Mugabe Offers Ruined
Farms Back To Whites

From Jan Lamprecht
Isn't it nice? Mugabe & his assorted scum seize the farms, drive the White farmers off, and bankrupt many of them. Then, after years of either complete neglect, or just the general trashing of the farms - now that everything is broken he asks for the White farmers to come back and lease some of the land on a 99-year basis. I have a 4-letter response to that!
Some of the white farmers are down-and-out enough to actually dare to do so. With the skyrocketing food prices, one could, in theory make a killing now - if you can actually manage to grow something. But chances are that the farmers will also have to contend with a massive theft problem as starving blacks will try to steal from them.
From what I have heard, the majority of White farmers will not waste their time coming back. Only a few will take up his offer.
Imagine, unemployment in Zimbabwe is now at 80% and inflation will soon hit the 1000% mark. Even the official inflation rate is at 913%. Well, it serves him right. Zimbabwe is trashed and smashed, and will perhaps take 50+ years to get back to where it was at the time he destroyed it.
I doubt that country will be able to recover from what he did because others will pass it by. Opportunities have been lost which will never be seen again. Let it serve as a monument to BLACK RACISM. - Jan
BBC News
Zimbabwe has confirmed that it is offering land to white farmers who had their property seized under President Robert Mugabe's land reform programme. Deputy Information Minister Bright Matonga told the BBC any Zimbabwean can apply for land and that farms would be allocated on long leases. But he said that farmers would not necessarily get back land they lost. Critics say the reforms have devastated Zimbabwe's agriculture-based economy and led to massive food shortages. On Friday, the Commercial Farmers" Union said 200 white farmers had applied for land over the past two weeks.
In 2000, there were some 4,000 white farmers working on much of the best land. Just 300 remain after a campaign of often violent land seizures. The Zimbabwe government is portraying white farmers as having finally come to their senses, accepting that they cannot resist Mr Mugabe's land reform programme. "They are begging us for land," Mr Matonga told the BBC. But BBC Africa analyst Martin Plaut says hard facts have driven this policy U-turn. By confiscating the white-owned commercial farms, the government transformed a country that was once the breadbasket of Southern Africa into a net food importer. And despite good rains there is every prospect of another deficit over the coming season, our correspondent says.
Mr Mugabe has admitted that there was corruption in the distribution of the farms seized from the whites. Poor blacks farmers, in whose name the land reform was carried out, were often left to fend for themselves. Without capital, implements or seed, many failed to use the land productively and agricultural output has collapsed. Tobacco used to be Zimbabwe's major export earner but production has fallen from 237m kg in 2000 to 73m kg last year.
The white farmers are being invited to apply for land on the same basis as other Zimbabweans. Successful applicants will be given 99-year leases. The unclear legal status of the farms is another factor in the declining agricultural output, which the government hopes will soon be solved. Zimbabwe is now poorer than it was at independence in 1980, after it had survived 16 years of sanctions and eight years of civil war. Mr Mugabe says his policy is designed to reverse colonial policies, which saw blacks evicted from their land and moved into marginal areas. He says Zimbabwe's economic problems stem from a western campaign to bring down his government.
Source: ZwNews.Com



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