- From: "The Year Of Living Dangerously:"
A 1982 film By Peter Weir
- Dialogue Between:
- Billy Kwan, seasoned freelance photo-journalist based
in Jakarta, Indonesia
- Guy Hamilton, Journalist, neophyte, foreign correspondent
from Australia
- BILLY: And the people asked him, saying, what shall we
do then?
- GUY: What's that?
- BILLY: It's from Luke, chapter three, verse ten. What
then must we do? Tolstoy asked the same question. He wrote a book with
that title. He got so upset about the poverty in Moscow that he went one
night into the poorest section and just gave away all his money. You could
do that now. Five American dollars would be a fortune to one of these
- GUY: Wouldn't do any good, just be a drop in the ocean.
- BILLY: Ahh, that's the same conclusion Tolstoy came to.
I disagree.
- GUY: Oh, what's your solution?
- BILLY: Well, I support the view that you just don't think
about the major issues. You do whatever you can about the misery that's
in front of you. Add your light to the sum of light. You think that's
naive, don't you?
- GUY: Yep.
- BILLY: It's alright, most journalists do.
- GUY: We can't afford to get involved.
- http://magma.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0309/feature1/
- Photograph by Jodi Cobb
- Who knew?
- According to a National Geographic feature article, 21st.
Century Slaves By: Andrew Cockburn
- Sept. 2003, "There are more slaves today than were
seized from Africa in four centuries of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
The modern commerce in humans rivals illegal drug trafficking in its global
reach-and in the destruction of lives."- Andrew Cockburn
- http://magma.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0309/feature1/index.html
- Statistics:
- "Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery.
Victims of human trafficking are young children, teenagers, men and women.
Approximately 800,000 to 900,000 victims annually are trafficked across
international borders world wide, and between 18,000 and 20,000 of those
victims are trafficked into the U.S., according to the U.S. Department
of State. Victims of human trafficking are subjected to force, fraud,
or coercion, for the purpose of sexual exploitation or forced labor."
- http://www.acf.hhs.gov/trafficking/about/index.html
- "After drug dealing, trafficking of humans is tied
with arms dealing as the second largest criminal industry in the world,
and is the fastest growing."
- http://www.acf.hhs.gov/trafficking/about/index.html
- While all forms of human slavery are abhorrent, child
slavery is especially despicable. It's heartbreaking to learn that there
are children worldwide who are forced to participate as sex slaves in elite/government/mafia
controlled pedophile rings.
- What's even worse is that in a growing number of cases,
government sanctioned agencies like CPS (Child Protective Services), orphanages,
foster homes, nannies and adoptions, as well as the courts are being used
secretively by these same perpetrators to procure a steady supply of children
to use and abuse as sex slaves and worse.
- Remember the Watershed Johnny Gosch Kidnapping Case:
- " ... we are all facing ... the worst level of "human
trafficking". It was allowed to gain in strength for decades
and we now have an epidemic. We have people so sick they are hungry
to get their hands on children for their own purposes. Unfortunately...
it is about "supply and demand". --Noreen Gosch
(Sept 25, 2005)
- Noreen Gosch is the mother of Johnny Gosch, the 12 year
old paperboy who was kidnapped in 1982 near his home while delivering newspapers
for the Des Moines Register. Later, Noreen learned that Johnny had been
abducted and programmed by an elite controlled pedophile ring to be an
MK Ultra sex slave for elite consumption, including: blackmail, espionage,
prostitution, pornography arms and drug running.
- From Noreen Gosch's book: "Why Johnny Can't Come
- http://www.johnnygosch.com/
- Approximately six months after Johnny Gosch's brutal
abduction, Noreen received a call from a young man who said he was Paul
Bishop. He proceeded to tell Noreen that he worked for a government agency
that was "investigating pedophile organizations." He went on
to explain that the agency he worked for felt that Johnny had probably
been the victim of an "organized" kidnapping. "We feel
he is being used for pornography and prostitution," Paul confidently
stated. Noreen and Paul remained in contact by telephone for many months.
- Then in April of 1983 Paul Bishop travelled to West Des
Moines Iowa to have a vis-a'-vis meeting with Noreen. He was quite young,
in his twenties. Without hesitation Paul asserted that Johnny had been
abducted by a highly organized "international/kidnapping/ pornography
ring." The good news was that he felt certain that Johnny was still
alive. Yet Noreen wasn't convinced. She remained doubtful and wanted
to know how Paul would know this with any certainty. That's when Bishop
revealed he was a CIA Asset. After he whipped out a thick dossier on
her entire family (including dead family members), Noreen was convinced.
- Additional corroboration that an organized pedophile
ring had abducted Johnny came to Noreen's attention again in 1991. Noreen
had learned through her private investigator at the time, Roy Stephens,
that a young fellow named Paul Bonacci had confessed in prison of assisting
in Johnny Gosch's kidnapping back in 1982. Stephens had met with Bonacci
and taped a dozen or so interviews with him in prison. He brought the
tapes back to Des Moines for Noreen and her husband to review.
- Bonacci claimed that Johnny had been inducted into a
clandestine elite/government project that involved sexual and ritual abuse,
mind control and was called the "Monarch Program." He went on
to elaborate on how many other children had also been forcibly mind controlled
and used for abusive purposes including prostitution, pornography, blackmail
and even snuff films. Snuff films are a form of ritual, sexual torture
and murder. In cases like this a child is killed in the process of being
sexually abused or tortured, and even sometimes partially cannibalized.
And it's all filmed, then copies are distributed for very high prices.
