- This is the third version of my compilation
of specific energy suppression cases. This time I decided to get serious.
- I thoroughly reviewed my own files and
a few web sites pertaining to energy suppression. Deleted were some cases
that didn't appear to be authentic suppression. I also incorporated some
thoughtful comments that had been emailed to me this last week.
- About three days ago, I received an amazingly
timely phone call from Byron Wine in Virginia. For more than three decades
he has been collecting energy information which he posts on his site byronwine.com.
I included some of his very interesting material.
- I think that Congress should write, introduce,
and pass a bill titled, "Energy Inventor Protection and Energy Patent
Declassification Act of 2006". Included should be 24/7 protection
of energy inventors by armed guards, and declassification of 4000 energy
patents unfairly held in secret by the U.S. Patent Office.
- If energy journalist Dr. Eugene Mallove
really was murdered by a pathetic pair of drug addicts, then that doesn't
count as an authentic suppression case. However, I remember reading that
the very next day, Gene was to drive three hours to Washington to demonstrate
a verified table-top energy device. I can't find a reference. I would like
to present his slaying as a "coincidence (?)".
- Note that during just in the last two
months, there have been three incidents of energy inventors threatened
with death by gun-toting thugs, possibly employed by the oil companies
or large banks to squash competition. Maybe not to worry, however. I and
quite a few other energy researchers have still not been threatened to
be "fitted with cement boots" or whatever.
- Gary Vesperman Henderson, Nevada
- __________________________________________________
- Gene Mallove http://www.infinite-energy.com
- Archives of information to California
Governor and California Energy Commission since August 1, 2001, by the
late Fred B. Wood Sr, Brian O'Leary, Alden Bryant, et al http://groups.yahoo.com/group/New-Energy-Solutions
- Now let's make it happen! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/New-Energy-Movement
- ----------------
- Specific Energy Invention Suppression
- Gary Vesperman
- Introduction
- Inventors in their zeal to improve the
well-being of their fellow inhabitants of Planet Earth face such perils
as poverty, slander, ridicule, and neglect. Inventors of energy devices
sometimes have also been bullied by large energy-related corporations and
their allies in the United States Government who seek to maintain their
energy slavery of the people by aggressively suppressing development of
energy inventions. The illegal as well as legal tactics of these suppression
actions have encompassed imprisonment on false charges, IRS harassment,
burglaries, bribery with huge sums of money, and even murder, if the inventor
was too stubborn to heed warnings or undeterred by lesser actions.
- Sometimes, apparently to con investors
out of money, it seems (or is made to appear) that the supposed energy
inventions have been science-fiction props or incorrectly measured devices,
and that the alleged inventors may have tried to cover up the scam by claiming
to be conspiracy victims.
- Consider these specific cases of suppression
of new energy inventions:
- Energy Invention Suppression Case Statistics
- Number of Energy Invention Suppression
Incidents - 53 Number of Dead, Missing, or Injured Energy Inventors, Activists,
and Associates - 13 Number of Energy Inventors Threatened with Death -
16 Number of Energy Researchers and Associates Imprisoned - 7 Number of
Incidents Involving the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - 4 Number
of Incidents Involving the US Government - 27 Number of Inventions Classified
Secret by US Patent Office - Approximately 4000 Number of Incidents Involving
Oil Companies - 9 Names of Oil Companies and Banks Involved - Standard,
Atlantic Richfield, Shell Oil Company, World Bank, Wells Fargo Bank Possibly
Most Impressive Energy Invention - Philippines Inventor has Converted More
than 100 Cars to Run Only on Plain Water!
- TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Grant Hudlow:
Method of Converting Garbage and Tires to Gasoline, Etc 1 Al Wordsworth:
Electrical Generator and Advanced Carburetor 1 Neil Schmidt: Hydraulic
Wind Turbine 1 ??????: Mixed Chemical Stone 1 Ken Rasmussen: Water-to-Energy
Electrolysis Process 1 Hitachi Magnetics Corporation: Magnet Motor 2 Daniel
Dingel: Converts More than 100 Cars to Run on Water 2 Bill Williams: Joe
Cell-Powered Truck 2 Mike Brady: Perendev 300 kW Self-Running Electromagnetic
Generator 4 Robert Bass: Low-Energy Nuclear Transmutation 4 Frank Richardson:
Magnetic Electrical Generator and Bladeless Steam Turbine 6 Anonymous:
Energy Inventor is Buzzed by Black Helicopters 6 Gary Vesperman (Reporter):
US versus Japanese Support of Cold Fusion 7 Robert Stewart: Stewart Cycle
Heat Engine 7 Joel McClain and Norman Wooten: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier
7 Gary Vesperman (Reporter): CIA Agents at 1996 Tesla Society Symposium
8 Stewart Harris: Theory of Magnetic Instability 8 Ron Brandt: 90 MPG Carburetor
8 Welton Myers: Myers' Efficient Carburetor 8 Adam Trombley: Trombly-Farnsworth
Solid-State Oscillating EM System 10 Dennis Lee: Freon Engines 10 Christopher
Bird/Waller (Reporter): Energy Suppression - An Invisible Galaxy of Inventions
11 Bob Boyce: Brown's Gas Carburetor 11 Bob Aldrich (Reporter): Vibrating
Energy Source 13 Henry T. Moray: Free Energy Generator - Cold Semiconductor
Cathode 13 Charles N. Pogue: 200+ MPG Carburetor 13 Fish/Kendig: Variable
Venturi Carburetor 15 Henry T. Moray: Free Energy Generator 15 Floyd Sweet:
Vacuum Triode Amplifier 15 Teruo Kawai: Motive Power Generating Device
16 John Andrews: Water-to-Gasoline Additive 17 Tom Ogle: 100+ MPG Oglemobile
17 Shell Oil Company: Achieves 376.59 MPG with a Modified 1959 Opel in
1973 17 Dick Belland: 100 MPG Carburetor that Runs on Gasoline Fumes 17
Edwin V. Gray: Free Energy EVGRAY Generator and Free Energy Engine 17 Joseph
C. Yater: Heat-to-Electricity Converter 18 Phil Stone: Engine Runs on Water
18 Howard R. Johnson: Johnson Free Energy Motor 18 Bruce DePalma: N Machine
18 Bill Jenkins: Free Energy Machine 19 Richard Diggs: Liquid Electricity
Engine 19 Joseph Newman: Energy Machine 19 Gianni A. Dotto: Anti-Aging
and Anti-Gravity Thermionic Couple 19 Tim Thrapp: Energy Invention 20 Bob
Lantz: Lantz Water and Power System 21 David G. Yurth (Reporter): Remediating
Nuclear Waste Materials 24 Paul Brown: Hyper-Cap E-Converter 25 William
Bolon: Automobile Steam Engine 26 Walter Rosenthal (Reporter): Small Electrical
Power Converter 26 Ira Einhorn: Free Energy and Mind Control Researcher
26 Allen Caggiano: 100+ MPG Fuel Implosion Vaporization System 28 Brazil:
Ethanol Produced from Sugar Cane 31 US Patent Office Holds Secret Approximately
4000 Patents 32 Text of Generic Patent Secrecy Order 32
- Grant Hudlow: Method of Converting Garbage
and Tires to Gasoline, Etc
- During the early days of the Reagan Administration,
much lip service was given and some money budgeted to develop alternative
sources of energy. Pahrump, Nevada resident Grant Hudlow, a former rocket
scientist, was funded to investigate converting garbage, biomass, and tires
to gasoline, low-grade heat, fertilizer, and saleable chemicals. His method
began to look so promising that the oil industry and their allies in the
Reagan Administration got scared and cut off his research funds.
- Al Wordsworth: Electrical Generator and
Advanced Carburetor
- The details are sketchy and second-hand,
but inventor Al Wordsworth had to contend with some type of harassment
of both his advanced carburetor and electrical generator. His generator
had an input of 3 amps at 12 volts and an output of 32 amps at 6 to 8 volts.
He died, and it is believed his generator design is lost.
- Neil Schmidt: Hydraulic Wind Turbine
- Neil Schmidt stopped in Gary Vesperman's
office May 12, 1995 to discuss his invention of a hydraulic wind turbine.
He had lived in Las Vegas for 7 years. Nine years previous when he was
living in the Seattle area, he stopped in a federal Small Business Administration
office to apply for financial aid. The following day, he received a telephone
call and was told it wouldn't work and not to bother with it. He had provided
the SBA office hardly more than a sketch so a hot argument erupted which
lasted a half hour. The man ended up hinting death to Neil if he didn't
stop working on his invention. A couple of days later, Neil went back to
the office and walked around unsuccessfully trying to identify the voice
he had heard on the telephone.
- Neil also has heard that another energy
inventor living near his Washington residence had been shot in the head
and blinded.
- ??????: Mixed Chemical Stone
- A mixed chemical stone was found in England
and secretized by the Queen. It generated its own electrical sparks.
- April 7, 2006 Wells Fargo Bank announced
they finally invested $5 million of the $1 billion intended for renewable
energy. Where did they invest? In a mutual fund: Carlyle/Riverstone Renewable
Energy Infrastructure Fund I, L.P. Funny thing, who are the 3 largest stockholders
of Carlyle Group? The answer in order of largest percentage owned. (source:
Al Martin)
- 1. The Queen of England 2. Bush Family
3. Bin Laden Family
- Ken Rasmussen: Water-to-Energy Electrolysis
- Ken Rasmussen and his team have been
working on a water-to-energy electrolysis process that turns out to have
similarities to that of Professor Kanarev. Their work ceased after a member
of the research team was threatened at gunpoint on May 16, 2006. Unknown
to Ken, his associate had faced a violent confrontation with 4 young to
middle-aged white males in black suits driving a late model black Lincoln
Town Car.
- Shoving Glocks and Mac tens in his face
at a rural intersection, they told him extensive details about his family
and threatened lives of him, family and all associates if he didn't stop
work on the process immediately and NEVER go to the authorities. His associate,
now scared for his own life and that of family, complied. But similarly
to Bill Williams' case, when happy people start acting silent and paranoid,
friends get suspicious.
- In the good old days, big business bullies
offered lots of money to buy somebody out and eliminate the competition.
Stanley Meyer claimed before his suspicious death that he refused an offer
of a billion dollars from Arab oil interests if he would stop work on his
electrolysis process. (Meyer received at least eight patents in addition
to US Patent 4,389,981 relating to hydrogen and oxygen gasses extracted
from water for fuel.) But to date, NOBODY has offered Ken's company a dime
for their "yet bench top" technology. BUT somebody HAS threatened
to KILL THEM. Would any skeptic out there care to explain that to Ken?
Ken had been in discussion with several pre-screened, suitable investors,
who were waiting on Ken's company to fix a final detail before showing
them a live demonstration.
- Enormous amounts of personal information
thrown in their face behind the guns proved to Ken NONE of the prospective
investors had anything to do with the violence we experienced. These thugs
knew things Ken DIDN'T EVEN KNOW. Their boss has digital cell phone tapping
technology at the very least. Other details were probably obtained by wire
tapping neighbors and friend's phones too. For any of Ken's previous business
contacts reading this, please excuse the delay. The lives of Ken and his
associates have been directly threatened if they were to complete the item
they were intending to demonstrate. All progress is stopped.
- Given the nature of oil or banking history,
who do you think paid these hired gunmen to do the dirty work? Ken would
appreciate some solid leads. Ken has to admit, oil has become intertwined
with both banking and government over the years; so unofficial policies
may have changed.
