- By Thomas Paine Revisited
- This is for my FELLOW PIGMIES if they didn't get the
above. OH, please see CAFR1.COM http://cafr1.com/ after this and read
the story about Pigmies. http://cafr1.com/Plunder.html
- Paraphrasing Ronald Reagan, "Here we ----throughout
the centuries----go again. If you didn't get it, perhaps this will shine
out the unrepentant unreflective clearer not truly ever seeing enough of
themselves in the mirror.
NATION in all BUT APPEARANCE if what Walter Burien says is true"COMMUNISM
government type (small "r) republican, but what has happened over
the past thirty years?
TYPE ORWELLIAN TAKEOVER! Question: if true, can a takeover like this occur
and not eventually become amazingly hostile? ANSWER: NO! Can you disagree
with "your government publicly and continue to hold or obtain a job
when they own the job market---and darn near everything else? Here's an
analogy! Can a supposed family member (?) swindle/huckster/defraud you,
invest your money and become amazingly wealthy, buy up the town, hide these
facts by granting favors, continue to demand evermore from you, be worried
that you might catch on to the sham and kybosh it, start building an internal
security state"which is or is not a part of this drift, and yet continue
to hold "any good will?
- I note this ill thirty-year half-shown double-book drift
(composite government secretly buying up the USA) occurred mostly with
so-called Conservative Republican presidents as well as Democrat Jimmy
Carter and William Jefferson Clinton. Were they all double-talking villainous
tricksters? I don't know. However, it's either massive ignorance ---leaders
being out of the loop--- that boggles the mind, or it's a pillaging type
betrayal allowed to grow that has no equivalent (in its scope) in known
world history"if what Burien says is true.
- How can I say such things?
- Well there was this derivatives trader named Walter Burien
who thumbed through Federal, State, and Local Comprehensive Annual Financial
Reports (i.e., CAFR's) for years adding up totals to get the big picture.
Even the individual instances he shows are absurdly disturbing. I know
economic professors who know what's going on, but they don't tell their
students for it doesn't profit them; yet, it's the biggest economic movement
in history and they sit on their thumbs. Sometime, go to his website CAFR1.com.
- What are CAFRs? CAFRs are the only reports admitting
government's true wealth"to include compounding investment holdings,
enterprises, etc. Burien found that "Thirty some years ago only 8-to-12
percent of financial activity and ownership of The United States of America
resulted from the holdings and activity of the government. Whereas today,
due to sly purposefully hidden investment strategies (Began with the General
Financial Officers Association in Chicago) and thus shenanigans the total
of government's composite ownership and financial activity is "CONSERVATIVELY
forty-eight percent or more and growing. Where are Rush Limbaugh and the
other so called conservatives if this were true? HU? If correct, answer:
THEIR PAID JOKES: propagandists. Correct?
- Where are all the other so-called libertarians? Personally,
my guess is that government control and ownership is now well over fifty-percent
and moving on the rest. One figure I saw was 65 percent, but I,ll leave
you to check Burien's figures. (Again, see http://CAFR1.com.) Yet, in the
schmooze casts we heard that the "real growth was occurring in the
private sector. That is a FLAT OUT Pinocchio's nose going to Venus and
beyond type LIE, that is, unless one considers/counts institutional investment
funds of government as private affairs, which is a huge stretch, that is,
since they are government investment funds that "you (John/Jane Doe)
bled to provide seed money for, which remain for the most part hidden from
you. Growth also is a relative terms, for consolidation (sucking everything
into a government vortex) isn't necessarily growth---except for the vortex.
- Was this considered privatization? I,m reminded of Disraeli's
saying, "there are lies, damn lies, and statistics. Well, is limited
government totally damned? Is "OUR government up and gone? Perhaps
I was right on the nosey when I wrote in my long rhyme of a spinning Jefferson
flat in his grave. Here is the great seeing eye (un-) becoming for my pupils.
- Regarding Burien's figures, and I believe him, the published
reports he garnered now are no longer speaking in clear terms----surprise:
they,re no longer speaking in gross totals that included "all "assets,
which includes but are not limited to: investment capital and enterprises,
which Burien compiled and leaked. Previously to Burien's being blabby,
such information was accessible only for government entity to government
entity---bragging like. At first if the government entities bragged to
one another, so why now all the hush hush? Answer: they are up to no good.
