- When you go into the voting booth tomorrow, here are
a few things you need to think about.
- First of all, this is not a local election, whatever
your candidates for Congress and even for statehouse have been telling
you. We have just lived through six years of one-party government, and
we've seen the damage that can do. Congress under Republican leadership
has ceased to function as an independent branch challenging and investigating
the actions of the president, and has instead become an enabler of presidential
abuse of power and of the undermining of the Constitution and the Bill
of Rights. That means we have to restore at least some measure of opposition
in the Congress for the sake of saving the country from a slide into one-party
dictatorship, and that means voting for the Democrats, even Democrats who
are worse than their Republican opponent. I'd say different if your district
had a third-party candidate with a chance of winning, since that person
could be expected to vote against Republican rule too, once in office,
but aside from Vermont's Bernie Sanders, I don't know of any such cases,
such is the sad condition of third party politics in America.
- It's equally important to vote Democratic for state
legislative candidates and for governor, because the legislatures, in
almost all states, are where congressional district lines get drawn up.
We saw last year how the Republicans have used their power in state legislatures,
particularly in Texas, to eliminate Democratic districts and replace them
with Republican ones. In that state, such gerrymandering gave the Republicans
five extra House seats before an election was even held.
- Second, think about the big issues: human survival on
the earth, mass murder in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, the bankrupting
and deindustrialization of the U.S. economy, the destruction of American
constitutional democracy and the reversal of a 230-year history of expanding
- Human Survival: It is increasingly clear that the earth
is facing a catastrophe because of rampant use of fossil fuels, and the
prime offender is the United States. There is only a narrow window of opportunity
to at least moderate this threat to humanity and to life on the planet,
yet the Bush administration and the Republican Congress have refused to
even acknowledge the threat, and have squandered six years that could
have made a huge difference. (Isn't it kind of ludicrous to worry about
aborted fetuses and stem cells when government policies are currently threatening
the survival of the human race?)
- Mass Murder: Bush's illegal invasion of Iraq--a nation
that clearly posed no immediate threat to the U.S. or its own neighbors
in 2003--was the worst of war crimes, a "Crime against Peace"
under the Nuremburg Charter, and a crime under US law because it was based
upon lies, fraud and deception. It has led to the unnecessary and criminal
deaths of nearly 2900 American troops, the maiming of another 25,000,
and the deaths of as many as 650,000 innocent Iraqi civilians--largely
at the hands of U.S. weapons. Many of those weapons, like the illegal
white phosphorus and napalm bombs used in Fallujah and elsewhere, The thousands
of tons of depleted uranium shells and bombs, the millions of rounds of
anti-personnel bombs and shells, and the helicopter and fixed-wing gunships
that spray wide areas indiscriminately with saturation fire, are the very
"weapons of mass destruction" which we claimed we were going
to war to prevent. The same weapons have been widely used in Afghanistan
against the people of one of the most primitive societies in the world.
These are massive crimes, and they won't stop until the Congress brings
them to a halt--and calls the criminal in the White House who initiated
them to account. (Remember, neither one of these wars is doing a thing
to challenge or defend against terrorism.)
- Economy: In six short years, this president has turned
the national budget from a surplus into six years of record deficits, by
ramming through the Republican Congress tax breaks that primarily benefit
oil companies and the richest 1 percent of Americans. As for trade policy,
thanks to Bush and the Republican-led Congress, which has made exporting
jobs and boosting imports the centerpiece of its economic policy, the
U.S. now owes more than $1 trillion to our rival, China, and is shipping
more than that annually to Middle Eastern dictatorships like Libya, Saudi
Arabia and Iran to buy oil for vehicles that get 12 miles per gallon or
less. Sure there are plenty of Democrats sucking at the corporate teat
who are voting for those same policies, but with Republicans in total
control, the issues aren't even being raised. We need only to look at the
unprecedented corruption that has swept over the Republican Congress, and
seeped under the doors of the White House, into the Oval office, the Vice
President's office, and the office of Karl Rove, the president's closest
adviser, to see why this is happening, and what needs to be done. (Any
token tax break you got from Bush and the Republicans was long ago eaten
up by the higher gas prices caused by the Iraq War and by higher interest
rates caused by their budget and trade deficits.)
- Freedom and Democracy: President Bush has claimed for
himself the right to ignore laws passed by Congress, which he erases with
the stroke of a pen in what he calls "signing statements" saying
that as commander in chief he is above the law and the courts. He has
used his rubber-stamp Republican Congress to ram through laws eliminating
the right to trial and the right to a lawyer, has given himself the power
to declare any American to be a unlawful combatant" and supporter
of terrorism, with no rights whatsoever, has approved the use of torture
and immunized himself and his gang of conspirators from prosecution for
past torture. He has even slipped through a measure making it easy for
him to declare martial law anywhere in the nation he deems there to be
"public disorder." With these laws and these crimes unchallenged,
we no longer live in a democracy--only the hollow husk of a former democracy,
which could be crushed in a moment. Only a revived Congress, led by a revitalized
opposition party, can challenge this dire threat to our freedoms and traditional
tripartite government. (The country you learned about in your junior high
civics class barely exists anymore, and won't if you don't stand up for
liberty and democracy now, and stop buying the scare stories about fighting
terrorism. Remember Ben Franklin, who warned that those who surrender liberty
to seek security "will end up with neither.")
- This election is a turning point.
- If we turn out Republicans from the leadership of the
Congress, there is at least a chance that, with a strong public campaign
of pressure, we can rouse timid and somnolent Democrats to protect liberty,
restore Democracy, impeach the president, take back the government, start
rescuing the economy, end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and start seriously
confronting global warming. If we don't, we may not get another chance.
Republicans, having brought us this close to fascism and ruin, are not
going to let the public get this close to unhorsing them again if they
manage to hang on to power.
- None of this is to suggest that having Democrats win
this election, even by a significant margin, will fix things. Too many
Democrats over the last six years, or even the last 14 years, have been
fully complicit in too many of the above crimes and atrocities and attacks
on freedom and the Constitution. It's going to take constant struggle and
constant pressure to make them act like a true party of opposition, and
like the party of the people that the Democrats once claimed to be.
- But we can't even begin that difficult struggle unless
we toss out the Republicans from Congress.
- So think about all this when you vote Tuesday.
- And make sure you know how to vote on the new computer
screen systems that are being foisted on most of us.
- Don't let the bastards steal this one!