A Republican For Gore
By Ted Lang

I have consistently offered that as a life-long Republican and one that voted for George W. Bush in 2000, and one who was also, during that time, a Rush Limbaugh "dittohead" and subscriber to the Limbaugh Letter, I have finally come to my senses and now reject the Republican Party and its dispensationalist Christian Fundamentalist vast right-wing conspiracy.
But no, this does not mean I will now embrace the Marxist socialism and communism of the Democratic Party's vast left-wing conspiracy.  So, what precisely is an American to do?  To answer this question, all one needs to do is to define what is meant by the term "American."
An American is an individual who fully enjoys the greatest freedoms our Maker can bestow; namely, life liberty and property.  Are these the ideals, objectives and agenda of the Republican Party, the GOP?  Consider the Bush regime's agenda of illegally spying on all Americans, their families, their households and their businesses without a search warrant from a judge citing probable cause, the specific item or items being sought, and specific areas and premises to be searched for a stated specific purpose. 
Consider the Bush regime in legitimizing, via publicly declared policy, the torture of captured and kidnapped human beings displaying a total disregard of whether or not they are guilty or innocent.  Consider the Bush regime's publicly announced policies of both domestic and international kidnappings and their officially created term to feign routine legitimacy, "rendition."  Consider the Bush regime's lost opportunity in failing to challenge the "Supreme Court's" decision to abolish private property, a decision contrary to the basic premises of freedom framed in the renunciation of "divine right" as established in the Declaration of Independence. 
The Declaration's advocacy of private property rights and supported by the Fifth Amendment's protections as well, was decreed null and void by "liberals" of the Democratic Party persuasion.  Does Democratic Party left-wing socialism represent the ideals of a true American individualist, or does the Republican Party's right-wing fascism represent it?  Cleary, neither political party addresses the hopes, freedoms and ideals that have long been incorporated into our national psyche and fundamental to "The American Dream."
I no longer believe in voting for these reasons.  Accusations of a "Supreme Court" fix in the 2000 elections, or the possibility of electronic voter and election fraud in the 2004 election are, at least for me, mere extensions of the sophomoric Limbaugh political label fable "he said/she said" partisan bilge the crap peddlers on blab radio grow rich on.
When taking only a cursory look at the "talent" now being either proposed or even considered for the most powerful position on the planet for 2008, neither party has anyone even remotely qualified to either reaffirm the purpose and intent of America's Founding, or to at least correct the horrific damage already done by Bush, Limbaugh, Cheney, Rice, Hannity, Rove and the rest of the vast right-wing conspiracy.  They have destroyed America's greatest legacy: our individual freedoms. 
Right-wing GOP fascism will most likely offer the hormonal and race card dual trump of Condoleezza Rice, once a viable candidate and a powerful possible win, but now poisoned and contaminated forever for her notorious lies, fabrications and war-mongering in support of the criminal Bush regime and Israel.  She could have been "a first" in precisely the same manner as now-contaminated Colin Powell could have been; but at least Colin had the sense to make himself extremely scarce when he discovered how the Rove-Cheney gang and the Pentagon's "f-----g crazies" used him as a black propaganda pawn.
And if Amerika ever catches on to the GOP's ongoing and expanding Nazification of our nation, it will be doubtful if any Republican congressional candidate will be re-elected during the 2006 midterm elections; it will be a virtual 100 percent reversal of the 2002 midterm elections that favored Bush and the GOP.  Of course, the fascist GOP will also undoubtedly offer the "firecracker fascist," Rudy Kazootie Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City during the GOP's Reichstag event of September 11, 2001.  Giuliani's fascist police state tactics were on display and deployed against ordinary New Yorkers when police were out in force to arrest the greatest threat to Mankind on July Fourth: firecracker vendors, buyers and celebrants.  And let's not forget Rudy's "Street Crimes Plainclothes" Killer Kops Units and their "whack 'em and stack 'em" policy of shooting black folks for any imagined slight to "law and order."  Law is government, and government is law!
And then the fascist election-stealing Gangsters of Politics [GOP] might even push Jeb "the Reb" Bush.  What a plan!  The Bush dynasty forever and ever!  Death, mass murder, invasions, carpet bombings, kidnappings, torture, and more and more profitable war.  Appropriate and rousing campaign slogans will be a cakewalk!  "Have napalm and white phosphorus ­ will travel and invade!"  Or maybe: "Drop the plow, drop the spade ­ we have bombs and will invade!"  Or, "Four more wars, four more wars, four more.