- For more energy suppression details,
see Ken's web site http://www.commutefaster.com/klooz.html.
- Hitachi Magnetics Corporation: Magnet
- Engineers at Hitachi Magnetics Corporation
have come right out and claimed that a motor run by magnets is feasible
and logical, but the politics of the matter make it impossible for them
to pursue developing a magnet motor or any device that would compete with
the energy cartels. The obstacles to free energy are the big banks who
own or finance the energy industries.
- Daniel Dingel: Converts More than 100
Cars to Run on Water
- Inventor Daniel Dingel, who lives in
the Philippines, since 1969 has converted more than 100 gasoline cars to
be powered by hydrogen derived ON DEMAND from plain water. Aluminum is
used in the tank to suppress a possible explosion. The Philippines President
is not interested because of an agreement with the World Bank. For a link
to a water car movie, see Section 12-G of http://www.byronwine.com/.
- Bill Williams: Joe Cell-Powered Truck
- (Excerpted from http://pesn.com/2006/04/13/9600257_Bill_Williams_threatened/)
- Joe Cell Truck Builder Threatened, Destroys
- After announcing that he had successfully
built a truck that runs on Joe cell technology, drawing energy from water
and orgone energy, Bill Williams said he was approached by two men who
demanded that he stop his research, threatening him with dire consequences
if he didn't. Others are keeping it alive.
- by Sterling D. Allan Pure Energy Systems
- Joe Cell
- USA -- A couple of weeks ago, Bill Williams
told a discussion list that he successfully ran his truck on a device known
as the Joe cell. The power was far greater than the regular combustion
engine -- and the energy was free.
- The Joe cell is said to draw on orgone
energy. The fairly simple device uses electrically charged water as the
"gate" or medium through which the aetheric energy is drawn from
the surroundings and transferred to the automobile engine.
- Bill had posted images and rough descriptions,
and was in the process of disclosing in greater detail how he had accomplished
this, when he was confronted last week by two unidentified individuals
who told him to cease all of his alternative energy work or there would
be dire consequences.
- On April 11, 2006, Bill gave the following
account of what happened just a few days after announcing his success.
- "I was on my way home Thursday last
week [April 6, 2006] and was about 3 miles from the ferry project. I stopped
to check the post connection point on the Cell. I was standing in front
of my truck, and this late model 2005 or 2006 Ford Explorer pulled up and
parked diagonally in front of my truck.
- "The driver got out of the rig and
walked around in front of their rig and approached me. At about the same
time, the passenger opened his door.
- "The driver stated that they wanted
me to stop working on all forms of alternative energy. He also stated that
we know everything about me, my family, and all my projects past and present.
- "At about that time the passenger
reached and held up a file that was about 2 or so inches thick. He opened
it up and showed me telephone transcripts, emails, messages from the groups
that I had belonged to.
- "They knew where my kids worked,
the times they are at work; also my wife's working hours, my grandkids'
school, etc. They knew everything.
- "The driver said that if I did not
stop working on this (he then opened up the left side of his jacket and
showed his weapon that was holstered) that there would be other consequences.
- "He also stated that he wanted me
to post that I was no longer working in this field and to destroy all my
work, i.e. Cells, Drawings, Lab Journals, everything!
- "At that point he walked around
and got into the rig. I shut the hood and got the hell out of there. They
followed me for about 2 miles and then must have turned off somewhere."
- After a few days of contemplation, Bill
decided to abide by the demands of those who threatened him. He destroyed
the cell and all data and documentation and disabled the website on which
he had posted plans. Four days after that incident, Bill wrote the following
message to the group:
- "I thought I was strong but when
illness to the family comes into play, I have failed. I am truly sorry.
I will not be working in any form of alternative energy field anymore.
- "I destroyed my device tonight along
with my written data and lab notes as per specked out."
- Mike Brady: Perendev 300 kW Self-Running
Electromagnetic Generator
- From: Mike Brady To: FE_updates-owner@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 3:20 AM Subject: RE: [FE_updates] another
thug threat; EV directory; gov. blocks wind plans; corn fiber to ethanol
- It seems that the more one tries to find
solutions for alternative fuel the more problems one has to contend with.
For example I have received emails that state if I proceed with the show
on the 7th July I will be killed. This at first was taken lightly. Now
it seems that I have vehicles parked outside my house watching me. When
I record the registration numbers and have them checked they are unknown.
Why can we not just get on with what we are doing instead of the World
just thinking of money? What good will money be when there is no world
to spend it in?
- Mike Brady
- (For more information on Mike Brady and
his inventions, see http://perendev.com)
- Robert Bass: Low-Energy Nuclear Transmutation
- From: Don Quixote II <donquixote@radix.net>
To: Sir Arthur C. Clarke <blenheim@sri.lanka.net> Date: Saturday,
November 25, 2000 8:07 AM Subject: A WARNING? My micropellet proposal to
Japanese government
- Have 3 people been assassinated because
of the Cincinnati Group's discovery of a low-energy nuclear transmutation
process that can be used, e.g., for radioactive waste remediation?
- The original 14 addressees are all editors
or investigative reporters
- From: Bass, Robert W (IDS) To: Adil Shamoo
; Barbara DelloRusso ; Eugene F. Mallove ; George Miley ; Hal Fox ; Jean-Francois
Cazorla ; Jed Rothwell ; Jim Wilson ; Mitchell Swartz ; Pat Bailey ; Patrick
Bailey ; Charles B. Stevens ; Elijah C. Boyd ; Marjorie Hecht Cc: 'Xing-Zhong
Li' Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 6:50 PM Subject: My micropellet proposal
to Japanese government
- PREFACE: It is readily documented that
the CIA and the KGB and the Mossad, etc. all have "sprays" which
can be sprayed upon someone and cause him to die of apparently natural
causes. One famous case occurred (not long after Chris Tinsley's death)
in which Mossad agents were caught red-handed spraying a Hamas activist
in Jordan, and King Hussein told the Israeli Prime Minister that if they
didn't send the antidote quick there would be hell to pay; but it wasn't
the Mossad which sent the antidote to Jordan, it was the CIA! (They sent
a doctor from the Mayo clinic [who had been previously accused of being
a collaborator with the CIA] to revive the victim.)
- So much for people who say that political
assassinations by democratic governments are paranoid fantasies. ===============================================================
Hal, Dr. Li approached me semi-publicly after the American Nuclear Society
(ANS) meeting, where he heard me talk about the CG's LENT process. He said
that he hadn't wanted to spoil my presentation by saying anything negative,
but he wanted ME to know that he himself did NOT believe the CG claims
and that he could NOT confirm the claims based on his own experience and
that yet he liked me and wanted me to know "the truth." (By the
way, did you know that Dr. Li has 35 Ph.D.'s working for him full-time
on CF in China with Chinese government support!!)
- Dr. Li said that he had gone to your
lab in Utah and watched you and Dr. Jin run the experiment with a "good"
gamma ray detector. However, he claims that when the thorium begins to
precipitate out, the solid angle of the detector remains unchanged, but
the thorium is moving out of that fixed solid angle, so that the radioactivity
SEEMS to be decreasing but it is a false alarm.
- He said that he took the "before
& after" fluids that you gave him back to China and had them tested
but with negative results. (But Li _did_ admit that the straight-line graph
I showed could not be explained by his negative assumptions and was "affirmative
evidence on the side of the CG.")
- Don Holloman of CG says that the 7-man
team of Francesco Celani et al in Italy tested the CG LENT-1 device so
thoroughly that "data reduction" took 37 volunteer undergraduates
"months" to complete. In their publication they claim that they
achieved both complete "radiometric balance" AND complete "chemical
balance" of the before-process and after-process results.
- However, Celani's boss died in midlife
of alleged "natural causes". And you know that Stan Gleeson of
the Cincinnati Group seemed to be perfectly well when he suddenly died
at age 48 of "a stroke." George Miley told me that when at ICCF-8
he asked Celani why he didn't follow through on this type of LENT work
(which Chris Tinsley was starting in England [having emailed me about Stan's
open-beaker LENT test] just before he dropped dead at age ~50 of "natural
causes"), the reply of Celani was: "THREE PEOPLE have died, and
I don't want to be the fourth!" George Miley thought that Celani was
talking about radiation-sickness danger, but that is not what Celani has
in mind! The proof that Celani is open to conspiracy theories is that he
is on the masthead of the LaRouche magazine and they don't merely suspect
conspiracy, they have been jailed by a gov't conspiracy!
- (Lawrence Hecht shook my hand at ANS
after having just got out on parole after 5 years of a multi-decades sentence
for "selling securities without a license" which was not a crime
in VA when he sold "political loans" to LaRouche supporters but
the Secretary of State of VA (who 2 days later was made a Judge as payoff
for her cooperation) after studying the matter for 2 weeks decided that
Political Loans are indeed 'securities.' (One of Hecht's colleagues is
still in jail with a 77-year sentence.)
- The barbaric nature of a 77-year sentence
for a technical infraction is self-evidently PROOF of evil at work: Pres.
George Bush's stockbroker brother was REALLY guilty of the same infraction,
but he was merely fined $1,000 and told to "be more careful"
and "don't do it again"!)
- I feel that my own life has been threatened
in writing, indirectly by the British government. Here's why: Nobel Laureate
Brian Josephson agreed to show at the historic Cavendish Lab the Mallove
cold fusion video which I had hand-carried to him. Dr. Josephson even published
in Gene's magazine a letter saying he was going to show the video publicly!
But when there was a conference there and many important scientists present,
suddenly Josephson reneged! He told me in writing that he had first showed
the video privately to a Very Important Person (I suspect Sir Brian Pippard,
J's own teacher, after whom TWO buildings at Cambridge are named!); then
he, Josephson, was "convinced" by said VIP that it is "for
the best" that the public be "allowed to continue to believe"
that the whole CF/LENR thing was a delusion!! I tried to get J to say why
he had agreed. He replied (with copies of his email to me both to Gene
and to Yeong Kim at Purdue) that it was for reasons of military security;
"they" are afraid that terrorists or rogue nations will learn
how to make vest-pocket H-bombs. (This is why physicist Fred Zimmerman
of the US State Dept. is helping Park with his campaign to outlaw cold
fusion meetings.)
- When I replied to J that my own theory
of deuterium crystals could be used to make "fusion micro-pellets"
or "micro-bombs" and that I had sent a copy of my proposal to
the Japanese government before they terminated their NHE program, J replied
to me that I had better "keep your bright ideas to yourself".
- In case I pass away prematurely of "natural
causes" I am going to copy the preceding paragraph and send a copy
to Gene Mallove and include below a copy of my "microbomb" proposal
to the Japanese government. My MSD "bright idea" which J says
I should keep to myself has been spread all over the world by Internet
since late 1997 and January 1998, so it's too late to suppress the idea
by suppressing me.
- Best personal regards, Bob
- Frank Richardson: Magnetic Electrical
Generator and Bladeless Steam Turbine
- Frank Richardson worked during the late
1960's as an electrician at the Nevada Test Site. During the 1970's, four
other NTS technicians helped Richardson invent a magnet-based electrical
generator which required no input and a bladeless steam turbine. (The turbine
seems to have been a variation of a Tesla turbine.) A Volkswagen Beetle
was outfitted with the two devices and driven around without energy input.
Some people tried to steal the invention. Two of the technicians died under
suspicious circumstances, and Richardson had to go into hiding until his
recent death. It is Gary Vesperman's understanding that the black helicopter
people had nothing to do with this situation; just greed.
