The Alchemists
By Greg Szymanski

While the country is preoccupied with terrorism, the war in Iraq and 9/11, thugs controlling the takeover of America are stealing citizens blind to the tune of $55 to $300 trillion dollars, according to an undercover financial report by the London-based International Currency Review.
The up-to-date report just released confirms that $27.5 trillion first raised from 1989-1992 to finance the imposition of the New World Order has now covertly blossomed into much, much more as Americans have been conveniently "made to look left when they should be looking right."    
But important stories like this usually get buried, ignored and overlooked in favor of rebellion in the streets and cockeyed symposiums for truth. Sadly, it's usually the emotional gut wrenching extravaganzas rushing thousands to the streets "crying foul" that gain attention by the masses.
In fact, it is the intelligent crooks behind the scenes, including the entire U.S. Congress and Executive, who are quite content with rebellion, rioting in the streets and 9/11 conferences just as long as the real heat of activism stays away from the important issue ­money.
But while Americans remain hoodwinked, some investigators are toiling away tirelessly in the background, following the real stories and the money trail first raised by U.S. Treasury agent Leo Wanta, whose project authorized by President Ronald Reagan to destabilize the Russian currency at the end of the Cold war generated vast sums of money to be returned to the U.S. Treasury.
However, according to Wanta and other investigators tracking the New World Order money trail, trillions ended up in private accounts in order to finance the biggest project of all: "the installation of the New World Order, to borrow a phrase used by George H. Bush who lifted the phrase from former Russian President Gorbachev, who still heads up a KGB contingent operating in the United States," according to reliable intelligence sources.
And if the truth ever be told about who really was responsible for stealing the vast sum of money now funding the New Word Order, their nefarious and criminals actions could once and for all be put to rest in favor of a healthy Republic.
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