- Back to more of Bonacci's revelations. This pedophile
operation that he and Johnny Gosch were connected to was government run
by a combination of CIA and Military Intelligence operatives. Noreen
learned the mind control program used on the children was a CIA program
that was generally referred to as MK ULTRA. Bonacci also categorically
stated that Johnny was alive. Roy Stephens, P.I., was able to confirm
many important details that supported and corroborated Paul Bonacci's confession.
It took Noreen a good three months before she was emotionally and mentally
ready to meet with Bonacci in person. After having met with Bonacci, Noreen
reported that Bonacci was able to tell her things about Johnny that only
someone who knew him well and had been intimate with him would know. Bottom
Line: Noreen was convinced of the veracity of Paul Bonacci's story.
- Child Sex Slave Auctions
- Even earlier there was a private investigator named
Dennis Whalen who had been hired by Noreen Gosch in an effort to help solve
her son's kidnapping. In the process of his investigation, approximately
two months after the kidnapping, he found out about an upcoming 'slave'
auction in Houston,Texas, and that Johnny might be there. He asked Noreen
point blank, " Would you {be able to} get $50,000 to buy your son
back, if he goes across the auction block?" Somehow Noreen managed
to borrow the funds, but to no avail. Whalen returned from the auction
empty handed. Johnny Gosch was a no show. And to make matters worse,
word got out that Whalen was investigating the Gosch kidnapping, and he
was effectively barred from ever attending another 'slave' auction.
- "Why Johnny Can't Come Home"
- Highlights from the FRANKLIN-COVER-UP Scandal
- Franklin Credit Union was established in Omaha, Nebraska,
in the latter part of 1968 to appease the civil rights movement, in an
effort to remove institutional discrimination so minorities could more
easily obtain loans. In 1970 a 300 pound black man, a Lawrence E. King,
Jr., became the CEO of Franklin Credit Union. In 1988 the credit union
was jointly raided by the IRS and the FBI and subsequently shut down.
It was soon discovered that thirty-nine million dollars was missing from
the Credit Union vaults. In May of 1989 King, a prominent Republican operative,
was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury. He was summarily tried and found
guilty of "fraud and income tax evasion directly related to the Franklin
Credit Union", notes Ted Gunderson, a retired FBI agent who eventually
became involved as a private investigator on the Johnny Gosch case. King
served his prison term, but reliable sources say he is back in Washington,
D.C. and, once again, working as a political operative in elite Republican
circles. A major unresolved problem with King is that he never served
time, nor was he ever even indicted for what most would agree are much
more heinous and egregious crimes than the acknowledged crimes that sent
him to prison. Let me explain.
- Unknown to many, the Franklin Credit Union was also found
to have been a cover for a money laundering operation related to "drugs,
sexual misconduct, child abuse, pornography, even Satanic activity"
( from the Gunderson files and The Franklin Cover-up by John DeCamp).
Many prominent people were alleged to have participated in these reprehensible,
albeit hidden crimes. The FBI was said to have confiscated from the Credit
Union such incriminating paraphernalia as: child pornography, illicit video
tapes, and other evidence of a satanic nature. It was discovered that
the North American Man Boy Love Association (N.A.M.B.L.A) deposited five
million dollars in the credit union under the guise of "The Church
of the Beloved Disciple." According to Webster G. Tarpley and Anton
Chaitkin in their book, "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography",
Chapter XXI - Omaha, "Social workers and state child care administrators
accused King of running a child prostitution ring".
- The evidence uncovered by the FBI was credible enough
for the Nebraska State Legislature to organize a special committee in January
of 1989 to explore the shocking allegations. Based on the committee's
findings, a County Grand Jury was convened in March of 1990. Although
the Grand Jury heard testimony that corroborated their worst fears and
the worst possible case scenario, " the grand jury issued an unusual
and unprecedented report throwing out all of the allegations concerning
sexual child abuse," Gunderson reports. Furthermore, according to
the book, "Why Johnny Can't Come Home" By Noreen Gosch, the Nebraska
Leadership Conference published a book called " A Carefully Crafted
Hoax." It was an oddly ironic title because it actually presented
a rather sober and detailed report about the widespread sexual abuse of
children, satanism, and all the other allegations that had surfaced during
the Franklin Credit Union debacle.
- http://educate-yourself.org/cn/gundersonreportchildsexualabuse.shtml
(April 21st)
- Noreen Gosch explains " The book debunked the "Omaha
World Herald" stories that portrayed the investigation as a "carefully
crafted hoax." (Why Johnny Can't Come Home p.134)
- The initial publicity that circulated about the salacious
evidence found at the Franklin Credit Union by the FBI brought forth 80
children who claimed to have been the victims of Larry King's 'after hours'
drug and sex parties, involving pedophile rings and other associated, unsavory,
criminal business enterprises. Again, according to Tarpley and Chaitkin,
Chapter XXI, Omaha: "The charges grew with the former police chief
of Omaha, the publisher of the state's largest daily newspaper, and several
other political associates of King, finding themselves accused of patronizing
the child prostitution ring." "The magazines Avvenimenti of
Italy and Pronto of Spain, among others, have charged that King's crimes
were more serious: that he ran a national child prostitution ring that
serviced the political and business elite of both Republican and Democratic
parties." "Child victims of King's operations charged him with
participation in at least one satanic ritual murder of a child several
years ago." The Washington Post, New York Times, Village Voice and
National Law Journal covered the full range of accusations after the story
broke in November of 1988. King's money machinations were also linked
to the Iran-Contra affair, and some say that King provided the CIA with
information garnered from his alleged activities as a "pimp for the
high and mighty." Tarpley and Chaitkin continued, "Pronto, the
Barcelona-based, largest circulation weekly in Spain with 4.5 million readers,
reported that the Lawrence E. King child prostitution scandal 'appears
to directly implicate politicos of the state of Nebraska and Washington,
D.C. who are very close to the White House and George Bush himself'.''