- Anonymous: Energy Inventor is Buzzed
by Black Helicopters
- A few years ago one summer, an energy
inventor's house was buzzed twice by a black helicopter. He said they appeared
to be an older Hughes model painted black and with no markings. He asked
a friend who is an air traffic controller at the local airport who reported
no radar sightings. One of the buzzings was witnessed by dozens of people
although the inventor himself wasn't home. (Gary Vesperman has since then
come across an article in his zero point energy literature where the coating
on black helicopters and also black Stealth fighters and B-2 Stealth bombers
is depleted uranium.)
- Also about that time the energy inventor
and some other people narrowly escaped a flip and crash in a private plane
which had a cut on a tire. The cut had then been hidden by rolling the
- Gary Vesperman (Reporter): US versus
Japanese Support of Cold Fusion
- In Japan, inventors are treated as national
heroes and are lavishly supported. For example, the Japanese government's
annual R&D budget in cold fusion is now $100 million per year (since
greatly reduced). In contrast the United States patent office has so far
approved only one cold fusion patent application out of 300.
- Robert Stewart: Stewart Cycle Heat Engine
- Bob Stewart spent millions of dollars
developing patents on his "Stewart Cycle" engines for transportation
vehicles and large-scale water lifters during the 1970's. His efficient
and pollution-free engines use ambient heat to expand a working fluid such
as ammonia and move pistons through sealed cylinders. He claimed that his
low-temperature phase-change engine was more efficient and powerful than
Dennis Lee's version.
- Twice he built a factory, first in Coeur
d-Alene, Idaho, and then in Deming, New Mexico to make available for sale
such valuable and beneficial technology. Both times, the factories were
raided and shut down by the federal Securities and Exchange Commission.
- Through the Las Vegas area grapevine,
he fortunately in time heard that a contract on his life was in effect
and had to go into hiding for nearly a year.
- Joel McClain and Norman Wooten: Magnetic
Resonance Amplifier
- On December 12, 1994, Joel McClain and
Norman Wooten, two Dallas inventors, discovered that a magnetic resonance
amplifier may be capable of over-unity gain energy conversion. The electrical
output of their prototype was five times the electrical input. They made
a point of publicizing their invention as widely as possible via the Internet
right away so as to forestall possible suppression. Since then, they have
authored articles on the magnetic resonance amplifier in Electrifying Times,
Extraordinary Science, and New Energy News.
- A personal friend of Newt Gingrich became
very interested and arranged for the Physics Department at Georgia Institute
of Technology to experiment with it. They were able to increase the gain
so that the output is 18 times the input. Since they could not explain
this according to conventional physics, they refused to publish their results
for fear of losing the respect and esteem of their peers.
- Gingrich had been following the MRA with
keen interest so when his friend told him of the problem with Georgia Tech,
Gingrich arranged for the federal funding of Georgia Tech programs to be
cut off. The President of Georgia Tech who had been in the dark on all
this began getting phone calls from enraged Georgia Tech professors. Then
the Physics Department published their findings.
- July 20 - 23, 1995, at the International
Tesla Society Symposium in Colorado Springs, McClain and Wootan gave a
lecture on their magnetic resonance amplifier. The oscilloscope waveforms
of output vs. input they showed were very odd. They sort of loop around
- A few days after the conference, Wootan's
two-year-old boy had been abducted, Wootan was running for his life in
Canada, and McClain was in hiding.
- The claimed over-unity power conversion
efficiency was later shown to be a measurement error. However, a past issue
of Electrifying Times claims that Scott McKie has invented a solid-state
over-unity electrical energy converter with an input of 15 volts, .438
amperes (7.25 watts) and an output of 34 volts, 127 amperes (4318 watts).
McKie's converter apparently is a more advanced version of the magnetic
resonance amplifier.
- Gary Vesperman (Reporter): CIA Agents
at 1996 Tesla Society Symposium
- When I attended an International Tesla
Society Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1996, I was told that
the inventor of a new type of carburetor that can triple the mileage of
a car has had his social security number taken away. There were at least
two CIA agents (identified by someone standing in the registration line
behind them who happened to see their identification cards), and possibly
another two CIA agents at the convention.
- One of the CIA agents threatened a co-inventor
of an electrical generator utilizing two types of radioactive waste as
he was walking up to the podium to give his speech. However, this story
needs further verification.
- Stewart Harris: Theory of Magnetic Instability
- The theory of magnetic instability is
a magnetic principle which appears to be the embryo of a valid free energy
device. It was invented by Stewart Harris. He applied for a patent in 1978,
and it was rejected. Dr. Marion Bowman from Washington, DC traveled out
to Mr. Harris' home in Las Vegas, Nevada to witness the operation of the
device. He was impressed and returned to Washington enthusiastic about
its applications.
- Shortly after the demonstration, all
copies of the patent application and other information subsequently disappeared
from the Washington Patent Office. In addition, Mr. Harris' home was broken
into and his original drawings, papers, applications, and correspondence
were stolen. For some unknown reason, they left behind the prototype. Coincidentally,
Mr. Harris lives just a few blocks from the office of Film Funding, Inc.,
where Gary Vesperman used to work in Las Vegas.
- Ron Brandt: 90 MPG Carburetor
- Ron Brandt is the inventor of the perm-mag
motor. He is now of retirement age.
- When Brandt was a young man, he invented
a 90-mpg carburetor. He was paid a visit by a man from Standard Oil, another
man, and two men wearing US Marshal uniforms. They told him that if he
ever made another carburetor, they would kill him, his wife, and two young
children. He was quickly persuaded that his life wasn't worth a "damn"
carburetor. He happened to think to memorize the badge numbers of the two
US Marshals and so had an attorney in Washington, DC check with the US
Marshal's office. They had no record of the two badge numbers.
- Welton Myers: Myers' Efficient Carburetor
- Welton Myers, Director of Technology
for Pure Energy Systems, does not have a resume, as he has always been
- I received the following information
from him via phone interview today.
- Though Welton attended Cornell University,
with a major in Agricultural Engineering, that is not of significance to
him. It didn't take many years before he came to the realization that the
mainstream science he learned there is full of errors (techniques deplete
soil of nutrients). He completed there in approximately 1954.
- From 1954 through 1960, Welton farmed
(mainly corn) and raised 50 dairy cows. Towards the end of that time he
also dabbled in logging and mining.
- From 1960 through 1975, he laid the foundations
for what today is known as Habitat for Humanity. He set up non-profit programs
in New York and California, taking groups of ten families who helped each
other build homes, and learned skills in the process, which they could
later use in a trade. He helped build and renovate over 1000 homes during
this time. Better Rochester Living is the name of the first program in
New York, and Self Help Enterprises (SHE) was the name of his first program
in California.
- In 1975, he began building homes for
profit when his funding dried up for the non-for-profit program he was
doing. He built around 25 homes in the $100k range.
- Then in 1978 he had a serious accident
that put him out of commission for physical labor until 1984. He was rear-ended
by a car going 120 mph. "This was one of my most creative periods"
he said, ironically, because it was also during this time that he had a
very difficult time remembering the simplest things.
- That was when he did the carburetor project
in which he transformed a car to get three times the mileage. The organization
he founded along with Bill Cope, "Knowledge is Power," held weekly
seminars at Robert Wesley College, where people came to learn how to convert
their cars to get three times the gas mileage.
- That project came to a halt when his
car was sabotaged, the pressure release valve being clamped down tight,
causing his car to explode while he was driving it. The next day, as the
car sat on blocks in his drive way, a trailer pulled up, and some men who
told Welton's wife they were hauling the car for Welton (not true), towed
the car away; and Welton never saw it again.
- The blueprints are held by an associate
today, but Welton does not recommend the design because of the high pressures
involved (3000 - 6000 PSI), which could be dangerous if the car is in an
- It was also during that time (1983) that
he built a magnetic motor along with Bill Cope and an inventor who said
he had been involved with Tesla. The day after they announced that they
were ready to open the technology to a public offering, the laboratory
was raided, their equipment smashed, and their inventor was threatened
at gun point to leave the country, which he did. That inventor had also
been involved with John Searl and witnessed his flying saucer technology.
- Welton later located the inventor in
California, but he had Alzheimer's by then and didn't remember anything.
- Also during this time, for employment
on the side to help cover expenses, Welton worked in a laundry designing
the mechanical end of an automated system.
- In 1984, Welton returned to working with
COOP housing, starting with ten "slow" individuals who were not
able to hold down jobs, and making a construction crew of them. At the
end of two years, they built 7 homes for 7 of them. The other three were
not able to get funding together for a mortgage. With some of this crew,
he then went on to build more expensive homes, building 10 homes at a time,
for example, in a new subdivision. Many of the homes were in the $400 -
$500 range. They also installed around 100 solar panel systems during this
- Then early in the 1990's he began to
get involved in the patriot scene, helping people understand some of the
inherent problems with today's tax structure, and helping them protect
their assets. He was involved in Cleon Skousen's seminars with the National
Center for Constitutional Studies. He learned how to create corporate shells
with strong layers of protection.
- Also during this time he began traversing
the country meeting inventors and reviewing their inventions, to help facilitate
their progress toward the market.
- I met Welton about two years ago, and
it was actually his phone conversation with me that spurred me to begin
a "free energy" listing on my greater things website, which has
grown into what it is today. We have been close friends and business associates
(www.perentech.com) during that whole time.
- I know Welton to be one of the brightest
minds around. You would never know he's past 70 to speak with him on the
phone. He remembers details of conversations and technologies better than
I do, at nearly half his age. I look at him as one of the "grandfathers"
of the Free Energy movement.
- Sterling D. Allan Adam Trombley: Trombly-Farnsworth
Solid-State Oscillating EM System
- (Excerpted from email from David Crockett
Williams Dec. 14, 2001)
- I have repeatedly made mention of others'
beliefs that some devices claimed as "over unity" devices are
somehow "tapping into" the ZPE as the source of their power,
eg, Adam Trombly with the Trombly-Khan Closed Path Homopolar Generator
of the 1980's, and the Trombly-Farnsworth Solid-State Oscillating Electromagnetic
System of the 1990's destroyed in Oregon in 1996 by US Federal Marshals
et al -- the device one of whose earlier prototype primary coils I understand
that Hal Fox later "almost tested" in San Francisco under ISSO
auspices but another simple circuit component part could not be found in
local stores to allow that test that day.
- Dennis Lee: Freon Engines
- Dennis Lee during the mid-1980's invented
a freon-based low-temperature phase-change engine similar to Bob Stewart's
heat engine. The father of the Boeing 747 and other highly qualified people
helped Dennis perfect his engine. A small plant was established in Seattle
to produce and sell a commercial home-scale electrical generator. A Seattle
area power company (the same one which became infamous for its WHOOPS nuclear
plants) campaigned to shut down the plant. Even a girl employee was murdered.
- Dennis was forced to move his company
to Southern California to start over. He was subsequently imprisoned on
a false charge for two years. His book "The Alternative" documents
the falsity of the charge.
- Dennis spoke nonstop for three hours
during the International Tesla Society's symposium July 1996(?). However,
he was refused an opportunity to speak at the symposium itself. Lee made
an impassioned presentation of about eight engines for different purposes
which were displayed on the stage. He also formally announced that his
company which he had to hibernate while in jail and since then is now back
in business.
- An interesting claim he made was that
freon has been scientifically determined to be not destructive of the earth's
atmospheric ozone layer. He said that the secret group which had been suppressing
clean energy inventions is so afraid of his inventions that they had cleverly
arranged a ban on freon refrigerant in air conditioners, etc., in order
to stop him.
