Aspartame - The Root
Of All Evil Disease?

By Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum
From The Douglass Report, Dec 2006

AI had a dream last night -- a nightmare, really. I dreamed I was having lunch with one of the evil geniuses behind the aspartame hoax. I asked him, "Are the American people going to lose weight by substituting aspartame for sugar?"
He looked at me with bright little piggy eyes and said, "Forget it! They're never going to lose weight!" Then he looked around to make sure no one else could hear and leaned forward so close I could small his foul breath and said, "And by the way, our product actually causes cancer and increases the appetite. So, it's great for the cancer business and the war-on-fat business." He started laughing like a hyena as his head swelled into a hideous chocolate souffle. The tiny sparkling pig eyes disappeared in folds of the expanding brown-baked surface - and then exploded with mighty "whoomph-blam!"
I looked down where our table had been and saw it: In one great swirl of raspberry-chocolate, there was, at the center, one piggy eye glinting up at me. And then the eye spoke: "You see? It's over! Aspartame will destroy the world!" Then it sank slowly down into the slime.
It might seem like that dream came out of left field, but it'll make a little more sense when you consider what I've been reading over the past few days -- a 1,000 page book called 'Aspartame Disease' by H. J. Roberts, M.D. And as disturbing as that dream was, the health implications of aspartame are far more than disconcerting.
LET ME GIVE YOU FAIR WARNING THAT I'M ABOUT TO TRADUCE ( I think it means "to verbally beat the hell out of") aspartame. I know I've talked about it before, but after reading Dr. Roberts' book, I'm more fired up about it now than I've ever been. The massive introduction of this neurotoxin into the food supply is nothing less than biological warfare against every single one of us, and the only acceptable solution is to ban it from the food chain.
Dr. Roberts doesn't waste any time listing some powerful reasons for you to avoid this neurotoxin. I'm going to paraphrase them for lack of space (my apologies to Dr. Roberts), but I'm sure you'll get the idea.
FDA in-house scientists, consultants for the General Accounting Office (one of the few trustworthy bureaus in the U.S. government), and a public board of inquiry all urged that aspartame not be approved for human consumption. Yet despite clear evidence that this neurotoxin induced brain tumors in experimental animals, the FDA head at the time ignored the facts that were right in front of his face and approved the chemical for public consumption.
Did you know it's against the law to expose people to a drug found to induce cancer in experimental animals? (It's called the "Delaney Clause." ) Doing so amounts to genocide and treason, both of which, as I understand it, are illegal.
Anyway, instead of blacklisting the chemical with a "POISON!" sign like they should have, the perps down at the FDA stamped it with their coveted GRAS clearance. In case you're not familiar with the acronym, it means "generally regarded as safe." It gets my heart rate up just thinking about applying such a misleading term to something as UNSAFE as aspartame. It's like impersonating a police officer or slipping razor blades into candy bars.
And let me tell you, that GRAS clearance has been aspartame's "get-out-of-jail-free card" on more than one occasion. Now, when a complaint comes in about a neurological disease or other serious reaction that appears to be aspartame-induced, the FDA blows it off as anecdotal and not worthy of further comment. After all, aspartame is a GRAS chemical-- the FDA said so themselves.
So if everything Roberts says is true, why haven't you heard about this scandal on the evening news, or read about it in the papers, or even been warned about it by your doctor? I'll tell you why: Professional organizations and their publications continue to suppress the truth about aspartame because they've all been bought off. In most casues, Big Pharma is behind such under-the-table deals, but in this case, the big food corporations are the culprits. All of the food giants use the inexpensive imposter in huge quantities in their products. How sweet it is - especially for the bottom line. That leaves them plenty of money to buy off anyone who might want to blow the whistle on their deadly little scam -- and leaves most doctors as ignorant as their patients about the dangers of aspartame. And it makes even more sense when you find out that most of the studies "proving" the safety of aspartame were financed by -- guess who? -- the big food industry.
I'll end with a statistic for you: 66 percent of adults and 40 percent of children consume products containing this toxin. (This statistic is from 2000, so I'm sure these percentages are higher by now -- especially considering Bill Clinton's Diet Coke push in our public schools.)
