Northwood Middlesex,
UK - A Visit From The
Ministry Of Defence & Police

Brian Vike, Director
HBCC UFO Research
HBCC UFO Research Note: When reading this report, and viewing the photos I would really like to request that if anyone may have witnessed the same object in 2004/2005, I would certainly like to hear from you with the information/report, etc. This is an unusual case due to the authorities coming to visit this gentleman and taking his camera and film. This, as far as I know doesn't happen all that often, so in my mind the authorities certainly did not want this information/photos to be in the spotlight, and of course makes me wonder why. Why would the authorities be concerned enough to keep the witnesses photos, so what is this object that was filmed ? Also before I get asked, as I usually do, I won't be giving out this witnesses personal information. In other words this person will remain completely anonymous ! The witness also shared something's as well with me which I won't be posting in this report.
Hello Brian, Sometime ago I wrote to you (maybe a year or so) with regard to an aerial object seen, witnessed and photographed by me and a friend from his apartment complex balcony.
I promised you the pictures after I described the events to you and what we had witnessed, but before I had chance to send them, I had a visit from The Ministry Of Defence and Police who removed my camera and images.
The afternoon we had seen the object I telephoned the local Police to see if they had seen it, or if anyone else had witnessed the object because it was so clearly visible for such a long period of time, they said they had not, but would pass the information I gave onto the relevant authorities, within hours my camera had been taken, only to be returned 11 months later with no pictures.
I have 2 images of the object that I have obtained as several copies were made prior to the camera being confiscated. These are the only pictures as I know now available, would you like them? They are 1.5meg each and show the object if you zoom in.
The object was a long black cylindrical craft that was intelligently controlled and reflected the sun like a mirror. Myself and my friend estimate the object was around 30-40 foot long and about 6-9 feet across.
It was a lovely summers day when we saw the object and were sitting out on the balcony having a beer and soaking up some rays when we noticed the object. It flew very slowly right over head and we could clearly see it for over an hour. The object had a 'dome' in the middle, at the bottom only really visible when it was at certain angles, the object could move almost instantly forwards and stand still, rotate then gently, move again, then stop etc. Very strange looking movements.
My friends location is north west of London, midway between RAF Warrior NATO base at Northwood Middlesex and RAF Stanmore in Middlesex.
If you would like any additional info and the pictures I have been able to recover, please reply to me. Best regards.
Additional Information:
Hi Brian,
Thank you for a timely reply,
I will include the pictures in separate emails as my ISP has download restrictions. I have two pictures for you, these are the only remaining pictures, my 'friend' who I retrieved them from had actually re-formatted his hard drive and sold it on Ebay, he is still worried about even having had them in his possession. I was given the pictures on a CD that had been buried in local woods.
The first picture I will send twice, one original and one with a ring circling the craft, as it is very small, the other picture is also original and shows the craft at a different angle, in the same area of the photograph.
The pictures were taken on my friends digital camera, it was an early generation camera and had almost no zoom, if we had a zoom lens the pictures would have been far better. We were unable to view the craft through the viewfinder on the camera so it was 'point & click', you will need to zoom into the picture to see the craft better.
I would like to extend my thanks to the witness for the report and photos. Photos are © 2006 ATS
Also thank you to James Neff for doing the enhancements.
Brian Vike, Director
HBCC UFO Research
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