Something Is Terribly
Wrong With This Country!

By Jim Kirwan

Listening to the Sunday Morning talk shows this morning on the networks ­ it appears that the administration has not understood what the Supreme Court actually said. Instead the watchword from inside the cabal is that there are traitors among us ­ like The New York Times. This would be laughable if the Barbarians were not so petulantly outraged, and at the same time so self-indulgently smug about their ridiculous positions on everything from the wars to flag burning.
The Boys-in-the Black Hats have repeatedly said that there are "some very dangerous men" being held in Guantanemo; 'men so dangerous that they can never be allowed to return to society!' But how do they "know" this? Where is the evidence of their horrific crimes? They have been tortured, yet most have not been charged with anything ~ if they are so evil and are criminal in such major proportions as to be a permanent threat to the entire world ­ there must be some real evidence in order to level such a charge. Yet nothing has yet been offered as any kind of justification of their "crimes." Bush says they were taken from the battlefields in Afghanistan or Iraq, but that in itself proves nothing:
Given that the battlefields in question included many innocent civilians caught in the crosshairs of America's trigger-happy eruption of national vengeance for something that the administration has never proven-namely that those "captured" played any part at all in 911 or its aftermath. (1) The outrage coming from the Tarnished House is pathetic in its hypocrisy. The New York Times has been one of their leading publications on many occasions ­ leaking what they were told to leak, on cue ­ and ignoring those stories that the administration wanted to kill. Now the White House and some extreme members of that largest collection of rubber stamps in Washington want to remove their press credentials because the paper had the temerity to publish something vital, about what the ad hoc actions of this make-believe government that is eye deep in its own failures-demands be stopped: on pain of losing their press credentials. Bunk!
The War on Terror has been created from a hole-filled cloth of mega-lies. The scale of those lies has now killed perhaps a half a million people, over 2500 of which were American troops. Since the entire basis for this war was never anything but a total fabrication, those calling for it so vociferously must be charged with the war crime that this is and was, back when Bush invaded both Afghanistan and Iraq.
The laws of this land are about specifics, yet everyday people must live their individual lives by generalities, in most cases.
What AIPAC and the anti-American's in Congress and on the Supreme Court as well as in the White House are doing shows a high degree of success in bolstering the national tendency toward generalizing even these most specific of laws ­ those that govern misleading the American public and the world ­ in such a way as to drag this country into unfounded wars. These actions had apparently succeeded in crushing 'the Rule of Law' ­ at lest until the Supreme Court reversed what Bush has done, in regard to the prisoners being held at Gitmo. Now he and his cohorts want to put words into the mouths of the justices that simply were not there in their most recent decision.
If there was a war to obtain either peace or democracy ­ these two hostile invasions were definitely not what was called for, because they have been key to the destruction of freedom, international law, and human rights-supposedly to "preserve" the very things they actually are destroying each and every day!
Bush walked away from the Geneva Conventions in the same way that he walked away from his own military obligations during the Vietnam War. The Geneva Conventions were created in the 1940's and the USA was a huge part of why and how these conventions came to be in existence. Until GWB, the US upheld those conventions as if they were part of the US Constitutional guarantees, under US law. To abrogate all of this for his own political convenience; in order to torture, rape and murder those prisoners, using US personnel to capture, maim or kill their prisoners, in the course of waging his totally fraudulent aggressions in other counties that were treated as if they had belonged to us all along. The call for "regime change" was never his to make ­ regardless of the tyrannies of Saddam. Just as his invasion of Afghanistan without any proof of complicity in the acts on 911 nor was their sufficient evidence to justify using preemptive US military force down on an impoverished nation whose only crime was to have chosen not to allow a Unocal Pipeline to run through their country.
