Is Money Your God?
By Ted Twietmeyer

This is what we have been led to believe. I've known many Christians and non-Christians in my time. And also many Jews as well. What's the common denominator? Money. We've all heard the expression that "Money comes between friends. Don't lend anyone money." All I can say is "Did a Jew write that?"
There is a saying in business that "banks only lend money to those that don't need it." And in reality this is true. Ask any small business owner anywhere you live, and I promise he'll confirm this is true.
I know a patient of a psychiatrist (who will remain nameless here.) I don't want to force him into psychotherapy by exposing him. His patient owes him a small sum co-payments. Nasty letters were received by that patient from the shrink's work-on-demand "bookkeeper." Now this doctor is so cheap he makes his own appointments even though he's booked solid for months. Yet he drives a Jaguar. These cars are real cheap - only $45,330 MSRP! [1] Perhaps we're all in the wrong profession. My friend told me the doctor won't even set a new appointment for patients unless the co-pays are made - which are a small fraction of his $170.00 for 45min. fee. Can you guess what religion the doctor is? You only get one guess.
Now comes the question - if you saw someone completely down on their luck and you're a Christian, would you turn your back? Knowing the today's paradigm, it's more likely that a non-Christian would help someone more than Christian. It's sad but very true today. Many Christians use the response to someone in distress "I'll pray for you," when asked for even minor sums of money. Having heard from countless readers over the years I'm inclined to feel the average reader would indeed, help someone if they could.
Now there is the loving, caring government. Oh, how clever they are on who they help and who they don't. There was a founding principle in America, that leaders in government were NOT supposed to be lawyers. But the lawyers found a way around it, and today almost ALL of those on Capitol Hill and in the darkhouse (oops - whitehouse) are lawyers. Even slick Willy and his sometimes wife are lawyers, too. Who did they help the most? The government of Israel received billions of tax dollars for powering their war machine - and China by handing them technology. As of this writing, Israel is now going against the entire world by bombing their neighbor into oblivion with the help of the American worker's. money This is the same worker who can barely survive today enduring a brutally high cost of living, struggling to keep the lights on at home.
Those Clintons really know how to show America's generosity. Some will scream "WAIT A MINUTE! You're wrong! His wife wasn't in office when they lived in the Whitehouse!"
So why was she always there telling him what to do, where to go and when? Looks like the highest form of hen-pecking possible to me.
Suppose you are a hard working man taking care of your family. Some help is needed to buy medicine, for an illness known to be created in a government laboratory. A microplasma to be exact. You're hard working, and are classified in the "middle income" bracket according to government tables. You have no credit card debt or multiple car payments. But 280 million Americans ALL know that low to middle income is still DEEP inside the real poverty bracket. So you ask for government assistance to purchase life-sustaining medicine. And as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow morning, you can be dead certain you'll be turned down for help. As a result, pain and suffering will be yours as you watch someone you love slip away. In fact, I know one woman who was angry when being told this. The government worker responded with "If you have an alcohol or drug problem, we can help you. Otherwise we can't help you."
So we know that if you're a killer government bent on rubbing out your neighbor and the American government has an "interest" in your country, you'll get all the money you want. If you come to America illegally, you'll be sheltered and protected in almost all of the 48 states.
But if you are an ordinary American citizen? Forget it.
So where does money come in about being God? We've replaced the real God with money in the classroom by what we teach our children. On television with "fund drives," by tele-evangelists who forever have their hand out AFTER they tell you you're going to hell, with shows like "Greed" and "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" and many others. All are aimed at making the viewer money-hungry, money-oriented. Casinos are masters at that game.
Do you know what goes on in many "Christian" churches today? It's no longer about uplifting people - it's about controlling them with pure FEAR. You are supposed to FEAR God and his rath, and focus on that. Biblical passages about this are endlessly quoted in hundreds of thousands of churches around the world. The scope of this damage to a love of the true God is impossible to imagine.
But wait a minute - is this not the same God who has historically shown MERCY to people? Didn't he command us to LOVE Him? What has gone wrong here?
Ministers, fathers and pastors may stand high in the pulpit, practically foaming at the mouth telling their flock "You're all worthless sinners in the eyes of the Lord." I went to a Lutheran funeral back in the mid 80's (1980's, not 1880's!) in upper NY state. And these were the very words the pastor yelled out. In the room were about 200 relatives from all professions in life, most college educated. A cousin my age, a lawyer, sat beside me on the right. He sucked that derogatory statement in like a plant without water for 2 months. When I heard that lie flow out of the pastor's mouth, I saw red and began to rise up as though a hoist was connected to me. I couldn't stop it. My wife literally dug her tiny fingers into my arm, penetrating my suit-coat and pulling me down with both hands. She whispered, "DON'T do that! Sit DOWN!" The insult had been rendered, and like some kind of Patrick Henry I couldn't take anymore.
Then the plate was passed. AHHHH....there he was...the true God! He materialized before me, dollar by dollar from adults and coin by coin from the little children, as the golden, ever-hungry offering plate went by. If you want comfort from God you have to pay for it, right? Now I finally understand after all these many years why a pulpit is used. It prevents people like me from putting my hands around the necks of people like them.
No wonder organized religion has such a bad name - its worked hard for centuries to earn it. Those Europeans really knew what they were doing centuries ago, and have clearly refined religion into a science. That's why it takes so many years in a seminary school to learn it, and obtain a doctorate to become an expert at dumping guilt on people to make them part with their money.
At the end of the day, those that wittingly or unwittingly use money as their god will be sorry indeed. The will find out too late that it is a house of cards in disguise waiting to fall apart. Pity the mall rats - all the plastic in their wallet will not bring them one nanosecond of true happiness...
Ted Twietmeyer
Alton Raines
Let me tell ya something Ted, I don't know what kind of "Christians" or Jews (for that matter) that you've known in your life, but I think you'd be more than stunned at what this country, even this world would look like if Christian charity ceased tomorrow. Sure, I've known some all talk no walk Christians who wouldn't help their fellow man, but the vast majority of them in my experience have been people of immense charity, compassion and devotion to helping, not hurting. As for your snide comment about Jews, that only shows you are a bigot. At the very least, extremely and sadly prejudiced.
