- The Tehran Conference expects us to believe the Nazis
spared Jews at the same time as they exterminated millions of Slavs to
create a "Lebensraum" ("living space") reaching to
the Ural Mountains.
- The Jewish Holocaust took place in the context of "Generalplan
Ost" ("General Plan, East") the planned genocide of over
40 million Slavs, 75 % of the population of Nazi-occupied Poland, Ukraine
and Russia. The Nazis intended to "Germanize" a few, and reduce
the rest to agricultural serfs who would not even learn to read.
- The Nazis killed 6 million Poles and 20 million Russians
including 7 million civilians by a variety of means. Three million Russian
POW died from bullets, deliberate typhus infection and starvation.
- Another three million members of the Polish intelligentsia
(professionals, clergy, teachers, union and political leaders) were also
murdered. The term "genocide" was first coined to refer to Poles.
200,000 Polish children with Aryan characteristics were sent to Germany
for "Germanization." By 1944, 4.5 million Poles and Russians
worked as forced laborers in Germany.
- Why would the Nazis exempt the 5-6 million Jews in this
region? The Jews were even lower than Slavs on the "untermensch,"
(subhuman) scale. Holocaust minimizers are in denial about the true character
of World War Two.
- In my view, their real objection is to the political
exploitation, i.e. the immunity from criticism and prestige the Jewish
Holocaust gives Zionists. They would be wiser to address this issue directly
rather than pretend the Jewish Holocaust didn't take place. They could
neutralize its propaganda value another way: by drawing attention to the
pattern of Nazi-elite Jewish collaboration (Judenrat, Jewish police, Zionist).
- Holocaust minimizers discredit themselves and advance
the NWO agenda, which is to provoke a gratuitous confrontation between
Islam and the Zionist West.
- The treatment of Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe depended
on the changing Nazi relationship to host nations and allies. For example,
the 5,000 Danish Jews were mostly unscathed because the Nazis wanted good
relations with the Nordic Danes, and access to their farm produce. Unlike
the Poles, the Danes were very protective of their Jews.
- Nazi persecution was held in check as long as Hitler
desired peace with England, or good relations with Russia. However the
invasion of Russia June 22, 1941 signaled the beginning of a genocidal
death struggle. In this war zone, Slavs and Jews who were unfit for slave
labor, (i.e. 70-90% of the total) were marked for extermination.
- In the Nazi mind, all Jews represented the Bolshevik
peril. "German National Socialism and Jewish Bolshevism could not
coexist," German soldiers were told. "This is a war of extinction."
There is simply no way Jews could escape the fate of Russians in general.
By July 1942 the first extermination camps Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka
were opened.
- During the winter of 1940-41, there were food shortages
and public grumbling in Germany. The Nazis realized the food was the key
to public support. According to historians Deborah Dwork and Jan van Pelt,
the Nazis calculated that "tens of millions of Russians would have
to die in order to safeguard German meat rations. German food would not
go east to the invading army; rather [2.5 million] German soldiers would
be fed at the expense of the local population." ("/Holocaust:
A History" /p 265.)
- The Nazis "looked to the east to become the breadbasket
of New Europe...a true granary [characterized by] low density of settlement...prosperous
farms and attractive small towns." They envisaged "the deportation
of 41 to 51 million people which included 80-85% of all Poles...It was
tacitly understood that they would be killed." (266)
Goring remarked
to Italian Foreign Minister Ciano in Dec. 1941: "This year between
20 and 30 million persons will die in Russia of hunger. Perhaps it is well
that it should be so, for certain nations must be decimated." (190)
- At the same time, the Allies subjected the German civilian
population to a murderous bombing campaign. In July 1943 in a Hamburg
fire storm, 50,000 people died in "Operation Gomorrah." 800,000
fled the city in the aftermath.
- World War Two was a time of unparalleled savagery and
ethnic cleansing. I will not attempt a complete inventory <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties%20>
here. The Romanians used the cover of war to kill 250,000 Jews at their
own initiative. The Croats murdered 350,000 Serbs. The German army lost
4 million men killed and 4 million wounded. The Soviet army lost over 9
million dead and 18 million wounded. Civilian losses were 1.8 million
in Germany and 11.5 million in Russia. China lost 20 million civilians.
- My point is that the real Holocaust was the war itself.
The Jewish Holocaust was a part of it. The injustice is focusing on the
Jewish experience, which is racism in the name of anti-racism. It implies
that only Jewish lives matter. The challenge is to mourn the world war
as a collective tragedy for humanity and to understand why it took place,
before we have another.
- The lesson of World War Two is that our politicians are
pied pipers who can lead their gullible flock to annihilation. The media
plays the entrancing tune. They all serve the cabal that owns the world's
central banks and is working steadily to establish its world government
- Jewish moneylenders based in Amsterdam funded the English
Revolution (Cromwell 1640-1649) and later the ascendancy of William of
Orange (1687). Thus they were able to establish the Bank of England in
1694, intermarry with the British aristocracy and begin their relentless
drive to take over the world. They used British-American imperialism,
Illuminism (Kabalism, Freemasonry), Socialism, Communism, Neo Conservatism,
Feminism and Zionism as their vehicles. War is considered revolutionary
because it advances their New World Order. That's why there is always war.(See
my "Bankers Seek Totalitarian Control" http://www.savethemales.ca/001830.html)
- Hitler referred to this clique in 1939: "Once again
I will be a prophet: should international Jewry of finance succeed, both
within and beyond Europe, in plunging mankind into yet another world war,
then the result will not be Bolshevism of the earth, and the victory of
Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe." (260)
- In 1942 he reiterated: "This war will not turn out
the way the Jews imagine it, that is with the extermination of the European
Aryan peoples, but that the result of this war will be the destruction
of Jewry." (284)
- The Nazis saw the war in terms of saving the German race
and western civilization from the Bolshevik New World Order, which we now
face. This is why Holocaust minmizers imagine the Nazis were heroes and
want to absolve them of guilt.
- However the pagan and genocidal Nazis were hardly fit
standard-bearers for civilization. In addition, the London-based Kabalist
(Masonic) banking clique that Hitler condemned actually financed his war
machine. It wanted to destroy Germany and the concepts of race and nationalism,
provide a rationale for the establishment of Israel, brutalize and demoralize
mankind and turn a profit, all at once.
- As you can see, whether we are German, American or Russian;
Zionists, Masons or whatever, ordinary people cannot afford to blithely
join causes without considering their hidden agendas or consequences.
- Apparently World War Three will begin as a confrontation
between Israel and Iran. It may spread to a nuclear trade-off between
the US, Russia and China. Obviously we need to stop arguing about how many
Jews died 60 years ago and focus on preventing World War Three and the
NWO. ---- See also my "The Other Side of Holocaust Denial" and
"The Macabre Holocaust Numbers Game" at www.savethemales.ca -----
Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date."
His articles exposing fe-manism and the New World Order can be found at
his web site www.savethemales.ca He enjoys receiving comments, some of
which he posts on his site using first names only. hmakow@gmail.com