The Evacuation Of Auschwitz
The Germans kept meticulous administrative records at the concentration camps. This included the Auschwitz camps where roll-call data was keep right up to the day Auschwitz was evacuated, January 17, 1945.
Below we reproduce the roll-call numbers for January 17, 1945. The International Tracing Service of the Red Cross holds the roll-call data. Unfortunately, they do not plan on sharing any of their data with the public. The well-known roll-call data of January 17, 1945 shows just how much detail concerning the concentration camps that the Red Cross has in their possession. It is a shame that it contradicts the Jewish holocaust legend, as this means the public may never get to see it. Or course, if the data supported the holocaust legend, we would have seen it decades ago.

Auschwitz I
Auschwitz Mens Camp10,030
Auschwitz Womens Camp6,196
Auschwitz II (Birkenau)
Birkenau Mens Camp4,473
Birkenau Womens Camp10,381
Auschwitz III (IGF Buna, etc,)
Male prisoners in Auschwitz III
Monowitz (Buna-Werke)10,223
Jawischowitz (Jawiszowice)1,988
Eintrachthutte (Swietochlowice)1,297
Neu-Dachs (Jaworzno)3,664
Blechhammer (Blachownia)3,958
Furstengrube (Wesola)1,283
Gute Hoffnung (Janinagrube, Libiaz)853
Guntergrube (Ledziny)586
Brunn (Brno)36
Gleiwitz I1,336
Gleiwitz II740
Gleiwitz III609
Gleiwitz IV444
Laurahutte (Siemianowice)937
Althammer (Stara Kuznia)486
Charlottengrube (Rydultowy)833
Hindenburg (Zabrze)70
Bismarckhutte (Hajduki)192
Hubertushutte (Lagiewniki)202
Female prisoners in Auschwitz III
Overall Total67,012

The above data is from Danuta Czech's "Auschwitz Kalendarium."
One has to add to the 67,012 those in the camp hospital, but as a lower bound let us suppose that 67,000 prisoners remained at Auschwitz on January 17, 1945. Of course, most of the hundreds of thousands of prisoners had been evacuated many months before this. There are records of transfers from September, 1944 onwards. Now two questions come to mind.
1) Why did the Germans let the 67,000 prisoners remaining at Auschwitz live?
Remember, the holocaust legend has it that the Germans were even willing to lose the war, just to kill Jews. In fact, some 60,000 prisoners were walked from Auschwitz to other concentration camps and some 7,650 prisoners were left at Auschwitz to be liberated by the Soviets.
2) Why did the Germans not make the entire concentration camp system "just disappear"?
Do not tell me they did not have time. The timing was of their own choosing. If they really had anything to hide, they could have totally obliterated the camps many months before the Soviets arrived. And besides, it is known that the Germans began evacuating the Auschwitz camps around September, 1944 and that the January 17, 1945 evacuation was only the last of many. Now even with only the 60,000 slave laborers who remained at Auschwitz in January, 1945, it would have only taken a day or two to obliterate Auschwitz (even without trucks).
We know that the Germans walked these 60,000 to other camps. Clearly, if the Germans had wished to cover-up, they would have marched the 60,000 to the next camp to be totally obliterated, then the next camp to be totally obliterated, etc, until nothing at all remained of the concentration camp system.
In fact, if the Germans had committed genocide, then they would have totally obliterated the camps (using the prisoner labor), then they would have killed every last prisoner so as not to leave a single witness who might incriminate them.
With no victims, no crime scene, very few witnesses, and tens of millions already missing or killed due to the fighting, those killed in the camps would have been lost in the fog of war. It would have been difficult to establish those killed were not killed elsewhere, or just displaced, let alone that they had been killed in an act of genocide.



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