UFO Researcher Karl
Pflock Passes Away

From Herb Taylor

To All --
It is my sad duty to report that Karl Pflock passed away at 3:16 P.M. Mountain Time on June 5, 2006, at his home in Placitas, New Mexico.
Karl was a close colleague of mine since 1994, and I will miss him terribly. He was one of the more rational thinkers in ufology, and his loss will be keenly felt. A voice that espoused critical thinking has been stilled! The large hole in ufology that Karl leaves behind him will not be filled in the forseeable future.
His solid contributions to this field were many, and one can only speculate on those that almost certainly would have followed.
I have an occasional phone call, countless e-mails, and extensive correspondence to personally remember him by. They were always a pleasure, and often informative as well. He was one of the earliest supporters of my Satellite Object study, and graciously helped in any way that he could.
Karl, rest in peace!
Herb Taylor
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