AmeriTrust Treasurer
Verifies Wanta
$4.5 Trillion Deal
By Greg Szymanski

Michael C. Cottrell, treasurer of the AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., verified all previous statements made by former Ambassador Leo Wanta concerning the $4.5 trillion dollar settlement earmarked for the American people and being illegally withheld in a Bank of America account in Richmond, Va., by President George W. Bush and the Federal Reserve Board.
"There's no going back on the deal now. The money for the American people is in a Bank of America account," said Cottrell in an extended telephone conversation with the Arctic Beacon Wednesday. "I know the U.S. Treasury is working on getting the money released as the banks are getting nervous. But I don't think it will happen until July 31."
Cottrell, a savvy financial whiz and true patriot, will appear today on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, detailing the particulars of the delicate financial arrangement that could revitalize the American economy, as well as exposing and perhaps ending the corrupt reign of Illuminati banksters who have stolen trillions from the American people.
Cottrell also stands ready with documents in hand to verify the settlement between Wanta/AmeriTrust and with law firms from New York and Georgia representing official U.S and financial interests entered into on June 12.
He also stands ready to provide documentation of the bank transfers from overseas accounts to the Bank of America account in Richmond made during May and June, deposits totaling $4.5 trillion dollars.
The basics of the deal have been previously outlined in the Arctic Beacon but remain as follows:
The agreement provides for the prepayment of taxes to the U.S. Treasury, at a rate of 35% of the $4.5 trillion, equating to $1,575 trillion, together with prepayment of taxation to the State of Virginia at 6%, amounting to some $270 billion.
In addition, Wanta through his AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., has put financial mechanisms in place for the further generation of corporation tax deposits payable to the U.S. Treasury Department/Internal Revenue Service of about $96 billion per banking day.
Because of financing transactions which will consequently be carried out by other U.S. financial institutions, estimated total windfall accruals to the U.S. Treasury are likely to exceed $200 billion per banking day, from the moment of start-up. This is now running nearly three months late. Finally, Wanta has given U.S. authorities until the close of business on Monday, July 31, to release the funds.
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