There's a lot more war now-but there is no War-on-Terror, and that's what makes everything that happens now such a criminal farce! There is a lot of punishing of anyone, or of any nation that resists the military backed decrees of the New World Order: The NWO is neither "New," nor "Global" and it's about Chaos not "Order." It's basically a wet dream, conceived by people who have too much money and aspire to have even more. It's also about wanting to convert their power into absolute power-powers that can never be resisted. This, in a nutshell, is what all the wars and pending actions are about. If anyone wants to see more of how this all plays out, there's a living Petrie dish called Palestine, where this entire charade is currently being acted out on an essentially defenseless population-using US weaponry, armor and aircraft to bludgeon, to torture and murder those people into concessions that no sane person would ever willingly grant to any aggressor state.
What is going on in Gaza now has been happening over and over again for the last fifty years. So what lies beneath the current belligerence and barbarity of Israel? Who are those responsible for the mimicry of a Fourth Reich version of the kidnapping, and abuse of hundreds of thousands of people that largely had nothing to do with resisting the armed forces that they daily have to face. If Americans were to find themselves on the other side of these awesome weapons that we furnished Israel with ­ in this country: It would be inconceivable for those Americans in that situation to not resist that invasion in every conceivable way. This should not be a concept that is too difficult to grasp, even for those who are calling for the slaughter of the Palestinians ~ once they have put themselves in the place of those without jobs, weapons, food, water, medicine or hope. Even "Bubba" can figure this one out-if he or she could just get past all the racial and religious hatred being spewed from Washington and Tel Aviv.
Americans that find themselves in the mercenary armed forces of the US today, tend to be those who are either deeply committed to a legacy of military service that is simply a myth ~ or they desperately need a job ~ or at least they need the chance to begin again, and maybe turn their lives around. Hence they join only to find that the "job" they are required to do, is nothing like they thought it would be. It turns out that those assigned to combat roles, need to toss the manuals, both civilian and military, that outline the rights and wrongs in any war. For Bush these don't exist; so for the lowest ranking soldier, these ethics and responsibilities cannot have a bearing on what he or she must do-without complaint. So their actions are limited to following the orders given-without question-even if that means murdering unarmed and politically uninterested civilians in the dead of night, and in their own homes: all because some over-eager "leader" demanded that of those that are paid to follow him or her.
 That's why there are so many investigations that are beginning to flower like skunks at a wedding, because these were never isolated instances-but were created by those much higher up in the chain-of-command, to be unquestionably executed by everyone involved. The prosecution of these crimes must rise to at least cabinet level, and must include the Commander-in-Chief because there are responsibilities, beyond landing on flight decks and declaring "Mission Accomplished," that intrinsically go with this office that he acquired when he stole the presidency! That title has apparently been completely misinterpreted by Bush-it only applies to the US military in a time of war-and not to the people of the world or to the entire American civilian population, when this country has not been invaded.
The actions of the US military, in country, are why people the world over have begun to hate Americans. This is why our troops are despised, the country is hated, and the administration is largely seen as being in criminal violation of virtually all the laws that were designed to protect, not just Americans, but all of humanity. There are rules of war outlined in the Geneva Conventions and the UCMJ (The Universal Code of Military Justice) designed to protect unarmed civilians. The US and Israel have become the primary rogue nations, in the world today, that are attempting to kill or capture as many non-combatants (in their mutually illegal wars) as it is humanly possible to do ­ before the world catches on to what is really being done under the false flags of self-defense, being waved with such passion by both Israel and the United States of America.
The American military is not composed of robots. These are people that ostensibly have families and loved ones that care for and love them, as people: or at least most did before they put on a uniform. How is it possible that people who grew up here, in a nation that supposedly is democratic, open-minded, thoughtful and reflective, at least when it comes to the absolutes of life and death-how can these uniformed Americans suddenly become the latest descendants of  The Lord-of-the-Flies whose actions defile everything we thought we stood for? The answer to that goes to what happened when the draft was eliminated. in favor of a mercenary force that could be ordered to do anything at all for money.
Many that were enticed into the military had virtually no worldly knowledge, no practical understanding about any other cultures, other religions, or in other ways of doing things. Their experience as disconnected American youth was caught up in the throws of becoming young adults. Too many got their prior "experience" from video games, or television, rather than from real life. Others may have joined because they tried to get a job, and found they were not qualified, or simply were not needed anywhere ­ except in that paternalistic Dickensian-Victorian-view of love & loyalty that has no room for human beings.
