Combating The
Zionist Network ­ Part 2

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By Ted Lang

Increasingly, the wall of continuous propaganda engineered by the journalistic control that is exercised over the so-called "American" free and independent press by Zionist America and Israel, is beginning to crumble and fall away. As Israel-first Jews and Christian Fundamentalists continue their campaigns of misinformation, disinformation, and no information at all, their un-American bias as well as their un-American agenda are being recognized and reviled. Revealed and reviled ­ Zionism is being exposed for the threat it is not only to America, but to the security and well-being of the entire world as well.
As I offered in the preceding segment, Zionism is no longer manifested by the Jewish state alone; it now includes the parasitic and ever-ongoing destruction of our once very free and very wealthy nation. We are a nation that is rapidly deteriorating on both counts.  Israel, America's parasite, continues to suck the lifeblood out of our once-great nation in the form of foreign aid, additional financial support for its military, and in terms of maneuvering American politicians to deploy our youth and nation's future fighting wars dictated by Israel. But to criticize Israel is the height of treason insofar as fraudulent "Americans" are concerned, "Americans" who identify with either Christian Fundamentalism or "Jewish" Zionism. To be sure, there are many Jewish people both here and in Israel who oppose Israel's aggressive and terrorist-based militaristic imperialism.
William L. Shirer offered that the German people, prior to World War II, embraced Hitler and his Nazis because they were "unorganized and unarmed." Of course, the primary driver used to terrorize and persuade Germans and Jews to be subjugated by Nazi authoritarianism was the hijacking of the "Jewish media" by the Nazis to brainwash the populace. The German media had formerly been dominated by "Jewish" interests that supported communism. Hitler quickly marginalized the German press to press forward with his agenda of National Socialism. He transformed the German press away from its former form of "Jewish intellectualism" [Professor Kevin MacDonald] to his own propaganda machine. This too, however, was clearly an abuse of journalism, Shirer's chosen vocation. And it parallels the current condition identifiable to the "American" press today. 
How conveniently Shirer failed to either observe or trumpet these glaring journalistic anomalies. But the other two failures of a society about to be enslaved by authoritarian, despotic government are almost of equal importance, especially the failure assured by a disorganized approach. To be sure, since heavy Zionist funding played a central role in financing Hitler and his Nazis, isn't it now ironic that no one agonizes more about the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis against the Jews than highly organized Zionists themselves? And can there be any louder protest and hand wringing than that from Abraham Foxman and his Anti-Defamation League? I'm not sure that contributions to the ADL are tax-deductible, but certainly contributions to AIPAC and the ACLU are! These are the high-powered tips of the powerful Zionist iceberg, an iceberg poised to sink our ship of state every bit as much as the Israeli-intended sinking of the U.S.S. Liberty.
These are highly effective, disciplined and structured "Jewish" organizations are better described as being, in reality, Zionist organizations. It was an orthodox rabbi that described these entities to me as "organized Jewry." And these Zionist organizations are very generously funded, even by such means as American taxpayer dollars channeled back from Israel to fund the lobbying of American politicians, providing funding to Israel-sympathetic politicians' campaigns, and to launch marketing and other campaigns and events favorable to Israel. Zionists also obtain funding from tax-sheltered foundations and from highly successful yet misguided wealthy Jews who understandably wish to support the nation that most aggressively asserts their Jewish faith.
Some of American taxpayer funds transferred to Israel, the number one nation receiving our American foreign aid, even provide direct financial aid in support of synagogues and other "Jewish" religious institutions. In combination with the Zionist control of the news and entertainment media, any form of meaningful opposition to organized Zionism is virtually futile. Our nation is being sacrificed for the Zionist agenda that is Israel and its immoral territorial expansion. The resultant destruction of both our society and our nation is part and parcel of that Zionist agenda.
American foreign policy is, of course, not solely based upon the financial and military support of Israel. It combines with the quest for total control of the world's richest oil and gas deposits. The establishment of the state of Israel serves both American and British interests and plants a solid Western footprint in the Middle East. This was the obvious initial intention. Israel was to be the West's Middle East outpost and justification assuring British and American hegemony to prevent Cold War communism from intruding in that part of the world. My, how far we've digressed from our original intentions regarding Israel. Our present day obeisance to Israel is a total reversal of the very interests that gave Israel birth. This is now more of a factor than is the observation that defines our non-representatives in government as merely being idiots.