- These hapless children were brave enough to reveal the
names of some of the prominent perpetrators who had secretively abused
them. For example, in the Omaha area there was "Omaha Chief of Police,
Bob Wadman, former Omaha World Herald newspaper publisher, Harold Andersen,
former Omaha vice squad officer and later head of the Nebraska Forestry
Service (he has a park named after him), Eugene Mahoney, former Omaha World
Herald entertainment columnist, Peter Citron, Knights of K-Sar-Ben, financier
Alan Baer, and Omaha County Judge, Theodore Carlson," Gunderson reports.
But it didn't stop there. Evidence indicates that some of the children
also were forced to participate in satanic rituals that included both human
and animal sacrifices!
- Four of the victims involved in the "Satanic cult/sex/drug
ring" were initially cooperative as witnesses. Unfortunately, two
of the four victims later recanted after receiving serious threats and
persistent harassment, which stimulated well founded fears that they or
their family members could easily be murdered. Paul Bonacci and Alicia
Owens, the two victims who refused to recant as witnesses, were both indicted
for alleged perjury before the Grand Jury. Because of the following statement,
Alicia Owens was unfairly indicted. She told the Grand Jury in 1990 that
when she was "... 14 years of age she had sex with then Omaha Chief
of Police, Robert Wadman." For whatever reason, the Grand Jury sought
to protect the Omaha Police Chief and toss the disposable victim, Alicia
Owens to the sharks. Alicia was the fall girl. She was sentenced to a
prison term of from 9 to 27 years.
- Owens didn't enter prison until 1991 and was released
on parole in 1997. But she had spent an inordinate amount time in solitary
confinement! In 1989 Paul Bonacci was arrested and sentenced to a five
year prison term for sexually molesting a young boy. It should be noted
that Paul Bonacci had been diagnosed with multiple-personality disorder
(MPD) a severe form of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) by a court
approved Psychiatrist. Bonacci's multiple personality disorder was intentionally
induced through a government mind control program called Project Monarch.
- Project Monarch is a subset of MK ULTRA, the CIA's clandestine
and infamous mind control program. The Monarch program specialty is the
use of extraordinary trauma based techniques for the purpose of creating
MPD or DID in its victims, usually young children. According to a court
approved psychiatrist, Bonacci had fourteen distinct personalities (alters)
in addition to his own or basic personality or (BP). The alters are split
off from the BP using severe trauma, which then compartmentalizes the traumatized
memories and trapped awareness outside of the victims normal BP awareness.
- In other words, each distinct trauma based personality
is self contained by way of programmer inflicted trauma, and remains totally
unaware of the other personalities. A programmer can then easily program
each personality, at different brain frequency levels according to the
programmer's intention. Keep in mind, when the basic personality resumes
control over their mind-body, even that personality, the BP, knows nothing
about the "others" ( alters). So, for example, if a crime is
committed by an MP while occupying alter #2, none of the other personalities
will know anything about it. This is a prime reason why polygraph tests
done on those suffering from multiple personality disorder aren't always
- Each personality can be accessed via a sophisticated
Pavlovian stimulus-response mechanism. Also, each personality would have
its own very specific triggers, cues, and esoteric codes that would be
used to access it. Different brain wave frequencies are used to install
specific types of programming. Here's a simplified explanation of the
various wavelengths and how they are utilized for programming.
- (Franklin-Cover-up By John De Camp, Why Johnny Can't
Come Home By Noreen Gosch and tedgunderson.com)
- In a nutshell:
- Alpha is geared for general programming at the level
of BP (basic personality). It enables the recipient to perform tasks with
extra ordinary strength, it's said to promote a photographic memory, and
generally creates a type of mind-controlled superman. Apparently this
is accomplished through an artificial union of the left and right hemispheres
of the brain.
- Beta programming destroys all moral behavior, whether
learned or innate, and replaces it with uninhibited, charged-up base sexual
instincts devoid of any and all taboos.
- At the Delta level, killer programming is installed minus
the fear instinct, with remorse having already been eliminated at the Beta
- Yet, logic and a detailed, systematic approach to one's
assigned task (killing) is an important part of this program.
- This is the level where cold, calculated, premeditated
murder and torture and other inhumane behavior originates. Self destruction
by 'natural causes' or suicide are an important component of this programing
as a means of protecting the MK Ultra puppet masters in the event one
of their "manchurian candidates" is caught.
- The Theta level of programming was abandoned ( by the
USA) due to poor results. "Psychic programming ... the "exotic
one", not to be confused with the paranormal phenomenon of fortune
telling or future forecasting. Those are examples of a magician's craft
- while Theta psychic programming was and is the exploration of an unpredictable
fact of human science," reports Mark Phillips. In contrast, the Soviet's
were reported to have had great success with Theta programming.
- "Further conditioning of the victim's mind is enhanced
through hypnotism, double-bind coercion, pleasure-pain reversals, food,
water, sleep and sensory deprivation, and with various drugs," Mark
Phillips adds.
- OPERATION MONARCH By Mark Phillips (http://www.outpost-of-freedom.com/operatio.http)
- Again this programming operates well below the victims
'normal' awareness threshold. Remember, it can't be said enough: an MPD
can easily be triggered, and switch from one personality to another and
not even know it! Apparently that's what happened to Bonacci when he
molested a young boy and was sent to prison as a result. In truth he was
triggered; an alter had taken over. But according to Bonacci's testimony,
he somehow quickly switched back to his basic personality and stopped himself
abruptly from continuing with the molestation. The fact is that Monarch
children are severely damaged by design. Yet, with the proper help and
long term treatment they can heal.