And just look at who we have on the donkey side of the same coin: Hillary "Bomb-em" Clinton!  As an important stand-up member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Hillaroid [Thanks Alan Stang!] has already made her mandatory pilgrimage to Amerika's ruling shadow government's military headquarters: Tel Aviv.  There she received training, counseling and certification from Amerika's real ruler, Israeli Prime minister, Ariel Sharon.  Having visited Amerika's ruling rat's nest several times, the Hillaroid is now a more viable "elected" lobbyist for the continuing Zionist mass murder and terrorism in the Middle East.  She will ensure for Israel the destruction of targeted "enemies" and initiate future oil pipelines to give Israel world control over oil they don't have today.
Or perhaps the Democrats will strike up the band again with John "Chuck" Kerry, another "Johnny B. Bad" of the Bush-Hitler satanic cult of Skull and Bones.  And maybe even Bilderberg pick John Edwards will make another appearance!  But these guys are losers you see, and the American booboisie doesn't run with losers.
Is it possible that there is anyone out there interested in the most powerful job in the world that has even the slightest grasp of what America is all about?  Is there anyone out there that can merge the concept of an America created to support, sustain and normalize the libertarian concepts of life, liberty and property?  Is there a Democrat available that can stand up to the GOP's Nazification of America that will take advantage of the massive political vacuum and opportunity created by a Democratic Party with neither a backbone nor a voice? 
Now there is such a Democrat!  And he's articulate, and educated, and experienced, and a natural opponent for the Hillaroid!  It's Bush Limbaugh's former number one nemesis: "The Algore!"  Al Gore has been nibbling around the edges of the massive wheel-of-cheese opportunity for a Democrat with some damn guts who can articulate America's real values and send the Nazi Bush regime and its Gangsters of Politics packing.
Al Gore is both a blessing in disguise and a born natural for the job!  The only bad things that can be said about him are his former service with the Clintons, his "earth-in-the-balance" rants, his former arrogance, and his flip-flops on gun control.  When formerly in the corner with the elephant dung, I attacked "The Algore" for his acquired wealth through the efforts of his father, the late Senator Al Gore, Sr., and made possible through Stalin's number one guy in America back then, Armand Hammer.  The Gores acquired wealth via Hammer's ventures in Occidental Petroleum, involving their acquisition of oil-rich lands made famous, or infamous, by the "Teapot-Dome Scandal."
But if the Nazi Bush crime family acquired wealth via skimming the cream of Nazi wealth from Union Banking back in 1951, who cares about a Democratic-side "corruption of blood?"  It would seem that all power bases for American power politics acquired their start via illegal shipments of war materials during stated times of national non-belligerence, rum running, Nazi banking, war contracts, and oil-for-favors motives.  So what's the big deal with the acquisition of a Stalinist spoil of communism?
That said let's evaluate Al Gore as the possible savior of America.  As previously stated, my former days with the Dumbos and Bush Limbaugh exposed and harped on Gore's connections to the Clintons and Armand Hammer.  And his labored and amplified breathing during his debates with the "downright moron" didn't help matters at the time; but just look how things have changed!
Upon the occasion of the celebration of the holiday honoring the late Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Al Gore gave his now-famous "constitutional crisis" speech at Constitution Hall, which has been so furiously downplayed and frantically covered up by our Zionist Israeli MSM.  Another fully awakened and totally conscious political observer of republican [note small "r"] consciousness, former Assistant Treasury Secretary under President Ronald Reagan, Paul Craig Roberts, writing for V-Dare, observed in his January 17th
piece: "Former vice president Al Gore gave what I believe to be the most important political speech in my lifetime, and the New York Times, 'the newspaper of record,' did not report it.  Not even excerpts."
Permit me to digress momentarily.  The New York Times is an Israeli rat's nest propaganda rag.  It is not America's "newspaper of record," nor is it the fabled "Gray Lady" of American journalism.  Consider their support of "Jewish" communism evidenced by the Walter Duranty affair of 1932, the hoodwinking of concerned and rightfully alarmed American Jews who were blindsided by Times-squelched news and non- reports of Hitler's 1930s' Nazi voting terrorism condoned by the Times' Sulzberger family, the Jayson Blair scandal, the Judith Miller scandal, and the cover up for over one year of NSA spying on Americans "requested" by the Nazi Bush administration.  Consider these journalistic outrages against great blabbaloneyan Bush Limbaugh's absurd labeling of a now-laughable "liberal" media focusing his ire on the New York Times.  This is yet another sophomoric label fable from Limbaugh and now "outta here" and on the Dumbo dung heap of history.