- By the way, his wife was so supportive
during his ordeal it should be considered an honor to meet her some day.
- I, Gary Vesperman, has also heard that
Dennis Lee's claims could stand additional verification by an independent
laboratory. Mr. Lee is frequently accused of making misleading if not false
claims concerning the energy inventions that he demonstrates and displays
at his road shows. A few years ago I attended one of his road shows here
in Las Vegas. I thought Lee's claim about Joe Newman's rotating electrical
generator was misleading. Lee had multiplied the machine's output peak
voltage and peak current to arrive at the output power instead of multiplying
the machine's true average voltage and true average current.
- Christopher Bird/Waller (Reporter): Energy
Suppression - An Invisible Galaxy of Inventions
- http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/feb2/bird.htm
and http://www.befreetech.com/energysuppression.htm both list 48 energy
inventions - nearly all of which are suppressed or at least not being commercially
made and sold.
- Bob Boyce: Brown's Gas Carburetor
- http://www.greaterthings.com/News/Tilley/testimonials/related/Bob_Boyce.htm
Bob Boyce built a carburetor using hydrogen and oxygen previously split
using proper frequencies.
- From: "Bob Boyce" <theghost@realmcity.com>
To: <sterlingda@greaterthings.com> Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002
8:38 PM Subject: GTcontact
- Hello there
- I just read your response to the message
from someone asking why you're promoting a fraud (Tilley) and I must commend
you on your response. There are a lot of closed-minded and narrow-minded
people out there, most of whom were highly educated in traditional schooling
methodology taught at most of the universities and colleges throughout
the world. They get this doctrine shoved down their throats that if it's
not documented in books and/or upheld by popular theory, then it's just
not possible. Any attempt to demonstrate such technology usually falls
on deaf ears and blind eyes because they refuse to adjust their thinking
to accept that maybe something may be possible after all.
- I learned the hard way about how society
treats those that dare to do something different. I'm not seeking publicity
or recognition for any research I did, just wanted to privately relate
my experiences with you and ask that you please not publish or share this
with anyone. (See link above. Vesperman)
- I had an electronics business down in
south Florida where I owned and sponsored a small boat race team through
my business starting in 1988. We had a machine shop out back of my business
for doing engine work, and I worked on engines for other racers and a local
mini-sub research outfit that was building surface running drone type boats
for the DEA. I delved into hydrogen research where I was building small
electrolyzer type units that used distilled water mixed with an electrolyte
and I would resonate the plates for optimal conversion efficiency.
- I discovered that with the right frequencies,
I was able to generate monoatomic hydrogen and oxygen, which when recombined,
produces about 4 times the energy output of normal diatomic hydrogen and
oxygen molecules since the process of combustion does not have to break
apart the molecules first before recombining into water vapor. Diatomic
hydrogen requires about 4% to air to produce the same power as gasoline,
while monoatomic requires slightly less than 1% to air for the same power.
- The only drawback was storage at pressure
causes the monoatoms to start joining into diatomic pairs, and the mixture
weakens, so it must be produced on-demand and consumed right away. I used
modified LP carburetors on the boat engines to deal with using vapor fuel.
I even converted an old Chrysler with a slant six engine to run on the
hydrogen setup and we tested it in the shop.
- I never published anything of what I
was working on, and we always stated that our boats were running on hydrogen
fuel, which was allowed, to avoid any controversy at the races. It wasn't
until many years later that I found out what I had stumbled upon was already
discovered and known as "Brown's Gas", and there were companies
out there selling the equipment and plans to make it.
- I had never tried to market anything,
but I was plagued with trouble ever since I did the conversion to the old
Chrysler and did a few test runs on it in the shop. My shop, which had
never had any major crime problems before, suddenly was getting broken
into, and pieces of equipment related to the hydrogen project were getting
vandalized or stolen. I thought it might be that one of the guys that worked
for me might have leaked something to someone and they were trying to either
steal the technology or stop me from working on it. I ended up shutting
down the research, getting out of it all, converting the boat engines back
to racing fuel and selling off the race boats. The break-ins stopped, and
I had no further trouble up until I totally closed the business and retired
in 1991.
- I was struck by lightning in 1995 and
in 1997 I moved out of Florida, the lightning capital. I am now crippled
with arthritis (which is common amongst lightning strike survivors), and
recently I developed congestive heart failure/pulmonary edema. I may be
weak in body, but I am determined to try to stay as active as I can. I
am currently stripping down an old 1984 Dodge Aries with only 29K original
miles so I can convert it over to electric operation. I have been seeking
all information I can find to be able to apply this unique charging arrangement
that Tilley is using and to find out what type of electric motor would
be best to use with it. I'm in the eastern TN area in the mountains so
it must have enough power to climb the uphill grades and hopefully be able
to regenerate on the downhill grades. So far I have found very little information
on this. Any help you could provide to steer me in the right direction
would be appreciated.
- Thank you Bob Boyce
- Bob Aldrich (Reporter): Vibrating Energy
- Message 414 DATE/TIME: 05/24/93 01:47
Bearden's Latest Folder : A, "Public Mail"
- Hi Jerry,
- By lamentations I mean lamenting on how
difficult it's been to get free energy made available to the people at
large. How many people have tried to make it possible over the years? Must
have been thousands. Who has succeeded?
- Say, did you ever hear of a device that
farmers were using possibly fifty years ago that worked on vibration? Apparently
some very simple device that when set to vibrating, would put out ample
free energy. Chicken farmers and such were building them and using them
to power the ranch.
- Until some one or two farms mysteriously
blew up or burned to the ground, after some warnings. This was in the Midwest
to my recollection. The fellow who told me did mention specifics but it
was several years ago and he was very hard to pin down as he was always
onto the latest thing and didn't want to talk about things in the past
- Later,
- Bob
- Henry T. Moray: Free Energy Generator
- Cold Semiconductor Cathode
- During the 1930's Henry T. Moray was
refused a patent on his cold semiconductor cathode because the patent examiner
couldn't understand how it could emit electrons. 20 years later the development
of the transistor apparently proved that his device could actually have
- Charles N. Pogue: 200+ MPG Carburetor
- In Jan. 3, 1935 Charles N. Pogue was
issued a Canadian patent - 353538 - for a High Mileage Carburetor.
- In Apr. 9, 1935 Charles N. Pogue was
issued a US patent - 1997497 - for a High Mileage Carburetor.
- In Jan. 7, 1936 Charles N. Pogue was
issued a US Patent - 2026798 - for his newer High Mileage Carburetor. Pogue
used the carburetor for about ten years on his car and produced about 200
carburetors thru the Economy Carburetor Co.
- (Actual copies of the following three
test reports plus a drawing of the Pogue carburetor can be viewed at http://www.byronwine.com/files/1936%20Ford%20test.pdf.)
- In early 1936 T.G. Green, President of
Breen Motor Company, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada tested the Pogue carburetor
on a Ford V-8 Coupe and got 26.2 miles on one pint of gasoline. The performance
of the car was 100% in every way. Under 10 mph the operation was much smoother
than a standard carburetor.
- In April 30,1936 Ford Motor Company,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada tested the Pogue carburetor and was at "a
loss to understand" how the carburetor got "25.7 miles on one
pint of gasoline"! (That's approximately 205 mpg). Mr. W.J. Holmes
and Mr. Purdy conducted the test for Ford Motor Company.
- In Aug. 10,1936 S. Stockhammer tested
the Pogue carburetor on a 1934 Ford V-8 Coupe and got 28 miles per pint
of gas. "I can say the performance was all anyone could desire in
every shape of form."
- In Dec. 12, 1936 Canadian Automotive
Magazine states that the standard carburetor gets about 25 mpg at only
9% efficiency. Therefore the Pogue carburetor is 72% efficient overall
at 200 mpg.
- In 1953 CARS magazine stated that in
the opening months of 1936, Pogue panicked the Toronto stock exchange and
threw fright into the major oil companies. Stock exchange offices and brokers
were swamped with orders to dump all oil stock immediately. This same article
states that Winnipeg's largest automobile dealers tested the Pogue carburetor
and got results of up to 216.8 mpg!
- In 1945, according to an unnamed source,
carburetors marked "POGUE CARBURETOR, DO NOT OPEN" were used
on American Army tanks throughout WWII but were removed from circulation
after the war ended.
- In 1980 Arthur C. Sgrignoli, after 45
years, has built a legendary Pogue carburetor by hand and is said to have
achieved an efficiency of 86%. Contact was made through his brother, William
J. Sgrignoli.
- In 1981 Ultra-Lean Carburetors of Northridge,
CA, was selling a set of plans for the Pogue carburetor for $50. (This
price is too high). (I remember gasoline was a little cheaper then. Gary
- As of January 1981, Charles N. Pogue
was still alive at age 81 and was living in a rest home in Winnipeg, Canada.
He refused to talk to anyone or to receive visitors from outside his own
- http://www.snopes.com/autos/business/carburetor.asp
claims that the Pogue carburetor is an "urban legend". Perhaps
some university mechanical engineering students can be funded to replicate
the Pogue carburetor as a laboratory exercise and then measure its performance.
- An email correspondent of Gary Vesperman
wrote June 11, 2006 that, before he got involved with an electronic mileage
booster two years ago, he checked the Internet and both Consumers Union
and the Department of Energy lambasted all previous fuel optimizers. DOE
listed about 75 of them they tested and which did not really work.
- (Of course they say that. I think the
Pogue carburetor was the one that worked until lead was added to gasoline,
and it was this additive that clogged up the device and prevented the mileage
gain. Bruce McBurney, source. McBurney's site http://www.himacresearch.com/
has more on carburetors.)
- The addition of lead to gasoline resulted
in widespread permanent environmental pollution of millions of pounds of
poisonous, brain deadening lead. In 1967 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
I, Gary Vesperman, took an introductory course in meteorology. One lesson
the professor gave was a study he had conducted of the extent of lead poisoning.
I used his research results as the basis of a "letter to the editor"
which was published in Business Week magazine in 1970. I am not sure if
I have the dimensions correct, but it went like this: Residents of northern
Wisconsin were found to have 0.1 micrograms of lead per cubic centimeters
(cc) of their blood. Residents of the northern suburbs of Chicago had 1
microgram of lead per cc of blood. Residents of downtown Chicago had 4
micrograms of lead per cc of blood. The fatal level is about 6 micrograms
of lead per cc of blood.
- So I postulated that in another decade
or so, rising levels of lead in blood would result in greatly increased
mortality rates among downtown Chicago people since they evidently were
already two-thirds dead.
- Weeks later, by coincidence (?), there
was intense national publicity focused on lead poisoning which resulted
in Congress passing a law mandating a phase-out of lead in gasoline. Some
people claim there is a so-called "law of unintended consequences".
The platinum dust hazard from catalytic converters is another awful example
of this "law". Maybe it is time for me to once again try to rouse
the rabble?
- Fish/Kendig: Variable Venturi Carburetor
- In the late 1950's the Fish/Kendig Variable
Venturi carburetors got some very interesting mileage figures. The Fish
carburetor even got into production on a small scale, but for some unknown
reason, these carburetors faded away in the early 1960's.
- In the early 1970's a young college student
(name unknown) entered his Mercury "gas hog" in the California
Air Pollution car race and won hands down. He was using the Kendig Variable
Venturi carburetor that a small company (name unknown) had manufactured
in Los Angeles for racing cars.
- Within a week the student was told to
remove the carburetor since it wasn't approved by California's Air Resources
Board. His car had reduced pollution and doubled the gas mileage (for that
model). This may have been suppression conducted by the Air Resources Board.