So is it any wonder that every single neurological disease is on the rise? Roberts doesn't think so. In the book, he lists hundreds of diseases he believes can be traced back to aspartame -- and he explains the basis for his arguments. Obviously, I don't have the space to get into specifics here, so let's just look at the big picture.
A toxin like aspartame goes to many different types of cells, but it seems to have a particular liking for the cells of the central and peripheral nervous systems. That means that the dame from aspartame can show up anywhere the nerves are --which, of course, is anywhere in the body. And because it attacks your body at the cellular level, it can cause any number of diseases. The collection of signs and symptoms will vary, but the diseases will still come back to one root cause -- aspartame.
The use of aspartame is as detrimental to your health as fluoride, chlorine, and soybean products. It's not easy to avoid, either. Aspartame is in hundreds of different colas, desserts, candies, and other junk foods. The only way to avoid it is to shop the supermarket periphery for your food - the meat and fish, dairy, and fresh fruits and vegetables. There are also many fine foods from Europe and the far East that come in cans and jars that don't contain the poisonous sugar substitute - tuna, meat and fish pates, muscles, clams - you get the idea. Yes, a lot of these foods are expensive, but let me tell you, your food is NOT the place to cut budget costs. It'll just drive your healthcare costs up in the future.
No sugar is good sugar
........... In time, taking in too much sugar can lead to diabetes, which will lead to heart disease, renal disease, peripheral vascular disease, diabetic retinitis (blindness), diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and the list goes on and on.
But again, let's look at the big picture. What we're talking about here is a "lesser of evils." The best possible thing you could do for your body would be to eliminate any and all sugar from your diet. If you want to live to a healthy old age (key word here being "healthy"), you should extract your sweet tooth ASAP in order to avoid the laundry list of horrors I just mentioned.
But like I said, we're talking about a lesser of evils here, so if you have a sweet tooth that just won't take "no" for an answer, consider using a sweetener that doesn't contain aspartame - like Stevia, cyclamate, or lo-han.
One of the "up and coming" neurological diseases that Roberts blames on aspartame is Parkinson's disease. And while that just may be the case, I have a feeling that this particular disease is often a case of mistaken identity.
Is it REALLY Parkinson's?...
Colin Campbell is only in his 50s, but he has already been diagnosed with "early-onset" Parkinson's disease. He followed his doctor's advice and went to a support group. But what he saw there shocked him. All the other people were decades older than he was -- and their symptoms looked nothing like his.
Could this be the difference between "early-onset" Parkinson's and the disease in its later stages? Perhaps. But I'd like to suggest that in some cases it's a different disease altogether. And at that early stage of the game - when the symptoms look suspiciously similar to another disease (which I'll tell you about in a minute), that disease is at least something doctors should be testing for. Different diseases, after all, demand different treatments.
Lauren Neergaard covered this story for the Associated Press. Whether she knows it or not, she gave us plenty of between-the-lines reporting when she wrote: "Parkinson's isn't just an old person's disease: A growing number of Americans are diagnosed before age 50, and their illness seems biologically somewhat different from the version that strikes seniors." Somewhat different, indeed. Did anyone stop to consider that maybe it's "somewhat different from the version that strikes seniors." Somewhat different, indeed. Did anyone stop to consider that maybe it's "somewhat different" because IT'S A DIFFERENT DISEASE?!?
You know, I grew up hopping from one mental institution to the next: from Augusta, Georgia; to Danville, Illinois; to Westwood, California; to Palo Alto, California; to Tuscaloosa, Alabama. No, I wasn't committed -- my dad was a psychiatrist in the Veteran's Administration. Back in those days, the doctors were moved around like the military and wore naval officer uniforms like the Public Health Service.
As a child and through my teens, I saw a lot of veterans with symptoms of "waxy facies" (a wax-like lack of expression), tremor of the hands, dragging of the feet, slurred speech, and dementia. It was a weird environment to grow up in, but I came to see these tragic hulks of humanity as part of life. What was their disease? Treponema pallidum, better known as syphilis. Interesting enough, these are also the classic signs of Parkinson's disease.
