Test Your Terror IQ
By Douglas Herman
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Grab a pencil and notepad and keep score. Take this simple test as often as you like. Remember, use your logic and knowledge of current 9-11 events but, be aware, some questions have a right answer and a righter answer. Always try to choose the most logical, fact-based, scientifically proven answer.  Good luck!
1. According to worldwide polls, which country scares people the most today?
a. Iran
b. Russia
c. China
d. Israel
e. United States
2. Both Saddam Hussein & Osama Bin Ladin were funded, assisted and endorsed by which regime?
a. Saudi Arabia
b. Kuwait
c. Pakistan
d. China
e. United States
3. What do you immediately think of when you hear the phrase "war on terror?"
a. More money spent on foreign wars
b. More uniformed security guards everywhere
c. More government speeches about fighting the enemy
d. More soldiers sent overseas to create resentment and thus terrorism
e. All of the above and many more years of terror to come
4. Which US government agency performed best prior to and on 9-11?
a. FBI
b. CIA
c. FAA
e. None of the above.
f. All of the above
5. Which US government official most deserved the Presidential Medal of Freedom after 9-11 and the present Iraq War?
a. George Tenet
b. Paul Bremer
c. Tommy Franks
d. Richard Myers
e. John O' Neill (R.I.P.)
6. Which regime has failed to capture Osama Bin Ladin for more than Ten Years?
a. Turkey
b. Israel
c. United States
d. Pakistan
e. Iran
7. How guilty of the terrorist attacks were Al Qaeda on 9-11?
a. Completely guilty
b. Partially guilty
c. Completely innocent
d. Accused but never actually proven either guilty or innocent
e. America probably invented Al Qaeda
8. Were Muslims involved in 9-11?
a. Yes
b. At least 20
c. d. No
d. Depends on Who you believe
e. Positively, according to the US media
9. Could the US government have prevented the 9-11 attack?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
d. Why would they want to prevent it?
10. Which government official should have gone to prison after 9-11 for negligent homicide?
a. George Bush
b. Dick Cheney
c. Donald Rumsfeld
d. Richard Myers
e. Robert Mueller
f. All of the above
g. None of the above
11. Almost everyone witnessed the fall of the WTC on TV. Objectively speaking, what did it most resemble?
a. Volcanic eruption
b. Controlled demolition
c. Pancake collapse
d. Crash of the Hindenburg
e. Hollywood Action Movie
12. What happened to the jumbo jet at the Pentagon?
a. Vaporized on impact
b. Burst into a million little pieces
c. Entered the hole and burned
d. Nobody knows
e. Somebody knows but isn't telling
13. If four commercial planes are hijacked for over 100 minutes, how long does it take NORAD to find even one?
a. 101 minutes
b. One day
c. What planes?
d. 20 minutes, on an average working day
e. Forever
14. Did foreigner hijackers need to present identification at US airports prior to 9-11?
a. Yes, always
b. No
c. Sometimes
d. Apparently not
e. What hijackers?
15. What does "prior knowledge" mean when high ranking government officials were warned not to fly domestic flights on or before 9-11?
a. They were simply being cautious
b. They knew terrorists could strike anywhere, anytime
c. Some government officials just needed to be reminded, since they couldn't remember the exact hijacking timeline.
d. Prior knowledge indicates nothing
e. Prior knowledge, like Put Options, indicates government conspiracy
16. Was the Kean Commission Report truthful and honest?
a. Yes, 110% honest
b. Mostly yes.
c. Yes, except for most minor and major details
d. No--Total Lies wrapped around statistics and footnotes
e. Yes, As truthful and honest as the Warren Report
17. Was President Bush ever in danger on 9-11?
a. No
b. Obviously not
c. Definitely
d. He was safer in the Florida classroom than in the White House
e. Florida was all part of the master plan
Answers/ points:
For each question, score yourself accordingly
the points per multiple choice selection.
ie, if you answered "c" for question "1", 7 points
1 a-5, b-6, c-7, d-8, e-10
2 a-1, b-2, c-3, d-3, e-10
3 a-7, b-8, c-9, d-2, e-10
4. a-2, b-2, c-2, d-2, e-10, f-1
5. a-2, b-3, c-3, d-2, e-10
6. a-5, b-4, c-10, d-8, e-6
7. a-4, b-4, c-4, d-10, e-7
8. a-4, b-4, c-4, d-10, e-4
9. a-10, b-5, c-5, d-7
10. a-5, b-5, c-5, d-5, e-5, f-10, g-2
11. a-8, b-10, c-4, d-6, e-7
12. a-6, b-7, c-8, d-9, e-10
13. a-5, b-6, c-7, d-10, e-7
14. a-10, b-5, c-5, d-10, e-10
15. a-5, b-6, c-7, d-8, e-10
16. a-3, b-5, c-10, d-10, e-10
17. a-10, b-8, c-2, d-8, e-10
Amateur historian, aging wiseass and first time novelist (The Guns of Dallas), Douglas Herman scored between 110 and 200 on those Internet IQ tests. The trick? Lie about your age; the younger the better. Contact him at
Dear Douglas,
My 11 year-old granddaughter and I took your little 9-11 quiz as a joke.  I'm pleased to report that she scored 157 and I scored 161.  We enjoy reading your columns.  Keep up the good work. 



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