As Justin Raimondo points out ["Israel, Alone"] <<>>>, the neoconservative/Zionist "Clean Break" agenda was developed and implemented by members of the White House and Pentagon to give the Zionist state total freedom from domination by the West. Raimondo makes clear that Israeli Prime Minister Olmert's slip of the tongue acknowledging for the first time officially that Israel has nuclear capability, and coming after denying that very same capability only a week earlier, can clearly be interpreted as a "hands off!" threat to the West. As with our own politicians, anything Israeli politicians say initially should also be written off as lies. First deny, then justify when caught!
But whether it is Israel that is under attack, or our own corrupt politicians that always support Israeli atrocities against the Palestinians, criticism of either is always vigorously and ruthlessly blocked by the astonishing power of the Zionist network. Even former President Jimmy Carter has now been targeted by the network, along with Professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt. Zionist smear-and-slime artist and Harvard shyster, Alan Dershowitz, postured himself once again in his Israel-first/America-last stance by attacking the former President of the United States for daring to question Israel and its Zionist network's key lobbying organization. Dershowitz has once again crawled out from underneath his slimy rock after smearing Mearsheimer and Walt for daring to discuss the most powerful lobby in America, AIPAC, and has now attacked former President Carter for his new book calling for a more balanced approach towards the Middle Eastconundrum of our own creation..
Until one personally experiences the smear and accusation of "anti-Semite," nothing will bring you closer to appreciating Hester Prynne's agony and anguish than Zionism's designated scarlet letter "A." You become marked, and no one will invest too much time and effort to examine whether or not the charges are fact-based or true. The brand converts you as an "untouchable"; you become a pariah. You do not wish to challenge your accusers, for the more you defend yourself, the more you become stuck to the "tar baby." Clearly, I speak from experience.
Any individual that believes they are observing "anti-Semitic" behavior, is, of course, encouraged to contact the ADL. After all, that is their sole role and function: defaming any and all who question the foreign nation-state of Israel. Their methods are indignation, outrage, and then accusation. No one questions either their sources or qualifications when such accusations are being made. It explains why Rush Limbaugh and other so-called "conservatives" including Hannity, Coulter and Guy Smiley O'Reilly, continue to be terrified of "liberals." There's a "bad guy" out there somewhere, but we can't mention his real name. They all need a scapegoat for Bush's insane policies, so the enemy is "liberal" and the "liberal" media. To them, even a tiny hint of criticism directed at the criminal Bush regime by the media ignores totally the fabulous support and protection the corporate establishment mainstreamers provide to the Bush crime machine. The term "Zionist" simply isn't in their vocabulary!
In yet another incident in my life that can be attributed to an eerie redundancy of inexplicable synchronicity, the editor in my local paper advised me of the severe restrictions to be placed upon my weekly column. It coincided and dovetailed into a similar incident in which Professor Anthony Judt was targeted and successfully silenced by the Zionist network. In his October 9, 2006 article entitled, "In N.Y., Sparks Fly Over Israel," Michael Powell, writing for the Washington Post, begins, "Two major American Jewish organizations helped block a prominent New York University historian from speaking at the Polish consulate here last week, saying that the academic was too critical of Israel and American Jewry."
"Too critical?" "Israel and American Jewry?" Are we being advised that Judaism and Israel are one and the same thing? I'm not buying any of that for a moment. As I've mentioned earlier, I happen to know that there are many Jews both here and in Israel that oppose the horrors the Israeli government is imposing on Arabs, Muslims, Palestinians and Christians. And before ever hearing Professor Judt's speech, and before ever allowing him to comment, the Zionist network struck and silenced him. And who gets to decide what is "too critical?" Would that be the Sultan of Smear, Abraham the Foxman, or is it Dirty Dershowitz?
Here's Powell again: "The historian, Tony Judt, is Jewish and directs New York University's Remarque Institute, which promotes the study of Europe. Judt was scheduled to talk on Oct. 4 to a nonprofit organization that rents space from the consulate. Judt's subject was the Israel lobby in the United States, and he planned to argue that this lobby has often stifled honest debate." Ironic, no? The subject of Jewish Professor Judt's presentation was amply proven to be true by this very incident. But is it merely a lobby that stifles speech, or was it the powerful and heavily funded Zionist network?
Along with the attacks and smears upon former President Jimmy Carter, Professors Mearsheimer and Walt for their paper written under the auspices of the Harvard School of Government, we now have a Jewish historian and scholar smeared by "two American (sic) Jewish organizations." The organizations are [the envelope, please!] the Fox Man's ADL and the "American" Jewish Committee. My goodness, these gangsters, fascists, and/or communists seem to have no problem getting their chance to speak seeking redress of alleged grievances. When do real Americans like Judt get a chance for their day in a public forum? As they stifle everyone else's freedom of speech and expression, they reserve those God-given rights for only themselves. They are demonstrating for all to see the fact-based accuracy of the points made as concerns the stifling of open, honest and balanced debate as pointed out by the smears against Carter, Mearsheimer, Walt and now Judt.