- Ted Gunderson enters the picture
- At the behest of the Nebraska Leadership Conference,
Ted Gunderson was invited to help in the investigation of the Franklin
Case. This is when Gunderson met Paul Bonacci. Bonacci was in his early
twenties when Gunderson first interviewed him. Gunderson learned that
Bonacci had been involved in a sex, drug, satanic network circuit beginning
at 6 years old! Note: Paul Bonacci first reported his abuse from Larry
King's pedophile ring to the Omaha Police Department two years before the
Franklin Credit Union case began! Bonacci explained the details of the
organized pedophile operation to Gunderson, including that abducted children
were "... later auctioned off for up to $50,000.00 in Las Vegas, Nevada
or Toronto, Canada." "Bonacci advised me, Gunderson reports,
that the auction location in Nevada is on an air strip approximately 50
miles north of Las Vegas, and that he saw auctioned children placed in
unmarked airplanes operated by foreigners with accents and wearing turbans."
- Bonacci also told Gunderson that DEA (Drug Enforcement
Agency) airplanes were used to transport children who had been abducted
into these pedophile rings from one place to another. The children were
always made available to serve their elite sponsor's twisted appetites.
During the Gunderson interviews, Bonacci confirmed that many children
were commonly used as "drug mules." Paul described to Gunderson
the 100 drug related trips he had personally been involved in. Gunderson
reported: "... on a number of occasions he {Bonacci} flew from Omaha
to Los Angeles where he would meet a different man and woman each time.
The unfamiliar man and woman would have up to five passports for different
countries in different names. They would travel with Bonacci, pretending
he was their teenage son, and then make drug drops around the world."
- Most important was this revelation by Bonacci to Gunderson,
who later reported, "Paul and other children told about youngsters,
both male and female, being taken from orphanages, foster-homes, and Boys
Town in Omaha, Nebraska, driven to Sioux City, Iowa (184 miles), and then
flown to Washington, D.C. for sex orgy parties with dignitaries, congressmen,
and high level public officials at Larry King's Embassy Row condominium.
Larry King rented this condominium for $5,000.00 per month while earning
a salary of only $17,000 per year." This bears repeating: Foster
homes, Boy's Town, and orphanages, were being used to procure a virtually
unlimited supply of children for elite controlled, organized, satanic pedophile
- And here are some key excerpts that should send shivers
down anyone's spine who cares about children, again from a chapter in the
well researched book: "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography"
--- by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, Chapter -XXI- Omaha:
- "Way back in 1985, a young girl, Eulice (Lisa) Washington,
was the center of an investigation by Andrea L. Carener, of the Nebraska
Department of Social Services. The investigation was instigated because
Lisa and her sister Tracey continually ran away from their foster parents,
Jarrett and Barbara Webb. Initially reluctant to disclose information
for fear of being further punished, the two girls eventually recounted
a remarkable story, later backed up by other children who had been fostered
out to the Webb's [sic]."
- "These debriefings were conducted by Mrs. Julie
Walters, another welfare officer who worked for Boys Town at the time,
and who had been called in because of the constant reference by the Webb
children and others to that institution."
- "Lisa, supported by her sister, detailed a massive
child sex, homosexual, and pornography industry, run in Nebraska by Larry
King. She described how she was regularly taken to Washington by plane,
with other youths, to attend parties hosted by King and involving many
prominent people, including businessmen and politicians. Lisa specifically
named George Bush as being in attendance on at least two separate occasions."
- (End of excerpts)
- Another red flag is emerging. Our most vulnerable emotionally,
physically, and mentally damaged children, who have been placed in state
sanctioned adoptions, foster homes, and orphanages, ostensibly for their
protection, are tragically often subjected to greater harm through this
intervention. Since parental rights have been legally severed, these children
are "fair game" for predators involved in organized child slavery,
especially pedophile rings. These children can easily be brokered using
a corrupted system via pass-through nannys, staged adoptions and prearranged
foster parent placements. Once procured, the children are ruthlessly exploited
for sex, pornography, satanic and ritual abuse, CIA Mk Ultra programming,
espionage and even drug and arms running. It should be noted that according
to various sources, "damaged" children" especially young
children (the younger the better), make excellent mind control subjects
and sex slaves. This places babies at the top of the child abduction pyramid.
I have also read from various sources that twins are highly sought after
because mind control experiments done on twins conveniently provide a built-in
control group with the duo. And there are probably other genetic reasons
as well.
- What is the Finders Group?
- The Finders is a CIA Front Group established in the 1960's
for the purpose of kidnapping children. "The Finders" group
was discovered in 1987 when customs officials in Washington, D.C. unwittingly
uncovered a CIA warehouse full of "large black bags containing photographs,
color slides, and contact sheets" of child pornography, children being
tortured, and what appeared to be satanic rituals." (Gunderson's Finder's
- According to a February 2000, Media By-Pass Magazine
article Gunderson conveyed the following: "It (Finders) has top security
clearance and protection in the assigned task of kidnapping and torture-programming
young children throughout the USA. Members are specially trained government
kidnappers known to be sexual degenerates, who involve the children in
Satanic sex orgies and slaughter of animals. (...) They are then use used
in their Satanic Ceremonies for body parts, as sex slaves, and some are
auctioned off..." (Why Johnny Can't Come Home p.189)
- Commentary on the Finders Report- "The Ted Gunderson
- "The kidnapping of children for purposes of prostitution,
pornography, high tech weaponry experimental abuse, mind control abuse,
child slave labor for underground alien-controlled facilities, white sex
slavery, and the satanic ritual murder of untold thousands of American
children snatched from the streets and playgrounds of America by agents
working for the CIA is the principle reason for the existence of a covert
CIA operation called "The Finders." The Finders is one of the
most alarming and despicable covert operations against America's children
that Gunderson's investigations helped to uncover, but it's only one of
many covert Gestapo-like acts committed against American citizens by government
agents under directives issued, not by Congress or the President, but rather
by international satanists collectively known as the Illuminati, who control
the Secret or Inner government of the United States as well as every other
major government in the world. The Finders operation began in the 1960's
and continues kidnapping children to this very day."-- Ken Adachi
- http://educate-yourself.org/tg/
- Interestingly, an earlier investigation corroborated
the existence and M.O. of "The Finders." In 1986, a Detective
Bradley received information that lead him to investigate a "60's
cult like group" that called itself: "The Finders."
