Trouble With 'Orbs'

By James Neff

From "A BLURFO Is Not A UFO"

There is a second class of BLURFO objects being tauted wide and far as everything from allien craft to ghostly entities. ORBS. Once again, we're dealing with an essential problem of optics.

How To Create Orbs (or How Orbs Are Created)

In the images below an experiment was conducted. White flour was placed on my right index finger. With a typical Olympus digital camera with flash, I took a series of rapid-fire photos while simultaneously blowing the flour from my finger out into the field of view.

All of the specks of flour which fall in the BLURFO zone became classic "orbs." Distorted, over-blown, seemingly large, detailed, colorful spheres with the common Orb inner-ring signature. All specks of flour falling outside the BLURFO zone, where the camera could manage to focus, looks just like specks of flour. As they retreat further from the camera into darkness, they become less and less visible. The BLURFO zone "orbs" are clearly distortions produced by a combination of the flash (which over-illuminates the flecks of flour) and the inability of the camera to focus on them in the BLURFO zone.
Comment on Orbs
From Bruce Maccabbe

Saw the recent article by Neff on BLURFOs and orbs. You might consider adding the following link to my research on "flash orbs". I have recently received emails from people claiming that such orbs are creatures from another dimension, etc. They claim to see faces in the orbs.
Anyway, I have provided a lot of scientific data on flash orbs that support's Neff's work.
Here are some other classic examples of ORBS

In this case the fleck of dust or particulate in the BLURFO zone
is refracting a rather intense level of blue, which may be the result
of unseen blue elements behind the camera or merely the
color correction process of the digital process itself

In this shot of a cat on a bed, you can see several particulates that
have been caught in the BLURFO zone, illuminated by the flash
Here is one terrifically illuminated by the flash. Notice how the
rest of the photo has gone extremely dark due to this itnense contrast
disparity. This is common in digital shots, though in most cases it
will be the flash glinting off a highly reflective surface that
challenges the exposure and leaves the shot dark

This picture was taken in my own work space while composing this material
on orbs. My workspace is a dusty, unkept nightmare. It did not require any
flour from the thumb or other tricks to capture these distinct orbs...
I just turned away from my monitor and snapped a shot.
(Yes, my office is guarded by the Teletubbies!!! LaLa Rules!)

The perfect orb -- this picture shows all the markings of
the classic orb, the multiple rings, the seemingly 3D surface of bumps
and pits, all of which are out of focus, distorted reflections
of the internal imaging surface of the lens, amplified
due to the flash striking a speck of dust
(or rain, or snow or other particulate)


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