. The front page caption read, "Death Came on Iron Wheels". This happened near East Lo...
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S.Africa: Too Funny: A Jacob Zuma 419 scam!
27-Nov-2006: I received it from this email address: Dear Beloved, I am wife of Sacked Deputy President of South Africa, Mr. Jacob Zuma. It is out of desperation that I am sending y...
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[Pic] S.Africa: Anti-Crime Protest by: Angry About Crime
27-Nov-2006: I mentioned yesterday that a new anti-crime organisation is springing up. There is serious anger about crime. This photo in The Citizen showed their protest march from Wits University to the SABC (Sou...
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[2 Pics] S.Africa: Cable Thief meets his shocking end!
27-Nov-2006: In Africa people tend to get electrocuted quite often due to criminal activity. This dead fellow below was electrocuted near Brakpan. This 24-year old was apparently, a pretty GOOD cable thief. I shou...
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My 2004 Post: Communists want to overthrow Swaziland
27-Nov-2006: Swaziland"s main pro-democracy group has asked the Commonwealth to impose sanctions on the king and his ruling elite, whom they accuse of running the country like a fiefdom. The People"s United...
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[7 Pics] S.Africa's Secret WAR against Swaziland
27-Nov-2006: Here is a map of S.Africa where I marked with an arrow the location of Swaziland. It is surrounded by S.Africa and Mozambique. (Photo) Th...
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[9 Pics] S.Africa: World's Largest Aircraft, Airbus A380 lands at Oliver Ta
27-Nov-2006: The world's biggest passenger plane, which seats 800, landed at Oliver Tambo airport (previously, Johannesburg airport, and prior to that Jan Smuts airport!) today. The plane was on a test flight....
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Shocker: Tony Leon of the DA to stand down! Why???
27-Nov-2006: I was stunned to hear that Tony Leon, the leader of the Democratic Alliance and the official opposition has said he will stand down in May 2007. I am curious why Tony Leon has suddenly stood down....
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S.African Communist party says its greatest achievement in 2006 was...
27-Nov-2006: The other morning on Khaya FM I heard something fascinating. The SACP was saying that its GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT of 2006 was... the NCA... The National Credit Act. Now some of you will recall that I'...
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S.Africa: Thieves beat mom, rape girl, 9
27-Nov-2006: Nelspruit - A mother who disturbed five burglars was beaten and left in the mud while the men snatched her nine-year-old daughter whom they raped in turn. The woman was woken by the sound of p...
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Grrr... Listen to this Arrogant ANC B*tch from The World Bank!
27-Nov-2006: South Africans should not be surprised at the anger and brutality that was sweeping the streets when they continued to refuse to acknowledge the socio-economic inequalities in the country, Dr Mamp...
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S.Africa: Govt Official caught doing 228 Km/Hr (142 Mph) on highway
27-Nov-2006: Johannesburg - The director-general of the department of social development, Vusimuzi Madonsela, thought he had the highway to himself as he sped along the N1 at 228km/h in his Mercedes-Benz on Sa...
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S.Africa: AIDS is NOT a valid on a Death Certificate
27-Nov-2006: Re: This is South Africa on a normal day.Thieves beat mom, rape girl, 9. SA is a country with 11 official languages and as many if not more ethnic groups. Most of these are non-white. ...
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UK Blog: Britain IS run by Marxists - Tony Blair the Communist
27-Nov-2006: Yes......Britain IS run by Marxists A letter that was uncovered in the House of Common archives on 15/06/06 has come back to haunt Tony Blair this week, with the letter stating that he was an...
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[Audio] Norman Reeves Interview with The Right Perspective
27-Nov-2006: Norman Reeves of Combat Security was interviewed by The Right Perspective in New York. You can download the interview and listen to it here: Click here to read the rest.
US Reader comments on Seinfeld, Kramer & N*gger word
24-Nov-2006: What bothers me about this episode is the sheer hypocrisy -- the hypocrisy of those demanding the apology, as well as the hypocrisy of the apology/explanation. We have a bunch of people who pret...
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Radio: NB: Two Norman Reeves, Combat Security Interviews coming
24-Nov-2006: Norman Reeves, the owner of that kick-ass security company, CombatSecurity has been under attack from our criminal-defending, criminal-embracing, crime-loving Govt of ours! It is most unlikely that he...
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From RainbowNation to GatvolNation - Is the Mass Media abandoning the ANC?
24-Nov-2006: I had an interesting conversation the other day with a student from a university who contacted me about a thesis he is apparently doing. (At first I almost thought it was Neil Watson in disguise!). We...
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Israel Opts for Major War Campaign in 11th Hour of Hamas Build-up
24-Nov-2006: DEBKAfile Special Military Report November 22, 2006, 5:07 PM (GMT+02:00) DEBKAfileís military sources disclose that Israelís security cabinet decided Wednesday, Nov. 22, that there is no optio...
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[Video] Truly BRILLIANT: Mugabe's Genocidal Brutality
24-Nov-2006: Click here for Mugabe's Brutality on YouTube. ...