- From Detective Bradley's investigation:
- "One such telex specifically ordered the purchase
of two children in Hong Kong to be arranged through a contact in the Chinese
Embassy there. Other documents identified interests in high-tech transfers
to the United Kingdom, numerous properties under the control of the Finders,
a keen interest in terrorism, explosives, and the evasion of law enforcement."
- http://educate-yourself.org/cn/ciadrugsabusemurder.shtml
- While trying to follow-up and pursue 'The Finders"
case, Ted Gunderson learned that no real investigation would be allowed.
He was advised in no uncertain terms that the case was now "closed"
as far as 'outside' investigations were concerned. It was announced that
the Finders investigation was now an 'internal CIA' probe.
The entire matter and all reports were now "classified as secret."
No further investigative reviews would be possible. And - "No further
information will be available. No further action will be taken."
- The Ted Gunderson Files:
- For those who are willing to do the necessary homework
and acknowledge, as the saying goes, "the elephant in the room,"
a dark and very disturbing big picture clearly emerges: major USA government
institutions and select personnel and officials within these agencies are
heavily involved, on a need to know basis, in the organized procurement
of children for the purposes of creating child sex slaves. The techniques
and methods they use include: satanic ritual, murder and "snuff films,"
drugs, electronic and other forms of torture, sexual and otherwise, utilizing
the CIA's MK ULTRA mind-control program and its offspring, Project Monarch.
- And it doesn't stop there. These children are also used
for espionage, blackmail, pornography, and CIA drug and arms deals. An
array of alphabet agencies along with a network of interlocking private
and public groups are implicated including: The White House, Congress,
the Court system, CIA, FBI, CPS (Child Protective Services) nationwide,
private and state sanctioned foster care and adoption agencies, mainstream
media outlets, and elites of all colors and stripes from CEO's to Royalty.
Orphanages, such as Boy's Town (private) in America and the state run
Casa Pia in Portugal, have already been implicated as "procurement
depots" in these horrendous, organized crimes against children. Pass-through
nannys and staged adoptions are also being used routinely to provide a
steady, unlimited supply of children for the above nefarious purposes by
these organized criminals who are often part of our government or another
country's government. By all indications, it's an international network.
- Again referring to the Finder's Report: (...) "There
was a file called "Pentagon Break-in," and references to activities
in Moscow, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, North Vietnam, North Korea, Africa,
London, Germany, "Europe" and the Bahamas. Other documents identified
interests in high-tech transfers to the United Kingdom, numerous properties
under the control of the Finders, interest in terrorism, explosives, and
the evasion of law enforcement. The warehouse also had a video room, apparently
used for indoctrination."
- From "From the Streets of Little Beirut" By
Glen Yeadon
- http://www.heartbone.com/various/RedPillVideos.html
- Shouldn't we all be wondering if there's a connection
between the Finders Group and the Franklin Cover-up scandal? Doesn't this
question beg to be answered?
- Organized Pedophile Rings and Child slaves
are an International Problem.
- A Small Sampling:
- Jan 25 2004
- By Graham Johnson
- UK Mirror Oct. 1, 2005 Edition
- "With her big blue eyes and cute smile, four-year-old
Angela would tug at the heartstrings of any parent.
- But like her five-year-old brother Aco and their friend
Jovanna, blonde Angela is up for SALE to anyone with enough cash to buy
- Incredibly, the head of a British-funded charity is at
the centre of this despicable trade."
- "The children, some as young as three, are snatched
from their parents and sold for as little as £300. Some are feared
to have been taken as child sex slaves. Others are put up for illegal adoptions
by couples, including Britons, desperate to start a family."
- "These three youngsters all live at a former United
Nations refugee camp in Montenegro, part of the old Yugoslavia, posing
as child traffickers, Sunday Mirror investigators visited the camp outside
Montenegro's capital of Podgorica run by Christian charity boss Sinisa
Nadazdin to expose the sick trade facilitated there."
- http://www.tedgunderson.com/HeadlinesSexualAbuse/Feb_%2019,%202001
- %20Atty_%20Buffardi%20Letter%20to%20Colin%20Powell%20
- Portugal awakens to horror of abuse
- By Angus Crawford
- BBC, Lisbon
- "The allegations involve the organized abuse of
children and stretch back 30 years - there is talk of a widespread cover
- Portugal is in the grip of a paedophile scandal involving
state-run orphanages, politicians, and TV stars.
- A child sex scandal which has gripped and angered Portugal
for months has finally come to court - only to face a further delay".
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3086521.stm
- Slavery Fears for 'Lost' Children
- By Matthew Chapman
- "There are fears that large numbers of children
may be trafficked into Britain after police discovered up to 30 had been
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3489935.stm
- Sex Scandal Shaking Chile
- By Hector Tobar and Andres D'Alessandro
- LOS ANGELES TIMES, January 11, 2004
- "Congresswoman Guzman did not unleash the sex scandal
now rocking Chile's political and social elite, a sordid tale centered
around a millionaire businessman and some runaway teenagers. But she did
publicly link a handful of lawmakers to the case, suggesting some of her
own political allies might be involved in a prostitution and child pornography
ring. And for that, some of her colleagues will not forgive her."