In response to an "inquiring photographer" type column in my local paper, a woman queried as to her opinion on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict offered that she was completely uninformed about it. It was my decision to disallow any reader of a paper I write for to be uninformed, especially when the dumbing-down of such people originates with the media division of the Zionist network. I was brutally frank and employed fact-based input and cited credible references, including the article cited by the Reverend Ted Pike from National Geographic. I had in fact written a previous article concerning Israel when the fascist nation-state attackedLebanon and murdered innocent Christian civilians there. The article I wrote to answer the woman was structured as a two-part column like this one.
The first solitary column came under immediate attack by a member/user of the Zionist network. The individual felt sufficiently superior "to go it alone." No escalation may even have been attempted in enlisting the power of the higher echelons of the Zionist network. The individual threatened my editor by offering to "pull" advertising from the paper ­ the individual didn't have any advertising space in the paper and my editor knew it. But after the two-part column motivated by and responding to an uninformed reader, the Zionist gang swung into action. In all probability, my Zionist attacker was acting alone; but, there's always the feeling and realization that somewhere in the background lurk the higher echelons of the Zionist network ready to pounce and smear and destroy. The attacker seemingly forwarded to my newspaper's publisher a copy of an e-mail he had originally sent to me. 
The Zionist smearer ostensibly magnified his efficacy by not only sending copies of his nasty e-mail to the newspaper's publisher, but also to the mayor, a councilman, a civic leader, a police officer, and a list of other group "IDs" to indicate a wide distribution of the aggrieved condition which I had caused him by writing the truth. Perhaps the Zionist only indicated wide distribution, but then copied no one! Perhaps he did AND threatened to sue using the vast and unlimited resources of the higher echelons of the Zionist network. It is easy to see how the publisher would just simply inform my editor to cease and desist in allowing me to write articles of an international, national, state and county nature, and stick to local township issues as the Zionist slime ball dictated and offering this only "if I was qualified."
When on a previous occasion, having opened up and launched a website, I wrote on Israel, another Zionist called my webmaster and threatened him and his wife. The poor computer techie was very concerned, considering the threats the cowardly creep made to him and his wife using foul and obscene language. The attacker found my associate's name and address from the website registration. The couple has three small children. I sent nasty e-mails back to the creep and notified the police.
I will never rise to the stature of such notables as Carter, Mearsheimer, Walt or Judt; but my personal experience must be documented. I know that it has happened to others at my level who dared to speak out against Israel and the Zionist network organized to advance only the interests of Israel and to silence and stifle criticism of that fascist nation's continued atrocities against Mankind. I had been in a quandary as to what to do ­ the accusation and smear, as unfounded and loathsome as its originator, was nevertheless, a very hurtful experience for me. I have contacted my lawyer.
Again, considering the more elevated amongst US that have been smeared and defamed as "anti-Semitic," there is yet another case as was reported on onNovember 24th. It involved a Professor David Noble of York University. The article, entitled, "Jewish Prof Sues Organized Jewry," [<<<>>>] relates how Professor Noble initiated "a $25 million suit against various Jewish organizations for defamation for labeling him an 'anti Semite.'"
Wait a minute ­ run this by me again! A Jewish professor has been marginalized once again by the Zionist network, but this time being accused directly as being an "anti-Semite." If "anti-Semitism," acknowledging its inherently incorrect racist inference when used to smear those of other than the Jewish faith and described basically as "Untermenchen" by the Talmud, is now being deployed to smear those of the Jewish faith as well, why shouldn't a Jew be allowed to sue for defamation of character? For that matter, why shouldn't anyone be allowed to sue AND SUCCEED against this horrific disabling defamation perpetrated to silence criticism and opposition to a foreign nation-state that has proven itself an enemy of our society and our national interests? Why should freedom of speech and thought be denied to anyone who doesn't accept the Zionist agenda? Way to go Professor Noble! Perhaps Professor Judt should do the same!
In fact, it is my belief that in all likelihood, thousands, and perhaps even tens of thousands of Americans, have been sandbagged, intimidated and smeared by the secret criminal Zionist network. It's time to not only hold them accountable, but to take them to court and to get our American taxpayer dollars back into American hands once again. They've certainly got deep enough pockets!
