Bill Gates: Satanist In
Sheep's Clothes?
Theosophy And The 'New Age'

By Henry Makow PhD

When Warren Buffet gave $31 billion to Bill Gates' Foundation last week, I assumed it would advance the New World Order. But when a reader showed me Gates' connection with the pagan anti-Semitic Lucis (formerly Lucifer) Trust, I sat up and took notice.
Established by Alice Bailey in 1922, the Lucifer Publishing Company changed its name the following year for obvious reasons. Based at 120 Wall Street, the "Lucis Trust" is a vital part of the satanic cult that controls the Western world. It started the New Age Movement to deviously induct society into the Luciferian mindset. Apparently, it is the official publisher of the United Nations and manages its "Meditation Room."
Bailey was the leader of the Theosophical Society which was founded in 1875 by Helena Blavatsky. Theosophy is a branch of Freemasonry. According to Constance Cumbey, Theosophy spawned the occult societies that in turn created Adolf Hitler and the Nazi ideology. ("The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow: The New Age Movement and the Coming Age of Barbarism" 1983)
In 1949, Bailey wrote that the Jewish holocaust was due to the Jews' bad karma: "The evil karma of the Jew today is intended to end his isolation, to bring him to the point of relinquishing material goals, of renouncing a nationality that has a tendency to be somewhat parasitic..." (/Esoteric Healing/, p. 263)
Bailey teaches that Jews are from a different solar system and that Orientals and Blacks are from a different root race. Occidental races must control the world, as they are our most evolved root race. (Cumbey, 115)
This is of concern since a major focus of the Gates foundation is providing billions of dollars worth of vaccines to the poor in Third World countries.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has doubled in size due to the Buffet gift, and is five times larger than the US next largest Ford Foundation. The Gates Foundation is mentioned as a financial member of the Lucis subgroup, "The New Group of World Servers." (See $$ under groups. The pictures of Nelson Mandela, Cindy Sheehan and Michael Moore are also featured on this site <>.)
Bill Gates is also mentioned on the Lucis Trust web site:
"Through the philanthropic and humanitarian work of such people as George Soros, Bill Gates, Kofi Annan and Bono, to name just a few, people are beginning to recognize the needs of the world's destitute people and acting to do something about them. There is talk by Soros and another thinker, James Tobin, about the creation of some type of tax upon financial transactions that would be used to support domestic programs in the developing world. Humanity surely has the ability to institute these and similar changes; it just needs the will to do so."
A tax on all financial transactions is part of what Lucis Trust calls "The Plan." This begins with the proclamation of the "Maitreya," the New Age Messiah who they have been grooming for more than three decades.
According to Cumbey, who is a lawyer, the "Plan" also includes a new world government and religion under Maitreya, a universal credit card system; an authority that would control the food supply; a universal tax; and a universal draft.
"They plan to outlaw all present religious practises and symbols of orthodox Jews and Christians," Cumbey writes. "New Agers have threatened violence and even extermination of Jews, Christians and Moslems who fail to cooperate with Maitreya and his new religion." (20)
The Theosophical Society believes Lucifer is God which they identify with the Sun. In "The Secret Doctrine" Blavatsky writes: "In this case it is but natural ... to view Satan, the Serpent of Genesis as the real creator and benefactor, the Father of Spiritual mankind."
"For it is he who was the "Harbinger of Light," bright radiant Lucifer, who opened the eyes of automaton (Adam) created by Jehovah, as alleged; and he who was first to whisper, "In the day yea eat there of, ye shall be as Elohim, knowing good and evil" -- can only be regarded in the light of a Saviour. An "adversary" to Jehovah ... he still remains in esoteric truth the ever-loving "Messenger"... who conferred on us spiritual instead of physical immortality ...
Satan, or Lucifer, represents the active ... "Centrifugal Energy of the Universe" in a cosmic sense ... Fitly is he ... and his adherents ... consigned to the "sea of fire," because it is the Sun ... the fount of life in our system, where they are petrified ... and churned up to re-arrange them for another life; that Sun which, as the origin of the active principle of our Earth, is at once the Home and the Source of the Mundane Satan... "
"New Agers generally do not openly repudiate Christianity," Cumbey writes. "They redefine Christ to give pagan Gods equal time, and expand the definition of Christ to be the integral essence of themselves." (146)
While New Agers "would rightfully picket to prevent a Nazi demonstration, they fail to see that point-for-point the program of the New Age Movement has complete identity with the programs of Hitler." (56, Cumbey does the point-by-point comparison on pp.114-120)
"New Agers" profess a great love of peace and disarmament but Cumbey cites Bailey saying nuclear weapons will be the preserve of the United Nations for "threatened use when aggressive action on the part of any nation rears its ugly head." (70)
Similarly, the environment and world hunger causes all have a hidden elite agenda. Cumbey writes that supporters of anti-hunger programs are urged to back measures for abortion, artificial insemination, forced limitation of family size, genetic control and even death control." (56)
Buffett said Monday "that he was a student of many of the same philanthropists that Gates modeled himself on - the oilman John D. Rockefeller, and the steel magnate Andrew Carnegie."
These "philanthropists" have used their tax-exempt money to subvert Western Civilization for almost a century. For example, a Rockefeller boasted to Aaron Russo that they started feminism to get women into the workplace paying taxes on the debt, while they indoctrinate the young in daycares. Significantly, another focus of the Gates Foundation is "improving American high schools."
They are on the forefront of destroying traditional cultures by breaking up the family. They are championing "women's rights" through loans mainly to women to make them independent of men.
Western civilization has been subverted by an organized Satanic power. As I explain elsewhere (,) this cult is sponsored by the central banking cartel that must enslave mankind in order to consolidate its monopoly on our credit. The credit check of the future might inquire into our religious and political views.
Obviously, like the war on poverty or the war on drugs, Gates' war on disease will not be effective and may even advance the real depopulation goals of the nwo. But alot of other people will be enriched by the process and won over to the nwo.
I prided myself on having escaped the banker's Communist hoax ( but I realize now that Communism was the "plan" for my parent's generation. I fell hook-line-and-sinker for the "New Age", which was aimed at my generation. It is exactly like Communism, appealing to our idealism, but having an insidious hidden agenda.
I still believe some drug experiences can open the door to mysticism and religious knowledge. God DOES dwell within as universal Love but the God of the Illuminati is NOT Love. It deifies man at his lowest not his highest. It freezes us cryogenically in our own filth.
We live in interesting times. Our mainstream leaders have sold us out. Society has slipped the moorings of truth and is steered by megalomaniacs. All we can do is continue to man the lifeboats of truth.
/Thanks to Phil for his help with this story. /
See also Lee Penn on "The New Age Movement"
See also Hanah Newman"The Rainbow Swastika" <>
and Terry Melanson "Lucifer Trust and ...the False Light of the World" <>
--- Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles exposing fe-manism and the New World Order can be found at his web site He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only.


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