Washington, DC
Is Beyond Corrupt

From Karl W B Schwarz

Maybe this will rustle some of the Christians and Dominionist** out of their bubble:
The US has issued a travel advisory warning citizens traveling to Israel that it is a dangerous criminal state and you should avoid visiting there.    Read the full warning here     
I can just see the paint peeling in Tel Aviv to have anything so truthful printed or posted.  How "hate crime" of the US State Department.  On the other hand, maybe they do not want Christian Americans going over there and finding out how much they have been lied to.  That is another possibility. 
Are you one of those Americans that think George W. Bush is defending America?  I know that is a rhetorical question to members of this email list, but what about those that receive these emails by forwarding?
If you think that, you need to wake up.  If others around you think that, you need to wake them up ­ the damned building is on fire!
Are you one of those Americans that think the Department of Homeland Security is protecting you from those dastardly Al Qaeda folks?
If you think that, you need to wake up and understand that the Department of Homeland Security exists to protect the Wealthy Elite thugs and this Federal government from an American uprising to cast them from power.  Everyone you know needs to get that message and grasp it and start to grasp why.
It seems everyone in D.C. thinks this deal to hand over operations of US ports to the UAE state owned company is just loverly and not a risk at all.  Funny how being paid lots of money makes everything loverly on these types of deals that put all of us at risk.  Even the CIA notes that the Poor Man's Nuke would most likely be delivered in a shipping container, not by missile.  Why spend all of those millions or billions in a rocket program when you can just ship it to the U.S.?
Thanks to the arrogance, belligerence and genocide perpetrated by George W. Bush and his bunch of thugs, the likelihood of us getting a special package at one or more ports is too high a price to pay for the negligence and greed of those in Washington, DC.
If the port deal and operations of our ports in the hands of an UAE Arab owned firm has you concerned, note that Bush Co is holding a fire sale and there are other deals being reviewed at this very time.  They also have implications for national security and such adverse parties (on the surface) as Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Sandy Berger, Madeline [Not at] Albright and Howard Dean are apparently pushing for the Dubai port deal on the Democratic side.  On the Republican side we have such stalwarts as Bob Dole, George Bush, Cheney, Rice, most of the Republican controlled Congress and more lobbyists and influence peddlers than one can count in an hour. 
In this way, Bush is just like Clinton in that they always try to push two or three at the same time thinking maybe only one or none of them gets exposed or questioned.  There is not one deal, there are three.  Two involving the UAE and acquisition of key assets in the US and another an Israeli firm that was involved in what appears to be election fraud in the 2000 elections that got Bush into the White House.
Dominionist** (A fringe contemporary Christian movement which marries politics and religion under the notion that Christ intended Christians to conquer the world for the cross, to receive the lost "Dominion" given Adam. It is, essentially, the rebirth of Constaninianism which led to church-state marriage, the crusades and the mass murder of countless millions in the name of Roman Catholic Christianity, including all those Christians which did not obey the church and its editcs, dogmas, etc.) -ed
U.S. Reviewing 2nd Dubai Firm
Israeli Deal Also Faces Security Check
By Jonathan Weisman and Susan Schmidt
Washington Post Staff Writers
March 2, 2006 A01
The Bush administration, stung by the public outcry over the Dubai port deal, has launched a national security investigation of another Dubai-owned company set to take over plants in Georgia and Connecticut that make precision components used in engines for military aircraft and tanks.
The administration notified congressional committees this week that its secretive Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) is investigating the security implications of Dubai International Capital's $1.2 billion acquisition of London-based Doncasters Group Ltd., which has subsidiaries in the United States. It is also investigating an Israeli company's plans to buy the Maryland software security firm Sourcefire, which does business with Defense Department agencies.
Administration officials are privately briefing leaders of half a dozen House and Senate committees this week about the two planned transactions, concerned that both deals could stir controversy in a political climate that remains supercharged over the Dubai port deal.
Republican and Democratic lawmakers angrily protested after learning late last month that the administration had approved a $6.8 billion deal to allow a maritime company based in the United Arab Emirates to take over significant operations at six U.S. ports without a thorough investigation and without consulting members of Congress. Last weekend, the Dubai maritime company agreed to a 45-day investigation to stem the protest and allay concerns of a possible breach of U.S. port security.
In the past, the foreign investment committee rarely told Congress of such inquiries. Wary of another misstep, administration officials decided to inform lawmakers of the two other pending transactions with national security implications for the United States.
There have been suggestions in the trade press that the publicly traded Israeli firm, Check Point Software Technologies, has been subjected to more scrutiny than Dubai Ports World, the state-owned Arab company that was initially cleared to take over operations at the six major U.S. ports with no security investigation. That inquiry was initiated only after an outcry about turning over port security to a country that has been cited for ties to terrorism. Sources familiar with the Israeli investigation said cybersecurity officials at the departments of Defense, Justice and Homeland Security all raised serious concerns about the purchase before the port controversy erupted.