The military took full advantage of these people who had fallen "between the cracks" in daily life; promising the much-needed skills and the money to begin to change their lives. But those promises were as hollow as the words of their Commander­in-Chief, and they soon found that promises were altered so that the real money remained 'just out of reach' while the troops got bogged down in both the wars that are being Run-by-Rumsfeld who: contrary to conventional wisdom, was made Secretary of Offense, despite the fact that he'd been in that same position when the Vietnam war was finally and absolutely lost! What does the appointment of this failure say about the Bush who appointed him, and about the congress that ratified his appointment to that position in the first of W's administrations?
The US government has perhaps the largest collection of the most inept, unqualified and despicable beings possible ­ in every key position ­ of any government anywhere. If the Old USA had seen any other country with such a collection of criminal elements, such depraved and disgraced politicians as those who occupy those positions in this government today-then they would have rightfully demanded a "regime change" with fines and prison terms for all of them, (including congress)-if not the outright death sentences that are awarded for Treason in a time of War.
The "example" that this nation has recently set for the world is somewhere well below par-even for a dictatorship. The world knows this all too well; and the ordinary people of the wider world are angry beyond anger that we continue to allow this bunch of half-baked outlaws to speak for this country-not-to-mention that no one among all of them is even capable of speaking, directly or honestly on any subject at any time. To compound the abusive nature of the Bush terms in office: it seems that he thinks that there is no distinction between American citizens and those who are citizens of other counties which is why he and his sponsors believe that they actually do rule the entire world. This goes well beyond even his twisted fantasies of his own theoretical powers or abilities. (2)
Consequently in the eyes of the world, the USA is no longer a law-abiding nation. We are instead one of the two completely out-of-control rogue states that must be dissolved-if ever there is to be a viable or civil world again, in anyone's immediate future! The first nation that now wears that razor-wire crown of Barbarity is the illegal, totally immoral, and determinedly racist State of Israel.(4)
The charge made against Palestine is that this is a terrorist government and therefore is fair game. However Israel fails to credit that the government of Israel is more of a terrorist organization than Palestine ever was. Israel is armed to the teeth with American weaponry, American money, and American protection for whatever they do to the world or in the world today. Regardless of what Israel does, of who they kill or capture ­anytime, any place, or for any reason that Israel chooses to site-what they do makes everything that Israel does into the handiwork of unquestioned American involvement in every crime, every murder, and each and every violation of law: be that a UN resolution or the rules of international law, the Geneva Conventions or simple human dignity. In this context; here is some of what Norman Finkelstein said on June 29, 2006.
This was taken from a discussion on Democracy Now, between Professor Finkelstein and a representative of AIPAC, one Josh Block, about Israel's recent actions in Gaza.
"NF: "What the Palestinians did not do was that they did not liquidate the corporal, which Israel routinely does. Mainly that's political assassination, which is a war crime under international law. Israel routinely does that. Hamas did not do that to the corporal. Number Two: They did not kill the corporal, while trying to arrest him. Israel routinely does that. In July of 2002, there was a report entitled 'Take No Prisoners' The report shows Israel routinely during so-called 'arrest operations,' kills Palestinians. It documents the case of a Palestinian who was wounded on the ground, no weapon. Israel killed him. Hamas didn't do that to the corporal. It said that they took him hostage, they kidnapped him. Okay, Israel routinely takes Palestinians hostage. In fact Israel was the only country in the world in 1997 which legalized hostage taking. The liberal head of Israel's high court said: 'It's legal,' legitimate under international law to take what he called 'bargaining chips' in order to get prisoners - Israeli prisoner's ­ being held by the Lebanese. The decision was reversed in 2000 but Israel continued to hold Lebanese hostages until 2004. So at worst, Hamas was being accused of what Israel legalized and routinely does. And finally let's talk about the nine thousand Palestinians who are effectively hostages being held by Israel. One thousand of them are 'administrative detainees' who are being held without charges or trial. And the other eight thousand, are being held after military courts have convicted them, almost always on the basis of torture. So looking strictly at the numbers we have one hostage, on the Palestinian side, and effectively we have about 9,000 on the Israeli side. "
"NF:  Let's look at context. Since Israel's withdrawal from Gaza in September of 2005 until today, the estimates run between 7,000 to 9,000 heavy shells having been fired into Gaza. On the Palestinian side are approximately 1,000 crude missiles have been fired into Israel. So we have a ratio of between 7 and 9 to one. Let's look at casualties: In the last six months approximately 80 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, due to Israeli artillery fire. On the Israeli side we hear all these terrible things about these crude missiles. ~ 80 Palestinians killed in 6 months. There have been exactly eight Israeli's killed in the last five years, by (Palestinian) crude missiles. Again we have a huge disproportion, a huge discrepancy ~"
"JB: Israel has a responsibility to protect its citizens."
