Letterman, Olberman Blast
O'Reilly And Hannity For Lies
Winds of War Blowing To Eventual Attack In Iran

By Greg Szymanski
The winds of war and political dissent are heating up as the media lap dogs from FOX News whipping up Bush propaganda are getting 20 lashes of their own from prime time critics like David Letterman and Keith Olbermann.
Letterman recently said half of what comes out of the mouths of neo con commentators Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity are outright lies and Bush propaganda. And MSNBC host Keith Olbermann agreed, saying O'Reilly is the "worst of the worst."
So, as the prime town crew is beginning to rip apart the media propaganda machine, it will be interesting to see how far they really go before their bosses start reigning them in. For example, will the day come when Letterman or Olbermann call 9/11 an "inside job" while presenting solid evidence suppressed by their nightly news counterparts?
Fat chance under today's state of the media, but still it's a hopeful thought. It's also impressive to see George Clooney put a foot in the Patriot camp, although the second foot would be nice, considering 3,000 of his fellow Americans were killed by the government, the same government profiting off his hard earned acting money.
Also, besides Clooney, where are the other voices of Hollywood?
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