- Twenty-two days into this nightmare, and the world has
reached the international version of Stalemate. This happened in the wake
of various consolidations that speak directly to the heart of civilizations
around the world. The most telling parts of this new global chess board
has arisen with the elimination of those once functioning governments that
have now shed all responsibility to protect either their citizens and their
own natural or created resources. (1)
- At the turn of the Twenty-First Century most people still
thought they lived in countries that had some authority over the lives
of their own people. Most believed that their governments had some allegiance
to their own people; but the New World Order has now succeeded in altering
nearly all of that misconception. This can be easily seen in the current
stalemate. What used to be national governments have become nothing more
that privately controlled 'Bunches-of-Bandits' that have sucked up the
military forces of their former countries to act as raiding parties, in
service to Greed & Power at any price. This had its roots in frustrating
international law and conventions, but that crime has now spread into the
private consciences, of so many in the world, that it has become nearly
impossible to take clearly humanitarian decisions. Amid this constant onslaught
of evermore savage military conquests the victims can only writhe in agony,
while the invading armies torture, subdue, or just murder them in order
to achieve their self-fulfilling idea of 'a victory over terror.'
- Missing in these concepts is any of the ancient knowledge
that was once intrinsically basic to what was needed, in any society that
sought peaceful co-existence with their neighbors. A case in point is the
Israeli government's view that Israel can 'protect its people' best, by
employing armed forces that simply kills anything that is not Israeli.
Obviously this ignores the legendary Chinese General Sun Tsu who wrote:
"To win one-hundred victories in one-hundred battles is not the acme
of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the name of skill."
However this would require true military and civilian leadership, and not
the simplistic dictatorships that are beginning to crop up now in far too
many places.
- Of this Robert Fisk said recently: "You heard Sharon,
before he suffered his massive stroke, he used this phrase in the Knesset,
you know, "The Palestinians must feel pain." This was during
one of the Intifadas. The idea that if you continue to beat and beat and
beat the Arabs, they will submit, that eventually they'll go on their knees
and give you what you want. And this is totally, utterly self-delusional,
because it doesn't apply anymore. It used to apply 30 years ago, when I
first arrived in the Middle East. If the Israelis crossed the Lebanese
border, the Palestinians jumped in their cars and drove to Beirut and went
to the cinema. Now when the Israelis cross the Lebanese border, the Hezbollah
jump in their cars in Beirut, and race to the south to join battle with
- But the key thing now is that Arabs are not afraid any
more. Their leaders are afraid, the Mubaraks of this world, the president
of Egypt, King Abdullah II of Jordan. They're afraid. They shake and tremble
in their golden mosques, because they were supported by us. But the people
are no longer afraid. Whether this is because they've grown tired of being
afraid -- you know, they say once you lose your fear you cannot be re-injected
with fear, you can't start being frightened again -- or whether it's because
our Western forces are now at war with Islamists, not with nationalists,
that, I'm not sure."
- And Fisk goes on to say:
- "you know, when I grew up, the prime ministers of
my country were Anthony Eden, Winston Churchill. Churchill is not my greatest
hero, but these were all men who had been in the First World War and, of
course, in the second. ~ These were people who had experienced war at firsthand,
and they knew that it was war as an obscenity. It's about death, rather
than victory or defeat.
- But we have nobody now in government in the West, not
in the Bush administration -- well, Bush managed to avoid Vietnam, Cheney
avoided Vietnam. Colin Powell was in Vietnam, but he's no longer in the
administration in Washington. But we have no one left in the Blair or Bush
governments now who have any firsthand practical experience of the obscenity
of war. And they think when they make these statements that they're talking
about their experience, which is of Hollywood or television movies."
- This is what has happened throughout governments now
possibly with the exception of Israel the utter lack of any
morality or experience within 'leadership.' Too many governments are led
by people whose only guiding principles are greed and power on a half-shell
of death, that floats on the blood and gore of those that were once their
'masters' (supposedly a practice encouraged by 'democracies'). This is
what has created the stalemate between the UN and the criminally disproportionate
invasion of Lebanon, currently being prosecuted by the state of Israel,
against the civilian population of that country. (3)
- But, how to phrase what has happened in so many countries
of the Middle East and elsewhere now that is the real question. The
government of Israel claims that they want to kill all the terrorists;
those people who are resisting the New World Order and who are standing
up to the aggression of the United States, wherever it and Israel have
tried to crush the original populations. At the same time laws have been
passed in Europe to protect Israel from anyone that uses 'anti-Semitic'
language: and similar laws are now pending in the USA!