Correct? HU?
- How do you learn to watch your assets? Mr. Burien says
to understand true ownership and thus control by government one must be
able to garner not only tax contributions and basic infrastructure, but
also figure total worth, which is done by finding:
- 1. The total cash receipts from ALL operations?
- 2. The total investments from ALL operations?
- 3. The total "net worth of ALL operations?
- 4. And seeing what has the growth been over 5 years,
10, 15, 20, 25, etc.? This is for perspective!
- I REPEAT, the fourth point (i.e., #4) is important because
since the revelations of the "hidden wealth game the government players
have attempted to Re-Hyde Park the facts again"my little soon to be
screwed or Kersplated pigmies paying for plots and the New World Order
EMPIRE. Correct?
- Again, are we a near communist and/or totalitarian state,
or heading in that direction? Are we drifting off into real infamy? Are
the people sovereign? Seems evermore "NO to speak of personal sovereignty
resource wise, and perhaps this is why the parties seem to feel free to
do electronic ballet falsification bullshit. Is the fight simply between
what Burien calls "Selectively Managed Population Liaison Representative:
the Democratic and Republican parties? Answer: POSSIBLY! And, who's running
them? Banksters? Well, it seems isn't you my little Droogies, which bite
onto the issues come election time involving abortion, immigration, gay
marriage and everything and anything else that doesn't hit upon the real
stuff squarely----- money and power. Isn't this today's convenient catchy
facade? Today, you only ratify "mega-plutocratic selections and attend
coronations--HU, but is that an election?
- Well, in communist/ fascist/ communist/ totalitarian
societies the means of production (businesses and much more) are owned
not by people, but by the government: THE PARTY. Through this "exclusive
ownership government has the power to use, direct, and/or control resources:
resources include citizens (actually slaves---even against themselves)
as was true in the Soviet Union. Ever notice companies publicly traded
on Wall Street are (or are becoming) primarily owned and controlled by
institutional funds: GOVERNMENT. Amazingly, this even includes the Fortune
500 as well as the big three networks--etc.
- Essentially, Walter Burien says the composite Government's
investments are nearly THE (supposedly free) MARKET. Again, what ever happened
to privatization? Answer: it possibly NEVER WAS! Things were made private
only on one hand to give them to the other. Was it all a WILL TO POWER
shell game!
- As to the Media, composite government owns over 51 percent
of the Big three networks and perhaps the big press (and much more), which
means that it may unduly influenced or control how things unfold by proxy
votes---information wise. Thus, how much can "The Fourth-Estate always-claiming
objectivity and bellowing its function as check upon government power be
true if government OWNS AND/OR controls those very same networks, which
by the way are now emulating the National Inquirer? Look at your newscasts!
Isn't The Fourth estate becoming A SICK JOKE! You don't have to be a wunderkind
to see this and trouble. Are they not a near captured spin-factory type
helpmeet"right now? (Remember this when you get to my discussion regarding
- I repeat, if it didn't stick, it's not the Federal government
alone in this private sector takeover, that is, even if they are but one
of the important coordinating puppet-masters. Simply, the takeover of the
private sector has been federal as well as a state and local level venture,
for untold units of government are busily buying up the "Private Sector
in the United States from the backrooms as well as setting target upon
Planet Girth. Who's behind this? Is there a director? (The end of America;
scene one, take one, take everything?)
- Even worse, the same government managers compete with
private investors who don't have either their resources or inside information,
that is, since government controls and distributes critical financial disclosures,
has much power over currency values, and influences and/or shapes events
for its benefit. In this way, composite Government makes a killing off
of private investors through Puts (meaning: betting bad fortune to glom
onto bags of boodle) and in the Derivative Markets, which means it feasts
off of ignorance and calamity. Big Hmmmm.
- Moreover, interconnected composite government is everywhere
bleating the words "THE DEBT while hiding the facts of its true wealth,
which Burien says is conservatively 60 trillion in value as found by tallying
CAFRs (i.e., years ago and growing), and taking you John/Jane Dow investors
and citizens being taxed to death to the cleaners.
