- Name one advantage to adding 100 million more Americans
in the next 34 years. Don't Americans suffer enough problems with one
million homeless people staggering around our cities, unending and ulcer-provoking
gridlock traffic, toxic air pollution and suburbs expanding over the horizon?
- What does it take to wake up an entire civilization to
its impending calamity? A lady named Miss Ross wrote me, "Sir, don't
you know that Malthus was proven wrong and that he retracted his thesis
that overpopulation caused mass starvation?"
- Thomas Malthus wrote his thesis when there were less
than one billion people on the planet. Today, we suffer 6.5 billion.
In the March 14, 2005 issue of Time Magazine, writer Jeffrey D. Sachs reported,
"Eight million people die annually because they can't feed themselves35
percent of them don't have access to clean drinking water." While
we add 100 million Americans, 190 countries around the world will add three
billion people. If you think humanity suffers today, you're invited to
stick around to see it worsen beyond your wildest predictions.
- I've traveled over six continents on a bicycle. I've
seen overpopulation up close and ugly. I've seen what's coming. What
I am attempting to show readers is this: we cannot solve 21st
- century problems with 20th
- century thinking or actions. As Albert Einstein said,
"The problems in the world today are so enormous they cannot be solved
with the level of thinking that created them."
- Our government and leaders create a policy for everything
under the sun. We follow traffic, water, irrigation, immunization and
dozens of other policies. However, we fail our children without a national
"Population Policy". Where does that leave us? Our leaders
think it's acceptable to grow this nation into 1.3 billion people like
- But that kind of thinking created consequences China
can't solve. Why do you think millions of Chinese flee to America and Canada?
As their population grew, their freedoms diminished. As their numbers
exploded, their environment degraded. Their problems became irreversible
and unsolvable.
- India offers another example. I met Arun Gandhi, the
grandson of the great Gandhi, a year ago. He said to me, "With 1.1
billion people, we have devastating poverty. We have four million people
who are born in the streets, live in the streets and die in the streets
without ever having taken a shower, used a toilet or slept in a bed."
Therefore, if you think Malthus is wrong or Paul Ehrlich, think again.
It's only a matter of timing.
- Do we want to be like Germany with 82 million people
in a landmass the size of Indiana and Ohio combined? How would you like
to live in Holland which is 180 miles by 100 miles in size and houses 18
million people? Virtually everything must be imported. They exceeded
their carrying capacity and depend on the outside world for food, energy
and goods.
- As we explode toward this next 100 million added Americans,
let's talk about losing farmland.
- By growing at three million per year, each U.S. citizen
destroys 12 acres which is developed, cultivated, paved and covered in
concrete. It's called a citizen's 'footprint'. You may call it 'human
impact'. In this case, that equals 1.2 billion acres of land destroyed
nationwide to support 100 million added Americans by 2040. We're talking
serious destruction to natural habitat, wetlands, farmland and the "web
of life". You're also talking about 100 million more people using
water, gasoline, natural gas and electricity. In my state of Colorado,
we suffered rolling blackouts last winter because we didn't have enough
natural gas to heat our homes.
- For those of you who think we can grow endlessly because
you see 'lots of open space' as you fly in an airplane across our nation,
you must address "carrying capacity". That means how many humans,
plants and animals can be sustained by a limited amount of land and water.
- Since I know Colorado best, let me use our example in
order for you to apply it to your state. Colorado grew by 1.4 million
since 1992. As reported in the Denver Post, May 7, 2006, "Disappearing
Farmland", because of massive population growth and housing development,
we lose five family farms a week. Since 1992, we lost 2.89 million acres
of agricultural land. At the current rate of growth, Colorado loses 3.1
million acres of prime farmland by 2022. That's 16 years from now. If
you extend that to 2040, you've got a whopping added 3.3 million more farmland
acres destroyed for human development.
- Note that we suffer a water crisis in our state with
water restrictions in 2006.
- With more pavement replacing pastures in Colorado, rainwater
runs into drains instead of naturally working into the topsoil. Therefore,
underground aquifers can't recharge. At some point, no one can irrigate
crops on the remaining farmland.
- As we destroy prime farmland, our population explodes
beyond our carrying capacity. Agricultural experts predict America will
be importing more than 40 percent of fruits and vegetables within 30 years.
As fuel prices rise, the cost of food will degrade our standard of living.
And, worse, what if those countries sending us food today, can't or won't
in the future?
- To give you an even greater sense of the gravity of the
dilemma we face, let's turn to California. They add 1,650 people per day.
That's 600,000 people added per year. They expect to add 20 million by
2040 not counting illegal aliens that pour into that state without being
- If you take the same formula from Colorado's land loss,
that's five times greater farmland lost. Right about now, you're mentally
staggering while you sit reading this information. This population nightmare
grows so fast as to be almost incomprehensible. As California adds 20
million, Texas adds 12 million by 2025 and Arizona adds four million. Every
state adds from 1.0 to 3.0 million and more.
- Additionally, few take into account aquifers drying up
like the Ogallala Aquifer feeding the irrigation systems in the Midwest.
