- It may be thought to have started with
the appearance from nowhere of one William Jefferson Blythe Clinton, promoted
by the House of Rothschild-Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission for ascension
to the American presidency. His legacy is that of having been postured
into the spotlight as the president that defiled the Oval Office.
But the demise of the American republic reaches back even further into
the long forgotten past of our failed American republic than that well-planned
international embarrassment.
- Think for just a moment. As someone
once said, "Everything in politics is planned," and recognizing
as well the now-out-of-the-closet agenda of the House of Rothschild-Rockefeller's
New World Order, which is in the process of being implemented by the crime-ridden,
corrupt, deadly and dangerous Bush regime, can anyone seriously believe
that the international "banksters" [Henry Makow] didn't know
about Clinton's uncontrollable sexual escapades and misadventures?
Don't you think Rothschild-Rockefeller and their Trilateral Commission
that sponsored Clinton knew about his past? It wouldn't surprise
me one bit if they, through one of their imbedded agents in his administration,
didn't orchestrate the public exposure of low-life Clinton and his Monica.
And let's not forget about Clinton's involvement in the AIDS-contaminated
Canadian blood shipments or his involvement with the Mena Airport illegal
drug operations.
- What was the result? Think of the
"Clinton legacy" which even pill-popping fathead Rush Limbaugh
would agree with. How could the President of the United States possibly
unilaterally abolish the rules of engagement established by the Geneva
Conventions? How could the President of the United States authorize
torture, and Abu Ghraib, and Guantanamo, and "renditioning,"
and authorize the internationally-banned napalm and white phosphorus mass
murders of the hapless, unarmed and non-belligerent innocent citizens of
Fallujah in retaliation for the "murders" of four invading American
mercenaries? How could an idiotic buffoon with an alcohol and drug-damaged
brain, incapable of speaking either intelligently or extemporaneously,
become president of this once-great nation and republic? How could
such a treasonous moron erase America's Bill of Rights and the Constitution's
protection of habeas corpus? Think of the Clinton legacy! The
stature of America's presidency no longer exists. There is neither
a moral pedestal of ethics or honor!
- Bush continues to surround himself with
immoral brain-damaged morons and highly decorated and credentialed sub-cretins.
Look at "General" Hayden, a four star idiot and formerly head
of the NSA [Nazi Security Agency]. Why Nazi? Think for just
a moment. Could Hitler have used such a guy? Check it out.
This highly positioned perfumed military prince, who's great at following
orders and very short on morals and totally devoid of any grasp of the
United States Constitution as evidenced by his dispute with a reporter
concerning the concept of probable cause as presented in the Fourth Amendment,
holds both a Bachelor's and Master's degree in American History.
Isn't it clear how such an unprincipled moron fits right in with Bush?
Think of the brainless money launderer and swindler John Bolton, now rattling
nuclear missiles at the UN for the Bush crime machine. Bush surrounds
himself with criminals and morons with lots of closeted skeletons
they'll never rat on him or cross him for fear of in-kind retaliation.
- The appearance of the USA PATRIOT Act
only 45 days after 9-11 is powerful testimony and evidence that that horrific
and egregious act of war was perpetrated by the government of the United
States against its own people. Think of both the individual who gave
the order and the arch criminal that depressed the red button that slaughtered
over 2,700 New Yorkers, almost 200 lives more than the death toll of our
American military needlessly sent to their deaths by Bush and his secret
cabal of neocon war criminals as at the time of this writing. Think
of the naïve yet courageous, brave and dedicated firemen who raced
up those stairs fully realizing the possibility of their imminent deaths
doing so in an almost totally futile attempt to save lives. What
chance did they have against Bush and his cold-blooded killers?
- Think of these Bush murderers every time
you hear or see the term "9/11." The Bush crowd planned
it and did it. And every day, more evidence comes out reinforcing
this horrendous accusation. But the facts surrounding the act itself
are now being focused on even more than the weakening "conspiracy
theory" dismissals formerly successfully leveled at the messengers
and now augmenting their credibility all the more by the deafening silence
and complicity of the mass media.
- American Enterprise Institute and the
Project for the New American Century produced the logical madness required
to convert this, the vilest criminal act ever perpetrated on an innocent
and unsuspecting people who were just going about their business and daily
routines in what was formerly the world's greatest bastion of individual
freedom, only to be cremated alive, blown to unrecognizable pieces, forced
to jump from the highest floors of Larry Silverstein's leased towers of
death from the Bloomberg-connected Port Authority properties so well insured,
to what now succeeds as the most dastardly deed ever perpetrated by government
in all the annals of Mankind. It was designed to anger US all and
to demand retaliation against anyone G. Bush deemed culpable.
- I charge the Bush administration with
full responsibility in this planned, international criminal act of war
by a government against its own people to justify the crime of launching
a false war of invasion against an innocent people. Perhaps Hussein
was a tyrant and a monster, but neither is it the responsibility nor the
charge of the government of the United States to sit in judgment or to
take human life based upon opinion or political expediency. And having
been convinced unswervingly of this despicable treason, I now combine with
this charge also the deliberate missile shoot-down by our government of
TWA Flight 800, and the sabotage of American Airlines Flight 587 over Queens,
New York, as well as the Oklahoma City bombing.
