- Oh, how CONVENIENT......... FBI
nabs all video cameras (84) around Pentagon, hiding something,
- BLACK boxes are NOT recovered, but Mohammed
Atta's pristine passport is.
- NOTE: black boxes are designed to survive
plane crashes.
- Passports are not.
- Stand down of all intercepts.
- Insider trading.
- Six hijackers are still alive, many sources.
including http:// globalresearch.ca
- OH, and I guess never mind PNAC
- Project for a New American Century which
spelled out 911 before it ever happened,
- And never mind Operation NORTHWOODS where
the US plotted to fly its own planes into its own buildings and blame
it on CUBA in 1962/63
- And never mind that we had Osama and
let him go
- And never mind that we MADE Osama in
the first place (and Saddam, etc, etc, etc.)
- And never mind that Silverstein had asbestos
in WTC 1 and 2.
- What happens when landlords have asbestos?
They call their arson friends, as is a good fit for 911.
- And Silverstein collected insurance the
maximum of twice: once for each building. (not long after taking out an
additional policy rider covering 'terrorism'...)
- And never mind the CIA was negotiating
with the Taliban in 2000 for an oil pipline through Afghanistan BUILT
- And never mind that Boeing 757 and 767
were the first aircraft designed to be fly by wire/remote control.
- And never mind that World Trade Center
7 was demolished by Larry Silverstein at 5:20 pm on 9/11/2001 "There
has already too much loss here today, let's pull it!"
- Silverstein re: WTC 7 ('Pull' is industry
term for demoliton)
- NOTE: WTC 7 was not hit by any airliner,
yet it fell down in perfect geometry. OOPS.
- Why? Was building 7 used to control the
demolitions of World Trade Centers 1 and 2?
- Why was molten steel observed at Ground
Zero for 2 months after 911. What explosives/accelerants were used? Thermite?
Jet fuel does NOT burn for 2 months.
- And never mind that EVERY PRESIDENT SINCE
JFK has had a CONTINGENCY PLAN to go get ARAB oil should the need arise.
- And never mind that JFK was assasinated
2 weeks after he pledged to: 1. Reign in the CIA whereby all CIA acts would
be cleared by the President. 2. Pull us out of Viet Nam. 3. Put the USA
back on the gold standard.
- No never mind, go back to sleep.
A nice warm spot is waiting for you in a concentration camp now being
built with $385,000,000 just given to KBR.
- Sweet Dreams.
- 911 - Inside Job. Demand
a REAL investigation.
- http://www.wtc7.net
- http://www.physics911.org
- http://www.911-strike.com
- http://www.oilempire.us
- http://www.dieoff.org
- http://www.peakoil.net
- http://bombsinsidewtc.dk
- http://www.911review.com
- http://911research.wtc7.net/talks/towers/index.html
- http://www.globalresearch.ca
- http://www.cooperativeresearch.org
- http://www.911review.com/index.html
- http://www.911truth.org
- http://www.911review.com/911review/index.html
- http://www.scholarsfor911truth.org
- http://www.deceptiondollar.com
- http:// www.UnansweredQuestions.org
- http://www.communitycurrency.org/9-11.html
- http://www.cooperativeresearch.org
- http://www.osamaskidneys.com
- http://www.falloutshelternews.com
- http://www.topica.com/lists/politicaldiary
- Etcetera