Few officials understand the long term consequences of spraying herbicides,
pesticides and injecting fertilizer by the billions of tons into our soils.
From the millions of tons of toxic smoke stack particulate flooding down
with each rainfall, we're poisoning our land faster than it can cleanse
itself of 72,000 human-made chemicals. We poison our ground water with
chemicals leeching into the soil from landfills and industrial waste.
With an added 100 million people, we poison the land, which is the foundation
of our existence, faster than it can recover.
- Another sickening aspect of our society is a lack of
respect for the land. Millions of Americans throw trash, cans, bottles,
plastic, old cars, millions of gallons of used oil and other chemicals
onto and into the land. I've seen hundreds of thousands of personal dumps
on farms, along the road and in the woods. Think what an added 100 million
people from Third World countries will do to our land.
- From my research, at the accelerating speed of America's
- immigration-driven growth, we pave several thousand of
miles of roads daily. If you notice across the land, you can't take a
picture without power lines or other human development. We're flooding
our natural world with everything un-natural. By adding another 100 million
people, we can only pollute our natural world with more dams, power lines,
highways, housing sprawl, malls, fire houses, schools, hospitals, bridges,
airports and worse. In the end, where will the animals go, how do they
feed and how do they procreate?
- Because of loss of habitat in the lower 48 states, the
National Academy of Sciences reports that 2,500 plants and animals suffer
extinction every decade. How can we, a cognitive species, continue that
kind of a killing spree?
- Finally, aren't we packed in like sardines already on
the east and west coasts? Aren't Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit,
Atlanta, Houston, Denver, San Francisco and all the major cities horrible
enough? Everyone is crammed, jammed and gridlocked into an ongoing hyper
- We clearly need a national population policy. We, as
Americans, created a stable population with a 2.03 fertility level in the
1970s. Immigration causes our population crisis. If we continue on this
path, we'll reach an added 100 million people on our way to one billion
people with commensurate misery and consequences.
- How can we stop this crisis? Simple: 10 year time out/rollback/moratorium
on all immigration. After the moratorium, we allow a maximum of 100,000
immigrants annually ONLY if that maintains a stable, sustainable U.S. population.
Those overpopulated countries need to stabilize their own populations.
We can help them, but in the end, they must help themselves.
- "Sustainable growth is a self-contradictory concept
beloved by those who want to continue the same old stands-growth as a solution
to all problems-very few people grasp the simple fact-demographic or economic
growth is unsustainable." Lindsey Grant, author of "TOO MANY
- What you can do to change America for the better:
- To stop illegal aliens in your community, you may follow
the course of action by Mayor Louis Barletta of Hazelton, PA. He offers
a bomb proof ordinance that takes business licenses away from those who
hire illegals. He legally halts landlords from renting to illegals. Without
work and without housing, illegals cannot stay in your community. Check
out his website for instructions: www.SmallTownDefenders.com/public/node/6
- Visit D.A. King at www.thedustininmansociety.org and
he will show you how to create statewide laws that prohibit illegal aliens
from gaining jobs, housing and abusing your state. You will learn how
to tack action at the local level where the federal government fails.
- To stop this invasion locally and nationally: join www.numbersusa.com
for free and you can join www.fairus.org and www.thesocialcontract.com
- Wooldridge presents a 45 minute program to colleges,
high schools, civic clubs, church groups and political clubs across America
IT". Go to his website for further information on booking the program.
- To make visual impact: Additionally, we have 300 Paul
Revere Ride T-shirts left that feature: "Stop Illegal Immigration"
on the front and the very cool "21st
- Century Paul Revere Ride" logo on the back with
web sites. Send for one today. State your size. $15.00 for T-shirt, handling
and postage. You're invited to support the PRR. Send donations to: 21st
- Century Paul Revere Ride at POB 207, Louisville, CO
- www.21stCenturyPaulRevereRide.us ; www.numbersusa.com
www.carryingcapacity.org ; www.balance.org ; www.thesocialcontract.com
; www.alipac.us at 1 866 329 3999; www.theamericanresistance.com ; www.ccir.net
; www.theByteShow.com ; www.projectusa.org ; www.borderguardians.org ;
www.immigrationwatchcanada.org ; www.mothersagainstillegalaliens.org ;
www.unitedpatriotsofamerica.com ; www.unitedstates.fm ; www.worldfreedomtour.info
Call: 1 888 280 7715. http://www.TiANews.com - www.victimsofillegalaliens.org
; www.pacinlaw.org
- http://USABorderAlert.com/ ; http://SanDiegoBorderAlert.com/
; www.laurierothshow.com
- Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world,
cultures and families in that he has bicycled around the globe 100,000
miles, on six continents and six times across the United States in the
past 30 years. He presents a program to colleges, conferences, high schools
and civic clubs around the country: "THE COMING POPULATION CRISIS
IN AMERICA: WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT". His published books include:
THE STATUE OF LIBERTY INTO A SWAMP". He lives in Denver, Colorado.
frostyw@juno.com www.frostywooldridge.com