- As an aviation buff albeit a total amateur,
my limited knowledge serves well enough to know that the government's otherwise
hilariously concocted story of a spark from a wire in the 747's gas tank
as cause of TWA's demise is easily the stupidest and most asinine load
of bullshit I've ever heard uttered by a living element of humanity.
How many 747s have flown and were brought down by such a failure of mechanism
so easily preventively engineered by the world's master aircraft builders?
Boeing engineers and corporate leaders remained silent to avoid retaliation
in the form of lost government contracts.
- And live televised interviews of witnesses
to the downing of Flight AA587 were bleeped off the air at two different
times and on two different mainstream television channels. What did
they see that the FBI didn't want Americans to know about? Obviously,
FBI goons hung around each television crew, and when live witnesses gave
their accounts, the goons used concealed powerful electronic devices to
garble the audio transmissions. But how did they know to be there
if the government was not also involved in this "terrorist attack"
as well? And why did head FBI agent James Kallstrom have a reporter
physically removed from a TWA 800 press session when the latter voiced
missile hit "theories?" Even Matt Drudge aired TWA 800
witnesses on his Sunday night ABC radio show, but the Masters of the Media
"let it die on the vine."
- Why did the office staff of the BATF
not show up for work on the day of the Murrah Building bombing in Oklahoma
City on April 19, 1995? Why did a newly-appointed attorney general
John Ashcroft work feverishly to stay Timothy McVeigh's impending execution,
and then, abruptly change his mind? From this observer's point of
view, Ashcroft was innocently hoping to get more information out of McVeigh
when the attorney general was made to reconsider "reality" as
dictated by the Clinton-Bush crime machine.
- Indisputably, all of these minor factoids
involving world-shattering events are singularly insignificant; but when
taken together, and contrasted to the increasingly provable prima facie
evidence of a Bush regime inside job on September 11, 2001, an unmistakable
pattern of a "War OF Terror" is surfacing to justify the continued
wars of imperial conquest in the Middle East and the suspension of human
rights here in America to usher in the New World Order via Bush's launching
of the North American Union. The latter is now out in the open for
all to see who wish to see. Those who refuse to see should be shunned,
avoided and written off as mindless insects disguised as humans.
Perhaps a new name should be accorded to them ascribable as being many
notches below their former designation as "sheeple." We'll
call just call them all "dittoheads!"
- The very thin and frayed thread of legitimacy
keeping the crime-ridden, corrupt, deadly and dangerous Bush regime in
power are the Jewish Masters of the Media as offered by American Free Press,
their religion keeping them loyal to Israel and AIPAC. The latter
are extremely dependent upon the success of the Bush crime machine's efforts
to give them total hegemony over the petroleum affairs of every Arab nation
whose oil we are so sorely dependent on. Bush's policy successes
in his arena can easily be evaluated via the ever-increasing and spiraling
prices at the nation's gas pumps.
- Look at the protective, spiked MSM laundry
list growing longer by the day along with Israeli puppet Bush's razor beak:
protection of Willie Clinton's presidential papers requiring modifications
of FOIA; legitimization of mass murder, torture and illegal kidnappings;
illegal arrests and detentions; the incumbency protection act [Campaign
Finance Reform]; WMDs; regime change; September 20, 2001 Presidential Daily
Briefs of August 6th
- and September 20th
- , 2001; The Downing Street Memo; Pentagon's
falsified casualty reports; Bush's attacks on the international press;
the hundreds of checkpoint massacres by US troops of innocent Iraqis, some
of entire families; the Plame outing; Bohemian Grove; the firing of General
Eric Shinseki; the memos subsequent to Downing proving Blair-Bush conspiracy
to initiate a false flag incident involving Saddam; the silencing of and
threats to Sibel Edmonds; the "treaty" creating the North American
Union, and much more yet to come.
- The Jewish corporate, establishment mainstream
media is the only thing keeping the Bush criminals operational. Should
the general population of the United States finally be convinced that the
unthinkable actually happened, Bush and his criminals would be toast.
The Congress is in fear because they know Bush could order a nuclear strike
against America and blame it on them for being "soft" on terrorism
thereby causing the event. Congress must, therefore, be completely
circumvented as an initiator for remedy.
- Remedy must originate through precisely
the same fired-up emotionalism that launched Bush's lousy war the
people must become so angry, that Bush wouldn't dare try another stateside
mass murder false-flag terrorist operation. And the anger of an informed
populace would motivate the American Congress of Cowards. Can a way
to do this be devised in spite of the complicity with Bush's agenda of
even the most prominent websites of the Alternative Media that acquired
their power and prestige by helping agitate and discredit the presidency
of Democrat Bill Clinton? Wasn't it shilling for the GOP that not
only propped up Bush and his New World Order, but continues to neutralize
any and all attempts to remove the worst traitor in American history from
the White House now?
- Until the American people become fully
informed about the truth concerning this criminal machine, the thread by
which this regime continues to exist will hold. Those that have tried
to warn the people have been short-circuited: Sibel Edmonds, Cindy Sheehan,
Charlie Sheen, Ed Asner, and on and on. But the MSM is being increasingly
recognized for the real threat to America that it now has become.
Its credibility is evaporating. And Bush has just trespassed against
both party lines by renouncing America and embracing the North American
Union of the New World Order. He is now more vulnerable than ever.
- © THEODORE E. LANG 6/22/06
All rights reserved
- Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance