Aspartame In New Mexico -
What Really Happened

From Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum

Below is a note from Stephen Fox who has gallantly fought for the lives of the people of New Mexico from the chemical poison aspartame for some years. We expected what happened.
We understand the problem. Think of New Mexico as a battlefield where a plague rages and evil forces hold back the remedy. William Howard Taft said of a battlefield: "A place of settlement of disputes .. gradually yielding to arbitral courts of justice." On this battlefield there are no courts of justice because the evil forces control and influence. How shall we save the people from this blazing epidemic? We must increase the good forces, more help from the multitudes in New Mexico. Come forth and demand consumer protection.
The Constitution grants us the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It's impossible while being poisoned. New Mexicans and all people be outraged by what happened with the EIB where these officials should have had with courage, a gallant "glad heart" and integrity given due process to serve the people of the state and allowed the hearings they twice voted for. Abraham Lincoln said cowardice is to sin by silence. It's to know what is right and not do it. Five officials turned their heads leaving only one lone shining example of honor. Come forth the whistleblowers, the insiders, the strategists, and the multitudes. This was just a first battle, now lets win this war in New Mexico, for if we win it there we can win it in all states and countries. - Betty
>From Stephen Fox
By denying a petition to ban aspartame in New Mexico by a vote of 5-1 July 6, the New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board has essentially given a carte blanche to the multinational corporate powers involved that knowingly add aspartame/methanol/formaldehyde to 6000 manufactured food products in the USA. The Navajo member of the EIB, Harold Tso, was the only one to vote to have hearings.
New Mexico Statute 25-2-13 clearly gives complete regulatory powers to the EIB and to no other state entity for food protection. The EIB voted twice before to convene hearings, and only under pressure from the Ajinomoto Corporation of Japan, Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, and the Calorie Control Council, did the EIB capitulate.
This is a very sad day for consumer protection efforts in New Mexico, and the only hope in this context is the reintroduction of a bill to ban aspartame in the 2007 New Mexico Legislature, when no doubt the same corporate forces will be out in even fuller force to manipulate the legislative committees into acquiescence.
What it clarifies to me is that corporate power has run amok in the USA and there is almost no chance than anyone, through state or federal government, can prevent the continued neurodegenerative and carcinogenic effects of Aspartame having been forced through the FDA in 1981 by political rather than medical or scientific means.
EIB Chairman Gay Dillingham, after having received hundreds of emails from victims, physicians, and many other New Mexicans in support of a complete ban on Aspartame, used the phrase "I do this with a heavy heart," when she made the motion to deny the petition. The motion was seconded by Dolores Herrera of Albuquerque, who also said she was doing so with a "heavy heart."
One has to wonder whether there is any consumer protection authority remaining in the State of New Mexico when what we observed today was a complete and total failure thereof.
No-one seems to be willing or able to stand up for protecting the people of New Mexico.
When Dr. Gary King, with his Ph.D. in Chemistry and his extensive legal experience, is sworn in as the next Attorney General we will have an Attorney General. who can truly protect the people of New Mexico and establish a long overdue national precedent to rid our state and our nation of an artificial sweetener which is metabolized as methanol and formaldehyde. Plaintiff lawyers might achieve this more rapidly than anyone else by implementing punitive and exemplary damage suits against aspartame manufacturers and corporate endusers, comparable to the Tobacco suits in the 1990's.
Stephen Fox
Santa Fe New Mexican Story



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