UFO Photographed In Nepal?
From "Martin"

The photograph below was sent to from 'Martin' with this information...
this pic was made a year ago in katmandu/nepal.
remarkable is that she did not see the 'thing,' only at home when looking at the photo.
Examination of the photo reveals no digital manipulation. Shifts in contrast reveal nothing unusual and the object appears to be of the same 'blur level' as the light-post (seen just below the UFO) situated a good distance from the two main buildings seen in the photo. It does not appear to be a bird or a plane. No wires can be detected. It does not appear to be in front of the right hand building or near the left hand building as we might very well see a shadow cast on the right wall, especially if it were a small object (note that the left hand building appears to be casting a shadow on it). This makes the object of some considerable size, depending of course on its actual distance from the two buildings, but surely eliminates the possibility that it is a small object close to the camera or anywhere near the items in the foreground. Shadows on the object are consistent with shadows throughout the photo. The 'jpeg compression scars' appear to be consistent throughout the photo.
It almost resembles a cartoonish bird of somekind, but that could also be the tendency for the brain to find recognizable elements where there are none.
We're stumped! Input and analysis welcome. To download the full resolution image, click here. (note: PLEASE do NOT use "art" filters on the image if you are submitting visual analysis, they only create non-existent artifacts in the digital field that are worthless. ie, emboss filters, edge find/enhancing filters, solarization filters.)

Blow Up Of The UFO

"Top" On UFO

Fred Gunn
Hi Jeff,
After reviewing the article and analyzing the photo of the "UFO" at the Nepalese temple, I am of the opinion that this is a kite. Kite flying is a festive seasonal activity in Nepal and is popular around the temples as the social belief is that it sends a messsage to the gods to remind them not to send any more rain. It's also a means of contacting and honoring ancestors, and of guiding recently released souls to the heaven. And if you look at the attached photos of Nepalese kites, you'll see their shape differs from what I remember my father showing me how to make here in America. The Nepalese kite is like two equal sized pyramids inverted over each other, whereas the kite I learned to make had a stretched out pyramid shape from the horizontal cross-member towards the ground.
The UFO in the article has this same shape associated with Nepalese kites and the color and sometimes cartoonish features. There has to be someone on the ground behind the temple flying the kite but it is too far away to show the string even with a blow up image. Looks like the festival is just starting.
Anyway, this is my analyis for what it's worth.
Fred Gunn
Name Witheld
I am a professional in photography and imaging. I would love to see an image of a UFO and I'm sure that they exist, but I am very sure that this picture does not show a real flying object.
As said in the article, there may very well have been no *digital* manipulation, as this photo has not been taken by a digital camera at all and is by no means an original image file. Proof:
+ size of the image is 1280 x 884 pixel. This is not an original digital
camera format.
+ No EXIF data in the jpeg file (which virtually every digital camera writes to their jpeg files).
+ Look at the file in a hex editor and you see in the first lines that it has been processed by Adobe Photoshop 3.0.
+ jpeg compression has been applied in *post-processing* and is therefore obviously coherent throughout the image - masking any revealing details.
+ there is a fine white border at the lower left and upper right of the image, which shows that the image has been slightly tilted to the left, with white background shining through.
(Note: some of the above info may be the result of our resaving the file after cropping off a left hand white area. This was the only change made. - webmaster)
My conclusion so far: I expect this to be a reproduction (scanned or otherwise) of an image that has probably been printed on photographic paper; it might also be the result of a film scan.
Attached, you find an enlargement of the "UFO" and you see that it is not symmetrical, which I would expect. The right half is somewhat longer (the difference shown in "b"), the vertical axis is not at right angles with the horizontal "body". Look at the significant difference in shape of the upper left and right parts of the object. If this is a UFO, it has probably had a very bad accident. ;-)
This image does not give me any reason to believe that this is a craft. If this has not been manually and intentionally applied, I would guess that during the film development process, the then wet and soft gelatin has been scratched and slightly shifted to the sides of the scratch. This, of course, could very easily be seen with a brief look at the original (negative or transparency) film.
I think it would serve the matter if you were more critical with publicising images like this.
Thanks a lot for your brillant work though, which I am very grateful for.
All the best,
Name Witheld
Thank you for your input, but we must disagree regarding being 'more critical.' We've seen many non-symmetrical UFOs. We prefer to present the evidence as is and let the people weigh in. - webmaster
David Sereda
Hi James, I zoomed in on the pixels in the hi-res file and it does not look like there is another layer added in photoshop. The color reflections on the surface of the UFO are consistent with the grey-blues in the sky-clouds. In fact they match perfectly. When a person adds a layer in photoshop, the pixels from the new layer set on top of the primary layer and you can see the displacement in color tone and squares.
The shading, color tones and light look the same as the actual photo. I think this is another example of interdimensional photography: the camera seeing what the human eye does not.
They are here!
David Sereda



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