- http://www.tedgunderson.com/HeadlinesSexualAbuse/Newsday_com%20-%20
- Sex%20Scandal%20Shaking%20Chile.htm
- Tales of Orgies and Murder Rock France
- Observer
June 1, 2003
- "The claims involve white slavery, sado-masochism,
rapes, sex with minors, drug dealing and appalling brutality - all in the
heart of the government of one of France's most historic and most civilized
cities. (There are) allegations that public officials protected a barbaric
serial killer charged with murdering prostitutes recruited for orgies in
the city's courthouse."
- http://www.prisonplanet.com/060103sextrade.html
- DynCorp Disgrace
- By Kelly Patricia O Meara
- Jan 14, 2002
- Insight on the News
- "Middle-aged men having sex with 12- to 15-year-olds
was too much for Ben Johnston, a hulking 6-foot-5-inch Texan, and more
than a year ago he blew the whistle on his employer, DynCorp, a U.S. contracting
company doing business in Bosnia."
- http://www.insightmag.com/media/paper441/news/163052.html
- Regina Louf's Testimony
May 2, 2002
- "The detail of Regina's testimony is extraordinary.
Regina Louf was the first of 11 people to come forward to talk of their
harrowing experiences at the hands of Belgium's paedophile networks."
- "It was big business - blackmail - there was a lot
of money involved." She knew, she said, that sessions were secretly
filmed without the clients' knowledge."
- Belgian Sex Ring 'Ignored'
January 22, 2002
- "He also said he had been part of a wider paedophile
network but said the justice system did not want to pursue it."
- "There is a well-grounded [paedophile] ring,"
he said. "I maintained regular contact with people in this ring. However,
the law does not want to investigate this lead."
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/1774436.stm
- (http://www.tedgunderson.com/Headlines-SexualAbuse.http)
- Stunning documentation: John De Camp and his book: "The
Franklin Cover-up"
- Who is John De Camp? From the back-cover of his book:
- John De Camp is a former 16 year, state senator from
Nebraska. He is also a highly decorated Vietnam War veteran. He's currently
a practicing attorney in Lincoln, Nebraska. To his credit De Camp launched:
"Operation Baby Lift, which evacuated 2,800 orphaned children out
of Vietnam.
- Then there's John DeCamp and his 1994 book: "The
Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska"
which helps to connect even more dots. De Camp's groundbreaking, painstakingly
detailed expose of the Franklin Credit Union debacle sets the record straight
once and for all. Yes, Lawrence King operated a pedophile ring for the
benefit of elites. Yes, mind control, satanic rituals, murder, drug/arms
running, blackmail of elected officials and other prominent people, Iran/Contra
money laundering, torture, espionage, child pornography, sex slave auctions,
along with CIA and military intelligence were all discovered to be involved
with the Franklin/Larry King case. De Camp not only exposes the crimes,
but the cover-ups too. It's all in the book, and it's all documented.
There is an updated (Jan.2001) version of the book available now at Amazon.com.
- It is noteworthy that Republican Senator De Camp had
at first been a skeptic, and that he was highly suspicious of the allegations
and evidence pointing to sexual crimes involving children, satanic rituals
and all the other "over the top" charges swirling around the
Franklin Case. Recently, I heard De Camp explain on an internet radio
program that he had decided to launch his own investigation into this matter
because he was certain he'd be able to prove that most of the allegations,
if not all of them, related to children being abused by notable figures
were simply untrue. That's when he met Paul Bonacci, and the rest, as
they say, is history. De Camp wound up representing Bonacci in a civil
suit against Lawrence King. "In 1991, De Camp filed a 12-count suit
in federal court, charging 16 prominent individuals and institutions, including
Lawrence E. King, Omaha World Herald Publisher Harold Andersen and the
Omaha Police Department with conspiracy to deprive Paul Bonacci of his
civil rights. De Camp's suit detailed slander, false imprisonment, child
abuse, assault, battery and infliction of emotional distress suffered by
- http://www.the7thfire.com/Politics%20and%20History/
- Judge Urbom's Decision
- On February 27, 1999, while Lawrence King was serving
time on his 15 year sentence in prison for the theft of approximately $40
million from the Franklin Credit Union U.S., District Court Judge Warren
Urbom ruled in favor of Paul Bonacci, and ordered Larry King to pay the
Plaintiff $800,000 in compensatory damages and an additional $200,000 in
punitive damages.
- In his Memorandum of Decision, Judge Urbom wrote, "King
continually subjected the plaintiff (Bonacci) to repeated sexual assaults,
false imprisonment, infliction of extreme emotional distress, organized
and directed satanic rituals, forced the plaintiff to 'scavenge' for children
to be a part of the defendant King's sexual abuse and pornography ring,
forced the plaintiff to engage in numerous sexual contacts with the defendant
King and others and participate in deviate sexual games and masochistic
orgies with other minor children."
- "He (Bonacci) has suffered burns, broken fingers,
beatings of the head and face and other indignities by the wrongful actions
of the defendant King," the judge declared. "In addition to
the misery of going through the experiences just related over a period
of eight years (1980-1988), the plaintiff has suffered the lingering results
to the present time. He (Bonacci) is a victim of multiple personality
disorder, involving as many as 14 distinct personalities aside from his
primary personality."
- "He has given up a desired military career and received
threats on his life. He suffers from sleeplessness, has bad dreams, has
difficulty holding a job, is fearful that others are following him, fears
getting killed, has depressing flashbacks, and is verbally violent on occasion,
all in connection with the multiple personality disorder and caused by
the wrongful activities of the defendant King."