- According to Burien, not a single government retirement
fund lost money in 911, that is, while you average schmucks 401K's went
into the toilet. Hmmmm. OH, because Burien says government thinks citizens
are both ignorant and suckers, government deems citizens in the USA as
"Masterfully Entertained Productivity Units. It has something to do
with the interlocking interests of a three-headed vampire: the Government,
the Media, and Academia. Is nobody's looking out for you?
- Here is an interesting fact Burien relates. Composite
government (i.e., all units on average) reaps 2/3rds (I repeat"2/3rds)
of its revenues from investment funds and enterprise operations. Only 1/3rd
or less of the revenues it now obtains are through taxes. Wow HU? What
happens when the government no longer needs citizen energy via tax revenue?
In other words, what if government isn't dependent and unrepresentative?
Is this a horrific trend? I believe the answer is "YES!
- Additionally, the national debt was not so long ago 44
trillion, but you perhaps don't realize that our brethren government cabal
of drunk-sailor money managers are funding that very same debt (buying
bonds in themselves: there operations)"with your money, mega padding
themselves with benefits and biggus buckaroos, benefiting their friends.
Making a profit off of the debt service by "paying themselves with
interest, hiding that unreported profit, and locking you into all but into
an oncoming chattel existence: debt slavery (it's an old game), that is,
and laughing all the way to themselves. AMAZING!
- Moreover, government investors are not only buying up
the public marketplace (aka free market"HA) and padding themselves
extravagantly, but through enterprise accounts the government is buying
harbors for yachts and golf courses for the litigious Black Robes that
protect the scheme. IMHO this gives the term "Criminal Justice new
meaning! Burien points to the fact that some judges get a five million
dollar benefit package for sitting on the bench for merely a year. Given
this, is nobody's looking, out for you thralls. NOBODY! Such stuff also
makes me want to see where the money is ending up from all the rising cancer
rates exploding in the United States. Hey, if were all but cattle, what's
out and out murder for profit when representation and morality has left
the building? HU?
- Furthermore, all the foreign investment caps placed upon
United States investment by units of government began to go south with
investment in Mexico, then expanding government investment further chipped
away at personal power/sovereignty with such things as NAFTA and GATT,
and finally unlimited Asian investments by our grand Pooh-Bahs is threatening
you evermore worthless chumps. Why chumps? Well, it seems "you isn't
the best investment return even with your own (growing seed) money, which
I repeat has been hidden from you.
- The profits are YOURS and the PENSIONERS---you,d think,
but since "Government Pensioners participate in a "voluntary
system (designed to withhold gross total type information), they only see
a wee small cut"or the bottom line. Simply, the investment money is
going to would be emperors building personal empires, which is hollowing
out your Purple Mountain Majesty.
- You could compete "for your own money seeking government
institutional investment funds that your taxes paid to swell, that is,
except that you,d need to earn a buck or less and hour and have no benefits"whatsoever,
that is, to be competitive with foreign slave laborers states, which are
some selling their own John/Jane Doe's to garner arms and a cut. The employment
statistics are basically extrapolated bullshit to show you whatever the
statisticians went to show you. OH, if Walter Burien is substantially correct,
you isn't "them (the "in class) anymore and versa-visa--- wholly.
Again, is OF, BY, and FOR FINI? Lincoln and Jefferson would be ready to
go to the barricades risking themselves refreshing the tree of liberty
as well as being all out type pissed in my estimation.
- And you might see that I "noted NONDISCLOSURE! According
to Walter Burien, the Fourth-Estate, which especially involves the trend
setting East Coast media editors and reporters involving the three major
networks (i.e., CBS, NBC, and ABC / and don't even get me started with
FOX), who by the way happen to be Majority Stock type owned by government
through composite type institutional funds----can you say "conflict
of interest----, all received this eye opening, information found only
in Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports for well over twenty-five years.
(Actually, Burien says NOT A PEEP TO THE SHEEPLE in fifty years.)
- The same is true for various brands of commissioners"no
peeping, etc. And, the well off Educational Administrations "wanabee
overlording their pedantic lickspittle minions and the mightily sucking
ever harder on the government tit also received CAFRs and said bupkis for
umpteenth years. Why the silence? If you didn't get the big picture by
now, you,ll have to watch one of Burien's videos and look at the world.
