HBCC UFO Recently
Reported Sightings

Brian Vike - Director
HBCC UFO Research

Release Date: June 30, 2006
Etobicoke, Ontario Objects In A Delta Formation
Date:  May 2005
Time:  2:00 a.m.
I live in southern Etobicoke, Ontario.  One evening, while reading by candle light at my 9th
story apartment window overlooking downtown Toronto from the west, I noticed 2 strange orange lights directly above Toronto Island airport.  These objects were larger than any visible star/planet in the night sky.  After 3 seconds of sitting still, the 2 objects suddenly moved in parallel on a southerly trajectory, passing over Lake Ontario as they flew.  Immediately after, a third object joined them from further out on the lake.  The three objects then changed direction and headed in delta formation towards the north, over the horizon and out of sight.  The formation became tighter with distance as perspective would dictate.  The objects traveled in a straight line and the whole trip of several hundred kilometers took only 10 - 12 seconds.  Unfortunately, I was the only witness to the event and have no video footage.  By my closest estimations, the objects were at an altitude roughly that of 3 ­ 5 Kilometers, distance of 45 ­ 60 Kilometers from my position, traveling at an approximate speed of 10 or more Kilometers per second (36,000+ Km/h, Mach 30?).
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Prince George, British Columbia Object Moved In A Zigzag Motion
Date:  June 26, 2006
Time:  11:30 p.m.
Hello to you again Brian from Prince George, this time my grandson and I were out in his pool in the backyard at 11:30 pm and I was telling him I wished he had seen the light in the sky that I had seen a few weeks back, (my grandson is 13 years old next month). Anyways I happened to look up as we were in the pool and there was this light again, he saw it to. It looked to be between a plane height and a star. I waited to see if it had flashing lights like a plane or some noise, but it didn't, it was way too low to be a satellite and it was moving very slowly and in a zigzag motion and appeared to be coming down. We live behind the Parkwood shopping mall and we watched it for about 2 minutes and then it just went out. So I don't know what that was, it seems when I sense I'm going to see something that's when I see something. 
From (name removed) in Prince George. Oh the date last night was the 26th.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Vernon, British Columbia Two Orbs Lit Up Like A Flashlight
Date:  June 28, 2006
Time:  Starting at 10:00 pm and still happening at midnight.
Hi Brian, The orbs have still been here in Vernon since my last report. However tonight things are different as the orbs are flying very low, in the small plane lanes, over the airport. Two of the orbs lit up like a flashlight while they slowly flew at a height of no less than 2000 feet. There is no small plane traffic tonight, there have been a couple of the international flights heading west at their regular times. One orb was visible for a moment flying in the international lane, it dimmed as the plane went by, then it appeared in the same spot so I am guessing it stayed where it was and then it proceeded on.
At a fast glance these orbs can appear to be a small plane spotlight when they are bright, but at a closer look, there is no other lights, no red or green. Just one big light that dims and disappears. And there is no sound around these lights.
Take care.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
UFO Video Footage From Australia (7 Video Clips)
HBCC UFO Research Note: I was granted permission to post each of the reports, photos and video footage to the HBCC UFO Research website. At the bottom of this full report there is a link to the person's website. Please take a few minutes to drop by the their website for updates on what is new. Also below each of the picture is a link which will allow you to view each video clip. (Seven clips in total)
Marmion, Perth
Date:  March 2006
Witnesses: 1
Other Details: Shot on a Mini-DV camera, on a weekend night in March 2006, in a coastal Perth suburb, looking West over the ocean. Three lights were seen moving erratically for several minutes. Only the last few seconds were caught on tape.
Video clip #1 Marmion, Perth Australia - Video Footage (The links are the same for each clip, all leading to one page within my website where all the video footage can be viewed.)
Mt Lawley, Perth
Date:  May 22, 2006
Witnesses:  3
Other Details: Filmed by the man who runs this website (and the inspiration that got me into all this). Very early morning, looking East, a diamond shaped light moved backwards and forwards across the sky for six minutes (plus the two minutes it took for me to get the camera out.) Half an hour earlier I'd seen another very bright light in this area (but without my glasses on.)
Video clip #2 Mt Lawley, Perth Australia - Video Footage (The links are the same for each clip, all leading to one page within my website where all the video footage can be viewed.)