My point is, just because two diseases have similar symptoms doesn't mean they're the same disease. Two plus two doesn't always equal four in the medical world. After all, there are only so many symptoms to go around. Colin Campbell's impairment could be the result of anything from childhood immunizations to fluoride toxicity. He'll never know. The doctors will never know, either, because they never dig deep enough below the surface of the symptoms to find the cause of the problem. And as long as the medicines they're prescribing are suppressing the symptoms, they're happy -- and they think you should be too.
But playing mix-and-match with medications never did anybody any good - not in the long run, anyway. So if you're just been diagnosed with Parkinson's get a second opinion - or a third and even a fourth. And in the end, if you -- and your doctors -- come to the conclusion that you have Parkinson's disease, there are better alternatives out there to the patent medications that so many doctors are eager to load you up on.
Clip - His newsletter continues on other subjects. He does say: "P.S. One final thought on the Aspartame Disease book: Don't be frightened away by its size. It costs $75, but its well worth every penny. Trust me - you'll get your money's worth from just the preface and overview, which are only 35 pages. After you've read those sections, you can start "shopping" through the book for advice about your particular problems or those of a loved one. " However, you can get Dr. Roberts book on special from for $49.95. If you're an aspartame victim you can take this to your physician and he will understand how to treat you. As Dr. Roberts says, victims go from doctor to doctor spending thousands of dollars for needless diagnostic studies or surgery when the only thing that will help is getting off aspartame. Dr. Roberts can be seen in the aspartame documentary: Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World.
Also, there are safe substitutes as Dr. Douglass says like Stevia. There is also Just Like Sugar which is chicory, orange peel and Vitamin C and Calcium. An analysis has been done it and shown to be safe. You can get this one in Whole Foods and Wild Oats, etc. or on their web site.
Dr. Russell Blaylock's detox program is
I would also like to add about Parkinson's. Aspartame can precipitate Parkinson's and one of the reasons is because of aspartic acid, 40% of the molecule. It is an excitotoxin, or product that simulates the neurons of the brain to death causing brain damage: ) Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills by Russell Blaylock, M.D. )Aspartic acid, the excitotoxic component of aspartame does not cross the blood brain barrier but is secreted into the cerebral spinal fluid by the choroid plexus located in the ventricles of the brain. There, in the brain's lower area and upper terminus of the spinal is where Lou Gehrigs, Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis damage is most prominent. These critical locations are bathed in the toxin as it removes from the blood. From the third to fourth ventricle there is a narrow canal called sylvian aqueduct which fills with this secretion and washes the roof of the hypothalamus."
To make matters worse aspartame interacts with all drugs and vaccines. And it interacts with L-dopa back time. Now the drug Parcopa has aspartame in it being prescribed for Parkinson's patients. The manufacturer knows - here is the letter: They refuse to answer it and can be responsible for the disability and death of Parkinson's victims. Likewise, the FDA does not warn about the interaction even though they know and were sent a copy of this letter. They have been receiving this information for years, but as you know, the FDA today is simply an extension of Big Pharma and has no concern for the public. One young Parkinson patient went through horrible withdrawal getting off Parcopa. She crawled around the floor thinking she was going to die. Aspartame liberates free methyl alcohol which is classified as a narcotic and causes chronic methanol poisoning. (Of course, against the adulteration statute). This affects the dopamine system of the brain. Meanwhile the drug is interacting with the aspartame. What kind of pharmaceutical company could get a letter like the above and refuse to answer it or remove aspartame from the drug knowing its maiming the victims.
Michael Fox is an example of someone young who got Parkinson's. He was a Diet Pepsi spokesman: And many times like Dr. Douglass discussed its like Parkinson's. Even Fox was said to have "Parkinson-like symptoms". And this is what aspartame causes and so many degenerative diseases as discussed in the doctors books. Here is an article that will help explain even Lou Gehrigs:
So the experts on aspartame have really educated the public on Parkinson's in their articles and books. And today there are many products that help once off aspartame. Mannatech is one of the companies ( And I know someone who has a product having to do with glutathione that has helped a lot of Parkinson patients. I'm sure a lot of research is available on that issue and glutathione is discussed in Health & Nutrition Secrets To Save Your Life by Dr. Blaylock,
Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 242-2599 and
Aspartame Toxicity Center,


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