- (end of Memorandum)
- Of course, Paul Bonacci has never received a penny of
the court ordered one million dollars awarded to him. Larry King is now
out of prison is said to be back in Washington D.C. helping to set up another
Boy's Town in a nearby D.C. suburb. Remember, Larry King had previously
used Boy's Town to supply his Lincoln Nebraska pedophile ring. Amber
Alert, Washington, DC!
- http://www.the7thfire.com/Politics%20and%20History/Bona.
- "Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.''
- On the morning of June 29,1989, The Washington Times
headlined: "Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares VIPs with Reagan,
Bush." The Times continued: "A homosexual prostitution ring
is under investigation by Federal and District authorities and includes
among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations,
military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen
with close ties to Washington's political elite.'' Craig Spence, a high
ranking Republican operative, was highlighted as the 'call boy' power broker
behind the scenes. Paul Bonacci swore he had been one of the children
who had toured the White House on several of those after hour 'call boy'
tours. To back up his claim, Bonacci drew a map/sketch that depicted a
private area of the White House that was deemed to be accurate by those
in the know. Larry King and Craig Spence were working the "White
House pedophile circuit" together.
- Chapter XXI - Omaha
- http://www.tarpley.net/bush21.htm
- http://www.francesfarmersrevenge.com/stuff/archive/oldnews2/boystown/
- Tying it all together - a speech by Ted Gunderson at
a Town Hall Forum with Congressman Joe Baca on 3/13/ 04
- Re: "Children Protective Services Reform"
- "I developed information from a credible source
in a major city in Southwest U.S. that there is collusion between judges,
attorneys and underworld criminals. Children in the system are adopted,
four thousand dollars is given to the people who adopt, and the children's
names are changed and each child is re-adopted up to 75 times, with four
thousand dollars going to each adoption every time. The Federal Government
Adoption Bonus is given to these judges, attorneys, and underworld criminals
and is split among the three groups of child traffickers. As an outgrowth
of my involvement in the Franklin Cover Up Case from Omaha, I learned that
a covert CIA operation known as the Finders, based in Washington D.C.,
was actively involved in kidnapping and international trafficking of children
since the early 1960's."
- "It is alarming that there is a similarity between
the CPS (Child Protection Services) Colorado Case and the Finders of Washington
D.C. with the specific reference to a nanny placed in the home. I have
personally written to the authorities in Colorado regarding this case and
have had no response. The case involves an adoptive woman's children being
given to her nanny..." -Ted Gunderson
- A Case Study:
- The Colorado CPS (Child Protective Services) case that
Gunderson is referring to is the Judi Amber Chase case. Judi and her husband
David Chase were in the final stages of adopting their beloved foster babies,
twins, Darius and Tisha when David suddenly, under highly suspicious circumstances,
went missing on June 6, 1995. His extensively decomposed 42 year old nude
body was eventually found 47 days later in Bear Creek in Evergreen Colorado.
- According to Ronald N. Kornblum, M.D., a forensic pathologist
with 30 years experience, the autopsy report noted several injuries to
Mr. Chase's body that would be consistent with homicide. Don Olin, a Jefferson
County Homicide Investigator, had been assigned to the David Chase case
exclusively for three months. Olin produced a detailed and convincing
600 page report that indicated the probable cause of David Chase's untimely
death was murderer committed by Judi and David's neighbor, who was the
only real suspect in the case.
- Olin also requested that an arrest warrant be issued
immediately. In a surprising move, instead of acting on Olin's recommendations
the District Attorney requested that the investigation be continued indefinitely!
The suspected neighbor (murderer?) was never taken into custody other
than for brief periods of questioning.
- Before David's body had been recovered, seemingly because
of David Chase's status as a missing person, DSS (Denver Social Services)
demanded that Judi hire a live-in-nanny as soon as possible or the twins
would be removed from her custody. Judi had recently quit her part-time
job in order to be with the twins on a full-time basis. It just didn't
make sense. Strangely, this highly questionable demand by DSS enabled
a nanny (poser) to enter the picture who then 'legally' stole the twins
out from under Judi Chase. This suspect nanny was able to block Judi Chase's
extensively pre-planned and previously DSS sanctioned adoption of the twins.
- Phil Harris, a retired police officer turned private
investigator, now deceased, also helped uncover lots of valuable evidence
that supported Olin's report and much more. Overall the evidence pointed
to a collusion of select law enforcement agents, DSS, the courts, foster/adoption
agencies, and nannys acting to procure foster children for organized pedophile
rings with satanic ritual overtones. The twin's case pointed to a scheme
frequently used by these pedophile procurement rings. They target children
who are in the legal custody of the CPS bureaucracy, and then employ pass-through
nannies, staged adoptions and bogus foster care arrangements, even murder
to gain custody of the desired children.
- There's solid evidence to support the contention that
David Chase was murdered primarily to gain control of the twins, so they
could be used in an organized satanic, pedophile ring. Other credible
sources have revealed that the prime suspect in David Chase's alleged murder
and the so-called live-in-nanny that Judi was forced to hire, had been
working together presumably to procure the twins. As mentioned earlier,
twins, especially babies, are in great demand by these groups. There is
additional documented evidence from several solid sources that strongly
supports this premise based on the nanny's treatment of the twins both
before and after she had adopted them.
- David Chase Virgin Islands
- Excerpts taken from:
- Noreen Gosch Speaks About - Jeff Gannon, Johnny Gosch
And The Attempted Theft Of Her Book, "Why Johnny Can't Come Home"
- By Charlene Fassa
- Here are the most up to date studies on missing children
from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children:
- "To date, two such studies have been completed.
