Outcasts & Resistance
- Part One
There is a river of the heart that runs thru all societies. Its waters are swollen by countless tributaries from beliefs that sometime become religions, from traditions, from needs and wants, to dreams and desires"and in this river, money flows throughout. Money is sometimes in the bright and quickly moving streams that flash and sparkle as they cover the shoals and take us over the rapids in our lives. There are other tributaries that meander slowly through the land, and are made beautiful by the promise of their existence. Among the once-great variety of these contributing streams that eventually become the mighty river, there are also much slower, much darker waters as well. These heavy waters contribute poisonous runoffs, toxic sludge and often death as they begin to slow all life within those rivers of the human heart. In the past: these toxins just sank to the bottom of the swiftly flowing waters, but now their increasing volume has begun to mix with all that sustains life, and what is left to us, is only an oily goo that cannot sustain much of anything at all.
The world, as most people have come to know it, is only partially directed by laws and governments. The Real World is partially composed of favors, black-markets and forbidden fruits, without which the formal structure of courts and laws and politics could never truly exist. The depth of the differences between countries; for this usually unseen but critical contribution to existence, depends on the place and time in which these conditions function. Poorer countries are far more aware of this Outcast side of life; while wealthier nations prefer not to track just how this works to keep the wealthy at the top, and the less fortunate"forever in the slums.
However: when the Outcasts began to speak for those who were supposed to be the leaders of the 'real world,' along with the entire establishment of that 'pretend world' of government and policy"then everything is upended. Consequently whatever is done by the shadows that run both our lives and our WARS - those Barbarians will see their efforts boomerang, in direct proportion to the carnage that they seek to inflict. 
Corruption as a system of government tends to work very well, when everyone profits in small ways, with no real threat to the overall systems. That was a system that necessity created when the facts of life, themselves became too brutal for survival. That would still be the operative system in a great many under-developed nations, and a lot of third world countries, along with occasionally some larger states as well. However when those representing global criminal interests began to replace these simple political alternatives and customs with their system of deeply criminal international license, across the whole spectrum of daily existence"then everything changed forever. This has left Billions of people who must tenuously cling to life one day at a time"everywhere around the planet"without much water, food, or shelter. The endgame here is massive death and sufferings for those who can least afford it.
Since the Outcasts want to reduce the population by two-thirds of those who live here now - they see this not, as a tragedy-of-titanic-proportions; but as that necessary final chapter in their end-game that would have them owning everyone and everything in the world. YES - They are insane, but if we want to regain the reality of the rivers of our hearts, then we must follow the Latin American example: <>
Most Americans have chosen silence over knowledge - ignorance over action - and in so doing have chosen enslavement over all kinds of freedoms that they once enjoyed. To voluntarily surrender one's real voice in a democracy was considered a crime punishable by banishment - in the Greek City-States where Democracy was born. But being voluntarily cocooned in modern-day bubbles of self-indulgence will not protect anyone from the treason of cowardice that passes through every hour lost of precious and irreplaceable time., Time that we choose not to know"and not to SEE! The American public has remained in denial for most of the last five years, because "to know" would have been too horrible to contemplate. As many will soon see - "not-knowing" will be worse!
With this we have only deepened the crimes committed by the Outcasts in every area, both here and abroad. Leadership around the world is dripping with the blood of the innocent in country after country - led largely by the multi-nationals in what has become an Outlaw Administration in that most prominent of rogue states"The United States of America. Because we cannot stop time, to correct the treason among the leadership of the USA - this situation has been created that has no apparent solution. The one thing that is certain is that if we continue to do nothing, we shall die in the Labyrinth because the only way out of this nightmare is to confront it - openly!
Laws are in place to begin to dismantle the dark powers of greed, of total corruption, and of treason. Congress is supposed to have put an end to all of this before it gained the kinds of traction that it enjoys today"but their own self-interests prevent real investigations, never-mind taking the real and effective actions that the law requires; actions that would reverse these Crimes Against the World.
Some of these include enforcing the laws against prominent government positions being held by people with dual-citizenship.
Enforcing mandatory registration of all foreign agents who do business with congress or the government. This would also go a long way toward taking back dominion over the true interests of the people of the USA.
Also those "secret societies" that have a legal right to exist here - need to be shown on every resume, for everyone who is either appointed or elected to public office in the United States.
Finally, there must be transparency whenever any serious amount of money is spent by the government. This would outlaw all those "secret, no-bid contracts" that have been used to drain the treasury and redirect the wealth of this nation into the pockets of the Outlaw elites.
Money it is said is the mother's milk of politics., But too much money, secretly controlled, is more deadly that all the bombs ever dropped.
This mask of a thousand faces began before the First World War, it continued through the Second, and now the descendants of its proponents are seeking Victory with a Third World War. It all started with another secret society - one devoted to remaking the world. The problem is and was that for that plan to become reality, the entire structure of society and the planet needed to be changed. Now we know that this now means eliminating over four billion people. That "vision" is a nightmare, and cannot be allowed to become a fact.
All that is preventing this from happening, is whether the people will rise in protest against this obscenity in time to prevent complete capitulation.
There are some footnotes, to this rather strange commentary that is trying to get to the core of what is really happening today. Many have been genuinely puzzled by who these people really are and what they seem to be working at - which to the ordinary person seems to be the total destruction of the viability of the planet: by poisoning the earth, by contaminating the air and polluting the waters beyond all possibility for any recovery"no matter how well intentioned. How could these Outcasts possibly survive this onslaught themselves, if indeed they finally accomplish what they are obviously trying to do?
The missing pieces are held by those who cling to leadership, and the puppets that serve them, who are continuing with blood-stained hands despite the fact that each of them is now approaching death as well. The crux seems to be that these people have been so single-mindedly chasing this fantasy of theirs"this dream of ultimate power"for so long that they never finished thinking through the equations. IF they got exactly what they say they want - then how could society anywhere survive? Who would pay them rent, who would buy whatever they were selling, as they would then own it all: Money would become useless, chaos and anarchy would rule daily life; and while they could torture, murder, and imprison to their hearts content - what would be the point? Then there are the practical considerations:
Money & Power Incorporated is what they seek - but for that to be profitable, there has to be a functioning world to keep the profits coming, and most of all there would have to be a planet"or everyone will die. The devil is in the details no doubt - but we need not wait, because we cannot. If this proceeds to the invasion of Iran, then all bets about the survival of the human race are off - and all because these creatures failed at everything that could have made them human!



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