- From The Collin's English Dictionary (1984) "Semitic:
a member of the group of Caucasoid people who speak a Semitic language
including the Jews and Arabs as well as the Ancient Babylonians (Iraqis),
the Assyrians (Syria), and the Phoenicians (the Lebanese of today). Semitic:
a branch or sub-family of languages that includes Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew
" The Palestinians are pure Semites!
- Given the definition of what it means to be a Semite
how can Israel adopt the position that anyone who opposes Israel's
political ambitions is anti-Semitic -- While at the same time the
nation of Israel is out to exterminate the Arabs and the Palestinians,
along with the Lebanese, who are all Semites? Either no one can be charged
with being anti-Semitic, or all who advocate the destruction of Semites
must be subject to arrest and prosecution for their respective roles in
this very murky "newly minted internationalized crime." This
is part of what is being used to shield the Israeli state and its government,
from criticism anywhere in the world today! Israel cannot have it both
ways. Just as Israel cannot claim to seek peace and then murder anyone
who disagrees with their terms of a settlement-neither can Israel or the
USA dictate terms to the world, concerning who can live and who must die,
based on their rather strange idea of who should be allowed to live in
their "New Middle East"!
Hezbollah and Hamas both sprang
from the need for protection from Israel, by the residents of those countries
where the State of Israel decided that they, and they alone had security
interests. No thought or consideration was given to the needs of those
who actually were citizens of those places where their forces chose to
maraud and plunder, while they captured tortured and murdered so many thousands
of people, including a disproportionate number of women and children. IF
the goal of Israel really is to eliminate these two organizations, then
all they need to do is stop doing what they're doing, to those who resist
their unilateral military adventures. Hezbollah became twenty-percent of
the Lebanese government, not by threats or force, but by providing schools
and clinics, as well as food and water, along with some protection for
the people of Lebanon.
- Meanwhile the unholy alliance between the governments
of the US & Israel has come to believe that they and they alone, are
destined to dictate terms to the world, because of the history that the
United States and Israel, to a somewhat lesser degree, have amassed. Invasions
and murder committed down through the decades of mutually beneficial existence.
These two outlaw powers have used the military muscle they have built,
to dominate and subjugate millions of people. In this process, the United
States is funding not only America's Military Budget, the US Black-Ops
budget, all American cloak & dagger operations, and Homeland Security's
domestic spying on all US citizens: but in addition-we now see that what
has been created is a separate military force, manned by Israeli's, but
created and funded almost entirely by the US taxpayers.
- People in the United States do not receive any of the
things that they are paying taxes for: health, jobs, education, security,
freedom or democracy instead our money is being used to wage a multiplicity
of wars upon other nations, over territory that has been in Arab hands
for over 5,000 years. (4) No pair of nations, regardless of weaponry, could
ever literally 'take-over-the-world." And the cost of learning this
deadly-clear lesson is usually annihilation or Diaspora!
- With every hour that passes in Lebanon and Gaza, Israel
continues to dig itself deeper into this quagmire that will ultimately
engulf that self-absorbed state. If this insanity continues, then can Bush-America
be far behind! The world must have laws to live by, just as people must
have at least some small chance to live their own lives, to each according
to their own chosen views of life, of religious beliefs and of their preferred
governments. To do this there must be not only be international laws to
protect the innocent; but the concept of Justice that lives beneath those
laws must be allowed to flourish wherever people try to live and breathe.
Soon enough these governmental traitors to their own peoples are going
to understand, that it is the Governments that should fear their people,
and not the other way round!
- kirwanstudios@sbcglobal.net
- (1) Time to Replace All the Leaders of the World:
- http://tvnewslies.org/blog/?p=412
- (2) Robert Fisk on Democracy Now: http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=06/08/01/1434244
- (3)Everything in my life ~
- http://dominionpaper.ca/accounts/2006/07/28/everything.html
- (4) The Most Unsuccessful War
- http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/745313.html
- Insight into the Neo Con Mindset
- http://infowars.net/articles/August2006/010806mindset.htm
- Zionist Control of America Virtually Complete
- http://www.rense.com/general72/oer.htm