Dubai International Capital's acquisition of Doncasters could present some of the same political problems created by Dubai Ports World's purchase of London-based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. Once again, a state-controlled Dubai company with deep pockets is purchasing a British firm with U.S. holdings. Doncasters has operations in nine U.S. locations and manufactures precision parts for defense contractors such as Boeing, Honeywell, Pratt & Whitney and General Electric.
A spokesman for Doncasters' corporate office in Connecticut said the company had no comment on the security investigation.
Although many foreign companies manufacture parts used in U.S. military equipment, in this instance CFIUS members decided to look more carefully at the Doncasters transaction. The CFIUS met last week and tentatively decided to subject that proposal to a 45-day investigation, and it finalized that decision in a conference call late Monday. The decision came on the final day of the regular 30-day review period. Aides on the Senate banking committee said the panel was notified late Monday that the CFIUS had initiated both national security inquiries.
"The CFIUS process is charged with determining if there are national security concerns in any transaction, and it takes that role very seriously," said Tony Fratto, spokesman for the Treasury Department, which leads the interagency committee. "It looks at each transaction on a case-by-case basis, and if security concerns are raised by any member of the committee at the end of an initial 30-day review, the case goes into investigation."
The 45-day investigation of the Israeli deal began in early February, several weeks before the controversy erupted over the Dubai port deal, administration officials said. The investigation of the Dubai-Doncasters deal began this week, at the height of the political turmoil over the port issue.
Yet Fratto said that neither of the new investigations were started "because of public reaction to some other transaction."
Of the 1,500 acquisitions that have been referred to the CFIUS, one has been rejected. But deals with security implications tend to fall through before the 45-day investigation. In 1989, 204 deals involving the purchase of a company with significant U.S. operations triggered a security investigation. Last year, only 65 went that far.
In the case of Check Point, the security questions were apparently raised early on, according to people familiar with the review. Check Point's proposed $225 million purchase of Laurel-based Sourcefire raised red flags with government cybersecurity officials.
Check Point was built by Gil Shwed, whom Forbes magazine has described as an Israeli billionaire who served in the electronic intelligence arm of the Israeli Defense Forces.
Sourcefire makes network defense and intrusion detection software for an array of customers, including the Defense Department. The company has deep roots in the National Security Agency. Its founder and chief technology officer, Martin Roesch, has served as an NSA contractor. Its vice president of engineering, Tom Ashoff, developed software for the secretive spy agency.
Last August, the Israeli government signed an agreement with the Pentagon to alert the United States before selling other countries technology related to national security. The United States asked for the agreement after learning that Israel had sold unmanned aerial vehicles to China in late 2004.
The CFIUS investigation is to be completed in mid-March.
Check Point officials declined to comment yesterday on the security investigation. In announcing that its deal would be investigated, the company released a statement pledging that "Check Point and Sourcefire are both committed to working cooperatively with the committee during the investigative period."
In the case of Dubai International Capital and Doncasters, an acquisition that ordinarily may have been whisked through the process without objection is now under security investigation, administration sources said. Dubai International Capital is the financial arm of Dubai Holding, an investment conglomerate that is the third-largest shareholder of DaimlerChrysler Corp. and is a major investor in Holiday Inn Express in the Middle East.
Doncasters' expertise is in forging, fabrication, machining and alloy production. The company owns a plant that makes aerospace turbine blades and components in Farmington, Conn.; a turbine and generator plant in Rincon, Ga.; a steel foundry in Springfield, Mass.; and a metal-rolling plant in Groton, Conn. The company's Web site says the Georgia and Connecticut plants manufacture "engine ready airfoils," for aircraft, helicopter and tank engines.
© 2006 The Washington Post Company
It may not seem connected to you, but the DU issue is also right in the middle of this type of secrecy and misconduct on the part of our government and their doing deals that are exposing this nation to considerable risks.
The Choice Point software company mentioned above is the same one that collaborated with the State of Florida to have about 40,000 removed from the voting rolls in 2000 because they had minor traffic violations.  After the elections the State of Florida sent out apology letters but only after they had been denied the right to vote.  Last time I checked, I do not think Bush won Florida by 40,000 votes.
The DU weapons are a terror weapon in that we use them to deter [with fear, just like a terrorist] anyone from daring to stand up to US military power.  That 20 Year War Plan commissioned under Clinton ­ Gore included Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Venezuela, Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, and many others.  
If the government and their wealthy masters want to make money and at the same time undermine national security that is OK with them.  They can always get on the TV and in the press and on radio and sell you a line of crap and way too many Americans accept it as fact and go back to sleep or back to their mundane lives.  
