Israel Shamir's Publisher
Jailed And Fined In France

On Wednesday, the court in Nanterre sentenced the publiser of "Al Qalam" books to three months in prison and $10,000 euro fine for publishing an "anti Semitic" book by Israel Shamir entitled "The Other Face of Israel." He also prohibited the sale of this book.
The court convicted Abdelila Cherifi Alaoui, of "inciting discrimination and encouraging hate and violence" against another religion.
In addition to the jail term and fine, Al Qalam must pay 12,000 euros damages and 1,500 euros in legal costs to the "International League Against Racism and Anti Semitism."
Finally, the publisher has 30 days to withdraw copies from stores with a penalty for 100 euros for every book remaining after the 30 days.
The Court was motivated by the fact that Shamir always refers to the "Jews" and presents them as dominating the world, as well as being engaged in fomenting a "thrid world war."
The author who is a Jew who converted to Christianity is accused of being in the mainstream of the anti-Semitic tradition, especially by referring to the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" as a (genuine) "political statement."



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