If that fails a lobotomy might fix your confusion. OH, regarding reporters
and editors, Burien says they,re in a revolving door cozy bit of stealth
sycophantism and second/secret-hand carrion picking off (YOU: the targeted
dross carcass. HOW? NEXT! Well, Burien shows how reporters and editors
government treasurer type jobs---with boffo expense accounts. Cute HU?
Apparently, the need for this legerdemain treatment (i.e., this pump priming
revolving door style) is smaller in the education establishment, which
directly receives government funds directly. Well, it seems they just ratchet
up salaries and benefit packages for our Mini Overlord Nurse Ratchet's.
- According to Burien, the years of nondisclosure smells
to high heaven (or should I say "Loki Hades), and that such amounts
to an illegal conspiracy as defined in innumerable legal type seemingly
non-enforced statutes. I CALL IT WHAT IT IS: VAST TREASON---IF TRUE. IMHO!
- Apparently, there are (or are evermore becoming) "two
books of LAW of the United States, and one has blank pages to be written
upon. Hey, if some people are above the law, is anyone under it? ANSWER
Burien states that if any private organization hid its investment profits
from its investors (i.e., as you non-penitent government does from you
public schnooks paying taxes) in such a way, they would (or should) be
sitting in the big-house type lockup/penitentiary. Given this, we seem
to have the Golden Rule; those who control the gold make up the rules,
that is, for comfort and greater power-- for "themselves. POWER IS
THE RULE! And given this, isn't the conclusion inescapable that your own
government and its servicing adjunct minions have devolved into an ORGANIZED
CRIME type SYNDICATE---IF TRUE, which is not my estimation, but is laid
out by government in its own statutes---read RICO. Well, do government
statutes only apply to average citizens? This should ---especially----
make you worry as that very government erects a domestic national security
structure that has the ability to continually chip away at the Bill of
Rights here at home. Sure, you can call me a Chicken Little or one of the
black helicopter crowd.
- Nevertheless, who is looking out for John/Jane Doe type
totally suckered blind suckers? Answer: seems nobody but a pissed off derivatives
trader spending years "ATTEMPTING TO to blow the whistle on massive
bullpucky. He, s met with a news blackout. Well, so much for that entire
academic civics dribble we must read while steaming aboard the Pedantic.
The Pedantic Iceborgs striking keel have even participated in this hostile
takeover through the sin of omission"like the media. Actually, the
media is much more involved, but that's another story.
- As to our political scene, isn't what's going on now
just more deckchair rearrangement and "at best hypocritical squawk
before an undertow drags us down? Only the self-believing Woden and the
rolling in it get off into the bloat, the rest go down with the shit. Well,
if everyone marches after the carrot no matter how it's dangled because
they simply joined the raiding party, expedience, fear, a lack of moral
fiber, or an absence of altruism or willpower?
- Lastly, there is an out! There is a good news bad news
thing with all of the above according to Walter Burien. If we choose to
retire income taxes, shrink government and the debt and our composite government
(i.e., governments) actually begins to invest in "We the People again,
then the problem can turn into a massive benefit. Why scream about a fixed
problem. If fixed, WE THE PEOPLE can again provide personal energy to energize
that economy thing, which now when wholly tabulated taps off 80% of citizen/human
energy. This fact is sort of pitiful given, as stated above, that government
only receives 1/3 of its revenue in taxes. Actually, most of all that you
give not to the federal government just pays off the debt service, and
that service's debt with its attached interest benefits a private banking
monopoly, which is the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. Instead of our government
printing money, we pay interest to INTERNATIONAL BANKERS, WHO I'M SURE
- Nevertheless, Walter Burien says that either we have
innumerable years of productivity, or we stay on the same path and become
a slave plantation type madhouse for the next thousand years. Isn't that
the choice, or is this just a bunch of hyperbole? And, when those controlling
the reigns have boodles beyond imagination, it's no longer about avarice;
it's about control
- Again, what happens when government controls the marketplace?
Of course, our angels never will use its power to unrighteously thwack
what happens when sheltered & non-elected Banksters and government
investment managers "in government overshadow the other three-branches---wholly,
since they are dependent upon them and not YOU.
- NOTE FROM Walter Burien: Well, THE END or THE BEGINNING...you
choose. http://CAFR1.com <http://cafr1.com/