The first National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and
Thrownaway Children (NISMART), NISMART - 1 was released in 1990, and the
second, known as NISMART- 2, was released in October 2002. According to
NISMART- 2 research, which studied the year 1999, an estimated 797,500
children were reported missing; 58,200 children were abducted by nonfamily
{sic} members; 115 children were the victims of the most serious, long-term
non-family abductions called "stereotypical kidnappings"; and
203,900 children were the victims of family abductions." (http://www.missingkids.com)
- When you crunch the numbers behind the statistics for
children abducted by non-family members, a disturbing picture emerges.
- When you divide 58,200 by 365 days of the year, you get
159.45 children who go missing every day!
- Remember, these are only children that were abducted
by non-family members and only in the USA.
- That's about a 1,119 children disappearing each week.
And that's data from 1999!
- http://rense.com/general67/gannn.htm
- If you think these children are merely disgruntled runaways,
think again. According to an Oct. 5, 2003 interview conducted by Judi
Amber Chase, (widow of David Chase) and Co-founder/President of The Earth
Harmony Foundation and Chair of The International Children's Right's Committee,
many of these 'runaways' are abducted into child pedophile rings. Ms.
Chase interviewed Sergeant Richard Valdemar, an L.A. County sheriff who
is a ritualistic crime and child trafficking networks specialist.
- Here are some revealing excerpts from the interview:
- Valdemar: "... A lot of these kids that are missing
are six, five, and three years old...." "These kids are not
running away! They are abducted and they are disappearing into a system...
and this system eats them up." They are used for sexual abuse...
they are killed and we don't hear about it..."
- Valdemar: "If they are doing a lot of trafficking,
and the children are not "broken" yet then they are going to
be caged, and they are going in cells, confined in rooms, and basements.
They {abducted children} belong to the 'group' and the 'group' transports
the children from one place to another, and they are abused by one group
of people after another. Sometimes for a great deal of money which is
- Chase: "Are any of these children {procured} through
- Valdemar: "Oh yes, once they get into the system
foster children adopted children... any place where they can be procured
from the regular system... And they have people that are able to do that."
- Chase: "And then the person that procured them
are like their owner?"
- Valdemar: "Yes, like a broker. And there are people
who don't care about what happens to their children and actually volunteer
their children for this kind of stuff. And now we have this huge overseas
market: children from Eastern Europe, from Taiwan, Cambodia, Philippines,
and Mexico. Unfortunately all these children are coming into the United
States, where here and in England there is a huge appetite for child abuse,
child sex. Internet is feeding this perversion. All over the Internetevery
day the FBI or some Law Enforcement Agency has busted people on the Internet
for child pornography. And, just like cocaine, we are only finding a tenth
or a hundredth of what the actual problem is-- it is huge. All over..."
- Chase: "Are the same groups that are doing drug
trafficking participating in child trafficking?"
- Valdemar: "I would say it's the other way around."
The people who smuggle human beings into a country are involved in drug
trafficking and those same people also traffic in children, and pornography,
and guns. Whatever makes money, these people will participate in. We
have very sophisticated systems. Unfortunately the Russians grew up in
a system where everything had to be stolen and smuggled and cheated and
lied and forgedthey have become the experts at it and now are producing
the huge amount of children that are coming here.
- Chase: Have you heard of the term safe houses?
- Valdemar: In a generic way, when you moving people, it
keeps them from being discovered. We had safe houses in American History
when we had the Underground Railroad when slaves were being moved from
the south to the north. We had safe houses where they were kept in secret
'til they could be freed. But this is opposite of this; it is a perversion
of that. Drug dealers have safe houses, kidnappers have safe houses, and
child abusers have safe houses. All these people use homes, even the nicest
- Chase: So it looks like a regular home on the outside.
- Valdemar: Probably looks better than your average home.
- Valdemar: "... What you hear on the news, that
no one has been prosecuted for satanic murder, that is not true!!! If
you want to look back in history you can look at Boston Strangler, Charlie
Manson, Leonard Lake, you can look at the St. John case in San Francisco
where there is human sacrifice. It is all documentedand Janet Reno prosecuted
the people in Dade County. it's all a lie that it hasn't been done. They
don't prosecute a person for being involved in a cult crime. They prosecute
them for a murder, kidnapping, rape"
- (End of interview excerpts)
- According to Kevin Bates a grassroots movement is needed;
ordinary people are the answer.
- Kevin Bates is one of the foremost experts on modern
day slavery. He asks, "With 27 million people in slavery today, how
can we ever hope to eradicate this horror?" Bates in turn answered
his question in 2000 by establishing a non-profit organization called:
Free the Slaves, which is dedicated to the global eradication of slavery.
He has also written an internationally acclaimed book called: "Disposable
People: New Slavery in a Global Economy."
- "The anti-slavery movement was the world's first
human-rights campaign. Growing not from politicians but everyday people,
it swept away legal slavery. In the early 20th century courageous campaigners,
fighting both financial interests and governments, brought an end to the
continuing slavery in places like the Congo." - Kevin Bates
- Billy Kwan demonstrates the 800 year old Indonesian tradition
of Wayang shadow-puppet play
- Billy: "If you want to understand Java, you have
to understand the [sacred shadow play]. The puppet master is a priest
balancing the left with the right. The shadows are souls, and the screen
is heaven. You must watch their shadows, not the puppets. The right in
constant struggle with the left. The forces of light and darkness in endless
- Billy: "In the West, we want answers for everything.
Everything is right or wrong, or good or bad. But in the [shadow play]
no such final conclusion exists."
- "What Then Must We Do?" to be continued in
Part 2