There once was a time in America when political labels could be accorded some modicum of meaningful direction.  "Conservatives," usually populating the Republican Party, had as their generally-defined mission smaller government, less taxes, strong military defense spending, and a penchant for avoiding wars via minding one's own business instead of imperialistic interventionism; and "liberals" were just the opposite.  Bob Barr, a former congressman from Georgia, personified the conservative label at a time in American political history when such a moniker had meaning ­ and Al Gore, the former Vice President, was cast as an opponent and liberal.  But when running against G. Bush in 2000, Gore was cast as a disrupter and divider, whereas Bush was cast as one who could display "compassionate conservatism" and bring all viewpoints and agendas together for the greater common good.
With this in mind, consider Al Gore's opening remarks after being introduced by Congressman Barr: "Congressman Barr and I have disagreed many times over the years, but we have joined together today with thousands of our fellow citizens -- Democrats and Republicans alike -- to express our shared concern that America's Constitution is in grave danger.  In spite of our differences over ideology and politics, we are in strong agreement that the American values we hold most dear have been placed at serious risk by the unprecedented claims of the Administration to a truly breathtaking expansion of executive power."
Gore deftly avoided coloring this expansion of power as the most dangerous in our nation's history not only due to its expanse, but avoided describing it as being downright criminal, unconstitutional and treasonous!  Finally, a real Democrat standing up for what America is supposed to stand for!
Gore in his magnificent speech continues: "As we begin this new year, the Executive Branch of our government has been caught eavesdropping on huge numbers of American citizens and has brazenly declared that it has the unilateral right to continue without regard to the established law enacted by Congress to prevent such abuses.  It is imperative that respect for the rule of law be restored.  So, many of us have come here to Constitution Hall to sound an alarm and call upon our fellow citizens to put aside partisan differences and join with us in demanding that our Constitution be defended and preserved."
Have you heard anyone so high up in political life during the criminal Nazi regime of George Bush say it so succinctly and so totally on the money?  Finally, a high level political figure of the opposition party has stepped up to the plate and hit a home run right out of the ballpark!  You can read the rest of what Gore had to say here. 
As Paul Craig Roberts observed in his V-Dare article entitled, "A Challenge That Cannot Be Ignored," Roberts offers: "For the New York Times, it was a nonevent that a former vice president and presidential candidate, denied the presidency by one vote of the Supreme Court, challenged the Bush administration for its illegalities, rending of the Constitution and disrespect for the separation of powers.  So much for 'the liberal press' that right-wingers rant about.  If a 'liberal press' exists, the New York Times is certainly no longer a member."
Roberts clearly focuses on the status and respect that should be accorded a former vice president of the nation, and reflects upon not only the "nonevent" of this timely and monumental speech given in the heart of America's Founding, but also upon the timing as well of the speech at the time of the celebration of the achievements of Dr. King, who Democrats have adopted as one of their primary "liberal" thinkers.  So where the hell were the Democrats?
Here's Roberts again: "Gore's address is the first sign of leadership from the Democratic party in six years.  This alone makes it a major news event.  But not even his own party took notice.  According to reports, only one Democratic senator, Dianne Feinstein (CA) was in the audience.  One would have thought the entire Democratic congressional delegation would have turned out in support of Gore's challenge to Bush's extraordinary claims of power."
So, to answer the question posed herein at the beginning of this effort as to what constitutes an American, please read the Gore speech in its entirety, if only to defy the Israeli rat's nest New York Times and G. Bush.  They don't want you to know about it because not only does it tell the truth, it defines what an American is.  This is so because first and foremost, as demonstrated by the lack of support from his own party that sees only a Clinton or another Bush cutout in their political future, Al Gore is an American!
And if Al Gore himself defines what is American, it is painfully clear to see as well who does not: Bush, Rice, Cheney, Hillaroid, "firecracker fascist" Giuliani, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Hannity
I continue to opine that voting is a waste of time!  But then again, maybe not.  Sure, we've had the Supreme Court appointment of Nazi G. Bush, and the Diebold [German?] electronic fix cited by Roberts in yet another of his articles and focused on by the government's own Government Accountability Office; but maybe, maybe just maybe
When again will there ever be better time to vote?  Why not vote for a real AMERICAN?!  Why not vote to disrupt and dump ALL THE NAZI DUMBOS and their supporting dimwitted JACKASS Democrats????!  Let US impeach the entire GOP when they come up for election for Congress this November.  Let US impeach the Democrats that supported Bush as well ­ let US vote all these Nazi incumbent enablers out of office!  Forget "compassionate conservatism!"  Let US vote to DISRUPT!!!
 ©2006 Theodore E. Lang All rights reserved  
Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.


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