- Henry T. Moray: Free Energy Generator
- In 1940 Henry T. Moray demonstrated before
the members of the Public Utilities Commission (in Utah?) his free energy
generator that gave a continuous output of 250,000 volts with no apparent
input. The next day he was found shot in his lab and all of his notes and
device were stolen. Currently, the Cosray Research Institute of Salt Lake
City has been collecting Moray's papers from old acquaintances and attempting
to duplicate the device.
- Floyd Sweet: Vacuum Triode Amplifier
- Gary Vesperman's file titled "Bearden
web site on electrical energy" contains these two excerpts written
by Tom Bearden:
- "A particularly good higher group
symmetry electrodynamics, in this author's opinion, is the O(3) electrodynamics
founded by Evans and Vigier and further expounded by Evans {[xxxviii]}.
Evans has shown that O(3) electrodynamics is a part of the Sachs unified
field theory electrodynamics {[xxxix]}.
- Thus O(3) electrodynamics can be used
not only for modeling "normal" electrodynamic but also for modeling
"exotic" unified field theory. Further, it can be used for engineering,
so it permits the development of a drastically extended electromagnetic
technology which can eventually engineer many new phenomena {[xl]}, including
antigravitational effects {[xli]}. At least one highly successful antigravity
experiment was performed by Sweet, in an experiment designed by the present
author {[xlii]}. The weight of an object was steadily reduced by 90%, on
the laboratory bench."
- "Sweet was fired at from about 300
yards by a would-be assassin, using a silenced rifle. Being old, he stumbled
and fell on the steps just as the assassin pulled the trigger. The bullet
snapped right by his ear, where his head had just been. Thereafter, Sweet
was always deeply paranoid about taking the unit outside his own apartment
or continuing to develop it. Again, I personally worked with Sweet for
some years."
- (End of Bearden's report) Sweet received
many death threats over the phone, and some threats face to face. A well-dressed
gentleman in an expensive suit, tie, hat, and hundred-dollar shoes approached
Sweet on the sidewalk of the street where he lived and introduced himself
as Cecil Brown. Brown showed Sweet a picture of Sweet inside his apartment.
Brown then told Sweet that he represented a conglomerate that did not want
Sweet's device to appear in the world at this time. Brown further stated
that sometimes unfortunate things happen to people who do not comply with
the wishes of others. Brown then retrieved the picture and departed.
- Teruo Kawai: Motive Power Generating
- (Continuing after Tom Bearden's above
report on Sweet:)
- The present author has had his own share
of such shenanigans, close calls and suppressions, more than a dozen times,
but does not wish to publicize the incidents. As a single personal example,
Kawai's patented motor (US Patent 5,436,518) will produce COP>1.0 if
his process is applied to a high-efficiency magnetic motor to start with
(such as one from Hitachi with 70% to 80% efficiency). We explained the
Kawai engine's operation, placed it on the Internet, and Kawai and party
came to Huntsville to see us. At Kawai's urging, we negotiated an agreement
that we would manufacture and market Kawai's systems worldwide; he already
had built a closed-loop, self-powering system in Japan. He would fund the
entire project. Our agreement was verbally reached on a Thursday afternoon,
- That night a jet arrived posthaste from
Los Angeles, with a Yakuza on board. The next morning Kawai and his party
were in fear and trembling, and the Yakuza was in total control. Kawai
no longer controlled his own company, his invention or his own fate. Needless
to say, the Yakuza coldly cancelled the agreement, point blank. This happened
in front of my associates and me, so there are multiple witnesses. The
Yakuza and party quickly packed up the two Kawai engines in our possession
and departed. No Kawai engine will ever be permitted on the world market.
Several other Japanese COP>1.0 electrical power systems have also been
suppressed by the Yakuza {[lvi]}.
- Many such incidents - including murder
- have occurred over the last decades, right here in the United States.
Others will happen."
- John Andrews: Water-to-Gasoline Additive
- In May, 1974 John Andrews, a Portugese
chemist, demonstrated a water-to-gas additive before Navy officials which
allowed ordinary water to be added to gasoline without decreasing the combustability
of the gas and would drive the cost of gasoline down to 2 cents per gallon.
When Navy officials finally went to his lab to negotiate for the formula,
they found Andrews missing and his lab ransacked.
- Tom Ogle: 100+ MPG Oglemobile
- Tom Ogle's Oglemobile ran on fumes extracted
from a heated tank in the trunk without a carburetor (see US patent 4,177,779).
The media witnessed a test of a 4,600-pound 1970 Ford Galaxie which was
driven 200 miles on less than two gallons of gasoline. Ogle predicted that
an economy four-cylinder engine would achieve 260 to 360 miles per gallon.
- A Shell Oil Co. representative asked
Ogle what he would do if someone offered him $25 million for the system.
Ogle responded "I would not be interested". He later said, "I've
always wanted to be rich, and I suspect I will be when this system gets
into distribution. But I'm not going to have my system bought up and put
on the shelf."
- The August 1977 issue of Argosy magazine
which carried a five-page article on the Oglemobile has disappeared from
many libraries and even the Library of Congress. Argosy even ceased publication
shortly after the article published. The El Paso NBC TV station which had
filmed the test run "lost" the footage.
- Shell Oil Company: Achieves 376.59 MPG
with a Modified 1959 Opel in 1973
- Shell Oil Company wrote "Fuel Economy
of the Gasoline Engine" (ISBN 0-470-99132-1); it was published by
John Wiley & Sons, New York, in 1977. On page 42 Shell Oil quotes the
President of General Motors who in 1929 predicted 80 MPG by 1939. Between
pages 221 (see http://www.byronwine.com/files/Shell%20P221.pdf) and 223
(see http://www.byronwine.com/files/Shell%20P222.pdf) Shell writes of their
achievements: 49.73 MPG around 1939; 149.95 MPG with a 1947 Studebaker
in 1949; 244.35 MPG with a 1959 Fiat 600 in 1968; 376.59 MPG with a modified
1959 Opel in 1973 (photos of these three cars are shown on page 223).
- The Library of Congress, in September
1990, did not have a copy of this book. It was missing from their files,
of course. Byron Wine bought a copy from Maryland Book Exchange around
1980 after a professor informed him that it was used as an engineering
text at the University of West Virginia.
- Dick Belland: 100 MPG Carburetor that
Runs on Gasoline Fumes
- In 1979 Dick Belland and his brothers
and a nephew were experimenting with an automobile carburetor which ran
on gasoline fumes. They stopped when Belland received telephone threats
to be fitted with a pair of cement boots. For story see http://www.byronwine.com/files/Dodge%20truck.pdf.
- Edwin V. Gray: Free Energy EVGRAY Generator
and Free Energy Engine
- In July, 1974 the Los Angeles District
Attorney, acting under orders from the "Top" raided Ed Gray's
assembly plant and confiscated his prototype free energy EVGRAY generator
(US Patent 3,890,548) as well as his plans and records, brought numerous
false charges against him, and defied all attempts by Gray's lawyers to
get the confiscated materials returned. Gray's opponents drove him into
- In June 17,1975 Edwin V. Gray, of Evgray
Enterprises, Van Nuys, CA, got a US Patent for a free energy automobile
engine. The engine starts off of two car batteries and once it gets going,
it recharges the batteries and powers the car. Unfortunately, Evgray Enterprises
had become embroiled in a controversy with the Securities Exchange Commission,
which is unrelated to the engine itself but had halted the development
of the engine.
- In 1975 Ronald Reagan, Governor of California,
gave a special commendation to Edwin V. Gray of Van Nuys, CA, for his patent
of a free energy automobile engine.
- Joseph C. Yater: Heat-to-Electricity
- In September 18, 1975 Joseph C. Yater
invented a heat-to-electricity converter that he says will cost the consumer
approximately $200 and would be up to 90% efficient. The device operates
by capturing "fluctuation voltage" (the static noise heard on
radios and amplifiers). The rooftop device would be heated by the sun and
use millions of microcircuits to tap the freed electrons from heated molecules.
Yater took his device to the Government, which declared that his device
had "real potential". After promising him a working model within
6 months, the US Government came back to him with the reply that the device
would be impractical.
- Phil Stone: Engine Runs on Water
- During the 1950's, Phil Stone, a retired
Florida college physics professor, had a patent for a device to run an
engine on water. The US government then classified his patent and this
prevented him from developing his device. The US Patent Office has unfairly
classified 4000 energy patents. Their helpless inventors will be jailed
for 20 years if they work on, develop, make, sell, write about, or even
simply talk about their inventions.
- Howard R. Johnson: Johnson Free Energy
- Howard R. Johnson spent six years fighting
the patent office to accept the reality of his magnet motor. In April 24,
1979 Mr. Johnson finally got a US patent - 4151431 - for a free energy
motor that starts itself and would deliver 5 kilowatts from permanent magnets.
More information is available from the "Permanent Magnet Research
Institute" P.O. Box 199, Blacksburg, Virginia 24063.
- In spring of 1980 Science and Mechanics
magazine published an interview with Mr. Johnson regarding the Johnson
free energy motor. When asked if he (Johnson) thought that the load on
his motor might drain the magnetic spin (of the electrons) he replied,
"I didn't start the electron spins, and I don't know anyway to stop
them, do you?" The Johnson permanent magnet motor apparently is one
of the more promising possibilities in the world of "free energy".
It is simple to construct and yields high output.
- Bruce DePalma: N Machine
- BRUCE DePALMA: Free Energy Update 11/14/90.
Audio cassette #A1009-90 $9.00. Live on Something's Happening. Bruce DePalma,
inventor of the "N Machine" (so-called "free energy")
presents an update on its development including U.S. Navy development,
a letter by U.S. astronaut Edgar Mitchell on the validity of the invention
and the forced imprisonment of DePalma's chief backer.
- Bill Jenkins: Free Energy Machine
- BILL JENKINS: Free Energy Machine. Live
on Something's Happening. Audio cassette #A1008-90 $9.00 Bill Jenkins hosted
the ABC radio "Open Mind" program for 7 years, the most popular
program in the country in its time slot. He dealt with "New Age"
topics and was taken off the air. Here he discusses the program and his
adventures since, including a near arrest on treason charges for preparing
to market a free energy machine.
- Richard Diggs: Liquid Electricity Engine
- Richard Diggs, Custom Invention Agency,
P.O. Box 11, Carthage, Missouri 64836; patent process on hold, though he
has over two hundred others. Diggs developed at an inventors workshop (I.W.
international) his "Liquid Electricity Engine" that he believed
could power a large truck for 25,000 miles from a single portable unit
of his electrical fuel. Liquid electricity violated a number of the well
known physical laws that the inventor pointed out. The inventor was also
aware of the profound impact the invention could have upon the world's
economy - if it could be developed.
- Joseph Newman: Energy Machine
- In the news some years ago was Joseph
Newman's energy machine. While Reagan stalled on acid rain, and Hodel pushed
offshore drilling, the US Patent Office continued to block commercial development
of this latest of many government-smothered free energy devices. Newman
sued the patent office for refusing to grant his machine a patent, in violation
of their own regulations and the advice of the expert they chose to examine
the device. They also issued false statements to the press about the invention's
workability. Over thirty respected electrical engineers, physicists and
technical experts have endorsed Newman's machine and signed affidavits
confirming his claim of greater energy output than external energy input.
Ten congressmen have introduced bills which would require Newman's patent
be granted.
