- Did you get your fix today? How bad is
your habit? How many hits do you need each day; three? four? must you have
it in the car? how about at home while you're eating dinner?
- The "News" is one of the most
elaborate, pervasive and omnipotent forms of propaganda in our modern lives,
and even those who think it is slanted, biased or a purveyor of misinformation,
have no idea how much it still controls their thoughts.
- Now, I'm not a medical doctor, but perhaps
you better check with one before you read this article. Your blood pressure
could rise, and you might feel dizzy with anger. All because you are about
to perceive your religion is under attack. At this point, some are thinking,
"But I'm not a religious person, I'm rational, and don't believe in
supernaturalism." Oh really? We'll soon see about that.
- You see, all around the Western world,
the news is actually preaching a religious world view, something I call;
a religion of hatred. Already, these few words you've read here make you
want to tune out, label this piece as a "mindless rant," and
move on to something else. What if I told you those thoughts are not your
own, but rather conditioned responses from years of programming? Of all
the things we think are truly ours, surely our thoughts are the deepest
and most personal aspect of our identity. We all like to believe we are
free thinkers. Let me show you, we are not.
- I'm using the word "religion"
here to describe our world view. In that sense we all have one. All religions
must answer three basic questions; origin, purpose, and destiny. Where
did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? But one of the most
important aspects of a religion, is that it must be morally and logically
- So, what does this have to do with the
nightly news? Everything.
- One of the troubles with modern media
is that it replaces travel through vicariousness. In reality nothing replaces
travel. We all think we have a pretty good handle on what is going on in
Washington DC, London, Iraq, China, Russia, Venezuela, Tibet, Afghanistan,
etc., why? Because we've "experienced" it through the TV, radio,
newspapers and films. I use the word "experienced" because we've
all felt some emotional involvement to those areas. Honestly now, can you
admit that most of the time the emotions have been connected with anger
and hatred? What if I told you, that is the plan? They want you filled
with negative emotion. That statement might elicit the "tune out"
response, so please allow me to digress momentarily.
- At the end of my Brokeback - Understanding
Propaganda article I listed the words to a popular song, and asked if you
were confused yet? Then I said "Good, that's what they want."
Do you know, that out of the hundreds and hundreds of emails that came
in, only one woman asked who "they" were? Almost everyone that
read the piece, from the "conservative religious right" to the
"homosexual community" somewhere near the "left," all
thought I was suggesting that the propaganda aspects of the film were being
perpetrated by the "homosexual community."
- So, the folks on the "right"
wrote me to say thank you for defending family values, and the folks on
the "left" wrote to say they were upset that I was attacking
their freedom. Both assumed something about me and the article that wasn't
true. So why don't I spell things out more clearly and lay all the cards
on the table at once? The things I'm about to tell you will seem so foreign
to your reason and rational, that you wouldn't even begin to consider them
as possible. I'm talking about the religious programming that we've all
been subjected to, reinforcement of key words and phrases, ideas and concepts,
all forming neural pathways in our minds, so well worn that anything off
the beaten path is discarded as worthless before inquiry.
- But who are the "they" that
want us confused and filled with hatred, anger and fear?
- I'll tell you in a moment, for now let's
just refer to them as the Puppet Masters or the PM. That name alone, will
irritate most, because at our core we want to stridently insist that we
are free, and no one is pulling our strings. How certain are you that your
thoughts are free?
- Let's get back to the "news"
and propaganda. Please forgive me for the constant use of quotation marks
around all these words; "news, left, right, homosexual, religion,
experience, etc." I know it's a bit tedious, but I want to illustrate
that these words are in fact constructs of "The Plan." (oops
I did it again) One of the premier tenets of propaganda is to control the
language, if you control words and make them conform to your definitions,
then you can control thoughts, destinies and nations. A recent study amoung
New York youths found their vocabulary contained no words for the future.
Think how that might limit your thinking and the "where are we going?
aspect of the world view. The PM know the power of words and use them to
full effect in the media. Language is one of the most powerful tools accessible,
we would do well to reclaim ours personally.
- Brokeback's loss at the Oscars and the
backlash that followed, fits perfectly within the framework I shall lay
before you. We've all been programmed to respond to hot button issues in
polarizing ways. Roger Ebert wrote an interesting piece in response to
some of the vile hatred some film critics vented at the Oscar winner, for
no other reason than being "pro" one, automatically means you
hate the other. The Plan is all about division, separating us along the
lines that the PM defines through the media. It is easier to divide people
emotionally than intellectually. When we remove critical thinking, people
are more easily swayed. In Crash, the film that won, Sandra Bullock's character
confesses that even though she's quite well off, she inexplicably wakes
up angry every day, for no reason. Emotions are caused by thoughts, which
in turn are controlled by words, our inner dialogue. If I tell you your
dog just died, you experience grief, melancholy, depression, but when I
tell you that you just won the lottery, you feel excitement, joy, happiness.
How does this fit into the world view I call a "religion?" Let's
have a look.
- As I mentioned in the previous article,
the best forms of propaganda are the ones we don't suspect, just innocent
entertainment, lighthearted escapism. But there's another kind, even more
insidious. The kind you know or suspect is propaganda, so you have your
shields up, yet it penetrates you anyway, and still has its way with you,
leaving its seeds of destiny.
- Here's an interesting experiment you
can do. Invite two friends round, if you live in the Western world, I hope
you can find one each from the "left" and the "right."
(if you can't, shame on you) Sit them down to watch the "news."
Just a regular "news" channel like CNN, NBC, CBS, BBC, etc. I
leave out FOX because it's been quite labeled in the media, perhaps even
CNN has too. You will be quite amazed at the magic of the propaganda message
on your two friends.
- Now remember, they both just watched
the exact same broadcast, but the person from the "left" will
be convinced that the news was from a right wing perspective, while the
person from the "right" will be certain that the program was
from a left wing perspective. I left the quotes off the perspectives there
because these paradigms are entirely real to these people (and usually,
no amount of evidence will sway them from this belief). Both of your friends
are now feeling anxiety, their religion is under attack, they have elevated
stress levels and all sorts of chemical reactions running amok inside.
How many rational intelligent people do you know that can watch the news
and not be emotionally effected? Lets pause and reflect on the mastery
of this achievement. Your friends aren't idiots, they're probably both
well educated, perceptive, involved with the issues, how can this little
"news" broadcast perform such alchemy in your living-room?
- Perhaps I should rightly call it reverse
alchemy, as its purpose is to take noble things and make them base.
- Continually stirring, poking, prodding,
fanning, enflaming all of us against one another into polarized, separated,
isolated, victimized, under constant attack, minorities surrounded by enemies.
Divide and conquer.
- Last article I mentioned Hegelian dialecticalism
as the process where each hot button issue is divided into the two polar
extremes (thesis, antithesis), and from these comes the melding or synthesis,
and in this way the PM steers societies within "The Plan." America's
facade of a two party system is a clearer picture of the dialectic than
what you see in some countries, but The Plan is being furthered everywhere.
Those last six words, you might have breezed over them, but I urge you
to read them again, because, if my calculations are correct, they will
very shortly completely shatter your religious world view. The Plan is
being furthered everywhere.
- Notice how I'm writing this with occasional
"news-like" snippits? Isn't that part of the fear they use? "Something
in your house, could kill your children! Details at eleven." But I
assure you I'm not trying to manipulate you, and nor could I, for the programming
is all but complete....
- Stay Tuned For Part 2
- Dr. R. Winfield may be reached at
- drrwinfield@mail.com
- Some of his selected work will be posted
coming soon at
- www.AmazingLastDays.com