The Red Lady Now
Speaks For America

By Ted Lang
"Pravda" in Russian means truth. The former Soviet newspaper, Pravda, it may be recalled, was not a fact and truth-disseminating journalistic endeavor, but rather one limited only to propaganda. All news events were viewed through a template that engineered news reporting to make all events appear favorable to the communist state.
Here in America, to ensure that truth was part and parcel of our everyday culture, the First Amendment was established to protect it as voiced by a free and independent press. A free press serves as the people's watchdog to ferret out government fraud, abuse, waste and corruption.
The great bastion of America's free press was, of course, The New York Times. It has been regally referred to as "America's newspaper of record." Amongst journalists, its regal moniker is offered as journalism's "Gray Lady." The grayness of black print upon white paper was the backdrop for its motto: "All the news that's fit to print."
But the cynicism and sarcasm exhibited by the Clinton administration, with its frequent peccadilloes and dedication to the New World Order in selling out to Communist China our missile guidance systems for cash and contracts, as well as its partnering with Jimmy Carter's foolhardy transfer of the Panama Canal to China, provided more than enough ammunition for Rush Limbaugh to assail not only the bumbling incompetence, ineptitude, and treasonous alliances redolent of allegiance to a New World Order, but to target as well the left-liberal establishment media that protected their un-American activities. And right there, and out in front and blocking for this left-liberal buffoonery bolstering the compassionate security and protection envisioned as the single global government of the New World Order, was The New York Times.
The Times became the lead media blocker for leftists, Marxists, socialists and communists. The Times was reduced to a bastion of anti-American propaganda, and it was a relatively easy charge to make and an even easier one to prove and make stick.
Reference was made recalling the Stalin-initiated mass starvation murders of approximately eight million Ukrainians in the Soviet Union in 1932, covered up by the sugar-coated falsehoods of New York Times reporter Walter Duranty. Duranty was awarded the Pulitzer Prize that year by the Marxist, leftist Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, yet another American communist stronghold.
Fast forward to the era of neoconservative, right-wing fascist blab radio, and the Times obliged Limbaugh with the Jason Blair scandal. This was followed by their total spiking of the Downing Street Memo citing the typical excuse for spiking a front page "EXTRA": "It was old news." "Liberal" Jeff Cohen and his journalistic watchdog group, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting [FAIR], wrote blistering editorials in the organization's Internet publication denouncing the Times for spiking this vital story so crucial to both the nation's survival and truth.
And then there was the Judith Miller fraud wherein she splattered the front pages of the "newspaper of record" with falsehoods in reporting Saddam and Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction" in total propagandist support of the criminal Bush regime. Leftie Evan Cornog, an associate dean of the Marxist Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, sobbed over the demise of journalism and the jailing of Miller because of her refusal to disclose her source in the Valeria Plame outing perpetrated by the criminal Bush regime. How can a dean of the leading graduate school of journalism and the editor of the institution's publication be so totally uninformed and out of touch with the real facts?
James Risen, a New York Times reporter, has recently released a book: State of War - The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration, published this year by Free Press [New York], a division of Simon and Schuster. Early in the book, and occasionally throughout its easily readable text, Risen seems to drift in and out of reality seemingly justifying and rationalizing the actions of the criminal Bush administration. Said another way, the truth is "in there," just as was accorded to a certain brand of tomato sauce; but one must be careful to look for it. No daydreaming or just reading words without transmuting them to concepts and facts - pay attention!
Yes, Risen accuses the criminal Bush administration of taking direct orders from Israel, the only beneficiary of the war in Iraq. Here's how Risen puts it: "The most noteworthy exception [regarding silent Republican moderates objecting to Bush's neocon insanity] was Brent Scowcroft, who had served as national security advisor to the first President Bush, and who inadvertently went public with his concerns when he gave what he thought was a background interview to the Financial Times, saying that he feared George W. Bush had been 'mesmerized' by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon."
Risen's book blasted lose the story concerning the National Security Agency's assignment via the signed and sealed Bush Executive Order that launched illegal spying on American citizens that the New York Times had been sitting on for a year. "All the news that's fit to print?" Yeah, right! The only reason James Risen's book was published by what author Truman Capote labeled as the "Jewish Mafia" of publishing, was probably due to the book's being a potential blockbuster and profit-maker. The book is acceptable because a "go-easy" approach relating to Bush and Israel is observed by the author. And as a reporter for the Times, a little indiscretion here and there was obviously deemed tolerable.
