Stopping Illegal Immigration -
New California
Border Initiative

By Frosty Wooldridge
Have you ever become angry because someone else did poor work with terrible results? Did you respond, "I could have done that job better myself."
Across this nation today, local, state and federal officials fail their oaths of office concerning illegal migration--all the way to the president. In a recent CNN poll, 87 percent of Americans want illegal alien migration stopped. Has Bush or Congress changed course in the past five years? Nope! Nothing deters them from waging war on Iraq while terrorists enjoy free passage over our Mexican border.
With over 20 million illegal aliens in our country and thousands pouring in every night-placing us all at risk--enter the "CALIFORNIA BORDER POLICE INITIATIVE."
Last week, California's US Congressman Ed Royce spoke in Washington, DC. Royce heads the House Sub Committee on International Terrorism. He understands the crisis we all face as this administration allows continued access to terrorists coming up from Mexico.
Let's look at the facts of illegal migration into America:
* In excess of 10 million illegal Mexicans reside in the United States. A full three million swamp California. Estimates show another 10 million from 100 countries around the world live and work in the United States contrary to federal law. (source: US Census Bureau)
* Every year, three million illegal aliens enter the USA. (source: Time Magazine, September 12, 2004) *California's three million illegal aliens cost taxpayers $9 billion annually. (source: Federation for American Immigration Reform)
* Illegal aliens cost the federal government $10 billion more annually than they pay in taxes. (source: Center for Immigration Studies)
* Taxpayers suffer $1.4 billion annually to house 48,000 illegal aliens in California prisons and over $1.6 billion annually for aliens in federal prisons. (Federation for American Immigration Reform)
* 11,000 MS-13 Gang members, all illegals, operate in 33 states and distribute $128 billion in drugs from Mexico annually. (source: Newsweek)
* $400 billion annually goes uncollected in IRS taxes from illegal aliens working off the books. (source: Bears and Sterns report 2005)
* 1.5 million illegal alien children create language havoc in schools across the country with ESL. Over 350,000 anchor babies annually gain free medical services at a cost of millions of dollars to Americans. (source: FAIR report)
The list grows daily. Anger grows by the minute. People want to take action in every community across America.
Enter the "CALIFORNIA BORDER POLICE INITIATIVE". California State Legislature Assemblyman Raymond Haynes promotes the initiative, "It's time to stop complaining about Washington not doing its job. It's time to enforce the law and protect our own border."
How does it work?
* The California police will be established under a law passed by Congress in 1996 that specifically authorizes states and local government to enforce federal immigration laws.
* California Border Police officers will be authorized and trained to patrol the border and enforce all federal immigration laws statewide, including laws against employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens.
* The California Border Police Initiative will save state taxpayers at least $10 for every one dollar it costs. Estimated annual cost: $400 million. Estimated annual savings $5 billion.
* The California Border Police will be sworn and trained police officers, not volunteers or frustrated citizens.
Chairman of the initiative, Raymond Haynes enjoys community support from Senators Margett, Runner, Dutton, Hollingsworth, Campbell and Ackerman as well as Assemblymen Wyland, Bogh, LaMalfa, Cogdill and Assemblywomen Runner, Walters and hundreds of others.
Are you sick enough of the invasion to take action yourself? Sick of your kids going to school only to be forced into up to 50 confusing languages bouncing off the walls of their classrooms by illegal aliens from the far ends of the earth? Sick of the growing crime in your community? The trash? The noise? The drugs? The crime? The costs? Your hospitals bankrupting serving illegals? Are you sick and tired of Bush and Congress not doing their jobs?
Do it yourself and do it well.
Start this initiative in your state.
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