Strange Illuminati Numbers:
Former FBI Agent Jailed
For 33-99 Years For Uncovering
White House Connection
To Illegal Drug Trafficking.
Family Says Orders Must Have Come Down
From "Daddy" Bush Himself To Have Agent Framed

By Greg Szymanski
Richard Taus played it right and played it straight for 10 long years as an FBI agent. He swore to uphold the Constitution, obey the law and protect the American people from enemies both foreign and domestic.
What a shock, though, when he found out others in the department, including higher-ups in the Justice Department and the White House were playing a completely different game, playing a highly deceitful and illegal game of drug-running and money laundering.
And the tentacles of what came to be known as Iran Contra led to Taus being set up, arrested and sentenced to a 33-99 year federal prison term, a sentence that conveniently started just prior to "Daddy" Bush's 1988 election as President.
Many court observers close to former FBI agent, including his son, David, 42, said his father was "railroaded to the hilt right before the election" in order to protect Bush and others since the sensitive information pinning the former President was irrefutable, according to records compiled by Taus.
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