Eastern Suburbs, Sydney Australia
Date:  April 2006
Witnesses:  1
Other Details:  The witness reports seeing a bright light circling for two minutes (at the front of her house.) She went to get her camera, but the light had gone. When she went to the back of the house, she shot this brief clip of a light zooming across the sky.
Video clip #3 Eastern Suburbs, Sydney Australia  - Video Footage (The links are the same for each clip, all leading to one page within my website where all the video footage can be viewed.)
Near Hepburn Springs, Victoria Australia
Date:  June 6, 2006
Witnesses:  1
Other Details:  Shot by a tourist (from Melbourne), early evening. With the naked eye he saw only one light twinkling near the moon. He estimates that it took him about thirty seconds to get his camera out and working, and then he caught these last few moments as the lights dissipated. He says that it was darker than it looks at the time, but the camera brightened the view, and that the lights themselves look less sparkly on video than they did with the naked eye.
Video clip #4 Near Hepburn Springs, Victoria Australia - Video Footage (The links are the same for each clip, all leading to one page within my website where all the video footage can be viewed.)
Whiteman Park, Western Australia
Date:  June 10, 2006 (afternoon)
Witnesses:  4
Other Details:  A family of four watched this object for several minutes, from a lookout point in Whiteman Park. It "moved about like a plastic bag", while the family argued about what it was. The whole family went back to the car, apparently unimpressed, but the mother came back with the camera, and as soon as she started filming the object moved away. (I've interview this witness over the phone, and find her to be extremely credible.)
Video clip #5 Whiteman Park, Western Australia - Video Footage (The links are the same for each clip, all leading to one page within my website where all the video footage can be viewed.)
Beaconsfield, Perth Australia
Date:  Early-Mid June (Morning)
Witnesses:  1
Other Details:  The witness was filming the sunrise from his decking, using a tripod. The minimal camera shake is caused only by his hand on the tripod handle, making this an exceptionally clear shot.
Video clip #6 Beaconsfield, Perth Australia - Video Footage (The links are the same for each clip, all leading to one page within my website where all the video footage can be viewed.)
Near Ellenbrook, Perth Australia
Date:  June 10, 2006
Witnesses:  1 (Two people were in the car, only one saw the object.)
Other Details: This clip was taken on the same day as "Sighting #5", a few kilometres away, and just hours later. Sound has been removed from the clip due to copyrighted music that was being played in the car at the time. The clip was shot from the front seat of a car, through the glass window. The witness had seen a bright flash, and assumed there was a problem with the jet. When he zoomed in, he filmed this object. The driver stopped the car and the witness continued filming, but nothing else was seen.
Video clip #7 Near Ellenbrook, Perth Australia - Video Footage (The links are the same for each clip, all leading to one page within my website where all the video footage can be viewed.)
HBCC UFO Research Note: All the video clips and reports below are the property of" Permission was granted to HBCC UFO Research to post all of the UFO footage. Please take a few minutes to visit
Video footage and photos are © 2006
Interlaken, New York White Sphere "Again" ! - Continuing Contact
Date:  June 20, 2006
Time:  1:25 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: White sphere.
Full Description of event/sighting: Hello Brian, Well, here goes another incident that seems to go along with my previous incidents.
I was driving home from Trumansburg, NY after visiting with a friend.  I was driving home, north on Rt. 96 and was between the villages of Trumansburg and Interlaken....both north of the city of Ithaca, NY.  The area is very rural between the 2 villages and there's about 7-8 miles between them.  I was about half-way to Interlaken and I noticed a white sphere that had come out of some trees and had come out into an open field.  After a second or two, the sphere shot up at an amazing rate of speed. 
After the object went out of sight from my passenger window, I heard a voice tell me that "we'll be back for you soon".  Of course, this scared me to death, as you know I've had several previous incidents that involved these spheres and missing time.  As I drove into the village of Interlaken, I couldn't shake the idea that I was not alone.  It only took me a minute or two to drive through the village and back out onto open, rural highway again.  I had only gotten maybe a mile out of the village limits when I suddenly felt as though someone had been sitting next to me.  I was so paralyzed with fright that I couldn't bring myself to look over.  It was terribly dark, and there are no street lamps in that particular area and all I had were the dash lights illuminating the interior of the car. 