As has been offered in this space many times in the past, the "newspaper of record" sets the tone for reporting in virtually all sectors of journalism, including radio and television. If the Times doesn't find an event newsworthy, then neither will any evening TV news report or round-the-clock cable TV news channel. The Times has therefore become the criminal Bush administration's number one propagandist and protector.
So, from where will the truth emerge in America revealing the horrific war crimes and criminal activities of the Nazi Bush administration? As always, when a criminal state has such magnificent protection given to it by the journalistic source the people trust most, the only additional cover that is needed is time. As astonishing events quickly wither in the public's easily erased memory, time throws up an impenetrable wall of protection shielding statist terror and tyranny.
Entering from the real stage left, the "newspaper of record" of the former Soviet Union, Russia's Pravda, has let lose with a blockbuster headline story. Of course, the uninformed captive audience that is America, trained to wallow in statist adulation, reverence and total worship, has been, and continues to be, isolated and incubated in ignorance.
In his posting on Pravda's website on February 16th, Jack Duggan in his piece entitled, "There is no war on terrorism," offers: "All the stories we see in the TV news, print and Internet media today are like mice in a small room occupied by a grizzly bear. We can see the bear, hear him panting and growling as he attempts to stomp on us, but everyone pretends he's just not there, even though he's eating all the food and we mice are starving."
Duggan continues: "The bear is the U.S. government and media cover up of the 9/11 attacks. They never came close to proving that foreign 'terrorists' were involved. Of all four missing planes' passenger manifests, not one Middle Easterner was on any of them.
A jihadist who is bravely going to his death for the sake of his beliefs in Allah and Islam is a martyr and wants the whole world to know it. Martyr's families receive reverential praise and support in their communities for decades. Yet not one of the 'terrorists' the American government insists were on the aircraft used their real names or were listed on the passenger lists. At least seven of the nineteen 'hijackers' are still alive.
Had Duggan's article appeared on the front pages of the New York Times, the Nazi Bush regime's stranglehold on America would be over. Our troops would be recalled from Iraq. The Cheney-Rumsfeld planned invasion of Iran launching World War III would be cancelled. The USA PATRIOT Act would be justifiably abolished. Bush, Cheney, Rove and Rumsfeld would all be impeached and made to stand trial in The Hague for their horrific war crimes against humanity.
Constitutional rights and freedoms would be restored to America and Americans. But as long as "The Gray Lady" remains voiceless, and the only opposition is framed in what has traditionally and historically manifested itself as the natural political opposition that is the left in the form of Democrats, socialists and Marxists, the neo-Nazi neoconservative criminal Bush regime will continue to soar with high-flying predatory fascist birds of prey, war and tyranny.
Pravda's Duggan again: "The 9/11 attacks were created for justification of U.S. covert plans to grab influence over oil politics in the Middle East and as an excuse to take away the rest of Americans' liberties through a manufactured threat-scenario called, 'The War On Terror.' What good are all the thousands of articles about politics, global warming, education, scandals, religion, economics and how we must always go out and vote so that we can 'make a difference'? If our votes really did make a difference, they'd be illegal."
Duggan, on a roll, continues: "Who cares about such articles when the cover up of what really happened on 9/11 is [a] hands-off, untouchable leper? What good are they when in the name of a phony 'terrorist attack,' our way of life no longer exists except at the pleasure of corporate-driven federal socialists? We are being starved of our liberties by an ursus horribulus that stomps every mouse who dares get in his way or mention that he's there. I see a lot of authors write all around the grizzly bear, almost approaching the truth, but none seem to have the conviction to call for an open door to run the bear out of the house. Our Founding Fathers would have made a bearskin rug.
I will tell you here and tell you now with no equivocation: THE 9/11 ATTACKS WERE NOT DONE BY 'TERRORISTS.'
9-11 is indeed the Achilles' heel and primary launching pad for the Bush regime's neo-Nazism. As the Bush criminals supersede one outrage over another journalistically to distract the public from the crucial issue of the systematic abolition of America's tradition of individual freedom, a return to the facts surrounding 9-11 compared to the critically needed fiction of the Bush dictatorship, will serve marvelously to open the skylight needed to shed light upon the Frankenstein monster that is the gothic horror of Bush, Cheney, Rove and Rumsfeld.
c.2006 Theodore E. Lang - All rights reserved Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.



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