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[Video] ZumaFlation: Why South Africans are leaving
24-Nov-2006: Video: Why South Africans are leaving ...
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[Video] YouTube: Whose propping up Robert Mugabe?
24-Nov-2006: Mugabe Loves Tescopoly ...
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[Pic] Organisation: Heartbeat for Jesus needs Food & Clothes urgently
24-Nov-2006: Hi Everyone, I am part of a charity/outreach group in Heidelberg called Heartbeat for Jesus, and we also work in conjunction with the SAVF Heidelberg (Suid Afrikaanse Vroue Federasie). Below i...
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[Pic] S.Africa: 1,908+ Prisoners escaped Police custody in 2005/6
24-Nov-2006: (Photo) JOHANNESBURG: One of South Africaís most notorious criminals escaped from a high-security prison by greasing himself up with petrole...
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[Pic] SABC Hypocrisy on how good life in S.Africa is?
24-Nov-2006: I got the following image from a regular reader who also works for the SABC. I looked at it and thought to myself that it does in many ways illustrate the hypocrisy of the SABC. The SABC is always try...
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Former CESA supporter who spoke to Neil telephonically writes...
24-Nov-2006: Here is my take on the shut down of CESA. Interested to hear yours. The CESA website closed down. Have you seen? Look at this media statement by Neil Watson. (See attached file: MEDIA STAT...
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AfricanCrisis: Neil Watson's coming Jail term & other news running late...
24-Nov-2006: Folks, I had a bunch of posts about CESA which I prepared last night but forgot to post them this morning before I dashed off to work. But I'll post them in the early evening when I get home. My o...
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Zimbabwe president vows to back Iran against West
24-Nov-2006: Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, on an official visit to Iran, vowed to back Iran against what he called Western interference in that country's affairs, the state media in Zimbabwe reported Tuesd...
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S.Africa: How the Angel of Soweto lied to Oprah, Bill Clinton for funding
24-Nov-2006: Nelson Mandela called her the "angel of Soweto" and President Thabo Mbeki dubbed her school the "dream of Africa". But now Jacqueline Maarohanye, principal of Ithuteng Trust in Klipspruit, Sowe...
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S.Africa: Woman sues 'because police used me as bait'
24-Nov-2006: A 30-year-old Port Shepstone property agent is suing the minister of safety and security for more than R400 000, claiming that the police endangered her life by not forewarning her that she was about ...
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S.Africa: Thieves go 'Xmas shopping'
24-Nov-2006: Middelburg - With Christmas around the corner, well-organised stock thieves are plundering flocks of sheep, goats and herds of cattle belonging to villagers and farmers in Mpumalanga. Police co...
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Samuel Huntington: The Vaccuum in Africa
24-Nov-2006: Hello Jan you said the following 0n 11/23/06 (23/11/06) ///////////////////////////////// But now I'm gonna tell you all something interesting. Let's return to the "Africa is becoming a vaccuum t...
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Important: AfricanCrisis Cell Phone SMS Experiments & Business ideas
23-Nov-2006: Folks, several weeks ago a company approached me saying that they could offer me SMS facilities and services to help fund my website. As you know I work full time and AfricanCrisis is the hobby th...
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S.Africa: Official Opposition: Police Commission Selebi must GO
23-Nov-2006: Johannesburg - The Jackie Selebi affair, as a sidebar of the Brett Kebble saga, has exposed South Africa's "dark underbelly" and complicated criminal networks, Democratic Alliance leader Tony Leon...
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I laughed my ass off: The World's #1 RACISTS are...
23-Nov-2006: I must thank Robb Ellis, author of "Without Honour" - the FIRST EVER book written about the genocide in Zimbabwe looking from the INSIDE - OUT! Robb was in the Police force when Mugabe was having 20,0...
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S.Africa, India, Brazil embark on anti-crime drive
23-Nov-2006: South Africa, India and Brazil have agreed to enhance co-operation on tax and customs to help boost trade and economic development in the countries, a SA Revenue Services (SARS) spokesperson said...
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S.Africa: Stuff up: Media walk-out at 2010 World Cup briefing
23-Nov-2006: The media, including numerous representatives of the international press and television, walked out en bloc from a briefing due to be staged this afternoon by the board of directors of the Local 2...
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YouTube: VIDEO Mugabe's Brutality
23-Nov-2006: Hi Jan - Verena Nuus uittreksel oor Zim. URL: Dalk het julle die nuusberig op tv gesien, maar ek twyfel of die sauk dit sou uitsaai. Groete en ster...
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S.Africa: Young white father murdered in front of family
23-Nov-2006: Vanderbijlpark- A 34-year-old attorney died in Natalspruit Hospital after being shot by three armed hijackers at Thokoza, in full view of his wife and baby daughter. Eddie Barnard died a few minut...
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Here is Proof the Govt does NOT want to solve the Crime problem
23-Nov-2006: Dozens of former police officers responding to a call last month by Safety and Security Minister Charles Nqakula to rejoin the police, have been turned away. After an urgent meeting in October...