- As the Newman battle heated up, Reagan
appointed Donald Quigg, a thirty-year Phillips Petroleum executive, to
head the Patent and Trademark Office. The Judge entrusted with the case,
Thomas P. Jackson, has violated judicial procedure, ignored expert testimony
and ordered Newman's prototype confiscated and destroyed. During Watergate,
Jackson was the attorney for John Mitchell and the Committee to Re-elect
the President's corrupt finance division.
- Newman identified the gyroscopic properties
of subatomic particles and built a unique arrangement of coils and magnets
to draw energy directly from them, thus converting almost immeasurably
small amounts of the machine's mass into energy. Theory and device are
detailed in "The Energy Machine", $38.45 including postage, from
Joseph Newman Publishing Co, Route 1, Box 52, Lucedale, Mississippi 39452;
601-947-7147. Free press releases and brief technical descriptions are
also available; send SASE.
- Gianni A. Dotto: Anti-Aging and Anti-Gravity
Thermionic Couple
- DATE/TIME: 06/13/93 10:05 From : ROBERT
BONNER To : DAVID MCWHERTER Subject: (R) UV radiation + us Folder : A,
"Public Mail"
- Dave,
- There was an Italian researcher (actually
he had a Ph.D.) who did research on how magnetic fields affected the body.
He made about 3 or 4 classifications of magnetic type energy fields. Two
were bad; one had some health benefits but in the long run had detrimental
effects. The last one was, of course, the one he speaks of as far as research
goes. This person's name was Gianni A. Dotto. Born in Venice. His main
area of research was "Bio-physics". Anyways, he built something
that resembled a thermionic couple. It also levitated too. Anyways, if
you want the "file" you can order it from:
- Rex Research Box 1258 Berkeley, CA 94701
(I recommend clicking on rexresearch.com to order a $13 CD from Robert
Nelson. Gary Vesperman)
- It will cost $4.00 and the order # is:
071-DOT DOTTO Dr. Giovani: Thermionic Couple. It is about 25 pp. I said
his name "was"; he's dead - murdered some time back. His device
worked really well as far as curing cancer goes. And he was killed for
it. Run over, several times to ensure his demise.
- His ideas on how our DNA is electrically
controllable is fascinating. With this device you could theoretically live
until you died of an "accident". Once you reach about 40 something,
(well, let me put it differently...) Once your body reached 10 base pairs
per turn (DNA lingo) you could use the device to SUSTAIN that state of
being, anything less than that and you begin to deteriorate. i.e. grow
old... Now, if, perhaps, you could find the right setting, maybe you could
be 25 forever. But who in the world wants that?!?!
- There were "reverse aging"
effects detected on his elderly patients. So this is where all that mess
above comes from. It isn't claimed to just be theoretical; he (Dotto) witnessed
it. Anyways, I have the document and have read it. Would be cool to build.
The most expensive piece is the ring part; it is an alloy. But, it would
cost about 13 grand to build, maybe less if you knew the right people.
It might be worth it for immortality and a life free of cancer and AIDS
and the common cold.
- Robert Bonner
- Tim Thrapp: Energy Invention
- From : Jerry Decker <jdecker@keelynet.com>
To : Gary Vesperman <vman@skylink.net> Subject : Re: Trapp energy
suppression Date : Sun, 23 Dec 2001 01:34:51 -0600
- Hi Gary!
- His name is Tim Thrapp....he used to
live in Alaska and he was the one who told me about Henry Ford working
with John Keely to create an arrangement inside early Model Ts so that
magnets placed in them would make them self-running....the story goes that
Ford was threatened by the oil companies for graft (kickbacks) or something
along those lines...so he did this magnet trick as insurance...no one has
yet come back with any proof of the claim that SOME Model Ts had these
slots in the bell housing where magnets could be placed to make it self-running...here
is the file; http://www.keelynet.com/energy/ford.htm
- When Tim called me several years ago
with that story, he said one of the cars had been found and the engine
or a copy of it had been demonstrated, and the inventor killed on his drive
home with the engine on a trailer...the engine was stolen... Tim also said
he had some radical new power generator capable of 50kw but he gave no
details about it..this was back in 1997....seeya!
- Gary Vesperman wrote:
- Dear friends,
- I have received a letter from an energy
inventor the following new energy suppression incident:
- "Tim Trapp, from Ohio, was put in
jail by the federal authorities in Arizona and by the state police in Ohio."
- Without success I conducted some searches
for Tim Trapp on keelynet.com and google.com. Do any of you know of any
authoritative reports on Mr. Trapp's energy suppression troubles?
- Gary Vesperman 702-435-7947
- Jerry W. Decker - http://www.keelynet.com
from an Art to a Science - order out of Chaos discussion list - http://www.escribe.com/science/keelynet
- Bob Lantz: Lantz Water and Power System
- From : "Jerry E. Smith" <jerryesmith@gbis.com>
To : "'Gary Vesperman'" <vman@skylink.net>, "'gear2000@lightspeed.net'"
<gear2000@lightspeed.net>, "'halfox@qwest.net'" <halfox@qwest.net>,
"'mruppert@copvcia.com'" <mruppert@copvcia.com> Subject
: RE: Lantz needs Reno attorney Date : Sat, 9 Feb 2002 08:58:07 -0800
- Attachment : attach3 (12k)
- Hi,
- I'm not sure who I'm responding to, so
I am sending this to all of you. The only lawyer I know in the area who
might be interested in this case is Day Williams of Carson City. He is
a civil rights and personal injury lawyer who has represented me in the
past (also the late Jim Keith and Sirhan Sirhan!).
- Day R. Williams Attorney at Law 204 N.
Minnesota St. Carson City, NV 89703-4151 775/885-8398 daywillia@aol.com
- I hope this is of some assistance.
- Jerry E. Smith Author, "HAARP: The
Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy" (Adventures Unlimited Press, 1998)
- -----Original Message----- From: Gary
Vesperman [SMTP:vman@skylink.net] Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2002 8:06
AM To: Jerry E. Smith Subject: Lantz needs Reno attorney
- Jerry, I don't know anything about this,
and I am too busy to even read it.
- Gary
- From : "David Crockett Williams"
<gear2000@lightspeed.net> To : "Hal Fox" <halfox@qwest.net>,
"Gary Vesperman" <vman@skylink.net>, "Michael C Ruppert"
<mruppert@copvcia.com> Subject : urgently need referral to Reno area
attorney for Lantz Date : Fri, 8 Feb 2002 02:16:08 -0800
- WWII vet framed by CIA agent to stop
energy inventions?
- Below is draft of press release I will
finalize with Lantz on the phone this morning and send to media lists etc.
Please let me know if you can refer an attorney in Reno area who I can
phone today to help with Lantz court appearance Monday Feb.11 at which
his date to surrender to jail will be set.
- From: "David Crockett Williams"
<gear2000@lightspeed.net> Subject: WWII vet framed by CIA agent to
stop energy inventions? Date: Thursday, February 07, 2002 10:06 PM
- Seventy-five year old retired chemist
and engineer Bob Lantz of Reno, Nevada, fought for the United States as
a Navy pilot in WWII, but Monday the US Government is set to imprison him,
to "die in prison" according to his "public defenders",
in an apparent scheme to suppress his new-energy invention to replace nuclear
and fossil fuel power. Perhaps paralleling the case of Horst Jeske, jailed
for years in a bogus fraud conviction set up by wired funds transferred
by Frederick van Boduncan years after Jeske introduced him to Lantz as
a CIA agent, and the case of San Francisco investigative journalist George
Williamson who identified Boduncan from his research as a CIA operative
previously involved in smuggling drugs into the US via oil rigs in the
- George Williamson was later named in
a lawsuit by Mohamed Al Fayed against the CIA and other government intelligence
agencies regarding purported CIA documents Williamson offered to Al Fayed
linking the agency with the death of Princess Diana.
- Lantz reports Monday for a custody surrender
hearing after his sentencing to 5 years imprisonment for a fraud in fact
perpetrated without his knowledge by Norbert Vogler of Colorado who forged
investment certificates with Lantz' signature notarized by his friend who
later acknowledged that Lantz was not present when the forged signatures
were notarized -- one of 237 lies that Lantz has documented by Federal
prosecutors in his trial after the government put him into poverty by illegally
confiscating over $250,000 from him after a raid in 1994.
- Why would anyone want to put an old man
in jail who is so scrupulously law abiding that he never even got a speeding
ticket, someone who accepted the government secrecy order suppressing the
Papp Air Engine and therefore cancelled his contract to make Papp's protoype,
someone who even calmly accepted the multimillion dollar loss in business
due to US government denial of his permit application to export his water
purification Sonofloc System 77 to the government of Egypt for seawater
- Could it be that powerful people within
the US government are implementing covert policies to keep new energy inventions
suppressed that would threaten the fossil fuel and nuclear power industries?
Copious evidence says yes, and that Lantz' troubles really started after
he began making new-energy system prototypes for other inventors in 1977
culminating with his 1989 discovery of an "overunity" energy
generation system which combines his System 77 with a ultracentrifuge so
the overall device not only purifies any kind of water but also produces
sufficient heat to produce megawatts of electricity without any fuel at
all, perhaps by "tapping the zero-point energy" with a kind of
device the DOE in 1998 called "the Holy Grail of energy research".
- How else could it be possible for this
bogus fraud case to even be prosecuted after expiration of statute of limitations,
with falsified evidence and the apparent collusion of prosecutors who lied
and and public defenders who refused to contest the lies and offer documentation
of innocence? Why else would Boduncan have brought this "gold certificate
scheme" to Lantz as a funding mechanism for his invention? The Lantz
Water and Power System was first tested in 1989. It can solve our global
energy and water quality problems.
- And what does he get for it? An unacceptable
"deal" offered by prosecutors and pushed by two successive public
defenders who each claimed he "would die in jail" unless he took
the plea bargain acknowledging guilt and forfeiting his assets (over $100k
of that confiscated was not even in his name), a "raw deal" which
this War Veteran refuses to accept.
- Are we to sit by and let this happen
or will concerned citizens and media bring his story out so he can get
the legal help he needs to get his bogus conviction reversed, his name
cleared and his money back so he can pursue development of his New-Energy
- Former US Patent Examiner Thomas Valone,
fired for producing a conference in Washington DC on these new energy technologies,
claims that there is a vault at the US Patent Office containing over 4,000
patents ordered secret by the government, confiscated from the inventors
who are threatened with 20 years in jail if they release the information
as per "dual-use" secrecy law uncovered under Freedom of Information
Act and reprinted on p.162 of Jeane Manning's book "The Coming Energy
Revolution" overviewing various new energy tech inventors. Isn't it
about time we did something to take this situation under public investigation
and control, especially motivated by the current Enron fiasco exemplifying
the "ethics" of the fossil fuel industry and government complicity
in "rigging" the energy industry?
- Can we help Bob Lantz become a hero of
this coming energy revolution instead of its casualty? Certainly our surviving
WWII veterans deserve better treatment from our country citizens that they
love and fought and died for.
- David G. Yurth (Reporter): Remediating
Nuclear Waste Materials
- From: David G. Yurth [mailto:davidyurth@comcast.net]
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006 5:27 PM To: 'STetreault@stephensmedia.com'
Subject: Remediating Nuclear Waste Materials - UNLV
- Dear Mr. Tetreault:
- After reading your article in the Review
Journal entitled "Nuclear Project Draws Interest," I thought
it may be of interest to you to know that the DOE has played this game
with university and privately funded laboratories for many years. Perhaps
the most comprehensive review of this subject ever undertaken was prepared
by Mr. Richard Shamp, President of Nuclear Remediation Technologies, headquartered
in Hyattsville, Maryland (301)559-5057. Beginning in 1997, NRT and its
chief scientist S-X Jin [once the highest ranked particle physicist in
the People's Republic of China, until he escaped to the US in 1994 while
addressing the Institute of New Energy symposium in Salt Lake City, Utah]
have been submitting critical laboratory documents to DOE, demonstrating
the effectiveness of known technologies used to remediate radioactive emissions
generated by nuclear fuel waste materials in both solid and liquid form.