For every one loud, obnoxious, highly visible shyster who uses the name of Jesus, or God, or the church for a scam, there are tens of thousands of honest, decent, caring pastors, ministers, evangelists & lay-clergy of every variety and strata, working tirelessly, often in the face of hateful propaganda like yours, without retort, feeding the poor, clothing the naked, visiting the infirmed and imprisoned and carrying out the "Great Commission" of Jesus Christ. Yes, I realize its the popular season to attack all things Christian right now. It's pile-on time. That's ok, we're used to it, we expect it and the truly faithful rejoice in it knowing, as our Lord said, it is evidence we are separate from the world -- the world does not receive him, and it does not receive those who are his either. Nothing new. "Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you for my name sake," He said. The faults of organized religion are grossly evident, always will be -- but another reason it has a bad name is because of professional scoffers like you, Ted. Those who conveniently badmouth the church(es), and the faith of millions, with tired descriptions of the hard-hearted hypocrite Christian and the stingy Jew.
But try to get your facts straight. Don't just armchair it. Christian charity around the world and Christian influence in every strata of life around the world has a sustaining, preservative effect which is virtually incalculable, and without it, the level of hell on this planet would rise beyond the level of human toleration. Sitting in the seat of scoffers is easy, Ted. Get in the trenches if you feel there's a gap in "Christian" sincerity and shame those who are not doing the Lord's work. Money is God to a lot of people, not just backslidden Christians and Talmudic Jews. And, it is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil, not money itself.
Remarks To Alton Raines Comments
By Ted Twietmeyer
I speak from experience Alton. I'm not a bigot - I've always given people a chance, including those in business from various denominations. A comment like yours was fully expected because a nerve would be struck. It always is whenever the words "Jew" and "money" are used in the same article. But Alton, this runs much deeper when it comes to Jews and control. For many decades, Jews have controlled Hollywood and perhaps most of America's business. It's also a fact that America GIVES Israel BILLIONS of our dollars every year that are used to kill people in the mid-east and elsewhere. Does that make sense? If you are really a Christian and not by name only, you wouldn't pass judgment on me an label me a bigot. But I've been called far worse. Are not Christians supposed to be in God's army, standing up for truth and righteousness wherever this is needed? That's all I'm doing, and you're hammering me for doing so. You may not believe this Alton, but I am also a Christian. The difference is that I don't back down and tell it like it is.
 As for being in the trenches? I've been there for more than 30 years. Read some of my other works and you'll see that. Yes, Christians do considerable good in the world. That should go without saying, and Christians are not supposed to brag about what they do, and keep it in secret so only God will know what you've done. Sometimes Christians are doing the bidding of the evil one and don't even realize it. I'll prove this point later. The difference is my eyes are wide open, not glued shut. But I'm also acutely aware that most don't want to hear the truth, too. In 501C3 exempt churches, they must tow the party line with their theology and political viewpoints or face losing tax exempt status.
 Too many churches have sent aid to various countries, only to find out later it never arrived and was stolen in transit. After a cargo container reaches port in a difficult location like Africa, it may travel a 1,000 miles or more to it's final destination. I've heard first hand from embarrassed church leaders and members about entire containers which were found empty when they arrived. This also happened in Romania soon after the USSR collapsed. A group of church members innocently shipped a cargo container full of everything needed to remodel an orphanage in terrible shape. The container had ladders, brushes, paint rollers, carpeting, paint, glue and everything else they could ever need for the project. When they flew over to Romania to go to work, it was completely empty. 
 Delivering needed supplies to people overseas is like driving a bicycle through a mine field when it comes to accomplishing safe delivery. The more responsible organizations send someone along with the shipment, to be certain it arrives at the intended destination. These are churches that truly appreciate the sacrifice their members made in tithing to pay for these supplies. They see these supplies as God's property and protect it until it reaches the needy.
 No Alton, this is far from armchair talk. It's based on facts that perhaps you and others don't want to hear. Your cliché about money being the root of all evil is well known and that's why I left it out. If I came upon that in an essay, I'd probably hit browser Back button as would any reader. But not to blame money itself? That's actually wrong. Consider that any currency in your pocket (if you have American dollars) is a FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE - not real money. It states that right on the front of it. Yes, a NOTE, not CURRENCY.
If you know about the contents of the highly acclaimed, fact-based book "The Creature From Jekyll Island" and the formation of the Federal Reserve, then you will already know this - that money IS the source of all evil. People just help evil along unwittingly simply by using money. No effort required. These "notes"  (also known as fiat currency) have been 100% effective at depriving people all over the world of real ownership of everything, including the clothes on their back, the food in their cupboards, the cars and trucks they drive and homes they own. So actually Alton, you've helped me prove my point much better and in fact made an additional one, too. You've helped illustrate that money isn't just any God - it's a physical manifestation of an EVIL god.
Think about this Alton: When you pay for any item with your fiat currency printed by a PRIVATELY RUN FEDERAL RESERVE and not backed up by anything at all - you've actually STOLEN that item. And all that food shipped around the world to starving countries, bought by churches with that same fiat money? By every definition that's stolen property, too. So who is your God again? How can you pay him tithing, your 10%? By giving Him 10% of your fake money - which amounts to nothing? The real answer is you can't actually pay tithing, unless you take a step back to Genesis and burn 10% of what you own. But how can you legally burn of what you don't really own? Catch 22.
Thankyou for the inspiration to point this out. I might have never considered this as the logical conclusion without your help.
Tonight I'll repent for all the fake money I've given God over the years.
Ted Twietmeyer
Name Withheld
Hey Ted,
I agree with you, money is God and all religions use it to pay their way into heaven. A poor person never sits in the front rows of the church. I know many churches who send out their missionaries and tell them not go to the poor areas. Try to work the middle and upper class areas. The violence of religious dogma scares the 'bejesus' out of me because I know they would still use the inquisition if they could get away with it, complete with torture, witch burning, etc, etc. Remember, if Harry Potter does it, it is witchcraft and evil. (burn the evil one) If a Christian performs the same thing it a miracle and the perpetrator will be elevated to sainthood.
I could go one all night about these self serving, ego maniacal, quasi-intelectual, syncophantic hypocrite wannabes. But, enough for now.
Reply From Alton Raines