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German World Cup Soccer - German RACISM! Beware 2010
23-Nov-2006: Dear Sir/Madam, During the last football world cup in Germany the German government refused visas to all black African supporters, even when Ghana reached the final 16, not a single visa was iss...
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Excellent movie recommendation - V for Vendetta
23-Nov-2006: Hi Jan I recently saw the movie "V for Vendetta" made by the same people that did the wildly successful Matrix trilogy. Do yourself a favour and rent this (it should be available on DVD about...
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Website Format suggestion - Follow CESA? Neil's weird Selebi stuff
23-Nov-2006: Hi Jan, seems the crimexpo site is having major problems! I feel the format they used when posting an article allowing a response to an issue was very productive. Could your site not adopt the fo...
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[8 Pics] MyPics: Johannesburg: Friend of mine hits a pedestrian
22-Nov-2006: Some days ago I was at work when I got a frantic phone call from the fiancee of a co-worker and friend of mine. He told me his girlfriend had just hit a pedestrian on her way through the streets of Jo...
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USA: O.J. Simpson - If I did murder, then here's how...
22-Nov-2006: I noticed scumbag O.J. Simpson's controversy with Fox about the book and show. I'm shocked that Fox would even consider such trash. Back in the 1990's, long before I started my website I was very ...
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USA: Seinfeld Star Kramer unloads on Black hecklers
22-Nov-2006: LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Michael Richards said Monday he spewed racial epithets during a stand-up comedy routine because he lost his cool while being heckled and not because he's a bigot. ...
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[Pic] CrimeExpo Site suspended?
22-Nov-2006: (Photo) ...
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Black Racism: ANC should learn From President Mugabe
22-Nov-2006: ANC should learn From President Mugabe - Thursday 16 November 2006 Everybody can see how proud the people of Zimbabwe are after getting their land back, even with all the attempt by the whit...
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22-Nov-2006: November 13, 2006 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WTO ANNOUNCES FORMALIZED SLAVERY MARKET FOR AFRICA US Trade Representative to Africa, Governor of Nigeria Central Bank weigh in at Wharton Text...
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Some Quirks and Strange facts about S.African Law
22-Nov-2006: I've just completed four saturdays of lectures at a Johannesburg university paid for by my work. The CEO of our company got a brainwave to send all 1,500 employees on this course - for which we have t...
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S.Africa: Trust me, Trust me, I'm... er... The President...
22-Nov-2006: President Mbeki's reaction to the whole Selebi thing really has me fascinated. To me it is as if Dear President Mbeki has been TOTALLY BLIND-SIDED. Whatever hit him, came at him like a missile and ...
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CESA sucking up to Selebi & Mbeki? Selebi & Organised Crime
22-Nov-2006: AfricanCrisis Reader wrote:- The CESA view on selebi very amusing I think they sucking up to the ANC now (they had a arm welcome post 2 mbeki as well a few days back) JOHANNESBURG - CRIME EXP...
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Richard in Hospital - Some Good news
22-Nov-2006: They ran tests on Richard today. They could not find any source of bleeding in his stomach. He did vomit a bit and there was one little bit of blood but nothing more. They did another scan and the ...
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Reader comments: About the Irish building houses for blacks
22-Nov-2006: One of our regular readers, Francois, made this observation about Niall Mellon's group of 350 Irish volunteers:- "What I do not understand about this whole thing, why arenít the jobless blacks help...
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The Game Is Over For The White Man Throughout Africa
22-Nov-2006: By Max Hastings The London Daily Mail 9-13-2 Among most British people, Robert Mugabe inspires much more anger than Saddam Hussein. Iraq`s leader murders his enemies out of sight. Whatever ho...
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Chatting to a S.African ex-pat Journalist
22-Nov-2006: Yesterday I was sitting having a chat with an ex-patriate S.African who is doing very well for himself writing articles for American conservative publications. He lives in the Middle East now. He rare...
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S.Africa: Parliament to investigate popular Crime Website?
22-Nov-2006: KWAZULU-NATAL ñ A motion will be tabled in Parliament calling for an investigation into the running of the controversial Crime Expo South Africa (Cesa) website. Simon Grindrod, a spokesman for...
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22-Nov-2006: Hi, message for Jan I've always wondered why does the ANC allow the farmers to be murdered.... why would Zim remove the farmers..... what is it about farming... in the efforts of...
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Spanish Website referring to AfricanCrisis is Fascist? So what...
22-Nov-2006: Hi Jan - You mentioned a "hit" from a foreign site which you assumed to be Spanish. You are quite right. It IS Spanish and seems to be the official site of the N20 or Falangist party. In other w...
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Russia loves poison: marwinsing blog down
22-Nov-2006: *** The Russians love poisoning... remember that one state politician a few years ago... --- Jan I've put 'marwinsing's blog' on ice for the time being mainly 'cos my pc (and I) are not cop...
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SABC Forums: Whites are a criminal race
22-Nov-2006: Whites are a criminal race - Saturday 18 November 2006 IT is not a secret, it is well known, the white race is a criminal race, looking at their history and actions on this planet, the only...
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SABC forums - Wild stuff?
22-Nov-2006: This forum is mild, go check the SABC's forum ...
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