- After being finessed into providing all
the definitive laboratory data to Dr. Frank Goldner of DOE's nuclear remediation
division, then-Secretary of DOE Spencer Abraham attempted to confiscate,
classify and impound NRT's technology while at the same time pretending
to be considering providing grant money to support its continued development.
The fact that the technology in question had already been awarded six patents
[K. Shoulders et al] was the only thing that prevented him from succeeding.
Instead of providing grant funding, Dr. Goldner was instructed to put an
end to NRT's pursuit of DOE funding for the development and deployment
of its technologies. And that is precisely what he did.
- During a conference call held on November
15, 2003, I was informed by Goldner that not only did DOE not intend to
ever provide any funding to anyone for the purpose of remediating radioactive
emissions in spent nuclear fuels, he insisted that it is and will continue
to be DOE's policy for the next 40 years to encapsulate and bury every
ounce of high-grade nuclear waste material stored in the US under ground
at Yucca Mountain. Further, he told us that any attempt to obtain any high-level
nuclear waste materials for testing by anyone, including government funded
laboratories, would be arrested and jailed without access to legal counsel
under the Export Administration Act. I still don't know what the EAA has
to do with remediating radioactive emissions, but that is what he said.
- In 1999, while Elliott Richardson was
Secretary of DOE, NRT was awarded a discretionary grant of $2,000,000 for
the purpose of advancing its test schedule. The work was to have been undertaken
in concert with Dr. George Miley, physicist in residence at the University
of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana - Dr. Miley's laboratory at the Champaign-Urbana
campus was level 2 accredited by DOE, and was therefore acceptable as a
test and development site. However, within less than 90 days after the
announcement of the grant had been published, pressure from within the
Department rose to such extraordinary levels that Secretary Richardson
was forced to withdraw the grant, albeit grudgingly.
- The only similar technology ever contemporaneously
developed in the US for the remediation of radioactive emissions in high-grade
nuclear waste materials was developed in the late 1990's by Dr. Paul Brown
and his colleagues at World Atomics in Colorado Springs, Colorado. After
being granted several patents for the 'Nuclear Spallation Device' he designed,
Brown contracted with several Japanese contractors to build three successively
powerful prototype versions of his device. He had them built in Japan because
DOE actively intervened more than a dozen times to prevent US companies
from building it. The problem with Brown's device was that it was little
more than a small, semi-controlled nuclear fission-powered device designed
to continuously bombard nuclear waste material targets with a highly charged
gamma ray field. Because it was so dangerous to operate, Brown was never
able to obtain the necessary State Department or UN transport clearances
to have it shipped across international waters into the US for further
testing and development.
- As you may recall, Dr. Brown was killed
shortly thereafter under the most questionable of circumstances, just as
the utility of his nuclear spallation technique was about to be publicly
demonstrated in Japan. (Only a month before he died, Dr. Brown met with
me and a few of my business and science associates in Henderson, Nevada
to present his method of neutralizing radioactive waste. His method is
No. 13 in my list of methods of neutralizing or disposing of radioactive
waste in http://iiic.de/docs/GVComparison.htm. A few weeks after Brown
died, Art Rosenblum also died in a car accident. Rosenblum had been peddling
Randall Mills' Blacklight Power energy source. Gary Vesperman)
- We have known how to safely remediate
radioactive emissions from spent nuclear fuels, both liquid and solid,
for nearly a decade. We have the test data and prototype apparatus to prove
it. That data, including all the protocols, policies, procedures and experimental
design criteria associated with our work have been submitted to DOE many
times over - Dick Shamp can tell you all about it if you want to go to
the trouble to ask him - with the net result that DOE will not allow the
US Postal Service to deliver our proposals any longer. If you want to see
what is really going on with nuclear remediation, this is a very good place
to begin.
- Thanks for writing your article - you're
about to find out how big Pandora's box really is.
- David G. Yurth, Ph.D. Director Science
and Technology Nuclear Remediation Technologies, Inc.
- Paul Brown: Hyper-Cap E-Converter
- Paul Brown had invented this device which
Gary Vesperman wrote up for his "Advanced Technologies for Foreign
Resort Project" which is in http://www.icestuff.com/~energy21/advantech.htm.
- "Perpetual Battery. The hyper-cap
E-converter is a thick quarter-sized battery which would put out .001 watt
"forever" for such applications as critical components inside
fail-safe computers, cellular telephones, etc. The energy comes from tapping
ether fluctuations."
- Gary Vesperman remembers reading somewhere
Brown encountered suppression when he tried to commercially make and sell
these "perpetual" batteries.
- William Bolon: Automobile Steam Engine
- William Bolon, Rialto, California, developed
an unusual steam engine design in 1971 that was said to get up to 50 miles
to the gallon. The engine used only 17 moving parts and weighed less than
50 pounds. It eliminated the usual transmission and drive train in an automobile.
After much publicity, the inventor's factory was fire bombed with damages
totaling $600,000. Letters to the White House were ignored so the inventor
finally gave up and let Indonesian interests have the design.
- Walter Rosenthal (Reporter): Small Electrical
Power Converter
- Walter Rosenthal is a retired aerospace
engineer with some test equipment such as oscilloscope and voltmeters.
He has been closely following for a long time development of new sources
of energy and personally knows some of the energy inventors.
- More than twenty years ago, Walter became
involved with an inventor's invention of a small electrical power converter.
Something about converting a flashlight battery's DC to 4 watts of power
with a high conversion gain. He realizes now that it would be a very valuable
invention because it could be used in cell phones, laptop computers, portable
radios, etc.
- Then the inventor got a call from a man
representing Atlantic Richfield (now ARCO). They offered the inventor $40,000
to take it off the market. Otherwise, he would subject to troubles, etc.
He refused and they eventually offered $400,000. It is unknown what happened
next. That energy device is still not on the market.
- Later on, Walter figured out that the
Atlantic Richfield people could only have known details about the invention
by tapping either his or the inventor's telephone.
- Ira Einhorn: Free Energy and Mind Control
- (Excerpted from "A Snapshot of my
70's" by Ira Einhorn, September 1, 2002)
- . What Geller could do, I saw a lot of
it first hand, indicated that the basic physical framework in which physics
operated was inadequate and that so called "free energy" devices
-- devices that would solve our energy problem and end what is now called
global warming and allow for the decentralization of most economic activities
-- could become a reality. Hence I circulated all previously known anti-gravity
information and all the emerging work on "free energy" devices.
- Unfortunately, all new technology can
be used as weaponry as well as for human benefit. So, I was soon up to
my ears in a multi-pronged intelligence game that is still waiting to be
- . So when the opportunity arose, after
a series of dinners and meetings in Princeton and New York with Bogdon
Maglich, the head of Migma Fusion, the only private nuclear fusion research
operation in the United States, and a number of Yugoslavian government
officials, I agreed to help organize a large Tesla celebration. To this
end, I enlisted the support of the president of the prestigious Franklin
Institute in Philadelphia, Bowen Dees, and after a stint at Harvard and
with the blessing of the Yugoslavian Consul-General in New York, I went
off to Yugoslavia, to spend days at their expense, as an unofficial ambassador.
- I was planning to do many things during
this celebratory conference that would have linked the Tesla Museum in
Beograd with the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia: besides giving Tesla
his just due and showcasing his achievements in a major exhibit at the
Franklin IInstitute, while holding a major international conference on
his works, I would also have organized a smaller conference on the suppressed
aspects of his work in mind control and free energy and found a way to
directly demonstrate mind control to those who came to the conference.
- In the fall of 1978 I was a Fellow in
Residence at the Institute of Politics within the Kennedy School at Harvard.
I taught one course, ran a small lunch time chat series in which Harvard
luminaries, Ambassador Reichauer, E. D. Wilson and Karl Deutsch, among
others, ate and chatted with 5 or 6 of us for a couple of hours; I lectured
in every conceivable venue at Harvard, conducted a number of public symposiums,
brought a number of the members of my Network to Harvard to lecture, ate
dinner with a host of well known political figures, and made an inordinate
amount of noise about mind control technology and the Russian Woodpecker
to, among others, then CIA head Stansfield Turner. This lead to a meeting
in the Boston Airport, arranged by one of JFK's chief aides, on the matter
with a top defense intelligence scientist who ended up spending the evening
with me and giving me his home telephone number.
- In 1979 I received a small private foundation
grant to study free energy devices in preparation for a large involvement
in such activities. I was planning to visit all of the inventors personally
and then prepare a report that would have formed the basis of a venture
capital enterprise that had been encouraged, due to some of my mailings,
by a number of my affluent friends. The objective was to develop and bring
one device to the marketplace.
- .All was not to be. I was busted for
a murder I did not commit, and all my work on mind control and free energy
became history.
- [signed] Ira Einhorn September 1, 2002
- The following is excerpted from Ira Einhorn's
July 5, 2002 email:
- Robert Eringer proposed all kinds of
book schemes for me; schemes in which I was not interested. Nor did I find
any of the people my agent sent to me, re: the biography, to be of interest.
Thus when Eringer suggested he would like to look at my fourth novel, Cantor
Dust, which was near and dear to my hear, I informed my agent and sent
it to him. Eringer was very enthusiastic about it. He said he would prefer
to do my autobiography, but would work on getting my novel published as
an opener to getting my autobiography. I said he was welcome to try. Thus
began a continuous stream of many hundreds of e-mails between this alleged
intelligence operative and myself, broken only by his journeys to England,
wherein he told me he saw a number of publishers without success and one
new house that agreed to publish Cantor Dust when they were actually in
business, and his family vacations. We were still at it the day I was extradited
to the United States: July 20, 2001.
- (Deleted)
- One of Robert Eringer's closest associates
is Claire E. George, Past DDO (Deputy Director of Operations) for the CIA,
in charge of covert operations for the entire planet. Sources who have
researched the situation indicate that Claire E. George and Robert Eringer
have worked together on a number of operations, still work together and
have a pile of money at their disposal.
- Allen Caggiano: 100+ MPG Fuel Implosion
Vaporization System
YOU DECIDE ! In the early 1970, in Brockton, Ma, I owned and operated a
company called Debal Heating and Air Conditioning. This was about the time
that we had that phony gasoline shortage. Each morning myself and 12 employees
would sit in the gas line with 6 trucks to get a mere 5 gallons of gasoline.
As I sat in that gasoline line day after day, I started to think there
must be a better way. If they have the technology to put a man on the moon
they must have the technology to get much better gas mileage. It wasn't
long before I built my first fuel vaporization system. I read everything
that I could get my hands on about this. Well sad to say it didn't work.
It made plenty of vapors, and exploded like a BOMB. Over 70% of my body
received 3rd degree burns. I spent 69 days in intensive care, kissing death
several times. Don't worry, all the bugs are worked out now.
- October 15, 1983 was the birth of my
Fuel Implosion Vaporization System. At this time I owned and operated a
company in Brockton Ma, called Weatherall Energy Research and Development.
I had just finished building a commercial high-efficiency air conditioning
evaporation coil when I poured one gallon of gasoline into one end to flush
it out. To my surprise massive fumes discharged from the other end and
all I got back was less than one cup of gasoline.
