- The Second Amendment is dead - DED -
dead. So are the 1st, the 4th, 5th and the rest of the Bill of Rights.
Go sit in any courtroom and see if the Bill of Rights can be invoked successfully anymore.
Such defenses must be argued before appellate courts, and the Supreme Court
refuses to hear 2nd Amendment cases. The so-called Patriot Act has
nullified the Bill of Rights.
- Stop wishing that politicians will save
us. The politicians are not going to save us. Neither are the
judges. They are our deadly enemies, enjoying their illegitimate
power because of vote fraud and bribes.
- The 2nd Article of Amendment was based
on fraud in the first place, for no one is authorized or should be authorized
to regulate the militia. The clause, "A well-regulated Militia
being necessary to the security of a free State..." is meaningless
and has always been meaningless, as Patrick Henry pointed out repeatedly
after reading this deceptive Amendment, along with the equally deceptive
clauses in Article One regarding the arming and leadership of
the militia. It is worse than meaningless because it suggests that
the militia be regulated, that is, subject to regulations. Ony the
"land forces," (the army) and the "naval forces" can
be regulated. There is no provision to regulate the militia - well
or otherwise.
- The Militia Act of 1792 described the
function of the militia thus: "To suppress combinations too
powerful for the ordinary course of judicial proceedings." Such
combinations include organized illegals, the Federal Reserve Corporation,
the Department of Justice and countless other racketeer-influenced, corrupt
organizations headquartered in Washington, DC and in fifty state capitals.
- The only way to deal with the gun-grabbers
is to compromise with them. They want our guns and ammo. So
let's keep the guns and give them the ammo. As the brave people at
Waco demonstrated, this is the only language the gun-grabbers understand.
Who can forget the images of desperate federal gun-grabbers with their
hands up, dragging their dead and wounded away from their Waco Waterloo?
- There is no "rule of law."
We are under the Law of the Gun. We started out that way and we're
back to it now. Kellogg, Brown & Root has a multi-million dollar
contract to build more concentration camps, so "the Law" is dead.
We're on our own.
- History indicates that it always comes
down to this. Usually it goes against the people, but we modern Americans
should try to distinguish ourselves for once in our lives. We only
get the one chance.
- So let's stop trying to find a safe
way to be men. There is no safe way. And let's have our government
enemies worry about what we're going to do, rather than the other way around.
The US government is our enemy and is our only real enemy.