Some Of The Deadly
Pathogens In Texas Labs
From Patricia Doyle, PhD
Hello, Jeff - Among the deadly pathogens being worked with now across Texas are filoviruses (Marburg, Ebola), Rift Valley Fever another hemorrhagic, Nipah and other viruses mentioned in the following website:
Dr. Doom is advocating the use of Ebola which, as you can see, is readily available in some of the University of Texas labs.
Is he simply talking, or...
Excerpt from
The primary research focus of the eight new RCEs will be agents the government has determined to be bioterror threats, often described as "select agents. Examples include anthrax, bubonic plague, Ebola, tularensis, and viral hemorrhagic fevers. The program, however, also addresses emerging infectious diseases such as dengue fever, mokeypox and SARS.
BSL-4 labs, also described as maximum containment laboratories, are specially equipped for the safe study of dangerous and infectious pathogens for which there is no known treatment or vaccine. Having such a state-of-the-art facility has allowed SFBR virologists to study select agents such as Ebola and Lassa fever since the lab "went hot in 2000.
Already SFBR,s progress in biodefense has proven noteworthy. Just last summer, it joined the University of Texas at Austin in announcing success with an antibody that saved lab rats from anthrax toxin, which is what kills patients with late-stage anthrax infection. Funds from the RCE will support similar existing research programs at the Foundation and allow their further expansion.
Another key collaborator in the RCE is SFBR,s Southwest National Primate Research Center, which will provide animals, facilities and expertise to researchers developing vaccines and therapies to treat infections with select agents. The primate center,s distinguished history in the humane and appropriate use of nonhuman primates in biomedical research becomes especially important in light of the FDA,s "two animal rule.
Patricia A. Doyle DVM, PhD
Bus Admin, Tropical Agricultural Economics
Univ of West Indies
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