Lawsuits would serve to provide an even more beneficial service: that of exposing the Zionists secretive and back room/closed door back-stabbing and bring it into the sun-bleached daylight of public awareness. The Zionist network and its vile ranks attack and smear publicly, but when challenged, desire always to make amends in the darkness of secrecy. Think of an errant loudmouth who publicly accuses you of wrongdoing at a town hall meeting, but after challenge in that venue, apologizes and tries to settle differences quietly and privately. That describes Zionists to a tee!
After smearing Professor Judt, Foxman invited Judt, and fellow academics who protested his treatment, to his office for a "private" meeting. This is the Network's method: accuse and smear publicly, apologize and smooth things out privately and quietly. But finally, about 100 academics have had enough of the ADL'sterrorist tactics and then went public with a letter of rebuke sent to Foxman. The entire letter and signatures can be found at [<<>>]. The last two paragraphs in the academics' letter of protest says it all: "In a democracy, there is only one appropriate response to a lecture, article, or book one does not agree with. It is to give another lecture, write another article, or publish another book. For much of its hundred-year history your organization worked side by side with other Americans who wanted to guarantee that freedom for all, and your mission statement still declares: 'the goal remains the same: to stand up for the core values of America against those who seek to undermine them through word or deed.'
Though we, the undersigned, have many disagreements about political matters, foreign and domestic, we are united in believing that a climate of intimidation is inconsistent with fundamental principles of debate in a democracy. The Polish Consulate is not obliged to promote free speech. But the rules of the game inAmerica oblige citizens to encourage rather than stifle public debate. We who have signed this letter are dismayed that the ADL did not choose to play a more constructive role in promoting liberty."
As the academics point out, Foxman and his ADL have violated their own organization's primary reason for its creation, and continue to violate the reasons the American people formed this government; namely, to escape religious repression and to acquire and enjoy freedom of speech and thought. My detractor, considering his well written letter, could have challenged me in a letter to the editor, or by simply writing a guest article opposing my viewpoint. Foxman could have allowed Judt to speak, and then afterwards could have written an article, given an opposing speech, or challenged him to a debate. As the academics pointed out, this is the "democratic way." Obviously, this is not the way of the underhanded Zionist network.
And apparently Professor David Noble is onto their act as well! In initiating his lawsuit, the article continues: "Defendants include the private corporate entity York University Foundation, pro-Israel lobbying and fundraising organizations, Hillel of Greater Toronto, the United Jewish Appeal Federation of Greater Toronto, and the Canadian Jewish Congress, Ontario, and their agents.
They are accused of trying to intimate Noble because of his critical investigation into external influences on Canada's third-largest public university. In 2004, he distributed a short report entitled 'The Tail that Wags the Dog' which showed the connections between members of the York Foundation, a fundraising body, and pro-Israel lobbyists.
As a result Jewish student activists red flagged him for implying 'Jews controlled York University' and singling out fundraisers by their racial identity." The article ends saying, "Noble, an expert in the History of Technology, says he has lost family in the Holocaust and finds the charge of 'anti Semitism' both 'hurtful and offensive.' Earlier this year a Jewish York University grad student was suspended for three years for protesting the death of Rachel Corrie. He has sued the university for $850.000."
It is within the power of all Americans smeared by the agents and proxies of a foreign government to seek protection and legal relief through the courts. Yes, the Zionist network is rich and powerful, but they are also very wrong and vulnerable. My Zionist antagonist can continue to enjoy the power and invulnerability of anonymity, but only until that point in time that it can be proven that I have a case. And if and when a lawsuit can be initiated, the advantage of anonymity will evaporate and public exposure of the underhanded methods of the Zionist network will be exposed.
If members/users and leaders/principals of the Zionist network use their freedom of speech and thought to silence the freedom of speech and thought of others, how can their actions in any way, shape or form conform to the American ideals of democracy and freedom we so cherish? Why do our so-called elected representatives kowtow to such un-American organizations as AIPAC and the ADL? Why does AIPAC, which initiates espionage against our government and nation, continue to enjoy tax-exempt status? And why is this exemption allowed to continue even after a Zogby poll offered that over 80 percent of Americans want AIPAC's tax-exempt status yanked? And where does "our" Congress stand on this, and where are they on all the other critical problems confronting our nation, the most critical of which were caused primarily by the Israel lobby that Dershowitz and Foxman don't want US to question? When will America be restored to the American people?
© THEODORE E. LANG 12/15/06 All rights reserved  
Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.


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