Ted -- your comment to my comment made more sense and was far better than your initial article. Instead of attacking Christianity and Christians with an offhand slice, you correctly explained how miserable the conditions are in charitable affairs. Kudos!

But it remains that your comment about Jews was simply racist and anti-semitic. You try to justify it by the usual hammer used to indict all Jews (they own hollywood, money control, etc) but in the end you're just slugging an entire group of people with a ridiculous, callous, mean-spirited broad brush which is always wrong. I've known a lot of impoverished Jews who had little or no control over a damn thing, much less the ability to control the world or even seek to.
And as for money, I was just going by what God has to say about it, Ted. As a Christian, you should know (and not regard God's word as "cliche") that "money is the root of all evil" is utterly incorrect -- scripture says the LOVE of money (the point and distinction I made) is the root of all evil."
Going off about the Federal Reserve notes and then tithing and such doesn't effect the bottom line; money, in one form or another, has and will always exist. There's no "evil god" in my pocket, and when I buy something there is no theft taking place --- I understand your points, but think maybe you've taken it to such an extreme as to be a wee bit goofy. What do you do, live solely by trade? I doubt it. I don't see any solution to the bigger problem that won't result in even more starving masses and meaningless, mindless warefare. Maybe if you have some ideas on how to take down the superstructure of the current debtor economy (which I agree is evil) which are positive and feasible you'll share them with us all. I'd love to hear an answer that doesn't involve electing Al Gore (sheesh) or have something to do with killing anyone or dirivng all the Jews into the sea. :)

Glad to known you're in the trenches, Ted!! God Bless.


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