- Our intelligence sources in Lebanon have reported to
us exclusively that Israel is now using poison gas and depleted uranium
shells on towns in the south of Lebanon. Residents of the small village
of Kasarshoba became violently ill, experiencing severe vomiting, after
the Israelis hit the village with poison gas. In other cases, underground
shelters in southern Lebanon were hit by Israeli depleted uranium shells.
Our sources also report that the entire southern suburbs of southern Beirut,
with a population of 800,000, have been totally depopulated. Israel has
targeted thousands of civilian homes for destruction.
- Meanwhile, Israeli government spokespersons and Bush
administration officials took to the Sunday morning talking head programs
in Washington to defend Israel's barbarous actions. The networks failed
to present the views of Lebanese government spokespersons. Israel's and
the Bush administration's line is that Israeli attacks are "precision
targeted." Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice pointedly refused to
criticize Israel on ABC's This Week.
- Israeli Kadima (ex-Likud) Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
joins Ariel Sharon in annals of Israeli leaders who committed war crimes
in Lebanon.
- American media is failing to report that the Israeli
attacks on Lebanon and Gaza, like the U.S. attacks in Iraq, are violations
of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Additional Protocols governing military
attacks on civilians by governments that are parties to the conventions:
- Civilians are not to be subject to attack. This includes
direct attacks on civilians and indiscriminate attacks against areas in
which civilians are present.
- There is to be no destruction of property unless justified
by military necessity.
- Warring parties must not use or develop biological or
chemical weapons
- http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/