- I started brainstorming, I miniaturized
the air conditioning evaporator coil, installed it in 1973 Dodge station
wagon with a 318 engine. By early 1986 we had worked out all the shortcomings
and bugs and had a working prototype that gave between 111 to 113 mpg.
We placed an ad in the Brockton Enterprise and the Boston Globe, seeking
people to beta test our Fuel Implosion System.
- It wasn't long before I got a call from
a California corporation wanting exclusive rights to our invention. My
attorney checked them out. They were a subsidiary of several other corporations
and finally all owned by an oil company. I declined their offer. Shortly
thereafter all my troubles started.
- First came two men, showing IDs, saying
that they were from the FBI and that I was violating federal laws altering
carburetion systems and that if convicted could get 20 years in a federal
prison. I called my attorney and told him what happened. My attorney informed
me that I wasn't in any violation of any federal laws.
- If I was smart I should have stopped
here. (BUT I AM NOT TOO SMART). For the next two weeks I would receive
every day in the mail, in a plain envelope, 8"x10" close-up photos
of my wife in the supermarket, church, and my children getting on and off
the school bus and in the playground at school. (Just pictures only.) In
addition we would get all kinds of weird calls mostly after 2 a.m. My wife
couldn't take it anymore; she filed for divorce and left me.
- A few days later my attorney showed up
at my office, looking white as a ghost. He had all my legal files and records
with him, placed them on my desk and said that he could no longer represent
me in any legal matters. I asked why. All he would say is: "WAKE UP!".
I could not understand. He had been my personal friend and attorney for
over 16 years.
- When my wife divorced me and my attorney
abandoned me, I wondered what else could happen. Nothing, I thought, nobody
can stop me now, so on with my fuel implosion system. Boy was I wrong:
hell opened up and swallowed me alive.
- I am a very light drinker; if I drink
6 cans of beer a year, that was a lot. I never did drugs or was around
anybody that did. On July 4, 1986 the chief of the Brockton Police, Richard
Sprawls, with a bunch of other Brockton police raided my Tremont St. Brockton
home, and arrested me for trafficking of cocaine. My bail was set at $500,000.
- I was lucky that I had a friend, LT.
Jim Sullivan of the Brockton Police Department. He showed up at my bail
hearing and said something to the judge, and my bail was reduced to $500.00.
Is somebody trying to tell me something?
- Oh well, back to work; I built two more
fuel implosion systems. I installed them in a 1973 Olds Cutlass and 1966
Mustang. I painted my 1973 Dodge station wagon bright yellow, with big
red letters all over it saying: "THIS CAR GETS OVER 100 MPG AND DOESN'T
ME! " I only got to drive my yellow wagon for 3 days.
- On November 24,1986 Brockton chief of
police, Richard Sprawls, and other members of the Brockton Police Department
raided my Tremont St. Brockton home. They seized two shotguns, a 12 ga.
and a 20 ga, both were legally registered to me. I used to use them for
skeet shooting. I was arrested and charged with for trafficking of cocaine
again. My bail was revoked. I was placed in maximum security in the Plymouth
House of Correction. I was now sentenced to 15 years for the July 1986
trafficking of cocaine and waiting for the second trial for the November
- I knew where I could get some solid evidence
that would clear me, but I didn't know who to trust ANYMORE. So, I escaped
from maximum security, went and got my solid evidence and gave it to the
right person and surrendered the same day.
- Boy I was lucky, they had over 240 law
enforcement offers searching for me with guns, dogs, helicopters etc. I
ran like a jackrabbit through the woods. My advantage was, the woods were
my old hunting grounds.
- Two days later Brockton's chief of police
- Well the Massachusetts Supreme Court
of Appeals overturned my cocaine trafficking conviction. Grounds: tainted
evidence, illegal search and seizure.
AFTER MY ARREST OF November 14,1986. Remember the Brockton police seized
my two shotguns?
- Guess what? I had the privilege of being
the first person in Massachusetts and the third person in the United States
to be tried, prosecuted and sentenced under this new law 18 USC 922g and
924e. I didn't stand a chance; there was no case law in the law books to
support my defense of this new law. I was sentenced to two 5 years' sentences
for perjury, because when I bought the two shotguns there was a box that
said: were you ever convicted of a felony. I checked the no box, because
I was never convicted of a felony, just a misdemeanor.
- Well, the feds said under federal law
my misdemeanor was a felony, therefore, I was guilty of 2 counts of perjury
and they gave me 5 years on each count.
- Next I got 5 years for being a convicted
felon in possession of a firearm. Now I have been sentenced to a total
of 15 years in federal prison without parole. I am still sitting in the
courtroom. After a week of trial, my attorney said that the US Attorney
was trying me under the second part of the new law. My attorney said the
trial will be short, won't last more that ten minutes. There was no way
I could be found not guilty.
- Well it went like this: 1: I was convicted
as a felon in possession of a firearm. 2: I was convicted of perjury. 3:
I was convicted of a second count of perjury. BINGO! I HIT THE JACK POT!!
- USC 18922g-e1 states: If you have 3 prior
felony convictions and have possession of a fire arm, then you are an ARMED
Career Criminal and that carries a minimum mandatory sentence of 15 years
without parole. Now I have a total of 30 years in federal prison without
parole. Well, the Feds have me tucked away for 30 years where I cannot
cause any more trouble with my fuel implosion system. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG:
- I met a lot of powerful people in the
federal prison, with powerful connections on the outside, among them, Kenny
whose son was a patent attorney for a large patent law firm who did our
US patent. #5,782,225, while I sat in the safety of the federal prison
- Remember the Feds sentenced me to 30
years without parole??? Well, on September 13,1997 (Friday the 13th, my
lucky day) I was released from federal prison with 5 years parole.
- STOP! Something's wrong here. I only
did 10 years of a 30-year sentence, with no chance of parole. Well it took
the federal courts to rule that it was legal for me to possess the two
shotguns, that they had no jurisdiction. The case is now pending in the
1st District Court. They will not rule on it.
- This September 2001 will be 4 years that
I have been out of federal prison and have been a good boy, nice and quiet,
until now.
- My Intentions:
- In the past 20 years I found out that
the oil companies will do EVERYTHING in their power to suppress this kind
of technology, because it could reduce the gasoline consumption in the
U.S. by 76% over a 5-year term.
- The government will lose mega bucks in
gasoline taxes.
- The major car manufacturers will lose
billions spent on the technology of the fuel injection systems, my technology
makes theirs obsolete.
- I put all my patent and shop drawings
up on this website, for anybody to use it free. I am 58 1/2 years young
now; the sand is running out of my hour glass fast. I don't want to take
this technology to my grave with me. If you think that I should get something
out of this, then build my fuel implosion system, and after your 5th tank
of gas send me the price of a tank of gas; otherwise I don't want a cent.
- If you believe that me and my patent
and technology have been suppressed, then tell as many people as you can
about my story and ask them to do the same.
- The Reason I Ask This Is:
- I believe that millions of people around
the globe want this kind of technology and know it exists. When we get
enough people wanting this technology, I have powerful attorneys, who know
and are able to present it to the courts of the globe.
- I will take my remaining 7 cars, that
have my fuel implosion system in them, out of exile and drive them from
Boston to California with the whole world watching, and I think my chances
of reaching California alive are excellent.
- By me publishing this website, I must
be out of my mind. What else could happen to me? MAYBE I will get killed
or something. What will be will be.
- Thank you for your interest. Please help
me spread the word. And for those of you that think that my story is just
a bunch of bad luck for an unlucky inventor, you will be of those who oppose
this type of technology. So go to my home page and VOTE NO for this technology.
- Sincerely, Allen Caggiano, Inventor http://www.get113to138mpg.com/
- P.S.: As much as I would like you to
build my Fuel Implosion Vaporization System and succeed, I MUST URGE you
NOT to build it without QUALIFIED and PROFESSIONAL help, if you are not
a qualified machinist or mechanic yourself. This is NOT a simple D.I.Y
project and working with (vaporized) fuel is dangerous!
- Brazil: Ethanol Produced from Sugar Cane
- Biofuel is a synthetic fuel created by
blending starch-based corn and sugar with gasoline. Prices for ethanol
in the United States recently hit an all-time high at over $3 a gallon.
To hinder competition from ethanol, the oil companies have arranged for
the United States to impose a $0.54 cent per gallon tariff on ethanol imports,
which keeps prices for the alternative biofuel artificially high. Brazil,
which recently became energy self-sufficient in 2006, is the world's largest
producer of sugar-based ethanol and would benefit greatly from a tariff
reduction in the United States. Apparently it is cheaper and more energy
efficient to produce ethanol from sugar cane than corn.
- US Patent Office Holds Secret Approximately
4000 Patents
- Tom Valone is a former Patent Examiner
who was fired about six years ago for producing a conference in Washington
DC on these new energy technologies. Valone recently won a lawsuit against
the US Patent Office and was awarded reinstatement and six years of back
pay. In a 2001 email to Gary Vesperman, Valone wrote in part:
- "As a former Patent Examiner, I
can tell you that the number of "secretized" patents in the vault
at the Patent Office (Park 5 Bldg.) is closer to 4000 or more. They never
receive a patent number, and the inventor is rarely, if ever, compensated
by the government for use of the invention."
- The U.S. Patent Office has a nine-member
committee that screens patents for national security implications. A hidden
purpose of this committee is to also screen energy-related patents which
could threaten the power and fossil fuel companies, etc.
- Text of Generic Patent Secrecy Order
- SECRECY ORDER (Title 35, United States
Code (1952), sections 181-188)
- NOTICE: To the applicant above named,
his heirs, and any and all of his assignees, attorneys and agents, hereinafter
designated principals:
- You are hereby notified that your application
as above identified has been found to contain subject matter, the unauthorized
disclosure of which might be detrimental to the national security, and
you are ordered in nowise to publish or disclose the invention or any material
information with respect thereto, including hitherto unpublished details
of the subject matter of said application, in any way to any person not
cognizant of the invention prior to the date of the order, including any
employee of the principals, but to keep the same secret except by written
consent first obtained of the Commissioner of Patents, under the penalties
of 35 U.S.C. (1952) 182, 186.
- Any other application already filed or
hereafter filed which contains any significant part of the subject matter
of the above identified application falls within the scope of this order.
If such other application does not stand under a security order, it and
the common subject matter should be brought to the attention of the Security
Group, Licensing and Review, Patent Office.
- If, prior to the issuance of the secrecy
order, any significant part of the subject matter has been revealed to
any person, the principals shall promptly inform such person of the secrecy
order and the penalties for improper disclosure. However, if such part
of the subject matter was disclosed to any person in a foreign country
or foreign national in the U.S., the principals shall not inform such person
of the secrecy order, but instead shall promptly furnish to the Commissioner
of Patents the following information to the extent not already furnished:
date of disclosure; name and address of the disclosee; identification of
such part; and any authorization by a U.S. government agency to export
such part. If the subject matter is included in any foreign patent application,
or patent, this should be identified. The principals shall comply with
any related instructions of the Commissioner.
- This order should not be construed in
any way to mean that the Government has adopted or contemplates adoption
of the alleged invention disclosed in this application; nor is it any indication
of the value of such invention.
- (The punishment for a violation of this
secrecy order, should an inventor exploits or even simply discusses his
or her invention which is classified by a patent secrecy order, is 20 years
in federal prison. The unlucky inventor would then lose everything he had
invested in his invention.)