Far too many Americans do not make the mental leap that our military policies, foreign policies, energy policies, fiscal policies are all interconnected and they are not interconnected for your benefit.  They are interconnected to make lots of money, undermine your life, our National Security because there are really big fortunes to be made in such underhanded deceit.  It is literally treason against this nation and failing to uphold their oaths of office, but money makes them do it every time.
No one in Washington, DC is going to let National Security stand in the way of making really large amounts of money.  They do not have the conscience or moral courage to make that call and stand on it.
We have thoroughly polluted three target nations in Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan, and at the same time have polluted lands far away and exposed hundreds of millions of people to deadly toxic materials that will kill or ruin the health of many.  If they can and will do that, who is to think they would not sell us all out for the right amount of money?  We are planning to attack other nations that choose to not do business with the United States and pollute them and the rest of the world even more.
If I were President we would have a moratorium on such deals and National Security from top to bottom and from bottom to top would undergo a full review and modification.  There would be many changes, many firings, many companies removed from the process of National Security. National Security is a process and does not hinge solely on how much money someone gets to pocket at the expense of all of us.
The 20 Year War plan would be burned and start over with a different approach.
Something would be done to stop the DU pollution and address that which we have already done, without exception and excluding all of the wealthy elite that participated in the DU pollution.  Instead of raking in more money at our expense, they would be facing immense financial liabilities, both civil and criminal.
I would also see to it that Congress is placed under full investigation, for that is long overdue and also the lobbyists that they are so cozy with:
"War is a Racket."    General Smedley Butler, USMC Ret.
Senator Feinstein's War-Profiteering
"The Democrats aren't just letting the Republicans get away with murder, however, some of them are also reaping the benefits of the Bush wars. We constantly hear about Dick Cheney's ties to Halliburton and how his ex-company is making bundles off US contracts in Iraq. But what we don't hear about is how Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein and her husband are also making tons of money off the "war on terror".
The wishy-washy senator now claims Bush misled her leading up to the invasion of Iraq. I don't think she's being honest with us though, there may have been other reasons she helped sell Bush's lies. According to The Center for Public Integrity, Senator Feinstein's husband Richard Blum has racked in millions of dollars from Perini, a civil infrastructure construction company, of which the billionaire investor wheels 75 percent of the voting share.
In April 2003 the US Army Corps of Engineers dived out $500 million to Perini to provide services for Iraq's central command. A month earlier in March 2003, Perini was awarded $25 million to design and construct a facility to support the Afghan National Army near Kabul. And in March 2004, Perini was awarded a hefty contract worth up to $500 million for "electrical power distribution and transmission" in the southern Iraq.
Senator Feinstein, who sits on the Appropriations Committee as well as the Select Committee on Intelligence, is reaping the benefits of her husband's investments. The Democratic royal family recently purchased a 16.5 million dollar mansion in the flush Pacific Heights neighborhood of San Francisco. It's a disgusting display of war profiteering and the leading Democrat, just like Cheney, should be called out for her offense.
And that's exactly why the Bush administration is so darn bullet-proof. The Democratic leadership in Washington is just as crooked and just as callous."
Next time you see Diane Feinstein whining on TV and feigning her Liberal concerns, remember she is up to her ears in this, raking in the big bucks through her husband, and it is all connected ­ the DU, the military and foreign policies, the lining of just the right pockets to your detriment and mine.  As for being a concerned Progressive Environment loving, Anti-War Democrat, she is a complete fraud.  It is all about the money.
This DU story might be the biggest since 9-11, and unlike 9-11 they cannot hide this one or remove the evidence.  Yet most are not aware of it and have not read or heard about it.
We put the information in the hands of over 600 newspapers, over 4,000 reporters all over the world, many TV stations, many of the so called environmental groups, and nothing happened yet in almost two weeks.
Where is the outrage of Conservative America that believes in clean air, clean water, and good health?
Where is the outrage of Greenpeace regarding DU pollution here and abroad?
Where is the outrage of the Natural Resources Defense Council regarding DU pollution here and abroad or any other environmental group for that matter?
Are any of them truly concerned about clean air, clean water, healthy food supplies, quality of life, even health other than for themselves?  I think not, I think they are in it for the photo op and the money. I am out here on the front lines and the patterns are very clear to see.  Money overrides even sanity in our national capital.
Where is the across the board outrage of the veterans that have been treated so shamelessly by this government?  I know many veterans are wide awake and active, but what about the rest of them that so blindly support what undermined their lives and their health?  I have met many whose health has been upended and some that will not be with us this time next year.  They are not the old, they are the young and were robbed for their future and enjoyment of life.
How about those Democrats that just rolled over on the renewal of the Patriot Act?  I wonder how many Progressives, Liberals, Democrats ­ whatever they prefer to call themselves - now see that their chosen party just sold them out?
Wake up America.  God help you if you do not.
It is time for America to inform DC that the party is over.



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