Globalist Freight Train
Rolls Through America
Wants To Run Over All Freedom-Loving Americans

By Greg Szymanski

 A 90-year-old man from Blythe, California, who survived Hitler, is warning Americans the same thing is happening here that took place in Nazi Germany.
An elderly woman from Long Beach, California, is telling Americans she may be killed by corrupt church and state officials, trying to takeover of her large apartment complex.
And others all across the country are finally screaming "foul," as gas prices soar, civil liberties disappear and violence and drugs spread across the country like an out-of-control wild fire.
It's no secret America is in the midst of a complete totalitarian takeover of their country, a plan devised hundreds of years ago by Luciferian followers passing the evil torch from generation to generation.
With precise planning, patience and enormous resources, the global freight train taking over the world is now passing through America . And before it makes its final stop within the next decade, two-thirds of the population will be wiped-out, as America will be a part of the global community headed-up by the United Nations.
"The stage is set and we are in the final stages of the planned global takeover," said researcher and author, Alan Watt, appearing on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal. "And it's just amazing to me how the American people continue to remain oblivious to what is happening.
"What we have to do is identify the enemy and then remove them. Looking back in history is the key to connecting the dots, as Plato was one of the first globalists. Today we have a network throughout the world set-up for the eventual globalization of all countries."
And as we try to identify the enemy as Watt recommends, an article by Yossi Melman points a finger to the Vatican, showing how senior Church officials were involved in smuggling and hiding Nazi war criminals so they would not be arrested and tried for war crimes.
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