It may have been just a projected image that "they" put in my head....or, it could've been my imagination working out of fear due to the fact that I've had so many incidents before this.  The fear and panic could've induced this feeling.  However, when I regained my senses, I realized that I had been doing 94 m/hr and the speed limit was only 55.  The time of the sighting was about 1:25AM.  The moment that I felt a presence in the car was about 1:30AM.  I saw no other car in the total of 9 miles I had driven from Trumansburg until the point where I'd regained control of my senses.  This is unusual considering that this is a major highway that connects many different towns and cities.  I should've at least encountered about 6-7 vehicles this time of the night on this highway. 
Thank you for letting me tell this story.  It's never-ending and seems to be a recurring pattern in my life. 
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Armadale, Kelmscott Perth, Western Australia Formation Of 5 Lights
Date:  June 28, 2006
Time:  Approx: 6.15 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 8
Number of objects: 5
Shape of objects: Round
Full Description of event/sighting: Hi, my name is (name removed) I live in Kelmscott Perth W.A. Last night when picking up my daughter from a friends house we both noticed 5 orange lights in the sky they look like large stars about the same size as Venus. At first they were in a formation like you would see on a dice. So we stopped the car to have a good look. After a short time one of the lights disappeared. We started driving again and on the way my daughter phoned my husband to go outside to have a look. As I arrived home there where only three remaining one by one they disappeared. Later that evening I spoke to my sister who lives in Armadale. She told me that herself and her four children had seen them too.
My husband, sister and I had discussed whether it could have been Jets, though hearing no sound it seems odd. I have seen and heard quite a few jets in the past but nothing like this. I am wondering if anybody else has reported this. Kind regards.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Victorville, California Unusual Fast Flying Light
Date:  June 29, 2006
Time:  Approx:  10:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Light
Full Description of event/sighting: I was talking on the phone on the back patio when I saw a bright light. I really didn't care and counted it as a star until I noticed it was moving, and I watched it move to the right towards Four Corners ever so slightly. After a while it started to dim, and once almost out of sight it shot forward extremely fast and it was gone. My friend on the phone, his Dad said that it may have been the Aurora space craft which he saw a couple days ago. The Aurora is triangular and maybe the sighting someone else had in a report I read on this site,
Thank you to the witness for the report.
A New Light Shines On The Oak Island Treasure Mystery
By First Nations Researcher Keith Ranville
Just when you thought the mysterious and elusive Oak Island Treasure hunt had died down, a fresh new perspective on the mystery could overturn the entire context of the hunt and lead us in a completely different direction.
First Nations Researcher Keith Ranville has come up with a very distinctive and interesting interpretation of the Oak Island etchings which differ significantly from the existing interpretations due to his Native Heritage (Canadian) background.
A New Light Shines On The Oak Island Treasure Mystery
Mystery of the Oak Island Treasure
Other Related Links Below:
Oak Island Treasure
The Mystery Pit of Oak Island
Mysteries of Canada
Oak Island Tourism Society
The Story of Oak Island's Mysterious Treasure
Eyewitness UFO Audio Accounts On Double CD (Free Upcoming Audio Reports For Buyers)
(127 Eyewitness UFO Audio reports on CD)
Also Check Out The Customer Comments on the site about the CD.
Purchase The CD, & All Upcoming Eyewitness Audio Reports For Free !
HBCC UFO Research Note:
I created  a CD with all the audio clips on it and so far this has been a big hit with many. I decided that if anyone purchases the CD, all upcoming eyewitness audio reports will be given to the buyer free. What I will do, is upload any and all new audio interviews to the website, and then email out a link to everyone who has bought the CD, and from that link they will be able to download the new eyewitness accounts at no cost to them. This way no one will miss anything and there are some amazing reports coming up. Purchase details can be found here:  There are "hours" of interviews to listen to !
The below link will take you to how to order your own CD, entitled The Vike Report (Audio Clips Collection).
Thank you and take care.
Audio © 2005 HBCC UFO Research
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research Home - Phone 250 845 2189 email: Website: HBCC UFO RESEARCH Newsletter At:
Plus a new domain name, HBCC UFO Research International:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO.



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