"NF: I totally agree with that but Hamas is the elected government of the Palestinians. They have a responsibility to protect their citizens. They have a responsibility to get back their 9,000 hostages. They have a responsibility to protect their Palestinian civilians who are being daily attacked by Israel. One thousand of those prisoners being held by Israel, according to the Israeli Human Rights Organization that says that there are 1,000 administrative detainees, how do you know what they are being held for?
(again) There have been no charges and no trials, so how do you know what they are being held for?"
"JB: It's a proven fact!"
"NF: It would be a proven fact, if there had been court trials."
"JB: no answer~ "
"NF: There is a significant difference between what Israel does and what the Palestinians do; apart from the fact that, Israel does it in a much bigger proportion than the Palestinians. If you indiscriminately fire on civilian populations, which Israel routinely does ­ under international law: and here I have a quote from the President of Tel Aviv University who is an international expert on these matters, who says there is no difference whatsoever between intentionally targeting civilians and indiscriminately firing into a civilian crowd . He says that both of these (acts) are terrorism. So if Hamas blows up a bus as it used to do in Tel Aviv ­ that's Terrorism! If Hamas were to say 'we didn't intend to kill the civilians ­ we intended to blow up the bus, people would laugh! But if Israel drops a one ton bomb on a densely populated neighborhood in Gaza, as it did in July 2002 ­ and it said: 'Oh- we didn't intend to kill civilians, we just intended to kill a Palestinian Terrorist. 'That would be considered as preposterous, as if Hamas had said: 'we only wanted to blow up the bus ­ they're both terrorism. . . Israel didn't apologize; as a matter of fact, Israel hailed the bombing in Gaza City as 'one of the greatest acts in Israeli history.'"
End of quotes from the interview. . .
Justifications today are based on Al Qaeda and the kinds of so-called Terrorism that supposedly flows from all of that. This has led to a revolving door of "the most wanted idiot of the week" live and direct from Washington D.C. that was home to the original Al Qaeda, as created by Dick Clark, a former counter-intelligence chief inside the CIA. Since neither Washington nor Tel Aviv or even the poodle government of Great Britain has been able come up with ANY evidence surrounding the events of 911 - that can point to any specific people, places or events that PROVE anything at all about either the existence of Al Qaeda, (or something other than the CIA creation that it obviously came from) ­ or any real and specific EVIDENCE (that's the stuff needed in courts of law, to actually PROVE anything) ­ that would disprove the case against both the US and Israel, of their lethal roles in this entire charade!
Until then, maybe the public ought to begin thinking about pulling all the troops out of Iraq now while they're still alive(3).Then we should cut off aid to Israel; after all such a prominent player in world affairs shouldn't need anything more from a now the down-at-the-heels USofA that has become  nothing but a collection of failed Imperial-Intentions. Perhaps this might go a long way toward beginning to address some of that which has gone terribly wrong in this country-but which remains something that we must finally begin to ACT against, if we want to have a nation that we can believe in once again!
1) Release the Documents:
2) Thousands of Turks Protest Israeli Actions
3) Coming Soon?
4) Hamas refuses to trade its captured 63 Ministers for the corporal


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