Cindy Sheehan Again 'Manhandled'
By Police As She Is Targeted
As Bush Public Enemy No. 1
Freedom Of Speech Gone

By Greg Szymanski
The facts behind this week's arrest of Cindy Sheehan are not completely clear, but it appears she was arrested for merely standing outside a public building in peaceful protest, not being a nuisance or acting in an offensive manner.
But in today's political climate offensive, according to Bush minions, means anything contrary to the Bush party line, a line Sheehan again crossed like she did when she was hauled out of the House gallery at the State of the Union Address for wearing an anti-war tee-shirt.
This time at a U.N. Tuesday protest in New York, the official charges released were criminal trespassing and resisting arrest, but from photos it looked like police were doing the roughhousing in what seemed like a good old fashioned New York Police mugging, as Sheehan was literally manhandled, according to the photos.
Not surprising, cried war and civil libertarians after Sheehan's arrest, as the crackdown of freedom of speech rights is now getting downright ugly while the Bush military machine marches on toward eventual fascism.
However, other observers who were old enough to remember Kent State and the actions of the Chicago Police force during the heyday of the Vietnam war protests, remind Americans that this type of barbaric military force is nothing new.
For example, many Americans forget how students were killed at Kent State for protesting and how gestapo tactics were used on peaceful protestors on Chicago streets during rallies held during a political convention.
However, as America now is on the verge of full-blown fascism, what's particularly disturbing about the treatment used against Sheehan is that she's obviously being used as an example, as police could have used more discretion in targeting a grieving mother who lost her son in Iraq and who was no threat at disturbing the peace.
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